
 ……玻璃摇下来,是个很帅的,像王志飞(图)……  从老家回搭的是去海南的便车,不好意思再麻烦人家进市区,在从化下了。  拉着行李,站在街边,叔叔打电话说来接我,的天气就是舒服,脱去外套还觉得热,家正下着白鹅毛般的大大雪。  一辆写着白云的天然色的士嗖的停在我面前,玻璃摇下来,是个很帅的,像王志飞,还留着点胡子,用广东话问我去哪里?我想他是带客来从化现在要回了,回头的,见我看着他不说话,他闪着动人的眼睛等着,天啊,那不是梁朝伟的销魂眼么?怎么长他那了。他见我没有反应,微笑着准备开走,我拉开后车门把包丢进去,自己也坐进去了。他呵呵的笑着驱动了车子,问我去哪里?三元里。“你从家里过年回来吧”。“是,你怎么知道?”又是一片呵呵。  不知道为什么特想看他笑的样子,该死的后视镜居然偏了,我挪了挪屁股,还是看不到。“大佬。我想坐前面”车停了,我高兴极了,拉开门,坐进去。对他笑笑,天啊那迷人的脸啊,醉死人啦。要是他是就好了,“哎,前面可以看风景啊,你怎么不提醒我。”他哈哈的笑着,口里说“毛孩子啊你”。我转过头对他认真的说“长了毛就不是孩子了,大哥”。他噗的哈哈哈的笑出声来,笑停了,说“有意思,多大了,小伙子。”我看着他,迟疑了一会说“23,1米七。60公斤”说完我立即看他的表情哈哈哈哈哈,他居然开始打量我,最后居然目光停在我裤裆上,我心里惊喜的跳着,才发现他坐台前放的全是哥哥张国荣的碟。  那也不能证明什么,我拿起一大堆碟片,哇,好家伙,居然有断背山主题曲!!我抽出来,说我想听这个,他楞了一下,放进去了,悠扬的美国乡村音乐想起,让我不禁想起死去的希斯·莱杰。沉沉的想睡。  电话想起,是姐夫,问我在哪。我说我打的在路上,他说料到我等不急,还好先打电话问了句。挂了电话,他说“有人接你,你还打的?”“这不是不想让你空车回么,按理啊你应该打折才行。”“哈哈哈哈,给你八折。”“六折。”“够黑的啊,你要是漂亮的女孩子,我还可以给你免费”。“那帅小伙就不值钱了”“嘿嘿,要看碰到谁了。”“碰到你”我死死的盯着他,他楞了一下,没有说话,车停了,是红灯。  “你是GAY?”“大佬,很明显,我都暴露好几次了。我想你也是。”呵呵,他居然憨笑,“天,还不好意思了,多大的人了”“刚才打电话的是你BF吧。”“切,我姐夫。”“你有么?”“没有”“喜欢啥样的?”“呵呵,年轻有活力的。你呢?”“你这样的。”他笑着伸过手在我后脑上轻轻拍了一下,“你个毛孩子。”“都说我长毛了,拔根给你看看?”哈哈哈哈,“还是个色毛孩子。”  到白云区了,“大哥,怎么称呼。”“枫”“枫哥,问你个问题?”“问。”“你那大么?”“你这小子,怎么这么直接”“问你呢?大么?”他转过英俊的脸,诡秘的笑着说“大白天的。你想干吗?”。“我想干吗就干吗”说着伸出手摸过去。老天啊,一团大大的。我按下去,那大家伙居然有了反应,弹起来,在我手里变大变热,我揉捏着,哇,,又大了,象发酵的馒头,他的呼吸急促了,恩的哼了一声,自己下面突的立的老高。妈的,红灯,我赶紧收回手,还好,闪的快,旁边停来了好几辆大车,一边等红灯不边四处张望着,赶紧拿大衣掩着。全在他眼里看着。又呵呵笑了,问我“怎么样,小色鬼”“受不了,我想看”“哈哈哈哈你当这是哪?这是大马路上,我开车呢。”“秋!”“呵呵已经到三元里了你住哪?”我探出头说“哎呀,已经过了几百米了”。我拉开门,拿上包。跑到窗口,拿出钱,他看着我,说“亲我一下”,我那个心啊,跳出来了,闭着眼凑过去狠狠蹦了一下,我的妈也,上辈子我积什么德了。  车嗖的开走了,留下我一张准备买单的手握着一张红红的票子。(Sophiea_zhou)
(water bottle)
第三方登录:Gay Guangzhou, Guangdong, Chinese Gay and Lesbian Resources in China by Utopia Asia - 乌同邦
of Service to Asia's
Gay & Lesbian Community!
Travel & Resources: GUANGZHOU
keep these listings current and correct. Special thanks to , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Wolf, Ricko, Stan and !
GUANGZHOU (Guangdong Province)-- area code +86-20
Guangzhou is a huge city, spread out along waterways that are lit at night by computerized laser and lighting shows. The pace of modernization has sped up in recent years, yet Guangzhou remains (for the time being) a treasure trove of traditional and period architecture, and a short walk off the beaten paths will reward the visitor with fascinating glimpses of the daily life of its 15 million residents (600,000 of whom are Utopians). Numerous coffee shops, boutiques and an extended subway system make this a tourist friendly.
Shamian Island is a tiny parcel of land packed with European heritage buildings and garden parks. It's a great vantage point for the nightly public light show and an easy and fun stroll. Don't be surprised if you are asked, "Are you adopting a baby?" here, as this seems to be where China's unwanted children, primarily female, find new and loving parents. It also explains why there are so many baby clothes shops tucked in beside the art galleries and tea houses.
There is a lot to see and do in Guangzhou, so you won't run out of activities on an extended stay.
for Guangzhou hotels and accommodations.
Xiaozhou Village
Way off the tourist circuit (at the moment) and difficult to find, but if you are a fan of traditional life and architecture, this small village of quaint canals and no cars has plenty of Ming Dynasty buildings preserved in their original state. You'll see clan halls, ancestral temples, wood carvings, craftsmen, locals playing mahjong by the winding tree-lined canals, and a home whose walls are made of oyster shells. There is even a village theater presenting Chinese operas in the evening. Artists have begun to relocate to this quiet haven and restoration and refurbishment for tourists is just beginning, so catch it soon before it becomes Disneyfied like so many of China's other famous water villages. Pay a local Y$20 (US$3) to give you a walking tour. Make sure your taxi knows the place or you'll never find it. About 35 minutes drive from downtown (under US$25 for the round-trip fair and waiting time). Ask your taxi driver to wait and take you back!
for Guangzhou bars and clubs.
for Guangzhou discos.
Total Fitness UTOPIAN VERIFIED APR 2015Zhonshan Qi Lu and Zhongshan Ba Lu
Full of hot guys looking for fun, morning, afternoons and evenings. Be discreet, the locker room attendants are watchful. Zhongsan Lu Total Fitness at Ximenkou (Line 1) Metro Exit A is large and plenty of room to cruise. Zhongshan Ba Total Fitness is cramped and overcrowded, however it has a closed floor plan of showers/sauna/steam-room/showers hidden for fun.
for Guangzhou massage and spas for men.
1/F facility in the big bookstore in the Sharp Bld
Chinese gays hang out looking for contacts. If you are reasonably discrete you can strike up conversations. A good place to meet middle class, educated gays. Subway stop there is Tiyu Xilu.
CITIC Plaza, Tian-He District
Facilities on each floor of the shopping plaza.
Dongfeng GuangChang swimming pool
Busy with gay men during the weekend when it's very sunny and especially on Sun from 2-4pm.
Eastern Place Residence (DongFeng GuangChang) swimming pool1 Dong Far St, 787 Dong Feng Dong Rd
Very clean outdoor swimming pool (Olympic size) in downtown. Check out the long-chair and shower when it is sunny. Good-looking PLU staff and customers. Mixed crowd. Be discreet.
Facilities next to (i.e. just under) the sports stadium at South China Normal University UTOPIAN VERIFIED APR 2012
A great place to meet guys. Busy from noon-midnight.
Intersection of Zhongshan 4th Rd and Cangbian RD.
Ji Nian Tang (underground station).
Pearl Riverside near White Swan Hotel.
Public facility halfway down Beijing Lu
Often features Utopian activity. Keep your wits about you and be aware that the facility is managed by some fairly bad tempered old cleaners who will definately hassle you if you are caught 'at it.' However, so many males of all tastes and descriptions pass through this place from dawn to dusk that contact is frequently possible, and some of the genuine guys are likeable and cute. Yet some unsavoury amateur MBs also seek out customers here. If you are trapped in a cubicle by a tough asking you for money when you hadn't agreed to any transaction, locals suggest you raise your voice and say meiyo loudly. The MB will not want to get caught in this venue, he'll be intimidated so you should be able to skedaddle. Obviously, it's always better to only make eye contact and, if the guy is genuine, follow him outside to make an arrangement to adjourn to a private place. And when you are later enjoying your friend's attentions, make sure all your valuables are safely out of reach. The current shortage of saunas and alternative venues in Guangzhou has made public facilities the available choice for many gays seeking casual contact. Locals
have noticed a big increase in such 'traffic' recently. Getting street-wise is essential to protect yourself here. UTOPIAN VERIFIED MAR 2012
Riverfront at Shamians near Lucy's restaurant
There are a small number of Chinese PLU cruising each other in the lunch hour. The facility there has gays popping in and out. Another facility is located near the foot of the overpass stairs on the other side of the main road which separates Shamian from the mainland. Take the small bridge over and walk left until you reach the last foot bridge that crosses the main road. The facility is on the left of the bottom of the stairs. A big traditional two-story Chinese style facility has little privacy but features a bit of come-hither flashing from the rough trade barrow guys and middle-aged tough guys from the local dried foods market on Qing Ping Lu. A different flavor here and all very keen to try western.
Shamian Tennis Court.
Ings Cafe Bar 2/F Junfeng Plaza, 12 Xingguo Rd, Zhujiang Newtown, 㑺峰商务中心,
Gay-owned café and bar featuring award winning bartender and chef. Located in the heart of Zhujiang Newtown CBD yet hidden away from the bustling noise of the city. Enjoy their specially concocted cocktails and devilishly devised desserts fresh from the oven. Wide selection of pizzas and pasta to choose from.
10% DISCOUNT off all food and beverages.
UTOPIA VERIFIED APR 2013110 Bao Lin Yuan, Hua Jiu Rd, Zhujiang New Town地址:广州市珠江新城华就路保林&#号,
G&L-friendly French restaurant serving authentic French food in the heart of Guangzhou's economic area (Zhujiang Xin Cheng).
10% DISCOUNT when you present your member card before asking for the bill.
Starbucks In the street on the right hand side of Garden Hotel
Popular with gays, including gay university students and gay Arab businessmen.
Tang Lee Food Art (Cantonese cuisine)Huasha Da Dao, Ru Yi Fang, Li Wan Hu Park,
This charming lake restaurant inside a city park serves good local food. You can just point at pictures and prices are clearly listed. Sit indoors, on the terrace or balcony, or in one of their charming floating boats with your special someone. Lots of veggie dishes and the usual mystery meats. The pigeon was actually excellent (like mini, crispy duck).
Wilber's Bar and Restaurant (European)
UTOPIAN VERIFIED AUG 201362 Zhusigang 2nd Rd62 号 竹丝岗二马路+86-20-, FAX ,
A renovated house turned into a brasserie with three floors of roomy dining and a barbeque terrace. The service is welcoming. They offer an eclectic menu of European cuisine. Great wine list and fabulous Martinis and Margaritas. A destination for gays and their friends. Open 5-11pm for dinner and until 3am at the bar. Gay-owned.
Number 9 Club (mixed)
UTOPIAN VERIFIED NOV 2013Near Guangzhou East Railway Station
As you exit the subway at Guangzhou East(Line 1), a large hotel should be on the opposite side of the street (same side as Ikea). Stay on the station side and walk past the station. To your left, just after the station, you will see a large tower with one of those huge, coldly glamorous lobbies the Chinese are fond of. The door staff will direct you to Number 9 Club on floors 4 to 7. One of the more interesting venues on the local gay social circuit although its a straight spa club and only about 5% of the patrons could be described as gay. Use a lot of discretion here (uniformed spa security patrol the corriders), but if you want to look at naked men swimming around in a large luxurious pool this could be your kind of scenery. It's a luxurious place and cheaper than most hotels. Entry fee includes buffet meals, free tea and coffee, basic sauna services and your overnight stay (massages are extra). Fairly standard massage and beauty treatments in a male-only spa area. On another floor there are sleeping cabins. Gay guys here indulge in a little shower play. All showers have closing doors for privacy. Several of the masseurs and attendants are definitely Utopians and are eager to offer their services. Staff are helpful and the place is extraordinarily clean. The whole place is much more gay in the afternoons and earlier part of the evening mid-week. The sleeping area is also much less patroled at these times. Occasionally a tasty young Arab or Russian guy pops in to add heat to the mix. Fri and Sat late nights are when piles of drunk heterosexuals crowd into the spa with their buddies and can get aggressive, so be discreet. This place may be buttoned down, but you can get an unforgettable glimpse into how today's upscale Chinese spend their leisure money.
Comments from Utopians:
has opened, phone number 189-. A 3-story venue with free Wifi, saunas (both dry and steam), KTV room, lounge, maze and dark rooms. It's quite popular now. Located quite near subway line 3 Dashi Station Exit D. Walk out exit D and you can see the traffic light. Walk across the intersection there, then continue go straight ahead about 100m. You will see a blue board with Chinese letters hanging on the branch of a tree. The building facing that tree on the right is where the gay sauna is
located." -- Win, Jun 9, 2016
Private Structure GZ Dynasty Mall
Sells sexy underwear for men.
Tiku Fuquianlu 11 (northwest of Peoples Park)
A small shop selling a good selection of intriguing underwear.
China Gay & Lesbian Resource Listings by City:
Phnom Pehn's gay men-only boutique hotel, spa, pool and restaurant...
BFFs at Phuket Pride 2017
With cheap air flights from around the region, Cambodia is more fun than ever!
All original content (c)
Utopia Asia - 乌同邦第三方登录:玩咩|广州最火爆嘅8家同志酒吧,嫑误入哦~
地址:近胜利酒店及德国领事馆中间, 沿江尽头


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