
新绿是什么意思 新绿在线翻译 新绿什么意思 新绿的意思 新绿的翻译 新绿的解释 新绿的发音 新绿的同义词 新绿的反义词 新绿的例句
新绿 双语例句1. 1. 当耕牛遍地跑时,我看到黑土地上的土坷垃被翻了身,即将变成一垄垄的新绿和期盼。&&&&When the cattle ran over and over when I saw the black soil of the earth Ke La has been flipped about to become a new green ridge ridge and expectations.2. 2. 另外,在八甲田山,除观赏春天的新绿和秋日的红叶之外,还可以乘坐空中索道车一边欣赏眼底美丽的树海,一边作 10 分钟左右的空中漫游,或者漫步在散步小道上享受自然之美。&&&&Mt. Hakkoda-san also features fresh green plants in spring and orange- and gold-tinted leaves in autumn. There is a ropeway, on which you can enjoy the views of woodlands for 10 minutes, as well as other walkways where you can go for walks.3. 3. 否则,阿特柔斯之子,这将是你最后一次霸道横行!这里,我有一事奉告,并要对它庄严起誓,枝叶,因为它已永离了山上的树干;它也不会再抽发新绿,因为铜斧已剥去它的皮条,剔去它的青叶。现在,阿开亚人的儿子们把它传握在手,按照宙斯的意志,维护世代相传的定规。所以,这将是一番郑重的誓告:将来的某一天,阿开亚人的儿子们,是的,全军将士都会&&&&Therefore I say, and swear it with a great oath- nay, by this my sceptre which shalt sprout neither leaf nor shoot, nor bud anew from the day on which it left its parent stem upon the mountains- for the axe stripped it of leaf and bark, and now the sons of the Achaeans bear it as judges and guardians of the decrees of heaven- so surely and solemnly do I swear that hereafter they shall look fondly for Achilles and shall not find him.4. 这样的老槐树,不适合生在皇家园林,也不适合长在官宦人家的庭院里,那是留给娇气的树们的,它喜欢生长在豫南山区某个偏僻的角落里,那里是它的天堂——一头反刍的黄牛,两座寂静的农舍,在村口,在满地嫩芽的新绿之中。&&&&This old tree, not suitable for students in the Royal gardens, officials are not suitable for long in other people's yard, it is left to the tree's effemination it like growing up in a remote mountainous area of Henan province in a corner and there is It's paradise - a ruminant of cattle, two quiet farmhouse in the village, in Montreal, the new green shoots of.5. 当突然看到一缕新绿,又看到落红的印象,一切又那么的灿烂,那么的耀眼。&&&&An exhalation is fresh and green tender shoot, The one falls into brown Huang's flower petal.6. 新绿的翻译6. 中译本,陈新绿译(1994)《谈病说痛:人类的受苦经验与痊愈之道》。&&&&The illness narrativse: suffering.7. 新绿的翻译7. 在山,这是在夏天新绿野生纠结成一个广泛延伸到波托马克平原debouched斜坡。&&&&The slope of the hill, which was a wild tangle of verdure in summer, debouched into a wide plain extending to the Potomac.8. 8. 树下的灌木丛中,浓郁的虬枝苍叶的缝隙间生出几抹新绿,散发着迷离的金绿色,恰似小姑娘发髻上那鲜妍活泼的发卡。&&&&Under a tree in the bush, Chi Qiu cubeba strong gap between the leaves give birth to tens of wiping the new green, gold circulated a blurred green, like the hair on that girl issuing lively.9. 我带一篮新绿,春天是代理鄯善过去了。&&&&I carry a basket of new greenery, spring is acting Shanshan gone.10. 10. 我流经山谷,看过鸟语花香;我走过草地,听过虫鸣蛙鼓;我走过篱落,看过枝头的第一抹新绿;我汇入泉源,化作飞泉瀑布,给峰峦梳洗打扮;我汇入江河,化作浪花朵朵,给岸边的岩石唱起动听的情歌;我汇入湖泊,化作温柔的碧波,和青山一起,共同迎接日出月落;最后,我来到你面前,等待你的接纳,我想你是海,你一定不会因我的渺小而拒绝我的到来。&&&&Though valley, I`ve g crossing the meadow, I` over the fencing, I`ve spot a wash of fresh greenness. Flowing into streams, I`ve been flying spring stream and waterfall to freshen ridges and peaks up. mingling in rivers to be fleecy waves with songs for smiles of rocks
walking into lakes to gentle waves with green montains for the coming of sun, up and down. finally, I came to you, waiting for your embracing, for you`re my longing sea, so you`ll certainly not repudiate me.11. danci.911cha.com11. 我流经山谷,看过鸟语花香;我走过草地,听过虫鸣蛙鼓;我走过篱落,看过枝头的第一抹新绿;我汇入泉源,化作飞泉瀑布,给峰峦梳洗打扮;我汇入江河,化作浪花朵朵,给岸边的岩石唱起动听的情歌;我汇入湖泊,化作温柔的碧波,和青山一起,共同迎接日出月落;最后,我来到你面前,等待你的接纳,我想你是海,你一定不会因我的渺小而拒绝我的到来。&&&&&&I flow by valleys seeing birds sing and flowers rad I walk by grassplot hearing insects and frogs sing. I walk by fencing seeing the first verdure on top of twigs. I flow into wellspring and become cliffside waterfalls to wash and dress I flow into rivers and become sprays to sing fair-sounding love songs for the rocks on the shores. I flow into lakes and become blue soft waves to be stay together with green hills to receive sunrising and moondown. Finally, I come to you to wait for your acceptance.12. danci.911cha.com12. 我流经山谷,看过鸟语花香;我走过草地,听过虫鸣蛙鼓;我走过篱落,看过枝头的第一抹新绿;我汇入泉源,化作飞泉瀑布,给峰峦梳洗打扮;我汇入江河,化作浪花朵朵,给岸边的岩石唱起动听的情歌;我汇入湖泊,化作温柔的碧波,和青山一起,共同迎接日出月落;最后,我来到你面前,等待你的接纳,我想你是海,你一定不会因我的渺小而拒绝我的到来。&&&&&&I flow through valley, once seeing birds'twitter and I walk through lawn, once listenning to insect 鸣 I walk through a hedge to fall, once seeing the head first I remit source, turning to make to fly spring waterfalls, washing face and combing hair foppery
I remit river's river, turning to make a wave blossom, giving the rock of near the bank sing to start to l I remit lake, turning to make gentle and soft bluish green wave, with green mountain together, the common ccolade Finally, I arrive at your in front, waiting for you accepting, I think you are a sea, you can't certainly because of my infinitesimal but the arrival of turn me down.13. 于是,抹一层新绿在上面,使小路袒露的肩臂增添一袭新妆。&&&&&&As a result, wiping a layer of green on top, so wearing a path to add new Jianbi bare of makeup.14. 院里的树木正在发芽,有的已经看得出努力绽出的一些新绿,还有蝴蝶和蜜蜂也在像他们一样忙碌着。&&&&&&The tree in the courtyard is sprouting, some has looked reach effort bursts a few verdancy that go out, still butterfly and bee also are in busy like them.15. 那安宁的街道,沐浴在树木发芽的新绿当中。&&&&&&Its tranquil streets, bathed in the lambent green of budding treesJames C.16. 感恩,为树木的新绿,为天空湛蓝的梦想,为一切自然的、无限的、对的——ee cummings&&&&&&For the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.~ee cummings17. 17. 沉寂了多年以后,著名的自由社会主义党(它是新绿党的成员的主要来源之一)把这个话题提到了议事日程。&&&&&&After many years of silence, it was the former PDS, the Party of Democratic Socialism, one of the main sources of members of the new LEFT-Party, which put this topic back on the political agenda.18. 18. 春来一片新绿,秋天满山红叶,冬有北国雪景,碧绿清澈的湖水映出这些各具特色的四季应时的自然风貌,充满了神秘美。&&&&&&Lake Towada-ko reflects the four seasons in its clear blue water accentuated by the fresh green of spring, autumn leaves, and the snow in winter, giving the lake a mysterious beauty.19. 这里春有新绿,秋有红叶,尤其是冬天,雾水结在树木上冻成的雾淞更是美丽动人,吸引着众多的滑雪爱好者。&&&&&&The fresh greenery in spring and colored leaves in autumn are magnificent sights, and the mysterious shapes of trees covered with frozen fog, in particular, attract many skiers in winter.20. 没过多久,无花果就绽放出新绿,在枝与叶片中间,长出一些翠绿豆状的小球,我知道那肯定是无花果了。&&&&&&Not long after, fig on the blooming of a new green branches and leaves in the middle, grow some green beans Chui ball-like, I know it is a fig.新绿是什么意思,新绿在线翻译,新绿什么意思,新绿的意思,新绿的翻译,新绿的解释,新绿的发音,新绿的同义词,新绿的反义词,新绿的例句,新绿的相关词组,新绿意思是什么,新绿怎么翻译,单词新绿是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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