
“德治” 思想由孔子开创的,它是指以 礼乐 教化来提高人民的道德素质,将遵守社会等级秩序及其行为规范变为一种自觉,从而达到国泰民安的目的,其中心思想便是对人民施行道德教化,以令人主动地心悦诚服的,而不是靠严刑峻法来迫使人民畏敬.德治也是孔孟儒学大力提倡的政治主张,后来儒家把这种德治思想进行了发挥与弘扬,对传统政治影响巨大. "以德为主,以刑为辅"便是历代王朝政教奉行的一条基本原则. “德治”在中国,其最早起源于春秋战国时期的“儒家”与“法家”之争.这两家在治国方略的选择和运用上针锋相对,见仁见智,古代中国的“法治”学说与“德治”学说就诞生在这场纷争的硝烟之中.先秦法家管仲最早的提出“法治思想”,从“以法治国”到“贵族上下皆从于法”赵国的慎到的从“尚法”到“势、法”并重,商鞅从“缘法而治”到“以刑去刑”等法制主张.法家反对德治,从人性论出发,法家认为人性无法改造,因此反对儒家的德治,认为只能以力服人,主张“不务德而务法”,强调法律的强制作用,甚至把法律说成是唯一有效的统治手段.儒家与法家这样针锋相对.法家反对儒家主张的“为政在人”,认为把国家治理系于个人的道德和能力是不可靠的,依于对人性的怀疑.先秦法家提出的“法治”并非我们现代法律意义上的法治.虽然它们之间有共同点:都是用法来治国,但是古代中国法家思想的主旨在于维护君主集权,法律的主要价值在于防止暴乱,“法治”完完全全是统治阶级的集权,是统治阶级的一种驾驭人们的工具.从汉代开始,儒家思想被统治者作为正统思想取得了独尊的地位.汉代之后的儒学实质上是内儒外法的学说.因此,出现“礼法合一”的东方特有现象,德治超越了法治,法治被包含于德治之中.在中国古代哲学家中,就关注社会、人生问题的程度而言,孔子是最具代表性的.孔子生活的春秋时期,正是衰退着的奴隶制与萌芽着的封建制交相包孕.社会形态的新旧交替,打破原有的社会秩序,“世道衰微,邪说暴行有作,臣弑其君者有之,子弑其父者有之”,孔子把这个时期看作是“礼坏乐崩”,臣杀君,子杀父,犯上作乱的“暴行”.于是他他感叹“天下无道”,传统的价值体系、行为规范和意义已经失去或正在失去原有的功能.因此,孔子在春秋季世社会内部机制大调整时代,对三代文化的特征、古今文化的异同、夷夏文化的差别等进行了认真的审视.他认同传统,力主回归传统,努力继承和弘扬华夏文明;积极回应社会变革所引起的传统文化的危机,在重新理解和阐释传统的基础上解答当前面临的问题,这对我们今天正确对待历史文化、传统文化有重要的启发意义.孔子提出以礼乐制度作为维系统治者统治的思想核心,并强调“仁”是作为礼的重要内容.他说“人而不仁如礼何”,这就是说,一个不仁的人是不能够真正的理解礼和实行礼的.这也就是用德化来进一步充实和加强礼治,而仁就是德化的具体内容.孔子首先说明的仁基本性质和内容,就是约束自己的行为使其符合于礼的规范,能做到这一点的,就公认是仁.其次,求仁完全是自觉的,不依靠他人.要达到仁必须在视、听、言、动各方面全面地符合礼,这就是说仁是一种全面的道德行为.从社会政治方面看,孔子所谓的礼无疑是重要的,因为他规定了社会的基本结构,维系着整个上层建筑的宗法等级制.仁作为重要的政治理念,成为这个社会各利益集团之间的调节剂、粘合剂,对于维持社会的正常运转,起着不可代替的作用.根据仁的观念,既然管理不是牲畜而是必须予以关心爱护的人,那么就要用德政取代苛政.德政即仁在政治上的应用又怎样呢?“庶矣哉!”“富之”“教之”.孔子在的“德治”思想中与众不同的就是他把国家管理和治理的对象归结为人,用“以人为本”和“以民为本” 作为治国的理念,强调人的重要性,他意识到在战争频频发生,社会动荡不安时,民众在政治上显示出自己的力量,认识到民的问题实际上是人的问题,要在政治上解决重民的问题,就必须首先在思想上树立爱人,爱他人的观念,亦即仁的观念.主张 “爱人”所以他要求统治者尊重民众的,要对民众进行教育,用礼来规范他们的行为,提高民众的道德自觉,使他们在道德自觉的基础上去遵守社会规范,从而达到社会的平衡和和谐,反对简单的用刑法,用法律来对.德治追求的是和谐安宁的社会,它是以民为本,而不是以君为本的.在古代社会,这一思想是异常难能可贵的.人民是国家的根本,这是颠扑不破的真理.古今中外,政制虽有不同,亦不必同,但只要利于人民,益于百姓的,即是好政制.同一政制下,政体虽有不同,亦不必同,但只要利于人民,益于百姓的,即是好政体.古今中外,改革层出不穷,亦不必同,但只要是利于人民,益于百姓的,即是好改革,值得肯定;如不利于人民,扰乱百姓,就不是好改革,应该否定.清代思想家魏源说:“履不必同,期于适足.治不必同,期于利民.“(《默觚下·治篇五》)是不是爱民、厚民、宽民、利民、益民,这应是我们评价一种政制和政体的好坏,一种政治理念的好坏的价值标准.历史上的德治所以值得肯定,首要的原因即在这里.孔子关于“德政”思想的经典表述是:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻.道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格.”意思就是说,用法制禁令去引导百姓,使用刑法来约束他们,老百姓只是求得免于犯罪受惩,却失去了廉耻之心;用道德教化引导百姓,使用礼制去统一百姓的言行,百姓不仅会有羞耻之心,而且也就守规矩了.换句话说,如果只用政治去开导民众,用刑法去惩罚民众,虽然可能畏法而不敢犯法,但缺乏道德自觉.如果用仁德去教导民众,启发他们的道德自觉,同时又用礼去规范他们的行为,民众的行为就能合乎社会的规范,达到社会的和谐.反对专以政令、刑法治国.他说:“上好礼,则民易使也”,只要统治者做出表率,自觉地遵守礼制,人民也就好治理了.孔子提出的与政令刑法相辅而行的礼治德化的两手办法,成为以后历代统治者一贯使用的统治手法.这与我们国家所倡导的构建和谐社会有着重要的意义.现在,我们国家推崇的“以人为本”、“执政为民”的执政理念,“以德治国”和“以法治国”相结合的治国方略,构建“和谐社会”的理想目标以及“与时俱进”的思想观念和行为方式,均源于儒学文化.儒家认为,民众的拥护就能巩固统治者的政权,得民最重要在于得民心;任何一个政权,它如果失了民心,失去了民众的拥护和支持,它早晚都要垮台的.所以儒家深刻认识到民众在国家中的地位,提出“民为邦本,本固邦宁”这个重要的社会哲学命题.在法制社会的今天,德治是人类社会用道德控制和评价社会成员行为的一种手段.主要通过榜样示范、道德礼仪、教化活动、制定乡规民约和宗族家法、舆论褒贬等形式实现.它是靠社会舆论道德规范的说服力、劝导力、影响力、人们的内心信念来约束人们的行为,调节人际关系的.而法治是靠法律权威性和国家的强制力来约束人们的行为,调节人际关系的.德治靠自律,法治靠他律,两者如鸟的左右臂,不论对一个国家来说,德治和法治都是相辅相成的,二者缺一不可,也不可偏废.德治与法治的区别并不是“存德废法”或“存法废德”,德治中有“法治”,法治中也有“德治”.
伴随着工业化的实现,全球经济一体化的发展,社会人口流动急剧增大,中国社会经历前所未有的巨大变化.传统的道德来规范与约束的方式显得越来越不适用了.马克思说过:“经济基础决定上层建筑.”当今社会经济迅猛发展,国民生产总值以百分之八递增,商品交易空前频繁,交易主体多种多样,有不同地区不同国家的人和公司.交易方式也多种多样,有实物交易、货币交易、网上交易和电话交易,人们的许许多多复杂的经济行为,迫切需要法律对它们进行统一规范.如果按照界限模糊约束力低的道德来规范,显然会使经济秩序遭到破坏.因此,法治是人们的必然选择.法治并不排斥道德,法治需要道德,它会在道德的帮助下变得更加富有成效.大学之道,在于明明德,在于亲民,在止于至善.中国自古就是一个重德治的国家,以德教化使百姓自古以来就安居乐业,在远古时期,在没有成文典法之前,依靠德治的力量,人民一样可以生生不息,所以,我认为,德治先于法治,德治重于法治”.综上所述,德治的核心是以民为本,反过来说,唯有以民为本,才能谈得上德治.一如明末思想家朱舜水言:“常怀一点爱民之心,时时刻刻皆此念充满于中,自然事事为百姓算计;有一民不被其泽,便如已溺已饥,安得无不忍人之政?”(《朱舜水集·问答三》)这道出德治亦不忍人之政和民本理念的关系.离开了民本,就所谓德治.” 上传我的文档
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eng].torrentimage-based keyer in nuke 6.2 [2011, eng].torrentinfiltrator production pipeline volume 7 compositing in nuke [2011, eng].torrentgetting started with uvs in 3ds max , eng].torrenthoudini ocean toolkit [2009, eng].torrentgetting started with indesign cs5 [2010 г., eng].torrentgetting started with stereoscopy in houdini [2009, eng].torrentgetting started with auto rigs in houdini [2009, eng].torrentgetting started with digital painting in photoshop cs5 [2011, eng].torrentgetting started with fur tools in houdini [2009, eng].torrentfundamentals of typography [2010, eng].torrentfibermesh integration with zbrush [2012, eng].torrentfinishing a car animation render in maya and composite [2011, eng].torrentfacial animation in maya [2011, eng].torrentfacial rigging in 3ds max , eng].torrentexploring nurbs in maya 2012 with justin marshall [2011, eng].torrentexterior rendering techniques with mental ray and maya [2012, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 solid drawing [2011, eng].torrentexploring craft director studio's animation tools in maya 2011 sap [2011, eng].torrentexploring modeling workflows in maya , eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 exaggeration [2010, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 follow-through and overlapping [2011, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 secondary action [2010, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 ease in and ease out [2011, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 arcs [2010, eng].torrentexploring animation in maya 2011 climbing a wall [2010, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in 3ds max 2011 collection [, eng].torrentexploring animation principles in maya 2011 anticipation [2010, eng].torrentenvironment techniques in mudbox [2012, eng].torrentestablishing a solid foundation in mari [2011, eng].torrentelements of graphic design [2010, eng].torrentenhancing rigs with maya muscle [2011, eng].torrentdigital-tutors introduction to mental ray in softimage .2011, eng].torrentdigital-tutors. uv mapping workflows in 3ds max , eng].torrentdrawing expressions for a stylized character in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital-tutors creative development mixed modeling techniques in 3ds max , en] [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors-using sculptris alpha 6 [2011, eng].torrentdigital-tutors – exploring animation in maya 2011 animating a swinging character [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors finishing a 3d image in photoshop cs5 [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors getting started with composite , eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to modeling in maya , eng].torrentdigital tutors - rigging wings in maya [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors advanced stereo workflows in nuke - disparity [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors - professional series - modeling military vehicles in maya [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors - rendering enhancements in zbrush 4 [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors - rendering realflow meshes in maya [2009, eng].torrentdigital tutors – pipeline integration with maya 2011 and zbrush 4 [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors - motorcycle modeling techniques in maya [2009, eng].torrent文件名digital tutors - new features in nuke 6.3v1 and nukex 6.3v1 [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors - introduction to realflow , eng].torrentdigital tutors - maya unlimited advanced fluid effects [2010, eng, мм].torrentdigital tutors - introduction to camera animation in softimage , eng].torrentdigital tutors - introduction to ice strands in softimage [2009, eng].torrentdesigning album artwork in photoshop [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors – creative development guerrilla compositing tactics in maya and nuke [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors - getting started with topogun [2012, eng].torrentcreature texturing in mari [2011, eng].torrentdepth-based compositing in after effects [2010, eng].torrentcreative development viscous liquids in realflow and cinema 4d with william salas [2012, eng].torrentcreative development v-ray for cinema 4d [2011, eng].torrentcreative development using hdr images for 3d lighting in maya with jon tojek [2011, eng].torrentcreative development vehicle animation dynamics in maya with scott cullen [2011, eng].torrentcreative development tornado particle effects in 3ds max and fumefx [2011, eng].torrentcreative development transformation motion graphics in maya and after effects [2012, eng].torrentcreative development speed skinning techniques in maya with farley chery [2011, eng].torrentcreative development texturing a realistic human in maya and zbrush with cory cosper [2012, eng].torrentcreative development rigging and animation workflows using cat in 3ds max with rick vicen [2011, eng].torrentcreative development sculpting a digital maquette in zbrush with federico scarbini [2012, eng].torrentcreative development sculpting models for illustration in zbrush with cézar brand?o [2012, eng].torrentcreative development rendering a cowgirl character in maya and photoshop with antony ward [2012, eng].torrentcreative development rendering a photorealistic female in 3ds max with andrius balciunas [2012, eng].torrentcreative development realistic skin shading, lighting, and rendering in 3ds max and v-ray [2011, eng].torrentcreative development real-time vehicle creation in maya and silo with antony ward [2012, eng].torrentcreative development photorealistic time-lapse animation and rendering in maya and modo [2011, eng].torrentcreative development procedural texturing in maya and v-ray with oasim karmieh [2012, eng].torrentcreative development realistic hairstyling in 3ds max and hair farm with dani garcia [2012, eng].torrentcreative development photorealistic nighttime water shading and rendering in maya and modo [2012, eng].torrentcreative development photorealistic shading and rendering in maya and modo [2011, eng].torrentcreative development photorealistic soap bubble shader development in renderman for maya [2012, eng].torrentcreative development nuke gizmos for guerrilla production with ed whetstone [2012, eng].torrentcreative development modeling and rigging a cartoon shark in 3ds max with stewart jones [2011, eng].torrentcreative development modeling creature concepts in zbrush with ryan lim [2012, eng].torrentcreative development monster sculpting techniques in zbrush with fabrizio bortolussi [2012, eng].torrentcreative development modeling a human marionette in softimage and zbrush [2012, eng].torrentcreative development modeling a sci-fi city in 3ds m
ax [2011, eng].torrentcreative development modeling a female character for animation in maya with gene arvan [2012, eng].torrentcreative development hard surface modeling workflows in 3ds max with stas poritskiy [2012, eng].torrentcreative development hdri image creation in photoshop and maya with garry lewis [2011, eng].torrentcreative development l-systems for trees in houdini [2011, eng].torrentcreative development modeling a cowgirl character in maya and silo with antony ward [2011, eng].torrentcreative development guerrilla commercial design concept in maya with ed whetstone [2011, eng].torrentcreative development guerrilla lighting and rendering tactics in maya with ed whetstone [2011, eng].torrentcreative development destruction compositing techniques in nukex with angelo white [2012, eng].torrentcreative development exploring mental ray materials in maya [2012, eng].torrentcreative development game character creation in 3ds max and zbrush with fabricio moraes [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creature concept sculpting in zbrush with pat imrie [2011, eng].torrentcreative development designing scary film monsters in zbrush with fabrizio bortolussi [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating long hair using fibermesh in zbrush with joseph drust [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating procedural rigs and controlling motion in houdini [2011, eng].torrentcreative development creating exterior visualizations in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating interior visualizations in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating a stylized house in 3ds max 2011 and photoshop cs5 [2011, eng].torrentcreative development creating an assault rifle in maya with stas poritskiy [2012, eng].torrentcreative development character creation pipeline in maya and zbrush with safari sosebee [2011, eng].torrentcreative development character lighting for guerrilla production in maya and nuke [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating a low poly game character in maya and silo [2012, eng].torrentcreative development creating a matte painting in 3ds max with vue xstream with rubens karamanites [2012, eng].torrentcreative development character concepting workflows for games in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentcreative development automotive texturing and rendering in maya and maxwell render with stas poritskiy [2012, eng].torrentcreative development building attractive banner ads in flash and photoshop [2012, eng].torrentcreative development caricature portraits in zbrush with stanislav shcherbakov [2012, eng].torrentcreative development architectural visualization in cinema 4d with adam chase [2011, eng].torrentcreative development artistic character modeling in 3ds max with jacques pena[2011, eng].torrentcreative development advanced car rigging in 3ds max with stewart jones [2011, eng].torrentcreative development advanced humanik in maya with annick harmel-tourneur [2012, eng].torrentcreative development aircraft modeling and texturing techniques in maya and silo with antony ward [2012, eng].torrentcreative development - motion flow rigging in maya with farley chery [2011, eng].torrentcreative development - visual effects with 3ds max and pflow [2011, eng].torrentcreative character exploration - aliens [2010 г., eng].torrentcreative development 3d for illustration in maya and photoshop with pat imrie [2011, eng].torrentcreative development - enhanced ik animal rigging with farley chery [2011, eng].torrentcreating walk cycles in cinema 4d[2011, eng].torrentcreating walk cycles in softimage , eng].torrentcreating stylized females in 3ds max , eng].torrentcreating stylized males in maya [2012, eng].torrentcreating walk cycles in 3ds max [2010, eng].torrentcreating next-gen game assets in softimage [2009, eng].torrentcreating photo inspired vector artwork in illustrator [2011, eng].torrentcreating realistic eyes in photoshop and 3ds max [2010, eng].torrentcreating stylized female character concepts in photoshop cs5 with eddie russell [2011, eng].torrentcreating hairstyles with maya hair [2012, eng].torrentcreating high resolution characters in zbrush 4 [12.01.2010, eng].torrentcreating interactive documents with indesign cs5 [2011, eng].torrentcreating game vehicles in maya and topogun [2012, eng].torrentcreating game weapons in cinema 4d and zbrush 4 with justin marshall [2011, eng].torrentcreating game weapons in maya and mudbox [2009, eng].torrentcreating hair for next-gen game characters in maya [2010, eng].torrentcreating game characters with maya 2011 and zbrush 4 [2010, eng].torrentcreating game characters with zbrush and topogun [2011, eng].torrentcreating a tri-fold brochure in indesign cs5 [2010 г., eng].torrentcreating caricatures in maya & mudbox , eng].torrentcreating fast rigs with the character object in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentcreating game characters with 3ds max 2011 and zbrush 4 [2011, eng].torrentcreating a handgun in zbrush 4 [2011, eng].torrentcreating a photorealistic ink drop effect in fumefx and krakatoa [2011, eng].torrentcreating a sea creature in maya and zbrush with darrell abney [2012, eng].torrentcreating a concept vehicle from a 3d sketch with eddie russell [2011, eng].torrentcreating a gargoyle in 3ds max and zbrush with brian parnell [2012, eng].torrentcreating 3d logos in cinema 4d [2010, eng].torrentcharacter skeleton building in houdini [2009, eng].torrentcharacterizing skeletons with motionbuilder [2009, eng].torrentcombining painted and image based textures in mari [2012, eng].torrentcombining procedural animation and rigid body dynamics in houdini [2011, eng].torrentcharacter interaction in softimage [2012, eng].torrentcharacter modeling workflows with zbrush and 3d coat with bojana nedeljkovic [2011, eng].torrentcharacter setup in xsi [2008, eng].torrentcapturing the essence of a character in photoshop cs5 [2011, eng].torrentcharacter interaction in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentcharacter interaction in maya [2012, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to shading networks in softimage 2011 with kyle green [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to typography [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to zbrush 4 [2011, eng].torrentbroadcast design in cinema 4d [2010, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to rigging in 3ds max 2011 with delano athias [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to rigging in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to rigging in maya 2011 with delano athias [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to composite 2011 with chris glick [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to indesign cs5 [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to mari with justin marshall [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to modeling in 3ds max 2011 with justin marshall [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to after effects cs5 with chris glick [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to animation in 3ds max 2011 with delano athias [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to animation in maya 2011 with delano athias [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to cinema 4d [2011, eng].torrentartist guide to mudbox 2012 with justin marshall [2011, eng].torrentassembling and working with long documents in indesign cs5 [2011, eng].torrentbeginner's guide to 3ds max with joshua kinney [2011, eng].torrentanimating quadrupeds in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentanimation retargeting techniques in maya with delano athias [2011, eng].torrentartist guide to mudbox , eng].torrentafter effects expressions made easy [2012, eng].torrentanimating between ik and fk systems in maya [2012, eng].torrentanimating game characters in maya , eng].torrent10 tips and tricks for compositing 3d renders in maya and nuke [2011, eng].torrent10 ways to improve your modeling in 3ds max [2010, eng].torrent10 ways to work faster in nuke with chris glick [2011, eng].torrentadding facial topology in 3ds max [2010, eng].torrent3ds max for motion graphics [2011, eng].torrent3ds max reference library object space modifiers with joshua kinney [2011, eng].torrent3ds max reference library world space modifiers with joshua kinney [2011, eng].torrent3d pan and tile sky replacement in nuke [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors working quickly in zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors utilizing state sets in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors topology tools in zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series game asset production pipeline [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors terrain modeling techniques in cryengine [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors texturing prehistoric reptiles in mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors topology tools in topogun 2.0 [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to cryengine [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors material creation workflows in cryengine [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors mesh insert techniques in zbrush with justin marshall [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors photorealistic camera lens effects in nuke [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series creating character variation with texture maps [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors hair dynamics in cinema 4d with derya ?ztürk [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors interior rendering techniques with mental ray and 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to cinema 4d r14 [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development texturing techniques in uvlayout and maxwell render with stas poritksiy [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors exterior rendering techniques with mental ray and 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors facial rigging in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors facial rigging in softimage [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sculpting a creature bust in zbrush with lee magalh?es [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sculpting character props in zbrush with frederic d'aoust [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development subsurface scattering shaders in maya and mental ray with jon tojek [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development rigging and animating 2d characters in after effects with daniel gie [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development scenic environment creation in vue with scott mcewan [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sci-fi vehicle modeling and texturing in maya and zbrush with maxim fleury [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development realistic compositing in fusion with terry riyasat [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development modeling a mech robot in zbrush with brad groatman [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development modeling exterior scenes in maya with pat imrie [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development painting over a 3d model for vehicle design in photoshop with stanley vonmedvey[2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development modeling a detailed ship in maya with stas poritskiy [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development crafting characters from design to composite in zbrush and maya with jean-michel bihorel [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development creating a fantasy dragon in zbrush with peter minister [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development creating hologram effects for video in maya and after effects with james whiffin [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development dinosaur reconstruction in zbrush with peter minister [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development facial tracking in 3dequalizer and maya with jean-michel bihorel [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development building social media apps in flash with jeremy woons [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development cloth sculpting workflows in zbrush with lee magalh?es [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating stylized male character concepts in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development animated turntable techniques in zbrush and after effects with brad groatman [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development animating object transitions in cinema 4d with can erduman [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development baking light maps for game environments in maya and mental ray with [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development building futuristic armor in zbrush with peter minister [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating ptex textures in mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating seamless textures for games [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating concept vehicles in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating photo manipulations for advertising with photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors animating a grappling hook in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating a 2d avatar from a photo reference [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors 12 principles of animation in after effects [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors 3ds max to motionbuilder integration [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to sketchbook pro 6 (sketchbook pro 6.1) [03.06.2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to sketchbook designer 2014.torrentdigital tutors creating industrial design concepts in sketchbook designer.torrentdigital tutors creating rapid character concepts in sketchbook pro (sketchbook pro) [24.06.2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating automotive concepts in sketchbook pro [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating copic marker illustrations in sketchbook pro (sketchbook pro 6.1) [10.06.2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting workflows in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors texturing military vehicles in mari [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors top 10 rendering tips for maya artists [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors utilizing the muscle system in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors rigging quadrupeds in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting a fantasy monster in zbrush and softimage [01.12.2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series game boss creation in zbrush [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series photorealistic vehicle rendering in maya [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors rendering flicker-free final gather in maya [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors ncloth techniques for characters in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors painting female hairstyles in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors maximizing your wacom device for maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors maximizing your wacom device for mudbox [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors maximizing your wacom device for zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors maya animation reference library birds [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors methods for painting realistic skin tones [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors modeling and animating a motion graphics opener in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors learn the basics of computer graphics and vfx with the cg101 series [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors low polygon texturing in mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors mari - filter reference library [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors maximizing your wacom device for mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to 3d in after effects [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to mental ray in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to photoshop cs6. fundamental tools, techniques & workflows in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to rigging in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creature creation in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors designing a game boss in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors designing otherworldly creatures in photoshop [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors illustrating form and folds for clothing [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors infiltrator' production pipeline volume 3 rigging [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development creating light rigs in maya with ed whetstone [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development destroying urban environments in nukex with angelo white [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development look development for visual effects in maya with xuan prada [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development rendering interiors in 3ds max and maxwell render with stas poritski [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sculpting alien concepts in zbrush with jonny bone [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development understanding facial anatomy in zbrush with lee magalh?es [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating dynamic pdf forms with indesign [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating product packaging in illustrator [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development aging wood and metal textures in photoshop with will harbison [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development creating a sci-fi hero in maya and silo with antony ward [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors beginner's guide to nuke [2011, eng].torrentdigital tutors beginner's guide to reference images in 3ds max [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating cartoon characters in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating custom muscles in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors animating quadrupeds in cinema 4d [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors asset workflows for modular level design [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors automotive texturing in mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors a designer's guide to printing with indesign [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors advanced character rigging in maya , eng].torrentdigital tutors working with projectors in mari [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors understanding illustrator's advanced color features [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors texturing animal eyes in maya [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors shape based character design in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors recreating a character sketch in illustrator [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors sci-fi inspired manga illustration in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting human ears in zbrush [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting human mouths in zbrush [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting human noses in zbrush [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors sculpting human skin in zbrush [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors logo workshop the angry taco [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors modeling sci-fi weapons for games in 3ds max [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors presentation techniques for game art in marmoset toolbag [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series creature concepting in zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors professional series painting and rendering in zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors pushing your rig beyond its limits in maya [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors integrating a character with a logo in illustrator [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to c# in unity [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to illustrator cs5 [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to lighting in cinema 4d [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to ncloth in maya [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors introduction to rigging 3ds max [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors linear workflow rendering strategies in 3ds max [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors facial retouching and manipulation in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors fiber techniques in zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors inking comic art in illustrator [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development speed sculpting a cartoon head in zbrush with shane olson [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development toon image creation in maya and zbrush with safari sosebee [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors drawing female proportions and surface anatomy [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors drawing phoneme mouth expressions in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors drawing rock formations in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development rapid concept art techniques in photoshop and zbrush [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development realistic fire and sparks in maya with pankaj malik [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sci-fi set modeling in maya with ashish dani [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development sculpting anatomy using zbrush mannequins with lee magalh?es [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development environment concepts for characters in photoshop with ismail wamala [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development lighting and shading in v-ray for maya with oasim karmieh [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development modeling a character for 3d printing in zbrush with peter minister [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating ornate logo type in illustrator [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development alien concept design in zbrush with justin fields [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development compositing a lunar environment in after effects and maya with james whiffin [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creative development concepting a cyborg in zbrush with daniele angelozzi [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating advanced shapes in illustrator [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating an abandoned city scene in photoshop [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating custom patterns in illustrator [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating foliage brushes for digital illustration [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating graphs in illustrator [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors utilizing the node editor in maya [2012, eng].torrentdigital tutors adobe illustrator for photoshop users [2010, eng].torrentdigital tutors animating a vector city with a 3d camera in after effects [2013, eng].torrentdigital tutors creating a vector car animation in after effects [2013, eng].torrent<教程和字幕资源下载地址:如何下载本站资源?详见网盘下载教程:<教程视频合集下载:/shared/folder_d8b68/<教程bt种子合集下载:/shared/folder_b3ae320/<教程txt字幕合集下载:/shared/folder_b719869/<教程srt字幕合集下载:/shared/folder_2e888/<教程-社交系列教程合集下载[含srt字幕]/lynda-com-for-social-software/< microsoft 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