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Resolved questions这个会议是从几点开始到几点结束?这个句话英语怎么说?今天和菲佣说话,竟然发现这句话我说不出来。请求帮助!
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Jul 16, 2010
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我可能会说,When will this meeting start and how long will it last?
Jul 16, 2010
what time will this meeting start and end?
Jul 16, 2010
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  From:X X X
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  Subject:Ask for your Help
Dear Ms.Schaeffer:
  In our continued efforts to provide quality service and merchandise to valued clients like you,we would like your help in answering the attached survey.
  Each year we review our service and merchandise in order to meet our clients’ needs. The client survey plays a major role in determining how we improve services and which line of goods we concentrate sales on next year. By answering our survey,you will help us know how to serve you better. Also,as a gesture of our appreciation,we will send you a 10%-off voucher to use on your next order with us.
  Could you please send back the survey with your comments on it before next Friday? We understand you are very busy and appreciate your willingness to take the time to help us serve our clients better. Your comments are highly valued. Thank you.
  Sincerely yours,
  Sandy Fei
  We would like your help in answering the attached survey.
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中国科学院研究生院权威支持(北京) 电 话:010- 传 真:010-英语口语8000句13请求帮助
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? *要注意回答&可以&时用No,&不可以&时用Yes。
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?)
No, not at all. (没问题,完全可以。)
Can I ask a favor?
May I ask you a favor? *这两个例句和上面例句不同,用Yes回答&可以&。
Would you give me a hand?
Would you please help me?
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Could you help me out?
I'm sorry to bother you,...
I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? (对不起,能帮我一下吗?)
It's no bother. (没问题。)
I'll be glad to.
I'd be happy to.
With pleasure.
Could I possibly...?
Could I possibly use your bathroom? (我能用一下您的洗手间吗?)
Of course. (当然。)
If you'd like,... *you'd是you would的缩写形式。
If you want to,...
Could you pass the sugar, please? *用于吃饭时等请别人拿自己够不到的东西时。
Could you pass the sugar, please? (请您把糖拿过来行吗?)
Sure. Here you are. (好的。给你。)
Could I have the sugar, please?
Could you hand me the sugar, please?
Could you give me the sugar, please?
Sugar, please. *比较随便的说法。
Here you are. *用于拿出对方所期待着的东西时。
Here you go.
Here it is.
Please do this.
What do you want me to do? (你想让我做什么?)
Please do this. (请做这个。)
Please take care of this.
Would you please do this (for me)? (您能为我做这个吗?)
Would you drive me to the store?
Would you take me to the store?
Would you drop me off at the store? (能让我在那家店下车吗?)
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel?
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel? (您能帮我找到ABC饭店的电话号码吗?)
My pleasure. (可以啊!)
I don't know how to fill out this form. *fill out是固定搭配,表示&在空白处填写&。form是&表格用纸&。
How do I fill out this form?
Can you help me with this form? (您能帮我填一下这张表吗?)
Tell me why.
What's the reason? (理由是什么呢?)
Why do you think that? (你为什么那么想?)
May I borrow your pen? *borrow&借入&。
May I use your pen?
Is it okay if I use your pen?
Do you have a pen?
Do you have a pen that I can borrow?
Can you lend me ten dollars?
Would you give me a call?
Could you call me?
Can you ring me up?
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight.
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight. (你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。
I'd be glad to. (我非常愿意。)
Please turn it down. *turn down 是&关小&电视、收音机等的声音。另外关于turn还有以下几种用法。
turn up (开大〈电视、收音机等〉的声音。)
turn off (关上〈电视、收音机等〉)
turn on (打开〈电视、收音机等〉)
Would you please turn it down? *比较有礼貌的说法。
Would you please turn it down? (能把声音关小点吗?)
All right. (好吧!)
Not so loud, please.
Please lower the volume.
It's too loud. Turn it down. (太吵了,关小点声。) *带有命令的语感。
Wait here until I get back.
Please wait here for me.
Excuse me. *用于向不认识的人打招呼时。是一句很常用的口语。
Excuse me. (劳驾。)
Can I help you? (有事吗?)
Pardon me.
Hello, there!
Hi, there!
Hey! *表示呼吁、喜悦、吃惊等。口气有些傲慢无礼,所以对不认识的人最好用Excuse me.
Say! *比较旧的说法。
Do you have time? *&你有时间吗?&,如果是Do you have the time?的话,意思是&你知道几点了吗?&。
Do you have time? (你有空儿吗?)
Sure. (有空。)
Do you have a minute?
Can I ask you a favor? *常用在需要拜托或请求别人之前。
Can I ask you a favor? (我想求你件事行吗?)
Sure. What is it? (当然。什么事?)
Can I ask you a favor? (我想求你件事。)
Sorry, I'm busy. (对不起,我很忙。)
May I ask a favor of you? *更礼貌的说法。
Could you do me a favor?
Could you help me?
Can you help me?
May I ask you something?
May I ask you something? (我想打听点儿事。)
Sure. Go ahead. (当然,请说吧。)
May I ask (you) a question?
I'd like to ask you something.
I have a question.
Could you tell me something?
Do you have time to answer a question?
Could you answer a question?
I hate to bother you, but can I ask you a question? (真不好意思,打扰您了,我可以问个问题吗?)
Sorry for interrupting. *向正在工作或正在说话的人说话时的表达方式。
Sorry for interrupting... (对不起,打断一下可以吗?)
Oh, you're not. (噢,没关系。)
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
May I interrupt you?
Excuse me for interrupting.
Forgive me for interrupting.
Guess what? *跟对方说话时,说Guess what?来吸引对方的注意。
Guess what? (你猜怎么着?)
What? (怎么啦?)
You know what?
Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. *错向陌生人打招呼时。
Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. (对不起,我认错人了。)
That's all right. (没关系。)
Sorry, I thought you were someone else.
You're not who I thought you were. Sorry.
Oops. My mistake. (不好,我弄错了。)
May I use your phone?
May I use your phone? (我能用一下您的电话吗?)
Go right ahead. (请用吧。)
How should I do it?
Just start the car! (只要发动车!)
How should I do it? (我怎么发动汽车呢?)
This is the way you should do it.
I can't do it. (我不会做。)
This is the way you should do it. (你该这么做。)
This is how you should do it.
You should do it this way.
This is how you do it.
It'll do the trick. *表示稍微采用一些手段或方法就能产生所设想的效果/就会顺利。
How's this? (这样做怎么样?)
It'll do the trick. (这样就会见效。)
It'll be effective.
That'll work.
That'll do it.
This looks better.
This is more pleasing in appearance.
I like the looks of this one better.
I'll do it my own way.
Let me show you how to do it. (我让你看看我的做法。)
I'll do it my own way. (我用我自己的办法。)
I'll do it the way I want to. (我用我自己想用的方法。)
Like this? *穿衣服时表示&是这样穿吗?&;吃第一次吃到的东西时表示&是这样吃吗?&。
You eat sushi this way. (寿司是这样吃的。)
Like this? (是像这样吗?)
You mean like this?
Like what?
Like what? (像什么?)
Like chicken. (像只鸡。)
It's easy.
It's a cinch.
It's a snap.
Just like that!
Can you buy guns in America? (在美国可以买到枪吗?)
Yes. It's easy, just like that! (是的,轻而易举。)
Just as if it were nothing. (简单得不能再简单了。)
It's a little hard.
It's kind of difficult.
It's complicated.
It's complex.
This is the first thing to do.
You should do this first.
You dropped this. *drop &掉下,丢下&。
You dropped this. (你掉了这个。)
Oh, yeah. It's mine. (哦,对!是我的。)
I think you dropped this.
I think this is yours. (我想这是你的吧。)
Is this yours?
Did you drop this?
Isn't this yours?
Doesn't this belong to you?
It's mine.
Yes, that's mine. (是的,那是我的。)
Yes, it's my handkerchief. (是的,是我的手绢。)
It belongs to me.
I've lost my wallet.
I'm in trouble! *be in trouble 表示&陷入困境&。
May I help?
May I help? (要我帮忙吗?/要我帮你拿吗?)
Sure. If you don't mind. (当然,要是不麻烦的话。)
Do you want any help?
Need any help?
Need a hand?
Do you need a hand?
Can I give you a hand?
Do you need some help?
Can I help you carry that? (要我帮您搬吗?)
Think twice before you decide.
How about this one?
How about this one? (这个怎么样?)
It's the same price.(这个价钱也是一样。)
What about this one?
I want to make a suggestion.
I want to offer a suggestion.
Let's take a short cut. *short cut表示&近路,捷径&。
Let's go a shorter way.
Let's play hooky! *play hooky 俚语,&逃学&。
Let's skip school!
Let's cut class!
Let's ditch school!
Let's call in sick.
Let's play cards!
I have an idea.
I have an idea. (我有个主意。)
What is it? (什么主意?)
I've got it.
I have come up with an idea.
I have a good idea. (我有个好主意。)
Tell you what. *用于向对方提建议时。它是I'll tell you what.的缩写。
Tell you what. Why don't you come to my house now? (这样怎么样?你现在就来我家一趟,怎么样?)
Okay. (好吧!)
Let me think for a moment.
Just think about it.
I don't know what to say. (我不知道说什么好。)
Just think about it. (你好好想想看。)
You should get a haircut.
You should cut your hair.
You need a hair cut.
Won't you join us? *Won't you...? 表示&&&好吗?&,是一种表达建议的较随便的方式。
Why don't you come along? (我们一起去吧?)
What do you suggest?
What is your suggestion?
Wanna make a bet? *wanna口语说法。是Do you want to...的缩写。
Wanna make a bet? (打赌?)
You're on! (行啊。)
Do you want to bet?
Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?
Let's bet on it. (我们打个赌吧。)
Want to bet?
I suggest you take a taxi.
Can I help you? *直译是&我可以帮助你吗?&
Excuse me. (劳驾。)
Can I help you? (有事吗?)
What can I do for you?
Sure. What is it? *这种表达方式是作为对对方请求帮忙的回答。
Sure, what can I do?
Sure. How can I help?
What is it?
Any problems?
Is there a problem?
What seems to be the problem?
Anything wrong?
What's the matter?
What's the matter? (怎么了?)
I don't feel well. (我觉得不舒服。)
Of course. *一般情况下的说法,&当然&。
Did you finish the report? (你写完报告了吗?)
Of course. (当然。)
Wanna come to my party? (你来参加我的舞会吗?)
Of course. (当然。)
Sure. *比Of course.要亲切一些。
Sure thing.
For sure. *俚语。
No way. (绝对不行。)
No problem. *No problem是Don't worry的随意的表达方式。
Could you give me a hand? (能帮我一把吗?)
No problem. (没问题。)
There's no problem.
All right.
My pleasure.
Whose idea is it?
Yes, thank you. *向对方表示感谢的心情。
Would you like to try? (你想试试吗?)
Yes, thank you. (好的,谢谢。)
No, thank you. (不,不用了。)
Yes, please. *请求对方帮忙时。
Would you like some more? (您想再要点儿吗?)
Yes, please. (是的,拜托您。)
Go ahead. *催促对方说话或行动时。
May I? (我可以&先&&〉吗?)
Go ahead. (您请。)
After you.
After you. (您先请。)
Thank you. (谢谢。)
Go ahead. *Go ahead比After you语气要随便。
My pleasure.
Thank you for the report. (谢谢你的报告。)
My pleasure. (哪里,我乐意之至。)
It's my pleasure.
I'd be happy to.
It's no problem.
Why not? *表示&没有理由不同意&的语感,意为&当然&、&很愿意&。
Should we have more drinks? (我们再喝点儿吗?)
Why not? (当然。)
No reason not to.
No, not at all.
Would you mind if I smoked? (我可以抽烟吗?)
No, not at all. (没关系,您请。)
Do your homework now. (你现在就做作业。)
I will. (这就做。)
I'm going to.
I'll do it.
Got it. *特别是在听到命令和吩咐时用。
Get it? (明白了吗?)
Got it! (明白。)
Gotcha. *俚语。
Say no more. *用来回答对方提出&想&&&的请求时。
I hate to ask you for help, but... (我不太想麻烦你,但是&&)
Say no more. (就交给我吧。)
Be my guest.
Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
Leave it up to me.
Make yourself at home.
I like your apartment. (我喜欢你的公寓。)
Make yourself at home. (请随便点儿,就像在自己家里一样。)
I'd be happy to help you.
I'd be happy to help you. (很高兴为您效劳。)
That's alright. (谢谢!不用了。)
I'll be happy to help you.
I'd love to help. *女性常用。
I'd be more than happy to help you. *更强调高兴的表达方式。
Certainly. *愉快地、感到荣幸地接受别人请求或提问时,给予的礼貌性的回答。
I'd like more water, please. (我想再要点儿水。)
Certainly. (遵命。)
Whatever you say.
I think we should do it this way. (我认为应该这样做。)
Whatever you say. (照您说的做。)
You're the boss. (您是头儿,您定吧!)
You're in control. (由您掌管。)
Anything for you.
Would you help me out? (你能帮我吗?)
Anything for you. (为你做什么都行。)
I'll do anything for you. *上句是这句的缩写。
I'll take care of it. *&我来做&、&我负责任&。
It's due tomorrow. (支付期截止到明天。)
I'll take care of it. (我来处理吧。)
I'll handle it.
Leave it to me.
(You can) count on me. *count on... &指望&&&、&依靠&&&、&期待&&&。
You can leave it up to me.
Count me in. *用在听到了有趣的事情或计划时,带有&让我也参加吧&的语感。
Are you coming? (你也来吗?)
Count me in. (算我一个。)
I'm into it. *比较随便的说法。
Count me out. (我不做。/别把我算上。)
I'll do the rest.
I have to leave early today. (今天我得早走。)
Okay. I'll do the rest. (好的,剩下的由我做吧。)
I'll finish up.
I'll take care of the rest of it.
Deal. *既可以作为问题,也可以作为回答,常用于妥协时、分配工作时。表示&那就开始吧&、&就这么定了&、&那就成交了&。
Is it a deal? (这样行吗?)
Deal. (行,就这么着。)
I'll cook if you do the dishes. Deal? (你洗碗,我就做饭,行吗?)
Deal. (就这么着。)
It's a deal.
That's a deal!
That will do.
No deal. (那样的话还是定不了。)
I'll do it no matter what. *no matter what &无论怎样&、&无论发生什么&。
If you do that, you'll get fired. (如果你那样做,那你将被解雇。)
I'll do it no matter what. (不管发生什么,我也要这样做。)
I'll do it regardless of circumstances.
Nothing will stop me from doing it.
Nothing will get in my way of...
It's quite easy.
How did you do that? (那是怎么做的?)
It's quite easy. (这相当简单。)
It's pretty simple.
It's really easy.
It's nothing.
That looks hard. (那看上去很难。)
It's nothing. (那算不了什么。)
It's a cinch.
It's a piece of cake.
That would be great.
Would you like some coffee? (你来杯咖啡吗?)
That would be great. (那太好了。)
That would be perfect.
That would hit the spot. (那太让人满意了。)
That's exactly what I want. (那正是我想要的。)
That would be grand. *比较旧的说法。
Would you?
I'll help. (我来帮你吧!)
Would you? (行吗?)
Could you?
You're on! *就对方所说的事表示&可以&、&明白了&的感觉。
Let's play mah-jong. (我们玩麻将吧!)
You're on! (好吧!)
Sounds good.
I'll take you up on that offer.
Let's get moving.
You've got a deal.
If you don't mind.
Would you like some help? (用我来帮助您吗?)
If you don't mind. (如果不给您添麻烦的话。)
Excuse me. May I help you? (劳驾,我可以帮忙吗?)
Sure. If you don't mind. (嗯,如果不麻烦你的话。)
If it's no trouble.
If you wouldn't mind.
Anytime. *对方说Thank you时的回答。表示&什么时候我都乐意为您效劳&、&无论什么时候我都可以帮忙&。
Thank you for everything. (太感谢您了。)
Anytime. (愿意随时为您效劳。)
Anything. *&什么都可以,按你说的做&。
What would you like to drink? (你喝点什么?)
Anything. (什么都行。)
Let's do it! *对新事物、有趣的事情而言。
We should take a trip. (我们应该去旅行。)
Let's do it! (那我们去吧!)
Let's not. (算了吧!)
Your wish is my command.
I want that. (我要那个。)
Your wish is my command. (满足你的要求。)
Anything you say.
I wanna make all your dreams come true.
I'm here to please you.
That will do.
How's this? (这个怎么样?)
That will do. (可以呀。)
That's good enough.
Anything'll do. *用于哪个都管用的时候。
Anywhere'll do.
That'll be enough.
Should I make more? (再多做点儿吗?)
That'll be enough. (那就足够了。)
That's enough.
That will do for now.
What's it about?
Can I talk to you? (我能跟你说句话吗?)
Sure, what's it about? (当然,什么事?)
May I have your phone number?
May I have your phone number? (请告诉我您的电话号码。)
Sure, it's . (好的,。)
Your number, please?
May I have your number?
Could I have your number?
I wish I could, but... *委婉地拒绝对方要求的表达方式。
Could you work overtime tonight? (今天晚上能加个班吗?)
I wish I could, but... (我希望可以,但是&&)
I'd love to, but...
I want you to do it now. (我想让你现在就做。)
I won't. (我不愿意。)
No, thank you. *虽然很感激,但必须拒绝时使用。
Do you need help? (要我来帮你吗?)
No, thank you. (不,谢谢。)
No, thanks. *随便的说法。
Yes, thank you. (好吧,麻烦你。)
I don't think so.
Can we go? (我们也能去吗?)
No, I don't think so. (不,我想不行。)
I don't believe so.
I don't want it.
Here you are. (给你。)
I don't want it. (我不要。)
I really don't want it.
Take one. (拿一个吧。)
I really don't want it. (我真的不要。)
I'm sorry I can't help you.
Where is the ABC Hotel? (请问ABC饭店在哪儿?)
I'm sorry I can't help you. (对不起,我帮不了你。)
Can you work overtime tonight? (今天晚上你能加班吗?)
I'm sorry, I can't help you. (对不起,我加不了班。)
I'm sorry I can't assist you.
I'm sorry I can't be any help.
I'm against his proposal.
I wish I could help you, but I can't.
Could you help me get a job? (您能帮我找一份工作吗?)
I wish I could help you, but I can't. (可惜我帮不了你。)
I can't do anything about it.
You have to help me. (你得帮帮我。)
I can't do anything about it. (那事我使不上劲。)
There is nothing I can do about it.
I can do nothing about it.
I can't make that happen.
I want to work for this company. (我想在这家公司工作。)
Sorry, I can't make that happen. (对不起,我无法满足你的愿望。)
I'm not in the mood.
Do you want to dance? (想跳舞吗?)
I'm not in the mood. (我没那份心情。)
I don't feel like it.
I'm afraid I've got urgent business now.
I'm afraid I've got urgent business now. (很遗憾,我现在有件急事。)
That's a shame. (真是太遗憾了。)
I have other business to take care of.
Are you free today? (你今天有时间吗?)
No, I have other business to take care of. (没有,我有别的事。)
I'm sorry, but I'm busy just now.
I'm sorry, but I'm busy right now.
I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry.
Sorry, I don't have time. (对不起,我没时间了。)
Not right now.
Count me out. *自己不愿意参加,不愿意加入时使用。
Are you coming? (你来吗?)
Count me out. (我就算了吧。)
Count me in. (算上我一个。)
I'd rather not.
Let's go drinking. (我们去喝酒吧。)
I'd rather not. (我还是不去了吧。)
Enough. *Enough表示&所有量,接受量足够了&。也可以用来表示有够多的麻烦和痛苦时。
You have to... (你必须&&)
Enough. (够了,够了。)
Enough already.
That's enough.
I've had enough.
How about more salad? (再来点儿沙拉,怎么样?)
No, thank you. I've had enough. (不,谢谢,已经足够了。)
Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today.
Why don't we have dinner together? (一起去吃顿饭,怎么样?)
Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today. (很遗憾,今天我不太方便。)
That's beside the point. *beside the point 表示&估计错的&、&没抓住中心的&。
If it hadn't rained, I would have done it. (要是没下雨的话,我就可以做,可是&&)
That's beside the point. (根本没说到点儿上。)
Is it all right if...? *常用来表示比较有礼貌地请求对方允许。
Is it all right if I open the window? (我可以开窗吗?)
Absolutely. (当然。)*也可以用Is it all right to...? 来代替Is it all right if...?意思相同。
Is it all right to smoke here? (我可以在这儿抽烟吗?)
No, this is a nonsmoking room. (不行,这儿是禁烟室。)
May I come in?
May I come in? (我可以进来吗?)
Please, do. (请进。)
Is it alright to come in?
May I enter?
May I sit here?
Is this seat taken?
Is someone sitting here?
Is this seat free?
May I play catch here?
May I play catch here? (我可以在这儿玩球吗?)
Of course you may. (当然,玩吧。)
Do you mind if I smoke?
Do you mind if I smoke? (我可以抽烟吗?)
No, I don't mind. (行,没关系。)*回答Do you mind...? 的提问时,想说&不行&时用Yes,&行&时用No。
Am I allowed to take pictures here? *allow表示&原谅&、&同意&、&承认&。
Am I allowed to take pictures here? (这儿可以拍照吗?)
Yes, I think so. (我想可以。)
Is taking pictures allowed here?
Are you permitted to take pictures here?
Do they permit taking pictures here?
Is it okay to take photographs here?
Let me see it.
This is my favorite picture. (这是我最喜欢的照片。)
Let me see it. (让我看看。)
Let me take a look.
Please show it to me.
May I use your phone?
May I use your phone? (我可以借用您的电话吗?)
Only if it's not long distance. (只要不是长途电话就行。)
May I use the bathroom?
May I use the rest room?
May I use the washroom?
Can I park my car there?
Can I park my car there? (我可以把车停在那儿吗?)
Yes, you can. (可以,停那儿吧。)
Is parking there okay?
Is it all right to park my car there?
Am I permitted to park my car there?
May I take a look?
May I have a look?
May I see it?
You mean any place?
Do you mean any place?
Anywhere's okay?
Any place?
May I use your phone? (可以借用你的电话吗?)
Go ahead. (可以。)
It's up to you.
You decide.
Would you help me? (你能帮我吗?)
Sure. (可以。)
No problem.
Sure thing!
I don't see why not. *直译&我没有理由说不&,see表示&明白&。
I don't see why it is not all right.
That sounds okay.
Let's go out drinking. (我们去喝一杯吧。)
I'm game! (行啊!)
I'm all for it. (非常赞成。)
If that's all right with you. *请求对方同意、许可的说法。
It's five o'clock now. (现在5点了。)
Let's leave now, if that's all right with you. (我们走吧,如果你不介意的话。)
If that's all right for you.
If it's all right with you,& *这句同上句If that's all right with you.大致相同,但这句用在对话开始时。
If it's all right with you, I'd like to go to bed now. (如果方便的话,我想休息了。)
Go ahead. (您请吧。)
Yes, please do.
May I sit here? (我可以坐在这儿吗?)
Yes, please do. (可以,您请坐。)
Sure, go ahead.
No problem.
You may go home now, John.
I'm afraid not. *用于虽然对方也许不想听,或者不相信,但不得不说No(不)时。这是一种委婉的否定表达方式,含有表示同情对方的心情。
Is this the smoking section? (这儿是吸烟席吗?)
No, I'm afraid not. (很遗憾,好像不是。)
? I'm afraid so. *这句话的意思是&很遗憾是这样&、&很遗憾是这么回事&。
I'd rather you didn't. *I'd rather...not表示&如果可以的话,我不想&&&、&如果可以的话我想拒绝&&&、&如果允许的话我想推辞&&&。I'd rather是I would rather的缩写形式,用于婉转地拒绝对方的建议时。
May I smoke? (我可以吸烟吗?)
I'd rather you didn't. (最好不吸。)
Would you mind if I went with you? (我也可以和你一起去吗?)
I'd rather you didn't. (希望你最好别来。)
I'd prefer it if you didn't.
I'd prefer you not to.
I'd rather that you not.
Not on your life! *表示强烈的拒绝。
Would you lie for me? (你能帮我撒个谎吗?)
Not on your life! (不行!)
Certainly not.
Not for any reason!
Not a chance!
Fat chance!
Not a chance in the world! *表示更为强烈的拒绝。
Over my dead body! *表示&只要我还未闭眼,绝不让&&&、&完全不可能&。
Would you loan me ¥100,000? (你能借给我10万日元吗?)
Over my dead body! (绝不可能!)
That will never happen!
I will never let that happen!
I'd rather die first!
Nope! *比较随便的俚语说法。
Are you going to the party? (你要去参加舞会吗?)
Nope! (不,不去。)
Have you finished? (你做完了吗?)
Not yet. (还没有。)
Could you help me? (你能帮我一下吗?)
Not now. (现在不行。)
Later. (过会儿吧。)
May I smoke? (我可以吸烟吗?)
Not here. (在这儿不行。)
You may not eat here.
You may not eat here. (你不能在这儿吃东西。)
I'm sorry, I didn't know. (对不起,我不知道。)
Eating here is not allowed.
You can't eat here.
Eating is prohibited here.
Please refrain from eating here.
Take a look!
Have a look!
See for yourself.
Listen! *在说完listen!引起对方注意之后,再开始进入话题,是很常用的方式。
Hi! Tom. (嗨!汤姆。)
Listen! Do you want to know a secret? (听着!你想知道一个秘密吗?)
Listen up. *更强烈地引起注意的说法。
Listen to me. (听我说。)
Listen to this. (好好听着。)
Don't ignore me. *ignore&忽视,不理&。
Listen to me. (听我说。)
Look here!
Look at that!
Look at that! (看那儿!)
Wow! (哇!)
Come, look!
Look at me!
Hey, look! (嘿,看呀。)
I heard something.
I heard something. (我听见有声音。)
It's just my dog. (那是我的狗。)
What was that noise? (那是什么声响?)
I think I heard something. (我听见有动静。)
I'll go and take a look right away.
Did you see Tom's new house? It's really nice. (你看到汤姆的新家了吗?特别好。)
I'll go and take a look right away. (我这就去看看。)
I'll go and check it out immediately.
I'll go give it a look right now.
It's your turn. *用于各种情况,如玩游戏或是按顺序做事情等。
Who's next? (下一个是谁?)
It's your turn. (该你了。)
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