杭州文三路附近酒店哪几家的手机不错。如题 急求 加分题

凡卡回到乡下自己的村子就能摆脱这种悲惨不幸的生活吗?请简要写出你的意见.急求 答对加分如题.整个题目是:4、凡卡回到自己的村子就能摆脱这种悲惨不幸的生活吗?请简要写出你的意见.(6分).急啊!这个凡卡_百度作业帮
凡卡回到乡下自己的村子就能摆脱这种悲惨不幸的生活吗?请简要写出你的意见.急求 答对加分如题.整个题目是:4、凡卡回到自己的村子就能摆脱这种悲惨不幸的生活吗?请简要写出你的意见.(6分).急啊!这个凡卡是指《凡卡》里的凡卡,我把教科书版奉上.因为原文和书里的不一样,我们是参考书里的.九岁的凡卡·茹科夫,三个月前给送到鞋匠阿里亚希涅那儿做学徒.圣诞节前夜,他没躺下睡觉.他等老板、老板娘和几个伙计到教堂做礼拜去了,就从老板的立柜里拿出一小瓶墨水,一支笔尖生了锈的钢笔,摩平一张揉皱了的白纸,写起信来.
凡卡撇撇嘴,拿脏手背揉揉眼睛,抽噎了一下。 他继续写道。这儿的人都打我。我饿得要命,又孤零零的,难受得没法说。我老是哭。有一天,老板拿楦头打我的脑袋,我昏倒了,好容易才醒过来。我的生活没有指望了,连狗都不如
不能 很明显乡下唯一亲人爷爷的生活也很窘迫 如果乡下好他就不会出来了 而且寄不出去的信也预示着他的愿望不会实现
我也不会,呜呜Great changes____________ (take place) in china in the past few years.I asked him ________(not make)much noise there.Both of them _______(be) in Hongkong for ten days.Mary _____(lose) her pen._____ you _____ (see) it here and there?_____ they _____ (build) a new school in the vil_百度作业帮
Great changes____________ (take place) in china in the past few years.I asked him ________(not make)much noise there.Both of them _______(be) in Hongkong for ten days.Mary _____(lose) her pen._____ you _____ (see) it here and there?_____ they _____ (build) a new school in the village?Are Tom and Tony playing basketball?_____.They are doing their homework.a.Either b.Neitherc.Both d.NoneThe apples are d_____ .Would you like more?Practice speaking English can make your p_____ excellent.Would you like to go there t_____ with me Yes,I'd love to.I _____(read) five famous novels during the holiday.What's the price of the model plane?改为同义句_____ _____ does this model plane _____?我相信我的梦想迟早会实现I belive that my dream _____ _____ _____ sooner or later.我还没读过这本书I ______ ______ the book _____.Which one can I take?Oh,you can take all of them.I'll keep _____a.some b.all c.none d.bothThey were surprised to _____ the boy could speak four languagesa.name b.discover c.ask d.improve_____ a glass of water in his hand ,Mike walked into his bedroom.a.By b.For c.With d.FromIt's _____ me why he didn't pass the exam (model,earth,beyond,month,diary选一个以正确形式添上)汤姆喜欢旅游,他知道很多旅游知识.Tom likes traveling and he knows _____ about travel.你喜欢李白诗作的哪些方面呢?what do you _____ _____ Li Bai's poem?我常常梦想能在天空中飞翔.I often ______ ______ flying in the sky因为下雨他没去游泳.he didn't go swimming _____ ______ the rain.他们正在为希望工程筹集资金.They are _____ _____ for Project Hope.Animals can only use the sun's energy ______ it has been changed into food by plants.a.after b.before c.until d.by the time
Great changes have taken place (take place) in china in the past few years.I asked him not to make(not make)much noise there.Both of them have been(be) in Hongkong for ten days.Mary lost(lose) her pen.Did you see(see) it here and there?Did they build(build) a new school in the village?Are Tom and Tony playing basketball?b.They are doing their homework.a.Either
d.NoneThe apples are delicious .Would you like more?Practice speaking English can make your p excellent.Would you like to go there together with me ?Yes,I'd love to.I have read(read) five famous novels during the holiday.What's the price of the model plane?改为同义句How much does this model plane cost?我相信我的梦想迟早会实现I belive that my dream will come true sooner or later.我还没读过这本书I haven't read the book yet.Which one can I take?Oh,you can take all of them.I'll keep ca.some
d.bothThey were surprised to b. the boy could
speak four languagesa.name
d.improvec. a glass of water in his hand ,Mike walked into his bedroom.a.By
d.FromIt's beyonded me why he didn't pass the exam
(model, earth,beyond,month,diary选一个以正确形式添上)汤姆喜欢旅游,他知道很多旅游知识.Tom likes traveling and he knows much about travel.你喜欢李白诗作的哪些方面呢? what do you like about Li Bai's poem?我常常梦想能在天空中飞翔.I often dream of flying in the sky因为下雨他没去游泳.he didn't go swimming because of the rain.他们正在为希望工程筹集资金.They are raising money for Project Hope.Animals can only use the sun's energy b. it has been changed into food by plants.a.after
d.by the time文化程度分类,英语的说法,如题,分类如下:大专或大学以上学历不识或很少识字用英语怎么说?_百度作业帮
Graduatesenior high schooljunior high schoolprimary schoolillteracy
窗外一树白花在太阳底下闪闪发光,我望得出神,希望它永远这样静静地满足我省美的愿望班里的同学都去上体育课了,我柱着拐杖,一步步走到窗前,我的脚绑上了石膏,还需两个星期才可拆掉,同学说'你个残废”,我急忙辩解"还有两个星期就可以拆掉了啊“可没有人听我的话,昔日的好哥们勾肩搭背的朝我笑笑“小子,好好养伤吧,你这脚够你受的”我突然想到了那树白花——真是很完美呢.没想到过了几天,一场暴风雨的来临,把我的审美情趣打碎了,先是一地洁白的花瓣,下课后,同学们东奔西跑,把那花瓣了一脚又一脚.接着你可以写“我”看到了这一幕内心的感想,及同学们无所谓的表现满树的白花被暴风雨摧残后显得如何?联想一下,比起它前几天的完美无瑕现在的枝桠上又是怎样的场景当过了两个星期,“我”的脚拆下石膏,可以像正常人一样行走时面对白花(有可能现在已是没有白花,只是一棵光秃秃的树)又会想到些什么.哦,你会想到白花当年的风姿,进一步想把白花当成人来想,现在的白花是一个残疾人,以前的白花是一个健全的人,由此想到“我”自身的经历来说 白花来年还会照常开放


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