
三区 无头骑士卷轴有人要吗?不要我扔了!!!_dnf安徽三区吧_百度贴吧
三区 无头骑士卷轴有人要吗?不要我扔了!!!收藏
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终结者, 积分 11024, 距离下一级还需 976 积分
精华14帖子威望36 点积分11024 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 jon.b 于
11:21 编辑
在上古5的世界中存在着一个彩蛋----无头骑士 可能这个设定的出现是向电影“沉睡谷”中的那个故事致敬
无头骑士的出现时间一般是 晚上10点-凌晨5点间 在世界任何一处随机出现
它不会攻击玩家 也不能被伤害
只会停下 让玩家看几眼 或者说几句莫名的对话后 骑马离去
如果玩家跟着它的话 会被一路带到Hamvir's Rest ~~ 那边有1个高级僵尸 3个骷髅 一些东西可以拿 还有个Master等级的宝箱
(如果玩家直接去Hamvir's Rest的话 可能会在白天见到无头骑士 它就在墓地**站着)
-》如果玩家看到无头骑士下马的话 玩家可以偷走它的那匹幽灵马骑 (就像4代里骑独角兽那样)
Coming down the road from Meridia's Beacon, heading towards and over the Dragon Bridge, 4:38 AM, 27th of Heartfire.
Road leading from Anga's Mill to Forsaken Cave at 4:35am, 5th of Sun Dusk.
Road between Falkreath and Helgen at 10:20pm, 24th of Last Seed.
Road by Honningbrew Meadery.
At Dragon Bridge, heading south, chasing his horse at 10:49 pm, 4th of First Seed, also 12:08 am, 24th of Heartfire.
On the road north of Gloomreach traveling up the pass at 11:28, 24th of Last Seed.
At the signpost immediately south of Falkreath Stormcloak Camp at 11:59 PM, 10th of Frostfall.
On his horse near the entrance to Labyrinthian.
The road that leads to and around Fort Kastav.
The road the leads to Salvius Farm from Kolskeggr Mine at 2:30 am of First Seed.
At around 11pm 5th of Sun's dusk from Blind Cliff Cave to Salvius Farm he comes about and double backs as he nears the farm, he runs on the same road till he crosses the bridge near Kolskegger Mine.
Road leading from Steamcrog Camp to Kynsegrove, Eastmarch.
On the road along the norhern coastline between Broken Oar Grotto and the northeast exit of Solitude at 11:45 pm.
On foot at Hamvir's rest running south east.
On a path between Morthal and Labyrinthian.
The road between Markarth and Falkreath.
North of Robber's Gorge heading south on the road riding his horse at 5:00 AM 7th of Heartfire.
Hamvirs Rest on horseback.
In the forests surrounding the Lord Stone.
Outside the main entrance to Solitude.
On the road heading south near Wolfskull Cave and the Statue to Meridia
Saw him cut out of the wilderness and onto the road just north of Rorikstead, heading south.
On the way to Dustman's Carvin.
On the road near The Steed Stone
East of Helgen
Found him in the Wilderness above Riften, about 3 miles away.
Going towards Falkreath just past midnight of the 15th of Evening Star.
On the path outside Fort Greymoor at 11.30 (found after killing Agnes for a Dark Brotherhood Contract)
Honningbrew Meadry,Tirdas 5:01AM 18th of Last Seed.
Minecraft 彩蛋&&Notch的矿凿
在世界之喉Throat of the World的最顶端的某块岩石上 可以发现一把莫名插在石头上的凿子
叫做“Notched Pickaxe”
Notched这个词 其实是B社成员向Minecraft的主创Markus Persson(外号Notch)致敬的称号
Pickaxe在minecraft中的作用非常重要 而B社的成员用这个词打造了一把特殊的矿凿
(中间有小故事:B社和Notch在年中有一场官司 关于一个游戏设定中一个命名的问题 而B社中的成员有不少是Notch的好友 所以这次这把特殊矿凿 也是2方的一个善意玩笑 而Notch本人也是老滚系列的大粉丝 他在发现这个彩蛋后 通过twitter向大家发布:他将在Minecraft中特别制作一把“Todhowarded Pickaxe” Tod Howard是B社的游戏首席主创)
这把矿凿装备后可以+5点Smithing 还有6点shock攻击加成~~(100 Smithing后不能突破100)
Shoot To Thrill!Play To Kill!
LIVE: jojo90louigi09 电信哦
骑士, 积分 1801, 距离下一级还需 1199 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1801 点注册时间最后登录
终结者, 积分 11024, 距离下一级还需 976 积分
精华14帖子威望36 点积分11024 点注册时间最后登录
可能在上古5中的某个任务 或者 人物 或者 书籍 中记录过这个骑士的故事
Shoot To Thrill!Play To Kill!
LIVE: jojo90louigi09 电信哦
骑士, 积分 1925, 距离下一级还需 1075 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1925 点注册时间最后登录
看到過一次, 想跑近一點看看誰知他像兔子跳走了= =
骑士, 积分 1740, 距离下一级还需 1260 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1741 点注册时间最后登录
Great Cocksmith
骑士, 积分 2227, 距离下一级还需 773 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分2227 点注册时间最后登录
My quest is one of love, but also in the moment of forgiveness, of redemption. To right what is wrong. To restore faith that has long been lost. And to rise to great height even beyond my own.
平民, 积分 46, 距离下一级还需 54 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分46 点注册时间最后登录
會下馬這個真有人見過? 看過這說法好幾次 還有說幹掉騎士可以得到馬的 貌似都是傳言而已
另外請教下M'aiq the Liar的出現有沒有規律的 我打了接近200小時還沒遇過一次
战士, 积分 850, 距离下一级还需 650 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分850 点注册时间最后登录
圣骑士, 积分 4775, 距离下一级还需 225 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分4775 点注册时间最后登录
骑士, 积分 2240, 距离下一级还需 760 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分2240 点注册时间最后登录
凿子搞到了 无头骑士路遇过 可惜没追上....
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