kof97 romEZ上 遇见一个 小草 只要被他的小草打倒地...

1,Duzroeg fawhndat(mwhndat) mbin daengz najconghcung gou
ciengqfwen liux,mbin bae moq lo.
Mbawhenj fawhliengz(mwhliengz) ndi miz maz ndei
ciengq,gyangznaek mbat ndeu ndwi,doek youq gizde.
Stray birds of summer come to
my window to sing and fly away.
And yellow leaves of autumn,
which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.
2,Gyoengq bouxbanh coijiq gwnzbiengz neix ha,cingj ce
rizdin sou youq ndaw saw gou.
  O troupe of little
vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my
3,Seiqgyaiq youq doiqnaj bouxgyaez duet gaiq ngeg
gvangqlangh de ok lo.
bienq iq gvaq,iq lumj diuz fwen ndeu,iq lumj mbat doxcup
ciengxlwenx ndeu.
  The world puts off its
mask of vastness to its lover.
becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.
4,Dwg raemxda
“Namh”hawj riuunq de ciengxlwenx oiq ndi rox
  It is the tears of the
earth that keep here smiles in bloom.
5,Gij ndoengsa gvangqluhluh haenx haenqrengz bae gyaep
faenh gyaez mbaw rum heu ndeu,hoeng rumzheu ngauz ngauz gyaeuj,riu
hwnj daeuj,mbin bae lo.
  The mighty desert is
burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and
laughs and flies away.
6,Langh loeng gvaq daengngoenz liux raemxda mwngz cix
roengz,yienghneix mwngz hix yaek loeng gvaq ndaundeiqgyoengq
  If you shed tears when
you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.
7,Raemxlae diuqfoux ha,gyoengq namhsa gwnz roen mwngz
siengjaeu fwen duh mwngz,lae duh mwngz ne.Mwngz nyienh daiq namhsa
ga’gvez caemh roengz bae le?
  The sands in your way
beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. will you carry
the burden of their lameness?
8,Naj hwngq de lumj fwn gyanghaemh ne,gauxca fangzhwnz
Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at
9,Miz mbat ndeu,raeuz loq raen vunz lai boux mij rox naj
Raeuz singj liux,dauq rox raeuz lij doxgyaez.
  Once we dreamt that we
were strangers.
wake up to find that we were dear to each other.
10,Naemjyou youq ndaw sim gou caem roengz bae,cingq lumj
fuemx youq ndaw ndoeng caem ne.
  Sorrow is hushed into
peace in my heart like the evening among the silent
11,Miz mbangj lwgfwngz naeq ndi raen,lumj rumzhoih
gikgyangqgyangq ne,cingq youq ndaw sim gou,guh ok singfwen
  Some unseen fingers,
like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the
12,“Raemxhaij ha,mwngz cam duzmaz?”
“Dwg ngeiz
“Gwnzmbwn ha,mwngz han
“Dwg caem
What language is thine, o sea?
The language of eternal question.
What language is thy answer, o sky?
The language of eternal silence.
13,Nyi,sim gou ha,dingq
“seiqgyaiq”gangjsebseb,neix dwg de doiq mwngz biujok gyaez
  Listen, my heart, to
the whispers of the world with which it makes love to
14,Yaem ciq lumj laep gyanghaemh——Hungmbwk lai.Hoeng ngaeuz gaiqrox dauq lumj mok
gyanghaet ndwi.
  The mystery of
creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.delusions of
knowledge are like the fog of the morning.
15,Gaej naeuz dat sang cix hawj gyaez mwngz naengh youq
  Do not seat your love
upon a precipice because it is high.
16,Haetneix gou naengh youq
najconghcung,“Seiqgyaiq”lumj boux vunz gvaq roen ndeu,daengx yaep ndeu,coh
gou ngaek ngaek gyaeuj liux cix byaij bae moq lo.
  I sit at my window
this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment,
nods to me and goes.
17,Gyoengq rumzhoih neix dwg sing mbawheu hongzrara
gyoengq de youq ndaw sim gou angqrotrot doxgangj ne.
  There little thoughts
they have their whisper of joy in my
18,Mwngz yawj ndi raen dahraix duh mwngz, mwngz yawj raen
gijde,cij dwg ngaeuz duh mwngz.
What you are you do not see, what you see is your
19,Cawj ha,gyoengq maqmuengh gou ngawz lai lai ha,gyoengq
de cab youq ndaw fwen mwngz hemq ne.
Hawj gou nyi ndwi ba.
  My wishes are fools,
they shout across thy song, my master.
Let me but listen.
20,Gou mij ndaej genj gij ndei liux de.
Dwg gij ndei liux de genj gou.
  I cannot choose the
  The best chooses
21,Gyoengq vunz aemq daeng coq gwnz mbaq haenx,dawz ngaeuz
gyoengq de ingj haeuj& baihnaj gyoengq de
  They throw their
shadows before them who carry their lantern on their
22,Gou youq,cix dwg gaiq saehvaeng ciengxlwenx ndaw mingh
ndeu,neix couh dwg gvaqngoenz.
  That i exist is a
perpetual surprise which is life.
23,“Dou,mbawfaex hongzsasa,gyonj miz sing hongz hoiz
fwnraq rumzhaenq,hoeng mwngz dwg byawz ne,yienghneix
“Gou dwg duj myok ndeu
"We, the rustling leaves, have
a voice that answers the storms, but who are you so silent?
"I am a mere flower. "
24,Yietnaiq gvihaeuj guhhong,cingq lumj rongzda gvihaeuj
  Rest belongs to the
work as the eyelids to the eyes.
25,Vunz dwg boux lwgnyez ngamq seng ndeu,rengz de cix dwg
rengz maj.
  Man is a born child,
his power is the power of growth.
muengh raeuz boiz cingzeiq de
cix dwg, youq gij myok(va) de soengq hawj raeuz haenx,dauq ndi dwg
daengngoenz caeuq namh.
  God expects answers
for the flowers he sends us, not for the sun the earth.
27,Rongh lumj boux lwgnyez lenghgengz(lohlingh) ndeu,youq
ndaw mbawheu angqrotrot guhcaemz,de aemj rox vunz rox
  The light that plays,
like a naked child, among the green leaves happily knows not that
man can lie.
28,Ha,gyaeu’ndei ha,youq ndaw gyaez ra bonjfaenh mwngz ba,gaej
bae ndaw gingq bungjbauq mwngz ra ha.
  O beauty, find thyself
in love, not in the flattery of thy mirror.
29,Sim gou dongj raemxlangh de youq gwnz haenzhaij
“seiqgyaiq”,caemj raemxda youq gwnzde raiz coenzgeiq duh
de:“Gou gyaez(maij) mwngz.”
  My heart beats her
waves at the shore of the world and writes upon it her signature in
tears with the words, "i love thee."
30,“Ronghndwen ha,mwngz caj duzmaz
“Yaek dap eiqgingq hawj
aen daengngoenz gou itdingh deng nyingh roen hawj de
Moon, for what do you wait?to salute the sun for whom i
must make way.
31,Faexheu maj daengz najconghcung gou lumjbaenz lajbiengz
ngoemx neix fat ok sing maqmuengh lo.
  The trees come up to
my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.
32,Haetromh duh bonjfaenh bohfax,de gag yawj daeuj hix
baenz moq.
  His own mornings are
new surprises to god.
33,Mingh aenvih aeugiuz duh
“seiqgyaiq”,cix ndaej ngaenzcienz de,aeuvih aeugiuz duh
gyaez,cix ndaej dij de.
  Life finds its wealth
by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of
34,Lajluengqdahhawq dauq ndi gyo’mbaiq doenghbaez de.
  The dry river-bed
finds no thanks for its past.
35,Duzroeg nyienh guh mbaw fwj ndeu.
Fwj nyienh guh duzroeg ndeu.
  The bird wishes it
were a cloud.
  The cloud wishes it
were a bird.
36,Raemxgienghdat ciengq naeuz:“Gou ndaej swyouz liux cix miz fwen
  The waterfall sing, "i
find my song, when i find my freedom."
37,Gou ndi ndaej gangj ok sim neix vihmaz yienghneix gag
Gwg gij siengjaeu iq de coj ndi aeu haenx,coj ndi rox
haenx, coj ndi geiq haenx.
  I cannot tell why this
heart languishes in silence.
  It is for small needs
it never asks, or knows or remembers.
38,Mehmbwk,youq seiz mwngz guhhongranz haenx,dinfwngz mwngz
cix ciengq hwnjdaeuj,cingq lumj raemxrij ndawbya doq ciengq doq
youq ndaw rin iq lae bae.
  Woman, when you move
about in your household service your limbs sing
  Like a hill stream
among its pebbles.
39,Daengngoenz vang gvaq gwnzhaij baihsae liux,cix soengq
leixgingq doeklaeng liux de hawj baihdoeng.
  The sun goes to cross
the western sea, leaving its last salutation to the
40,Gaej aenvih mwngz mij sek cix bae ndaq gaiqgwn duh
  Do not blame your food
because you have no appetite.
41,Faexndoeng lumjbaenz yaek biujok maqmuengh
ne,soh daengj hwnj bae,guhcaeg
yawj gwnzmbwn.
  The trees, like the
longings of the earth, stand atiptoe to peep at the
42,Mwngz yaeng yaeng riu,ndi riengz gou gangj coenz lawz
nauq,hoeng gou roxnyinh,vih gaiq neix,gou caj ndaej nanz lai
  You smiled and talked
to me of nothing and i felt that for this
  I had been waiting
43,Bya ndaw raemx rox
caem,dizduz gwnz namh rox gyuk,roegmbin hoeng
vunz dauq miz liux gij caem ndaw haij,gij gyuk gwnz namh,gij fwen
gwnz mbwn.
  The fish in the water
is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is
  But man has in him the
silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the
44,“Seiqgyaiq”youq gwnz yienzgimz sim lawq de saet gvaq bae,dwk
ok singfwen mbwng daeuj
  The world rushes on
over the strings of the lingering heart making the music of
45,De aeu fag rokyangj de guh bohfax de.
Rokyangj de hingz liux bonjfaenh de dauq sw lo.
  He has made his
weapons his gods.
When his weapons win he is defeated himself.
46,Bohfax youq ndaw ciq ra ok bonjfaenh de.
  God finds himself by
47,Raemhngaeuz dap gaiq ngeggomq de,caegcaeg,unqswnh,dawz
fouq din caem miz gyaez de,riengz youq laeng“Rongh”.
  Shadow, with her veil
drawn, follows light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of
48,Ndauqndeiqgyoengq mij lau yawj lumj ronghrib yienghde
The stars are not afraid to appear like
49,Gyo’mbaiq bohfax,gou aemj dwg aen loek gienz ndeu,dauq
dwg boux vunz lix deng gaemh youq laj loek ndeu.
  I thank thee that i am
none of the wheels of power but i am one with the living creatures
that are crushed by it.
50,Sim soemset,ndi gvangqlangh,de euqmaenz youq aen congh
ndeu,dauq ndi doengh.
The mind, sharp but not broad, sticks at every point but
does not move.
51,Duzyou mwngz sanq youq ndaw namhfaenx,neix ndaej
gangjmingz namhfaenx duh bohfax beij duzyou mwngz
You idol is shattered in the dust to prove that god's dust
is greater than your idol.
52,Vunz youq ndaw liggonq de ra ndi raen bonjfaenh de,de
youq ndaw liggonq de haenqrengz guh liux cix yawj raen bonjfaenh
  Man does not reveal
himself in his history, he struggles up through it.
53,Daenggingq aenvih daeng’vax heuh de guh beixbiuj liux cix ndaq
daeng’vax,hoeng daengz seiz ronghndwen ok daeuj
liux,daenggingq dauq riunyumqnyumq,heuh ronghndwen
guh——“Dah ndeigyaez duh gou,dahcej ndeigyaez duh
  While the glass lamp
rebukes the earthen for calling it cousin the
  Moon rises, and the
glass lamp, with a bland smile, calls her,---my dear, dear
54,Song raeuz lumj roeghaij caeuq raemxlangh doxnyangz
ityiengh,nyangz liux,gyawj liux.roeghaij mbin bae,raemxlangh
cung’oo lae deuz,song raeuz hix doxbiek lo.
  Like the meeting of
the seagulls and the waves we meet and come near.
  The seagulls fly off,
the waves roll away and we depart.
55,Hong gyangngoenz guh liux gvaq,yienghneix gou cix lumj
diuz ruziq daz youq gwnz haenzhaij ndeu,yaeng yaeng dingq sing
raemxlangh gyanghaemh diuqfoux.
  My day is done, and i
am like a boat drawn on the beach, listening to the dance-music of
the tide in the evening.
56,Mingh raeuz dwg mbwnsoengq,raeuz cijmiz soengq ok
mingh,het ndaej mingh.
  Life is given to us,
we earn it by giving it.
57,Raeuz giemhaw lai liux, raeuz het ndaej nem hungmbwk
  We come nearest to the
great when we are great in humility.
58,Roeglaej raen roeggungjcoz gingz riengbwn de,lau de
daeux ndi ndaej.
  The sparrow is sorry
for the peacock at the burden of its tail.
59,Gaej lau laemxlamh——sing ciengxlwenx guh neix ciengq.
  Never be afraid of the
moments--thus sings the voice of the everlasting.
60,Rumzhwx youq ndaw mij—roen ra roendinj liux,sawqmwh youh youq
“Guek mij miz
maz”daengx gij ra de lo.
  The hurricane seeks
the shortest road by the no-road, and suddenly ends its search in
the nowhere.
61,Youq ndaw cenj gou ndoet laeuj gou
ndingq haeuj cenj vunz bae,fugfauz gunjbobo neix cix haeujlaw liux
  Take my wine in my own
cup, friend.
  It loses its wreath of
foam when poured into that of others.
62,“Caezcup”vih doiq gij gyaez duh“Mij caez”,cang bonjfaenh guh gyaeundei bae.
  The perfect decks
itself in beauty for the love of the imperfect.
63,Bohfax doiq vunz gangj naeuz:“Gou yw mwngz,ndgou gyaez
mwngz,ndigah gou fad mwngz.”
  God says to man, "i
heal you therefore i hurt, love you therefore punish."
64,Gyo’mbaiq lwgfeiz hawj mwngz rongh,hoeng gaej lumz
boux vunz caeux daeng de,de ndwn youq gyanglaep ne.
  Thank the flame for
its light, but do not forget the lampholder standing in the shade
with constancy of patience.
65,Rum ha,din mwngz yienznaeuz iq,hoeng mwngz miz dieg
lajdin mwngz.                  
  Tiny grass, your steps
are small, but you possess the earth under your tread.
66,Myokoiq hai lupva liux,hemq naeuz:“Seiqgyaiq ndeigyaez ha,gaej reuq
  The infant flower
opens its bud and cries, "dear world, please do not
67,Bohfax dwgcaengz guekvuengzlaux,hoeng ndi rox mbwq duj
myok iq ndeu.
  God grows weary of
great kingdoms, but never of little flowers.
68,Loek lau sw,hoeng leixcaen ndi lau sw.
  Wrong cannot afford
defeat but right can.
69,Raemxgienghdat ciengq naeuz:“Danghnaeuz bouxhozhat aeu di raemx ndeu cix gaeuq
gvaq,gou dauq angqrotrot hawj raemx gou liux
瀑布歌唱道:“虽然渴者只要少许的水便够了,我却很快活地给与了我的全部的水。                                I give my whole water in joy,
  It is enough for the
70, Gyoengq rengz dawz myok angqrotrot ndek hwnj gwnzmbwn
bae haenx ndi rox daengx nauq,goekmboq de youq gizlawz
  Where is the fountain
that throws up these flowers in a ceaseless outbreak of
71,Van canghdwkfwnz cam faex aeu damvan.
Faex cix hawj de lo.
  The woodcutter's axe
begged for its handle from the tree.
  The tree gave
72,Laepmomj gadog neix gomq mok caeuq fwn liux,gou youq
ndaw mbwq ndawsim gou roxnyinh gyangznaek de lo.
  In my solitude of
heart i feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and
73,Cwnhcauh dwg cienzcaiz youq ndaw gyaeznaek seng ok
  Chastity is a wealth
that comes from abundance of love.
74,Mok,lumj cingzgyaez ne,youq gwnz sim byaibya
guhcaemz,hai ok gak cungj ngaeuzbienq gyaeundei daeuj.
  The mist, like love,
plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of
75,Raeuz yawj seiqgyaiq loek gvaq,dauq naeuz de lox
  We read the world
wrong and say that it deceives us.
76,Canghfwen—Rumzluengh,cingq ci gvaq haijciuz caeuq
ndoengfaex,ra fwen bonjfaenh de.
  The poet wind is out
over the sea and the forest to seek his own voice.
77,Moiz boux lwgnyez seng ok daeuj liux cix daiq miz
vahdaengq bouxsien naeuz:Bohfax lij caengz doiq vunz doeknaiq
saetmuengh liux.
  Every child comes with
the message that god is not yet discouraged of man.
78,Rum ra bouxbuenx gwnznamh de.
Faex ra mbwq gwnzmbwn de.
  The grass seeks her
crowd in the earth.
  The tree seeks his
solitude of the sky.
79,Vunz gag doiq bonjfaenh guh fai.
  Man barricades against
80,Sing mwngz,doihndei gou, cienq youq ndaw sim gou,lumj
sing ngon raemxhaij,cienq youq ndaw ndoenggoge caemrikrik de
我的朋友,你的语声飘荡在我的心里,象那海水的低吟声绕缭在静听着的松林之间。            Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like
the muffled sound of the sea among these listening
81,Gyoq lwgfeiz
ndawlaep ndi ndaej raen neix,dawz ndaundeiq guh feizmbaw
de,dauqdaej dwg duzmaz ne?
  What is this unseen
flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?
82,Hawj lix lumj myok fawhndat(mwhndat) hauhde
mwncupcup,dai lumj mbaw fawhliengz(mwhliengz) hauhde
  Let life be beautiful
like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.
83,Boux siengj guh vunzndei deBoux
gyaezvunz de raen dou ajvauvau.
  He who wants to do
goo he who loves finds the gate
84,Dai liux,lix liux,ndeu sanq baenz
Bohfax dai liux,cunghgyau cix hab baenz
  In death the many
in life the one becomes many.
  Religion will be one
when god is dead.
85,Canghyisuz dwg bouxyoux swyienz,ndigah de dwg hoiq
swyienz,hix dwg cawj swyienz.
  The artist is the
lover of nature, therefore he is her slave and her
86,“Mwngz liz gou gyae gij lai ne,mak
“Gou yo youq ndaw sim
mwngz ne,myok ha.”
“How far are you from
me, o fruit?”
“I am hidden in your
heart, o flower.
87,Aen maqmuengh neix cix vih bouxvunz youq haemhlaep ndaej
roxnyinh daengz,dauq youq gyangngoenz yawj ndi raen de.
  This longing is for
the one who is felt in the dark, but not seen in the
88,Raemxraiz doiq raemxdaemz naeuz:“Mwngz dwg aen raemxraizlaux youq laj mbawmbu
ndeu,gou dwg aen raemxraiz haemq iq youq gwnz mbawmbu
露珠对湖水说道;“你是在荷叶下面的大露珠,我是在荷叶上面的较小的露珠。”                                 “You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf,
i am the smaller one on its upper side。”Said the dewdrop to the lake.
89,Songzyangj hen raeh yangj, bonhfaenh de dauq rimhoz youq
  The scabbard is
content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the
90,Youq ndaw laep,“it”yawj baenz yiengh ndeu,youq
gyangrongh,“It”cix yawj baenz lai gyoengq.
  In darkness the one
in the light the one appears as
91,Namh baengh rum loh ok de daih hek ndei lai.
  The great earth makes
herself hospitable with the help of the grass.
92,Mbawheu dai caeuq lix cix aenvih rumzgeuj cienq rengz
lai,aen gvaengh cienq hung dem cix dwg gyoengq ndaundeiq gwnzmbwn
cienq hoih de.
  The birth and death of
the leaves are the rapid whirls of the eddy whose wider circles
move slowly among stars.
93,Yienzvi doiq seiqgyaiq naeuz:“Mwngz dwg duh gou.”
Seiqgyaiq couh dawz yienzvi gyaeng youq laj daengqvuengz
Gyaez doiq seiqgyaiq naeuz:“Gou dwg duh mwngz.”
Seiqgyaiq couh hawj gyaez miz gaiq swyouz ndeu youq ndaw
ranz de bae dauq.
  Power said to the
world, "you are mine."
  The world kept it
prisoner on her throne.
  Love said to the
world, "i am thine."
  The world gave it the
freedom of her house.
94,Moknaek lumjbaenz dwg maqmuengh duh lajmbwn.
caeu daengngoenz haeuj,hoeng daengngoenz dauq dwg siengjaeu duh
  The mist is like the
earth's desire.
  It hides the sun for
whom she cries.
95,Caem di ba,sim gou,gyoengq faex neix gyonj dwg
  Be still, my heart,
these great trees are prayers.
96,Gyuk yaepyet dauq riu fwen ciengxlwenx.
  The noise of the
moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.
97,Gou ngeix daengz ciuhwnq youq gwnz dahlae neix fouz miz
lix caeuq gyaez caeuq dai,dem gyoengq ciuh neix deng lumz bae,gou
couh roxnyinh daengz gij swyouz deuz ok lajmbwn neix lo.
  I think of other ages
that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are
forgotten, and i feel the freedom of passing away.
98,Dungxmbouq ndaw hoenz gou couh dwg gaengomq
Gaenqgomq neix caj youq gyanghaemh duet ok bae.
  The sadness of my soul
is her bride's veil.
  It waits to be lifted
in the night.
99,Rizgeiq dai hawHeuh de aeu mingh ma
cawx hoqndei dahraix de.
  Death's stamp gives
value making it possible to buy with life what
is truly precious.
100,Fwjhau giemhaw soengz youq geh mbwn.
Ronghhaet couh coengh de dap saekfwjbya.
  The cloud stood humbly
in a corner of the sky.
  The morning crowned it
with splendour.
101,Namh deng siedvi
liux,dauq aeu myok de ma bauqdap.
  The dust receives
insult and in return offers her flowers.
102,Cijguenj byaij roengz bae,gaej daengx youq neix mbaet
myok ma ce,aenvih youq gwnz roen,myok gag rox hai dem.
 & Do not linger to
gather flowers to keep them, but walk on, for flowers will keep
themselves blooming all your way.
103,Rag dwg ngeiq lajnamh.
Ngeiq dwg rag gwnzmbwn.
  Roots are the branches
down in the earth.
  Branches are roots in
104,Gij yinhyoz fawhndat(mwhndat) bae gyae gvaq
haenx,gvaenxgvax youq fawhliengz(mwhliengz),ra ngaeuzgaeuq
  The music of the
far-away summer flutters around the autumn seeking its former
105,Gaej youq ndaw daeh mwngz yoek ok goenglauz ciq hawj
doihndei mwngz,neix dwg hangz de.
  Do not insult your
friend by lending him merits from your own pocket.
106,Nyinh ngoenzhoengq nem youq gwnz sim gou,cingq lumj
daeuhraezloeg nem youq henzndang faexgeq.
  The touch of the
nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old
107,Singhap riu singgaeuq,aeuneix cix naeuz de dwg
  The echo mocks her
origin to prove she is the original.
108,Bouxmiz lwnh vunz naeuz de ndaej gaiq lok duh bohfax
linggag liux,bohfax dauq najmong lo.
 & God is ashamed when
the prosperous boasts of his special favour.
109,Gou ingj ngaeuz gou youq gwnz roen gou,aenvih gou lij
miz aen daengrongh ndeu caengz diemj dem.
  I cast my own shadow
upon my path, because i have a lamp that has not been
110,Vunz byaij haeuj ndaw vunzlai gunjsangzsangz de bae,cix
vih liux dumh gij hemq caem bonjfaenh de.
   Man goes into the
noisy crowed to drown his own clamour of silence.
111,Daengx youq lakmued cix dwg“Dai”,hoeng
“nduen”dauq daengx youq doxnauq(ciengxlwenx).
  That which ends in
exhaustion is death, but the perfect ending is in the
112,Daengngoenz daenj meh buh saek ndeu ndwi.Fwjhau dauq
goemq diuz gunz ronghsagsag ndeu.
  The sun has his simple
rode of light. the clouds are decked with gorgeousness.
113,Goengbya lumj gyoengq nyez ne hemqhuhu,yaengx song gen
gyoengq de,siengj bae gaeb ndaundeiq gwnzmbwn.
  The hills are like
shouts of children who raise their arms, trying to catch
114.Roen danghnaeuz ndaetndi,dauq mbwq lai,aenvih de ndi
deng vunz gyaez nauq.
  The road is lonely in
its crowd for it is not loved.
115,Yienzvi dawz gij mbaw henjdoek
caeuq mbaw fwjmbin gyonj riu de.
  The power that boasts
of its mischiefs is laughed at by the yellow leaves that fall, and
clouds that pass by.
116,Ngoenzneix lajmbwn youq lajrongh daengngoenz mboensaex
coq gou,lumj boux mehmbwk daemj rok ndeu,aeu cungj vah gaenq deng
lumz gvaq he,damz di fwen fawhnduj ndeu.
  The earth hums to me
today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ballad of the
ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
117,Rumheu maj youq aen seiqgyaiq hungmbwk neix ndi hoj
  The grass-blade is
worthy of the great world where it grows.
118,Fangzhwnz dwg boux baz itdingh aeu doxgangj
Ninz dwg boux gvan dingh dingh nyaenx ndeu.
  Dream is a wife who
must talk,
  Sleep is a husband who
silently suffers.
119,Haemh riengz ngoenz—gvaq doxcup,yaeng yaeng youq henzrwz de
naeuz:“Gou dwg dai,dwg meh mwngz.Gou yaek hawj mwngz
  The night kisses the
fading day whispering to his ear, i am death, your mother. i am to
give you fresh birth.
120,Haemhlaep ha,gou roxnyinh gyaeundei mwngz lo,gyaeundei
mwngz lumj boux caeuzyah dwggyaez ndeu,youq seiz de ndaep daeng bae
  I feel thy beauty,
dark night, like that of the loved woman when she has put out the
121,Gou dawz gij hoengh gwnz seiqgyaiq gaenq gvaq bae haenx
daiq haeuj gwnz seiqgyaiq gou daeuj.
  I carry in my world
that flourishes the worlds that have failed.
122,Doihndei ndeigyaez ha,gou dingh nyi langhhaij liux,gou
miz geij mbat youq ndaw fuenx laepcaem neix,youq gwnz haenzhaij
neix,rox gij caem uknaemj hungmbwk mwngz lo.
  Dear friend, i feel
the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on
this beach when i listen to these waves.
123,Roeg laihnaeuz dawz bya gingz youq gwnz mbwn cix dwg
cungj saeh simndei ndeu.
  The bird thinks it is
an act of kindness to give the fish a life in the air.
124,Haemh doiq daengngoenz naeuz:“Youq ndaw hai(ronghndwen),mwngz soengq saenqyoux
mwngz hawj gou gvaq.”
“Gou gaenq youq gwnz
nywjheu ce gij hoiz raemxda doek duh gou gvaq.”
 In the moon thou
sendest thy love letters to me,i leave my answers in tears upon the
125,Vunzhungmbwk dwg boux lwgnyez mbwn seng ndeu,de dai
liux,de cix dawz ciuh lwgnyez hungmbwk de soengq hawj
  The great is a born
when he dies he gives his great childhood to the
126,Aemj dwg loih dueb,dwg raemx riengz de ciengqfwen
diuqfoux,het hawj rinmaxluenx gyed bienq ndei liux.
  Not hammer-strokes,
but dance of the water sings the pebbles into
127,Duzrwi youq ndaw myok cup dangz,deuz bae liux
gyo’mbaiq ndi daengx nauq.
Duzmbaj vau lai dauq saenq myok wnggai
gyo’mbaiq de.
  Bees sip honey from
flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.
  The gaudy butterfly is
sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
128,Langh mwngz ndi caj leixcaencaez gangj ok daeuj
liux,yienghneix vahcaen gangj ok daeuj ngaih lai lai.
  To be outspoken is
easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.
129,“Ndaej”caem“Mij ndaej”naeuz:
“Mwngz youq dieg
hoiz naeuz:“Youq ndaw fangzhwnz gyoengq vunz guh ndi ndaej
  Asks the possible to
the impossible,
  Where is your
  In the dreams of the
impotent, comes the answer.
130,Langh mwngz dawz loeng gven youq rog dou liux,leixcaen
hix yaek deng gven youq baihrog lo.
  If you shut your door
to all errors truth will be shut out.
131,Gou ndaej nyi miz mbangj doxgaiq youq
baihlaeng dungxmbouq gou hongzcaca——Gou ndi ndaej yawj raen gyoengq de.
  I hear some rustle of
things behind my sadness of heart, ---I cannot see them.
132,Vangq doengh liux cix dwg hong.
Raemxhaijcaem doengh liux cix baenz
  Leisure in its
activity is work.
  The stillness of the
sea stirs in waves.
133,Mbawheu guhyoux liux cix baenz
Myok yawjnaek liux cix baenz mak.
  The leaf becomes
flower when it loves.
  The flower becomes
fruit when it worships.
134,Ragfaex moek youq lajnamh ndaej hawj ngeiq
faex miz mak,dauq ndi cam aeu hoqleix.
  The roots below the
earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful.
135,Laepmomj miz di fwn,rumz ci ndi daengx
Gou yawj ngeiqfaex bibuengq,ngeix daengz seiqgyaiq
lajmbwn neix hungmbwk lai.
  This rainy evening the
wind is restless.
  I look at the swaying
branches and ponder over the greatness of all things.
136,Fwnrumz gyanghwnz,lumj boux lwgnyezhung
ndeu,youq ndaw laep singj hwnj daeuj ndi doiq seiz,hainduj guhcaemz
caeuq hemq hwnj daeuj.
  Storm of midnight,
like a giant child awakened in the untimely dark, has begun to play
and shout.
137,Haij ha,mwngz boux bazmoq mbwq duh
fwnraqrumzhaenq neix ha,danghnaeuz mwngz gwenj raemxlangh hwnj bae
gyaep bouxyoux mwngz,hoeng ndi miz yungh ha.
  Thou raisest thy waves
vainly to follow thy lover, o sea, thou lonely bride of the
138,Saw doiq hong naeuz:“Gou najmong gou vangq lai.”
Hong doiq saw naeuz:“Gou raen mwngz liux,gou cix rox gou guhlawz hoengq
  I am ashamed of my
emptiness, said the word to the work.
  I know how poor i am
when i see you, said the work to the word.
139,Seiz dwg cienzngaenz bienq,hoeng ngangq(cung)
youq ndaw saw doxangq de cij hawj de dwg bienq dauq ndi miz
  Time is the wealth of
change, but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no
140,Leixcaen daenj buhvaq liux roxnyinh saehcaen
suksouj lai.
Youq ndaw ngaeuznaemj,de dauq baenq ndaej
  Truth in her dress
finds facts too tight.
  In fiction she moves
with ease.


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