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去哪儿:携程在去哪儿低价订房再加价倒卖VS携程:此事为恶意炒作 近日,一则去哪儿炮轰携程倒卖客房赚差价的消息,又再次引发OTA(在线旅游平台)争夺酒店产品和市场份额的口水仗。昨日,携程网有关负责人在接受记者采访时表示,此事为竞争对手去哪儿的恶意
  业内人士分析指出,目前中小OTA采取的预付方式打破了携程一手建立起来的前台现付规则,或为此事的导火线之一。就其预计,今年价格战还会持续,但很难预计携程、去哪儿和艺龙等企业会投入多大的力度,毕竟价格战不是长久之计。(记者/韩祯)Where to go to: Carry Cheng where going to low orders a room to add VS of valence buy in and sell at a profit to carry Cheng again: This matter is baleful hype
Recently, where to go to first the message that cannon carries guest room of Cheng buy in and sell at a profit to earn price difference, cause OTA again again (online travel platform) the saliva that contends for hotel product and market share battles. Yesterday, the net that carry Cheng expresses when accepting a reporter to interview about chief, this matter is the baleful hype that where the competitor goes to, do not grant to respond to. And where to go to delivering relevant testimony to new wall bulletin, try to prove the net that carry Cheng stabs in the back in & really & .
Recently, where to go to releasing & to prevent a person of same business to be not normal competition urgent announcement & , inform an agent where to go to can be opposite partial phone and IP undertake screen is handled, ask agential & does not help unidentified identity user where going to issueing sheet, avoid accordingly by screen & .
   Say guest room of buy in and sell at a profit is normal inside course of study
Where to go to exploding a few days ago with the competitor that carries price war of Cheng dead knock all the time makings say, carry Cheng from where to go to purchasing low hotel, increase valence buy in and s Go where and the hearsay that clean out treasure criterion be involved in to be banned by collective of more than 300 hotel. To this, it is clear that the respect that clean out treasure says to had been not checked at present.
Yesterday, go related where in a mail that chief comes to to hair of new wall bulletin, the & evidence & of enumerate shows, the employee Zhang Mou that where goes to booked Shanghai Zhuo Meiya to be fond of Ma Laya hotel through carrying Cheng first one evening, the price is 1021 yuan, special tag special demand & to arrange a broadband as far as possible, arrange & of big bed room as far as possible.
Afore-mentioned going to where controller tells a reporter: After & checks order to generate, back-to-back move appeared in the system that where goes to the order that Shanghai Zhuo Meiya is fond of Ma Laya hotel, enter support of the people to enter a requirement exactly like, it is the contact became only consider a young lady. And the price is booked to be 880 yuan only in what where go to, carry Cheng to earn price difference with this. Does & carry Cheng whether can this kind of behavior contribute discharge? Where to go to saying: This cannot regard & as carried Cheng to bring where to go to discharge. Cheng Yin was carried to hide the brand of where in this process, did not let go where and client are contacted directly, the client also did not learn the value that where goes to offerring. &
Researcher of advisory IT industry is sent in king Ning Yuan tells a reporter, similar where to go to guest room by the case of buy in and sell at a profit not much, but exist all the time however, a lot of was not disclosed to come out just.
   Price war sequela is highlighted
King Ning Yuan points out, & goes carrying big fight & is one of & of sequela of & of OTA price war, where to go to adopting run a form to let carry Cheng & to take advantage under the market of price of person of the same trade greatly & , and carry Cheng to maintain industry monopoly position everywhere & bans & where to go to, it is where to go to jumping with & the mainest inducement that floor price & contends to it, both each other cannot be avoided duty.
Will begin July from last year, carry the Cheng, price war that where goes to waiting for OTA to make miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause. For this, carry Cheng profit of 3 quarters net profit glided considerably compared to the same period 2012 40% .
Apparent, sacrificial profit also should continue price war, online hotel books market competition to turn white-hot to already became the fact that does not dispute, sale strategy is in much channel to harvest a large number of order for the hotel while, also make the contradiction between each channel business increasingly become acute.
Where to go to saying, up to now, carry Cheng in all public houses that have quoted price, the hotel of 84% is booking lower price, include the hotel of 5 stars class of 96% among them.
Analysis of the personage inside course of study points out, at present in what the imprest kind that small OTA takes broke the skill that carry Cheng to be built is downstage pay regulation now, or one of fuse that are this matter. Predict with respect to its, price war still can last this year, but predict very hard to carry Cheng, go to the enterprise such as where He Yilong can throwing how old strength, after all price war is not long plan. (reporter / Han Zhen)[db:内容2][db:内容2英语]您还未登陆,请登录后操作!
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天人合一”是中国传统文化的一个最基本问题,是中西文化差异的焦点,同时也是中国哲学与诗学之间所构成的内在联系的基本特性。“天人合一”的含义究竟如何呢?学界对“天人合一”的理解可谓是众说纷纭,目前尚无定论。分歧的焦点在于两个基本方面:一个是如何理解“天人合一”的“天”,再一个是“天”与“人”究竟是如何“合一”的。关于中国传统文化中的“天”,冯友兰先生认为主要有五种含义。第一种是“物质之天”,就是指日常生活中所看见的苍苍者与地相对的天,就是我们现在所说的天空。 第二种是“主宰之天”或“意志之天”,就是指宗教中所说有人格、有意志的“至上神”。第三种是“命运之天”,就是指旧社会中所谓运气。第四种是“自然之天”,就是指唯物主义哲学家所谓自然。第五种是“义理之天”或“道德之天”,就是指唯心主义哲学家所虚构的宇宙的道德法则。(1) 这五种含义中最基本的不外乎两个方面:自然方面的“天”和精神领域的“天”。前者是基础,对后者起决定作用,但是后者(精神领域的“天”)一旦生成又可对前者进行意义建构,使自然的无生命无情感的“天”获得存在的意义和价值。这里的“天”实际上就是“人”,是“人”的一种外在化或对象化形式
天人合一”是中国传统文化的一个最基本问题,是中西文化差异的焦点,同时也是中国哲学与诗学之间所构成的内在联系的基本特性。“天人合一”的含义究竟如何呢?学界对“天人合一”的理解可谓是众说纷纭,目前尚无定论。分歧的焦点在于两个基本方面:一个是如何理解“天人合一”的“天”,再一个是“天”与“人”究竟是如何“合一”的。关于中国传统文化中的“天”,冯友兰先生认为主要有五种含义。第一种是“物质之天”,就是指日常生活中所看见的苍苍者与地相对的天,就是我们现在所说的天空。 第二种是“主宰之天”或“意志之天”,就是指宗教中所说有人格、有意志的“至上神”。第三种是“命运之天”,就是指旧社会中所谓运气。第四种是“自然之天”,就是指唯物主义哲学家所谓自然。第五种是“义理之天”或“道德之天”,就是指唯心主义哲学家所虚构的宇宙的道德法则。(1) 这五种含义中最基本的不外乎两个方面:自然方面的“天”和精神领域的“天”。前者是基础,对后者起决定作用,但是后者(精神领域的“天”)一旦生成又可对前者进行意义建构,使自然的无生命无情感的“天”获得存在的意义和价值。这里的“天”实际上就是“人”,是“人”的一种外在化或对象化形式。再关于“天”与“人”究竟是如何“合一”的。对此,张岱年先生进行了梳理,认为“中国哲学中所谓天人合一,有二意谓:一天人本来合一,二天人应归合一”。“关于天人本来合一,有二说:一天人相通,二天人相类。所谓天人相通,如解析之,其意义可分为两层。第一层意义,是认为天和人不是相对待之二物,而乃一息息相通之整体,其间实无判隔。第二层意义,是认为天是人伦道德之本原,人伦道德原出於天。在今观之,在天为根本的,自一意义言,亦是在人为根本的,因人为自然中之一物。然自另一意义言,所谓人性,常指人之所以异於非人者,即人与他类物不同者;而人与他物相同的,虽为根本,亦不含於所谓人性之中。以此义言,人固以自然为根本,而人性乃是后起之特殊的性质,非即是普遍的天道。将天道与人性合而为一,表面上似将天道说为人性,而实际乃是将人性说为天道,即将人伦义理说为宇宙之主宰原则。这就陷于拟人的错误。”“天人相类之意义,亦可析为两方面。一,天人形体相类,此实附会之谈。二,天人性质相类,此义与天人相同论之天道人性为一之说相似,实际上亦是将人伦道德说为天道。”(2)张先生这里的分析是很具合理性的,也是很精彩的。简单地说就是:天“合”向人或人“合”向天两种方式。由此看来,“天人合一”是一个十分麻烦的问题,在此我们不可能深究。只好从最普通的意义上去理解和把握。我们认为,“天”、“人”的含义可以从两个方面来理解。一是从人与自然的关系看,就相当于主观与客观、精神与物质或意识与存在等之间的关系;二是从人与社会的关系言,就类似于个体与群体、感性与理性或私欲与公德等之间的关系。进而言之,“天人合一”在这里就被界限在:人与自然、人与社会、主观与客观、感性与理性等的和谐统一关系,是人在社会实践中所获得的一种从必然王国走向自由王国过程中的特殊精神境界或状态。
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沧海横流(n暮:崃鳎┖K?酱Ψ豪摹1扔魇笔蓝?也话病?晋 范宁 《<z@梁传>序》:“ 孔子 ?┎缀V?崃鳎??叭欢?驹唬骸?文王 既没,文不在兹乎!’”《晋书·殷仲堪传》:“天下,大器也,苟乱亡见惧,则沧海横流。” 宋 陆游 《秦皇酒瓮下垂钓偶赋》诗:“沧海横流何日定,古人_┢鹩??椤!?陈家英 《秋夜次秀元三妹韵兼呈伯兄》:“神州断送惟挥涕,沧海横流独放吟。”


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