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{description}Java方法参数太多怎么办—Part3—Builder模式 - ImportNew
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本文是这个系列的第三篇文章,介绍了通过Builder模式应对参数过多的问题。如果你也希望参与类似的系列文章翻译,可以加入我们的 和
在第二版中,在就提到使用Builder模式处理需要很多参数的构造函数。他不仅展示了Builder的使用,也描述了相这种方法相对使用带很多参数的构造函数带来的好处。在本文的结尾我将进一步总结Builde模式的优点。需要指出的是Josh Bloch已经在他的书本贯穿了这一思想。
Person.java (非Builder模式)
package dustin.
* Person class used as part of too many parameters demonstration.
* @author Dustin
public class Person
private final String lastN
private final String firstN
private final String middleN
private final S
private final S
private final String streetA
private final S
private final S
private final boolean isF
private final boolean isE
private final boolean isHomewO
public Person(
final String newLastName,
final String newFirstName,
final String newMiddleName,
final String newSalutation,
final String newSuffix,
final String newStreetAddress,
final String newCity,
final String newState,
final boolean newIsFemale,
final boolean newIsEmployed,
final boolean newIsHomeOwner)
this.lastName = newLastN
this.firstName = newFirstN
this.middleName = newMiddleN
this.salutation = newS
this.suffix = newS
this.streetAddress = newStreetA
this.city = newC
this.state = newS
this.isFemale = newIsF
this.isEmployed = newIsE
this.isHomewOwner = newIsHomeO
package dustin.
public class PersonBuilder
private String newLastN
private String newFirstN
private String newMiddleN
private String newS
private String newS
private String newStreetA
private String newC
private String newS
private boolean newIsF
private boolean newIsE
private boolean newIsHomeO
public PersonBuilder()
public PersonBuilder setNewLastName(String newLastName) {
this.newLastName = newLastN
public PersonBuilder setNewFirstName(String newFirstName) {
this.newFirstName = newFirstN
public PersonBuilder setNewMiddleName(String newMiddleName) {
this.newMiddleName = newMiddleN
public PersonBuilder setNewSalutation(String newSalutation) {
this.newSalutation = newS
public PersonBuilder setNewSuffix(String newSuffix) {
this.newSuffix = newS
public PersonBuilder setNewStreetAddress(String newStreetAddress) {
this.newStreetAddress = newStreetA
public PersonBuilder setNewCity(String newCity) {
this.newCity = newC
public PersonBuilder setNewState(String newState) {
this.newState = newS
public PersonBuilder setNewIsFemale(boolean newIsFemale) {
this.newIsFemale = newIsF
public PersonBuilder setNewIsEmployed(boolean newIsEmployed) {
this.newIsEmployed = newIsE
public PersonBuilder setNewIsHomeOwner(boolean newIsHomeOwner) {
this.newIsHomeOwner = newIsHomeO
public Person createPerson() {
return new Person(newLastName, newFirstName, newMiddleName, newSalutation, newSuffix, newStreetAddress, newCity, newState, newIsFemale, newIsEmployed, newIsHomeOwner);
package dustin.
* Person class used as part of too many parameters demonstration.
* @author Dustin
public class Person
private final String lastN
private final String firstN
private final String middleN
private final S
private final S
private final String streetA
private final S
private final S
private final boolean isF
private final boolean isE
private final boolean isHomewO
public Person(
final String newLastName,
final String newFirstName,
final String newMiddleName,
final String newSalutation,
final String newSuffix,
final String newStreetAddress,
final String newCity,
final String newState,
final boolean newIsFemale,
final boolean newIsEmployed,
final boolean newIsHomeOwner)
this.lastName = newLastN
this.firstName = newFirstN
this.middleName = newMiddleN
this.salutation = newS
this.suffix = newS
this.streetAddress = newStreetA
this.city = newC
this.state = newS
this.isFemale = newIsF
this.isEmployed = newIsE
this.isHomewOwner = newIsHomeO
public static class PersonBuilder
private String nestedLastN
private String nestedFirstN
private String nestedMiddleN
private String nestedS
private String nestedS
private String nestedStreetA
private String nestedC
private String nestedS
private boolean nestedIsF
private boolean nestedIsE
private boolean nestedIsHomeO
public PersonBuilder(
final String newFirstName,
final String newCity,
final String newState)
this.nestedFirstName = newFirstN
this.nestedCity = newC
this.nestedState = newS
public PersonBuilder lastName(String newLastName)
this.nestedLastName = newLastN
public PersonBuilder firstName(String newFirstName)
this.nestedFirstName = newFirstN
public PersonBuilder middleName(String newMiddleName)
this.nestedMiddleName = newMiddleN
public PersonBuilder salutation(String newSalutation)
this.nestedSalutation = newS
public PersonBuilder suffix(String newSuffix)
this.nestedSuffix = newS
public PersonBuilder streetAddress(String newStreetAddress)
this.nestedStreetAddress = newStreetA
public PersonBuilder city(String newCity)
this.nestedCity = newC
public PersonBuilder state(String newState)
this.nestedState = newS
public PersonBuilder isFemale(boolean newIsFemale)
this.nestedIsFemale = newIsF
public PersonBuilder isEmployed(boolean newIsEmployed)
this.nestedIsEmployed = newIsE
public PersonBuilder isHomeOwner(boolean newIsHomeOwner)
this.nestedIsHomeOwner = newIsHomeO
public Person createPerson()
return new Person(
nestedLastName, nestedFirstName, nestedMiddleName,
nestedSalutation, nestedSuffix,
nestedStreetAddress, nestedCity, nestedState,
nestedIsFemale, nestedIsEmployed, nestedIsHomeOwner);
Person.java (嵌套类Builder,自定义类型加参数对象)
package dustin.
* Person class used as part of too many parameters demonstration.
* @author Dustin
public class Person
private final FullN
private final A
private final G
private final EmploymentS
private final HomeownerStatus homeOwnerS
* Parameterized constructor can be private because only my internal builder
* needs to call me to provide an instance to clients.
* @param newName Name of this person.
* @param newAddress Address of this person.
* @param newGender Gender of this person.
* @param newEmployment Employment status of this person.
* @param newHomeOwner Home ownership status of this person.
private Person(
final FullName newName, final Address newAddress,
final Gender newGender, final EmploymentStatus newEmployment,
final HomeownerStatus newHomeOwner)
this.name = newN
this.address = newA
this.gender = newG
this.employment = newE
this.homeOwnerStatus = newHomeO
public FullName getName()
return this.
public Address getAddress()
return this.
public Gender getGender()
return this.
public EmploymentStatus getEmployment()
return this.
public HomeownerStatus getHomeOwnerStatus()
return this.homeOwnerS
* Builder class as outlined in the Second Edition of Joshua Bloch&#039;s
* &em&&/em& that is used to build a {@link Person} instance.
public static class PersonBuilder
private FullName nestedN
private Address nestedA
private Gender nestedG
private EmploymentStatus nestedEmploymentS
private HomeownerStatus nestedHomeOwnerS
public PersonBuilder(
final FullName newFullName,
final Address newAddress)
this.nestedName = newFullN
this.nestedAddress = newA
public PersonBuilder name(final FullName newName)
this.nestedName = newN
public PersonBuilder address(final Address newAddress)
this.nestedAddress = newA
public PersonBuilder gender(final Gender newGender)
this.nestedGender = newG
public PersonBuilder employment(final EmploymentStatus newEmploymentStatus)
this.nestedEmploymentStatus = newEmploymentS
public PersonBuilder homeOwner(final HomeownerStatus newHomeOwnerStatus)
this.nestedHomeOwnerStatus = newHomeOwnerS
public Person createPerson()
return new Person(
nestedName, nestedAddress, nestedGender,
nestedEmploymentStatus, nestedHomeOwnerStatus);
最后2段代码列表展示了Builder构建对象的常见方法。实际上,《在Effective Java 第二版》第2条中就是用Builder来创建和销毁对象。此外,Builder能更简单地通过参数对象传递间接实现了一个非构造函数方法。在上面最后一段代码中,这些方法都接收了一些参数对象。诚然,即使使用了Builder构建参数对象还是比较枯燥的。但每一次Builder构建都是间接让非构造函数方法受益,因为参数对象使用确实有效减少了方法参数的数量。
package dustin.
* Full name of a person.
* @author Dustin
public final class FullName
private final Name lastN
private final Name firstN
private final Name middleN
private final S
private final S
private FullName(
final Name newLastName,
final Name newFirstName,
final Name newMiddleName,
final Salutation newSalutation,
final Suffix newSuffix)
this.lastName = newLastN
this.firstName = newFirstN
this.middleName = newMiddleN
this.salutation = newS
this.suffix = newS
public Name getLastName()
return this.lastN
public Name getFirstName()
return this.firstN
public Name getMiddleName()
return this.middleN
public Salutation getSalutation()
return this.
public Suffix getSuffix()
return this.
public String toString()
this.salutation + & & + this.firstName + & & + this.middleName
+ this.lastName + &, & + this.
public static class FullNameBuilder
private final Name nestedLastN
private final Name nestedFirstN
private Name nestedMiddleN
private Salutation nestedS
private Suffix nestedS
public FullNameBuilder(
final Name newLastName, final Name newFirstName)
this.nestedLastName = newLastN
this.nestedFirstName = newFirstN
public FullNameBuilder middleName(final Name newMiddleName)
this.nestedMiddleName = newMiddleN
public FullNameBuilder salutation(final Salutation newSalutation)
this.nestedSalutation = newS
public FullNameBuilder suffix(final Suffix newSuffix)
this.nestedSuffix = newS
public FullName createFullName()
return new FullName(
nestedLastName, nestedFirstName, nestedMiddleName,
nestedSalutation, nestedSuffix);
Address.java (使用Builder)
package dustin.
* Representation of a United States address.
* @author Dustin
public final class Address
private final StreetAddress streetA
private final C
private final S
private Address(final StreetAddress newStreetAddress, final City newCity, final State newState)
this.streetAddress = newStreetA
this.city = newC
this.state = newS
public StreetAddress getStreetAddress()
return this.streetA
public City getCity()
return this.
public State getState()
return this.
public String toString()
return this.streetAddress + &, & + this.city + &, & + this.
public static class AddressBuilder
private StreetAddress nestedStreetA
private final City nestedC
private final State nestedS
public AddressBuilder(final City newCity, final State newState)
this.nestedCity = newC
this.nestedState = newS
public AddressBuilder streetAddress(final StreetAddress newStreetAddress)
this.nestedStreetAddress = newStreetA
public Address createAddress()
return new Address(nestedStreetAddress, nestedCity, nestedState);
final Person person1 = new Person.PersonBuilder(
new FullName.FullNameBuilder(
new Name(&Dynamite&), new Name(&Napoleon&)).createFullName(),
new Address.AddressBuilder(
new City(&Preston&), State.ID).createAddress()).createPerson();
final Person person2 = new Person.PersonBuilder(
new FullName.FullNameBuilder(
new Name(&Coltrane&), new Name(&Rosco&)).middleName(new Name(&Purvis&)).createFullName(),
new Address.AddressBuilder(
new City(&Hazzard&), State.GA).createAddress())
final person = new Person(&#8220;Coltrane&#8221;, &#8220;Rosco&#8221;, &#8220;Purvis&#8221;, null, &#8220;Hazzard&#8221;, &#8220;Georgia&#8221;, false, true, true);
在提高代码可读性的同时,使用IDE提供的代码补全功能也更加容易。在与构造函数一起使用带来的更大优势在Josh Bloch的Effective Java第二版第2条中有详细阐述。
Builder会增加个类代码,这也意味着开发者在给类增加属性时有时会忘记给该属性添加支持的builder。为了克服这个问题,通常我会将builder嵌套到类中,这样可以很容易地发现哪个相关的builder需要更新。尽管忘记的风险依旧存在,但是这风险就像忘记给类的新属性增加 、 、 或其他类基于是所有属性的方法一样。
正如它名字表示的那样,Builder只是一个替代构造器的选择不能直接用于降低非构造函数方法的参数数量,但是结合参数对象的使用就能达到这一点。有关更多反对用Builder来进行对象构建的讨论可以参见 上的。
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