
汕头市金园实验中学、龙湖实验中学新生入学考试2011年 一、 语音、词汇、句型 (一)判断下列单词有几种发音,用ABCD表示1234种,将答案写在括号里。(5%) ( )1、A、use
( )2、A、fine
D、it ( )3、A、home
D、come ( )4、A、bed
D、student ( )5、A、class
D、banana (二)根据上下文或首字母填入单词,使句子合理通顺。(每空一词)(15%) 1)Sarah w
in Harbin winter . 2)Look! Bailing and John
home. 3)--W
sweater is this ? CIt’s your baby b
. 4)Good morning !Here’s the w
.It’s sunny today . 5)A panda comes from C
bamboo. 6)---What does your mother do ?
for the bank . (三)根据图片所示,补全对话,使对话合理、通顺。一格一词。(9%) A、Excuse me !Is there a clothes shop
B、Yes,there is . A、How can I get there? B、It’s easy. Go east and then you can see a
,and then go
You can see a clothes shop .It’s
your help . B、You are welcome .
(四)句型转换。按括号要求改写句子。 1、My leg hurts (依答语写出问句)
2、Which season do you like best ?(改为同义句)
3、It’s small (就画线部分提问)
4、The park is so big !(改为感叹句) What
5、What can I do for you ? (改为同义句)
6、You can’t open the door .(改为祈使句)
(五)选择填空,请将最佳选项的序号填在括号里。(15%) (
their teacher tall and thin ? (A、do B、are C、is) (
)2、A sperm whale eats
and it can
A、seals,jump out of water
B、squid , dive
C、birds , dive (
)3、---Can tigers really
can. A、swimming,it
C、swam ,she (
)4、---How is everybody doing ,children? ---
A、Just fine
B、Everybody is reading books
C、We are reading books (
)5、Were you in London last year ? No,I
(A、wasn’t B、weren’t C、didn’t) (
on that day ? (A、 Did,go to swim B、Do,go swim C、Did,went swimming (
)7、Tomorrow is Tuesday,so,yesterday is
。 A、 Wednesday B、Sunday
C、Monday (
)8、---When is Women’s Day?---It’s
(A、on March 8th
B、in March 8th
C、on 8th March
this morning ?---I am going hiking
(A、are,going to do
C、do do) (
)10、Now let me
your backpack
(A、helping for
C、help,for) (
are your feet ? ----I wear size 6.(A、big
C、long ) (
)12、---What would you like
dinner ?----I’d
to eat pizza。 (A、 for ,want
B、at ,like
C、for ,like ) (
)13、Look!The sheep
with the deer . (A、playing
B、are playing
C、is play) (
him ,because he is friendly . (A、like
C、to like ) (
)15、The blue ruler is 20 cm long .The red one is 30 cm. So the red one is
than the blue one.
(A、longer 10 cm
B、10 cm shorter
C、10 cm longer ) 二、情景交际及生活运用。(15%) (一)右图是一部手机的显示屏,请仔细观察并回答问题。(5%) 1、What day is it today ?
2、What’s the date today ?
3、What time is it ?
4、Can we listen to music with it ?
5、What else can we do with this cell phone ?
(二) 根据情景写句子。(10%) 1)“六一”儿童节那天你和妹妹玩的很开心,你告诉同学
5)Tom 的叔叔是一位老师,你想知道他教什么科目,你问Tom
三、阅读理解与书面表达。32% (一)阅读对话,完整回答问题。(4%) 1)A:Where did you go on your holiday ,John?
B: Guess . The place is in the west of China .It’s known for its grapes, melons and pears . People there are very good at singing and dancing . ------Question :Where did John go on the holiday ? -----
2)Ann and Amy are sisters . Ann is 38 kg and 160 cm tall .Amy is 36 kg and 150cm tall. ------Queation: Who is thinner ? ----
(二)阅读描写太阳的短文,按时间顺序排序。(6%) (
)Every morning , we see the sun come up .
)It gives light and heat to help us see and keep us warm . (
)After that , we can see it in the sky all day . (
)Every afternoon , we see the sun go down . (
)Soon it will be time to sleep . (
)When the sun sets ,it gets dark outside . (三)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。(14%) (A)The Story of the Umbrella
When do you use an umbrella ? On rainy days , of course! Well , not if you lived a very long time ago. People usesd umbrellas only on sunny days . The word umbrella means shade (遮光物,遮挡) .An umbrella would shade you from the sun . It is always in a shade of tree . A tree shades you from the sun. The first umbrellas were made of paper . That’s why umbrellas were just for sunny days , not rainy days. At first only kings carried umbrellas . Umbrella made them look important .Later ,women started carry them . They used them as from the sun .A hat on a stick (棍子)was even used as an umbrella . Then, in England ,people put oil on paper umbrellas ,so that they can use them in the rain ,too. Umbrellas are now used around the world . They are used by men and women .Umbrellas keep people dry in rainy days . But they could still shade you on a sunny day ,if you want them to ! 判断下列信息是否正确,在括号里用T或F表示正误。 (
)1、People used umbrellas only rainy days long long ago. (
)2、A tree and an umbrella can shade us from the sun. (
)3、The word “umbrella” means “tree”. (
)4、The first umbrellas was made of paper and oil. (
)5、People even used a hat on a stick as an umbrella. (
)6、Now people can use umbrellas on rainy days or on a sunny day .
Mr.and Mrs.king don’t often go out in the evening . But todays Mrs king says to her husband, “There’s a good film at the cinema this evening .Can we go and see it ?” Mr.King is happy about it . So they go to see the film .They have a good time . They come out of the cinema at 11:00 o’clock .They get into their car and drive home . On the way ,Mrs.King says, “Look! A woman is running along the road very fast and a man is running after her .Can you see them ?” Mr.King says,“Yes.” He drives the car slowly near the women and says to her . “Can we help you ?” “No, thanks .” The woman says ,but she doesn’t stop running . “My husand and I always run home after the cinema and the last one washes the dishes at home . 根据短文内容回答问题,把选项填入左边括号里。(8%) (
)1、Mr.and Mrs.King go out one evening because
.A、they don’t often go out
B、they want to see a film . C、they like to run home D、they want to drive. (
)2、Mr.King wants to
A、help the woman
B、looks at the woman
C、run on the road
D、drive slowly
)3、The woman
.A、wants to get up
B、runs for run
A、 doesn’t want to do the dishes . D、wants to wash dishes . (
)4、Mr.and Mrs.King
give help . A、can
C、don’t have to
D、is afraid to
(四)书面表达:小学阶段你一定参加过很多次大扫除吧!What did you do?How did you feel ?请以A Clean Up 为题写写你和同学们最近的一次大扫除的情况。(要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,书写工整,不少于50个单词。)(8%)
 汕头市金园实验中学龙湖实验中学2013年语文新生入学考试卷_六年级语文_语文_小学教育_教育专区。汕头市金园实验中学龙湖实验中学2013年语文新生入学考试卷祝...  汕头市金园实验中学 汕头市龙湖实验中学密原毕业 2007 年初一新生入学考试 英学校 语 2007 年 6 月 30 ――― 分钟) (全卷 100 分,测试时间为 50 分钟) ...  汕头市2008年金园实验中学、龙湖实验中学入学试卷_六年级英语_英语_小学教育_教育专区。2008 年密毕业学校 金园实验中学 新生入学考试龙湖实验中学 英――― 语三 ...  2008 年密毕业学校 ――― 金园实验中学 龙湖实验中学 新生入学考试 英题 次得分封 得分 评卷员 语三 总分 2008 年 6 月 (全卷 100 分,测试时间为 50 分...  金园实验中学 汕头市龙湖实验中学密毕业学校 2009 年新生入学考试 (B) ) 英――― 语三 总分 2009 年 6 月 28 日 分钟) (全卷 100 分,测试时间为 50 ...  年金园实验中学数学 数学入学考试卷 2005 年金园实验中学数学入学考试卷一、填空...汕头市金园龙湖实验中学... 4页 1下载券 汕头市金园实验中学2007... 4页 2...  2015届金园实验初三入学考试语文卷_中考_初中教育_教育专区。汕头市金园实验中学
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  中国经济导报 中国发展网 石培璋 聂金秀 记者罗勉 5月8日,汕头市龙湖实验中学举行高规格的隆重表彰大会,对在征战2017VEX世界机器人锦标赛中勇夺第四名,于近日载誉归来的参赛师生团队予以表彰。  汕头市龙湖实验中学代表队的吴大卫、刘志怀、高子略、张梓瀚等4名同学,在此次参赛中表现出色,夺得第四名的优异成绩。据了解,机器人科技教育是汕头市龙湖实验中学的一大特色教育。截止目前,在汕头市龙湖实验中学参与学习、钻石机器人科技实践的学生人数累计数百人(次);从2013年起,该校师生连续4年夺得全国青少年机器人竞赛综合技能组别的冠军。
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