求激活 求邀请 谢谢大哥哥大姐姐了 国光帮帮忙蝴蝶姐姐吧(页 1)

十万火急,求求大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙吧!我写了一篇英语作文,请求为我取一个名字(一定要是At……地方,总之是以At开头的)真的很感谢!I have a naughty brother named Tommy Chen.He is ten years old and he stud_百度作业帮
十万火急,求求大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙吧!我写了一篇英语作文,请求为我取一个名字(一定要是At……地方,总之是以At开头的)真的很感谢!I have a naughty brother named Tommy Chen.He is ten years old and he stud
十万火急,求求大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙吧!我写了一篇英语作文,请求为我取一个名字(一定要是At……地方,总之是以At开头的)真的很感谢!I have a naughty brother named Tommy Chen.He is ten years old and he studied in Class one Grade three.Tommy hated school and he always plan to don’t go to school,so his school record is not very fine.If he sneezed,he asked his mother to write a note said that he had a cold.If he had a headache,he asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school times.He spent more time at home than he did at school.On the days he did go to school,he looked for excuses to come home early at once.One day he came home from school in the middle of the morning.His father was very surprised.“Why do you come home so early?” he said.“Is the school closed today?”“No Dad,It’s open I came home early.” Tommy answered and smiled at his father.“How did you do that?” his father asked him.“Why do you say to your teacher?”“I told that I had a new baby sister and that I had to come home and help you.That was all!”“But your mother has had twins,” his father said,“a boy and a girl.You’ve got a baby sister and a baby brother.” “Yes,I know,but don’t be foolish!Dad!” Tommy said.“I’m saving up my baby brother for next week!”
这不是你写的,一看就是外国的事情.仍然有些错误:1 he always plan to don’t go to school改为: he always planed not to go to school2 so his school record is not very fine. 改为:so his score is not very good.3
school times. --> school time4 than he did at school.--> in school5 come home early at once--> back home6 Why do you say to your teacher--> what did you say 很难起at开头的名字,很牵强:At home for any excuse:以任何借口回家,劝你换个作文.
At large...大哥哥 大姐姐
大哥哥 大姐姐
可以纹龙头吗?有的人说龙和狗相克,··另外谁有霸气的龙头 麻烦发下···谢谢··
没错 就是我!
给求图的朋友们:《跪求不如起行 》--------------------------------------------------------------------------------如果你是位纹身师,那么就不应该这样"要"图,若是连"找"的意志都没有的话,那就更别说画图了!如果你是位想学习纹身的人,还是不应该这样“要”图,即便是人家给你了,你还是原来的自己,或许可说正步入堕落当中!如果你是位想纹身的人,那么更不应该这样“要”图,你认为伸手要来的图你会放在自己身上一辈子么?而事实上最好的图往往存在於你与纹身师的沟通当中!在这里茫无方向求图,倒不如细心浏览吧内各家作品,选择自己喜欢风格的纹身店纹身师,直接跟该纹身师联系,请文身师根据你的气质外形,身体线条,合理安排推荐或设计适合你的图案。商讨沟通,最终得到才是你所心仪。或许,你会说我心中有意向,但想不出来画不出来,所以才“求”你想不出来或画不出来,事实上你很幸运,也不需要太着急,更不要盲目去纹身!你应该冷静想想,纹身并非必需品,大可以不要,若要当然要最好的!而在你身上最好的纹身不是你想出来的,当然更不是你画出来的,而是你面对你的纹身师彼此沟通出来的的共同创作,因为那才是唯一有价值放在你身上一辈子的生命图腾!ps:没有规则规定什么是纹身图案,只要眼睛所能见到的一切觉得美,或自觉得有意义的图像都可以作为纹身图案纹刺到身上任何有皮肤的地方。图案素材,除了可以在字眼“图库网站”,在搜出来的众多图库网站里面选择参考,也可以在吧里这两个地方查询参考:
纹身吧图片库 : /f/tupian?kw=%CE%C6%C9%ED纹身吧专题素材快捷贴 : /f?kz=---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
保存至快速回贴英语!快来看看共2道1.My favorite cattoon is Tom and Jerry.2.There was a lot of fun in this cartoon.改同义句!谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐_百度作业帮
英语!快来看看共2道1.My favorite cattoon is Tom and Jerry.2.There was a lot of fun in this cartoon.改同义句!谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐
英语!快来看看共2道1.My favorite cattoon is Tom and Jerry.2.There was a lot of fun in this cartoon.改同义句!谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了谢谢大哥哥大姐姐帮帮忙了改同义句!改同义句!改同义句!改同义句!
1.My favorite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.=I like Tom and Jerry best of all cartoons.=Tom and Jerry is my favorite (cartoon).=I like Tom and Jerry better than other cartoons.2.There was a lot of fun in this cartoon.=This cartoon was very funny.
I like chatting with Tom and Jerry most.I had a lot of fun in this cartoon.
1I like Tom and Jerry better than others in cartoon .2How funny the cartoon is .
1.第一个句子里面的cattoon是不是错了 没这单词啊 是不是cartoon 这样的话 翻译是 我喜欢的漫画任务是汤姆和杰瑞2,this cartoon has a lot of fun意思是这漫画里面有很多的人物
1.My favorite cattoon is Tom and Jerry. 我最喜欢的卡通节目是“汤姆猫和杰利鼠”。
2.There was a lot of fun in this cartoon.
This cartoon is very interesting.祝你进步!
the cattoon I like most is Tom and Jerrythis cartoon is of great fun
Tom and jerry is my favoruive cartoon This cartoon has a lot of fun
Tom and Jerry is my favorite cartoon.Te cartoon is fun.十二分之十一 减去 (六分之五 加 十二分之一)简便计算 求求大哥大姐们了帮帮忙吧我很需要答案谢谢!_百度作业帮
十二分之十一 减去 (六分之五 加 十二分之一)简便计算 求求大哥大姐们了帮帮忙吧我很需要答案谢谢!
十二分之十一 减去 (六分之五 加 十二分之一)简便计算 求求大哥大姐们了帮帮忙吧我很需要答案谢谢!
十二分之十一 减去 (六分之五 加 十二分之一)=十二分之十一 减去 (十二分之十 + 十二分之一)=十二分之十一 减去 十二分之十一=0


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