
鬼泣 4 剧情英文对白(Devil May Cry 4) Nero 篇。 开始: 死老头:2000 years ago... the dark knight Sparda, turn against his demo bretheren, and took up his sword for the sake of mankind. Though despite his brave efforts in our names, I fear some have forgotten the truth of that great sacrifice. If the event of that terrible were to reoccur, the fusing of both the demonic human realms, we, weak humans, would have no mean by which to oppose our submission. So I ask you to unit. And pray that even if such a dark time of chaos were to revisit us, our gracious Savior would shelter us from the storm. Let us pray. 2000 年前……黑暗骑士斯巴达,背叛了他的恶魔同胞们,为了人类举起了他的 剑。 尽管他那勇敢的作为在我们心中流传,我担心有些人已经忘却了那伟大的牺牲。 如果那些可怕的事情再次发生, 恶魔与人类世界之间的熔炉, 我们, 弱小的人类, 将没有办法对抗。 因此我希望你们联合起来, 并且祈祷即使那样的黑暗混沌的时刻再次降临在我们 头上, 我们荣耀的救世主依然会在风暴中庇护我们。 让我们祈祷吧。 Nero 要离开,Kyrie:Nero... What's wrong? Nero,怎么了? Nero: I'm outta here. 我要离开了。 Kyrie: But it's not over yet... 可是还没有完呢。 Nero: All this preaching's putting me to sleep. 这些说教让我快睡着了。 Dante 出现开枪嘣了老头,Credo:Your Holiness! 乱战,然后 Nero 与但丁对峙:Kyrie, go with your brother and get outta here! Kyrie,跟你哥哥赶紧离开这里! Credo: I will return with help! You stall him until then! 我会回来帮忙的!你在这里拖住他。 Nero: I won't hold my breath. 我才不要屏息以待呢。 继续打,Nero: You got a jacked up notion of fair play pal, and it's beginning to piss me off. 你看来有很明显的公平竞争的念头,老兄,而这样已经让我开始不爽了。 Nero: I guess this doesn't quite cut it. 我猜这一切不会这么快就完的。 What's the point of packin' a sowrd like that if you aren't even gonna use it? 把一把剑这样使用会意味着什么,即使你不打算用它? 但丁把 Nero 剑打飞, Nero 用手挡 Dante: hm, You got a trick up your sleeve 嗯,你的袖子里有玄机。 Nero: I thought the cat had your tongue. But if it's a trick you're looking for...then try this 我想你的舌头是让猫抓了。不过如果这个是你在寻求的玄机……那就试试这个 Dante: Looks like you too, are a... 看起来你也一样,你是…… Nero: Hate to interrupt, but I wanna wrap this show up before the cavalry arrives! 我讨厌被打断,但是我希望在那些骑士赶来之前我就把这场表演结束。 继续打,Dante 被 Nero 扔到椅子上 Dante: So you're lookin' to play, huh? Alright, I guess I got some time to kill... 所以你想玩一玩?好吧,我想我还是有很多时间消磨的。 Nero: Tough guy, huh? Well...I think I'll have to take you down a couple notches. 难缠的家伙,嗯?好吧……我想我会在几个回合内让你躺下的。 Dante: Whatever you say, kid. 随便你说什么,孩子。 Dante 让 Nero 一顿爆锤,然后丢到墙上插胸 Dante: Getting better. I would even go as far as to say that I underestimated your...abilities 感觉好多了。我想到目前为止我太低估你的……能力了。 Nero: You aren't human, are you? 你不是人类,对吧? Dante: We're the same... you and...and them 我们都一样……你还有……还有他们 Though I suspect you carry something different from the others. 不过我想你还有一些其他人没有的能力。 Nero: What are you talking about? 你在说什么? Dante: You will come to learn the meaning soon enough. 你很快就会领悟到的。 But... business beckons. Adios kid. 不过……有生意在召唤我。再见了孩子(西班牙文) 众人收拾残局,Kyrie 拖着一个大箱子 Nero: You brought this here for me? 你把这个带给我了? Kyrie: Credo requested. She yearns for your touch. Credo 要求我这么做的。她(指箱子里的剑)渴望你的触摸。 Nero: Thanks. This blade's the best battle companion a swordsman could wish for. 谢了。这把剑是一个剑士所能期望的最好的战斗伴侣 Kyrie 捡起地上的项链 Nero:Fortuna Castle, huh? 命运女神,嗯? That's what the witnesses said. 那就是见证人说的。 Guy just came from Hell, he's gotta hit up a couple tourist sites. 一个家伙从地狱来了,他可能打算参观一些景点。 Credo: You just so lightly in a time of crisis? You must capture him. 面对危机的时候你就这么轻浮?你必须抓住他。 Nero: Trust me, I'll get it done. 相信我,我会做到的。 Kyrie: Please be careful. You still haven't recovered. 请小心,你还没有完全痊愈。 Nero: There's no time and duty calls. 现在没有时间了,使命在召唤我。 Can't pass on an emergency. 我可不能让紧急情况一直持续下去。 Credo: I must return to headquarters and report. 我必须回到总部去报告。 一出大门: Someone help me! 来人救救我! 一平民被杀,然后大乱。 Nero: Is this him? 这是他么? Credo: I...I'm not sure. 我……我不确定 Nero: Credo, take care of Kyrie. I got this. Credo,看好 Kyrie,我来处理这些。 Credo: We must evacuate the residents back to Headquarters. 我们必须要疏散这些居民前往总部去。 Report back as soon as you can, and be careful. 尽你最快的速度回去报道,还有小心一点。 Nero: I got it already. 我知道了。 Credo: Kyrie, run go with the others. Kyrie,赶紧跟其他人跑。 Kyrie 去救一个小孩,Nero 帮助 Nero: Go, get outta here! 快走,离开这里! Not so fast... 还没那么快 This baby sure can pack a punch. 这个宝贝肯定能打出强有力的一拳。 Nero: Let me guess, more demons? 让我猜猜,更多的恶魔? 火焰魔:Ahhh, the human world, it's been a while... 啊……人类世界,已经很长时间了…… Nero 一抡剑,火熄灭了 火焰魔:How curious 真希奇啊。 Nero: Fire's bad for the complexion I burn easily, never tan. 火焰对肤色不好,很容易烫伤,而且永远不会有褐色的效果。 火焰魔:When I came to world 2,000 years ago. 自从 2000 年前我来到这里。 there was no such human as the likes of you. 还从来没有一个人类像你这样。 Nero: Wanna make it another 2,000? 那你还想再来个 2000 年么? 火焰魔:Silence! 闭嘴! Futile pest, you will suffer the wrath of Beriall 微不足道的蛆虫,让你尝尝 Beriall 的愤怒。 I, the conquer of the fire hell. 我,火焰地狱的征服者! 火焰魔被打败以后。 火焰魔:Your arm... You are not humans! 你的手……你不是人类! Nero: Don't ask. Damn thing drives me crzy though. 别问,这该死的东西经常让我抓狂。 火焰魔:You are just like he was... 你和他一样…… Nero: And he would be? 而他是指? 火焰魔:I must restore my power. 我必须重新积攒我的力量。 冰城碰到黑妞: 黑妞:I owe you thanks. 我欠你一个人情。 Nero: You're from the Order....? 你也是奥德的人? I've never seen you before. 我从未见过你。 黑妞:I'm new. Gloria. You're Nero, right? I've heard rumors. 我是新来的,Gloria。你是 Nero 对吧?我听过传言了。 Nero: Hasn't everyone? 还有人么? 黑妞:Quite a few in fact, and none too flattering. 事实上很少,而且没有一个讨人喜欢的。 Nero: So what's the deal? 有什么关系? Where're they coming from? 它们从哪来的到底? 黑妞:It's strange. 很奇怪。 No matter the number you kill, more will come. 不管你杀了多少,更多的会源源不断地出现。 Nero: Then I'll leave that chore to you. 那我把这些杂务留给你了。 I've got some personal slaying to take care of. 我还有一些私人的砍杀需要处理。 黑妞:I'll join with the others, we'll take care of them. 我会加入其他人的,我们会照顾好他们。 May the Savior be with you on your journey. 愿救世主陪伴你整个旅程。 Nero: huh, Savior. 哼,救世主。 Nero 来到图书馆: Nero: Didn't figure this guy for a bookworm... 我还从来不知道这个家伙是个书虫。 骑士突然出现。 That's one way to get yourself shot. 这是你容易挨枪子的原因。 So you after this guy too, or just here to catch some demons? 那么你是跟随这家伙来的呢,还是为了单纯抓恶魔? Slient type, huh? 安静类型的,嗯? Well that's... annoying. 那可真是……让人心烦。 So much for friendly banter! 这个玩笑开过了! If you want a fight, then come on! 如果你想打架,那来吧! 打败骑士以后,发现是空的。 Nero: Empty. A it possessed the Order's armor... That's not a good sign. 空的。 一个恶魔,占据了奥德的铠甲。 这可不是好兆头。 (这段感觉极其像 3 里但丁与贝尔沃夫的对话) 来到冰蛤蟆处,两个冰女在干那个。 Nero: This blizzard must be these demons. 这暴风雪一定是这些恶魔干的。 打,然后并蛤蟆出现。 Nero:So this is what you really look like... 这才是你真正的模样。 冰蛤蟆:You're stronger than you look. With a smart ass mouth to match. 你比实际看起来要强。而且还有一个聪明的臭嘴相配。 Nero: Cut me some slack. I'm just not big on toads. 饶了我吧。 我对大蛤蟆没兴趣。 冰蛤蟆:You think I care what you say? 你觉得我在乎你说什么? Nero: If we don't finish this quickly. It's gonna scar me for life. 如果我不快点解决这个,这很可能让我一生都忘不掉(指恶心的粘液) 冰蛤蟆:I will crush you! 我要打垮你! boss 战,然后 Nero 把蛤蟆抡出去 冰蛤蟆:You think...you're... beaten me? Never, you piece of.... 你觉得……你……打败我了? 永远不会,你这…… Nero: That's exactly what I think. 这确实是我所想的。 冰蛤蟆:My brothers...will come! They... 我的兄弟们……会过来!他们…… 一拳被 Nero 打飞。 Nero: C'mon, that's just nasty. Wait...did he say brothers? 拜托,真是恶心。 等等……他是不是说到兄弟们? 一群蛤蟆出来了。 Nero: Oh that's fair! Now I've got to fight a whole herd of these things? 好啊,真公平。 现在我要跟所有这群东西对打? Nero 把门口的蛤蟆打回去,按下开关,门关闭。 Nero: Sorry pal, we're closed! 抱歉老兄,我们关门了。 开头死掉的老头苏醒了: Credo: You have awakened. 你醒了。 My men are currently in pursuit Dante. 我的人已经在追击但丁了。 It is only a matter of time before his location is revealed. 找出他的位置只是时间问题。 老头:He came to us... 他自己来找我们…… It was fortunate I was able to participate 很幸运我能一起参加 In the &ascension ceremony& 这个升腾的仪式。 眼镜男:His Holiness...! You look magnificent! You send that cocky kid Nero to find Dante? 主教大人! 你看起来好极了! 你把那个自大的孩子 Nero 派去寻找但丁? Credo: You question my command? 你对我的命令有疑问么? 眼镜男:Yes! What shall before me... 当然了!有什么能在我之前…… should he stumble upon my research facility? 搅乱我的研究工作? Credo: Our priority is to capture Dante. 我们的主要任务是抓住但丁。 眼镜男:Why you t...t...t.. 为什么你…… 老头:Credo Credo:Yes,you holiness. 老头: Gather everyone. I must ease their minds on this matter. 召集所有人,我必须清除他们对这件事的记忆。 Credo: Of course. 当然。 Nero 来到一个房间,看到 Yamato 和眼镜男 眼镜男:So, you've come. just as I'd expected. 你来了?就像我期盼的那样。 Nero: Who the hell are you? 你是谁? 眼镜男:I am Agnus. Working in secrecy, very few are p...p...p privy to my existence. 我叫 Agnus。专门从事秘密工作,非常少的 r……r……r……人知道我的存在。 Nero: Funny, to figure an Order offical out for a stroll in a hellhole kinda place like this... 可笑,为了找出奥德的官邸到处奔走最后就是这么个鬼地方。 眼镜男:Hellhole? Watch your words! Just as fouled mouthed as I had heard... the rumors prove true. As will the new ones concerning your d...d...d...demise! 鬼地方?小心你的言词! 这破嘴跟我听到的一样……传言所说的是对的。 那个想要 r……r……r……让位给你的人。 Nero: Don't you think that's a little harsh? 你不觉得这太可荒谬了么? Killing me because of the way I t...t...t...t...t...talk? 杀掉我只因为我 sh……sh……sh……sh……说话的方式? 眼镜男一挥手。 Nero: Great. 好啊。 More demons. 更多的恶魔。 眼镜男:This, this is all Credo's doing. It was Credo who ordered you to follow Dante... It was Credo who brought you here! 这些,这些都是 Credo 干的。 他命令你跟随但丁。 他把你带到这里来。 Nero: Dante? You mean the man that killed His Holiness? What the hell is going on here? 但丁? 你是说那个杀了大主教的家伙? 这里到底怎么回事? 眼镜男:I don't have to answer to you. For you are already as good as d...d...d...d dead 我没必要回答你。 因为你已经等于 s……s……s……死了。 Nero: I beg to differ. 我可不这么认为。 战斗,最后 Nero 把玻璃砸破 眼镜男:Tha...tha...that...that's demonic power! 那……那……那……那是恶魔的力量! How can it be...? 怎么可能? Nero: Look who's talking, jackass. Answer my question. What the hell is going on here? 看看是谁在说话,混蛋。 回答我的问题。 这里到底怎么回事? 眼镜男突然看到了 Nero 的手 眼镜男:How profound... It's magnificent 真是深奥……真是惊奇。 Nero: OK, did you even hear me? 你有没有听我说话? 眼镜男:If you want answers. Then I shall give them to you. It has only been a few years since I began this research... Could we isolate and bind demoni power. It could enable us to conquer the world. And that, that is the wish of His Holiness! 如果你想要答案。 那么我会告诉你的。 我做这个研究已经有些年月了…… 我们到底能否分离并且扭曲恶魔的力量呢 那样的话我们就有能力征服这个世界了。 而那,那也是我们的主教希望的。 Nero: What a crock... And you may as well ditch the efforts pal, because his Holiness is dead. 真是荒唐…… 不过你或许也白费功夫了老兄,因为那个主教已经死了。 眼镜男:Ahhh, but His Holiness has been reborn. As an angel. 啊……但是主教他现在又重生了。 就像个天使一样。 Nero: An angel? 天使? 眼镜男:And soon, soon, so shall I. 而很快,很快, 我也会得。 Nero 突然被偷袭 眼镜男:See what just a small fraction at my research has yielded? Look! How beautiful this white armor stands! You have no idea the hardship to make just one armor come to life. I have to capture and control countless demons to harness their souls. Summoning them alone was almost an insummountable task! 看看这只是我的实验的一小部分 看啊!多么美丽的白色铠甲啊! 你根本不了解让一具铠甲站起来是多么艰辛。 我必须要抓住无数的恶魔才能够填充一具灵魂 单独召唤它们几乎是不可能的。 Nero: Summoning? So it was you... who made the gate? 召唤?这么说是你……把门打开的? 眼镜男:Yes, yes, the Hellgate! I created it merely as a refrence in substitution for the real Gate. but after utilizing an extremely powerful Devil's Arm. It proved sufficient... 对,对,地狱之门! 我仅仅是创造了一个类似的门来代替真正的大门。 但是在利用了一起强大的恶魔之手以后。 那证明了绰绰有余。 Nero: What the hell are you talking about? 你到底在说什么? 眼镜男:You should rest. Soon you shall be my next subject of experimentation. So that I can learn a little something from you... and that arm 你该休息了。 很快你就会成为我的下一个实验品。 这样我就可以从你身上得到些什么了……还有那个手臂。 Nero: Never. 想都别想。 眼镜男:T...t...t...t...take him out! d……d……d……带他出去! Nero 突然暴走,并且得到 Yamato,眼镜男变身成马蜂。 眼镜男:How? Not even I could succeed in restoring it...! 怎么会?即使我都无法成功复原他! Nero: From that day forth...my arm changed...and a voice enhanced. &Power& &Give me more power& And if I become a daimon,so be it. I will endure the exile. Anything to protect her.” 自从那天以后……我的手开始起了变化…… 而且一个声音不断地回响…… 给我更多力量。 眼镜男:What? 什么? Nero: And if I become a demon, so be it. 而如果哪天我成为了恶魔,那么就这样。 眼镜男:This is preposterous! 这真荒谬! 眼镜男逃走,Nero 恢复 Nero: I should get back to Headquarters. 我得回到总部去。 If what Agnus said is true... Credo must've known something. 如果 Agnus 说的是真的……Credo 一定知道些什么 Nero: A forest? 丛林? Dante: What the hell is this? Must be the effect of the gate... Sorry, kid, this is gonna have to wait. 这是什么? 一定是受门的影响。 抱歉孩子,这个可能得等一等了。 说完但丁跳下山崖。 Nero: How much could he really know? 他到底知道多少呢? 另一边: Credo:and that's the situration so far. 这就是目前位置的情况。 眼镜男突然出现:Credo! You knew it all along! Credo!你一直都知道的! Credo: How dare you raise your voice!!! 你怎么敢这么大声说话!! ! the presence of His Holiness! 主教也在场啊! 眼镜男:That arrogan kid, possesses d...d...d...demonic power! 那个自以为是的孩子,具有恶……恶……恶……恶魔的力量! Credo: Absurd. 荒唐 眼镜男:Absurd? 荒唐? D...d....d...don't play me a fool! Is he not your subordinate? He resurrected Yamato! It's your fault, it's your responsibility! It...t...t...t b……b……b……别把我当傻瓜耍! 他不是你的下属么? 他把 Yamato 复活了! 都是你的错,你要负责任! 那……那……那……那 老头:Credo... Credo: Yes, you Holiness. 是的,主教。 老头:Can you apprehend this boy? 你能抓来那个孩子么? Credo: If that is your wish... 如果那是您希望的。 Though who will then track Dante? 那么谁来抓但丁呢? 黑妞: I will find Dante. 我会去找但丁的。 老头: You can guarantee his capture then? 你能保证抓到他么? 黑妞:Absolutely. It's good to see your Holiness has recovered. 绝对没问题。 很高兴看到主教您又复生了。 Credo: Is she reliable? 她可信么? 老头: She once brought to us the sword &Sparda& And hastened the completion of our Savior. 是她把斯巴达剑带给我们的。 并且催促我们完成我们的救世主。 Credo: But she remains almost a stranger to us all... 但是她总是保持和我们很陌生。 老头: Which will only concern us should a situation arise. As far her identity, I have already investigated... Now Credo. Find us Nero and Yamato and bring them back to me. 当某些情况出现的时候我们只能考虑她。 至今为止她的身份,我已经查过了。 现在 Credo。 找到 Nero 以及 Yamato,并且带来我这里。 Credo: As you wish you Holiness. 如您所愿,主教。 眼镜男:That menace Nero appears to be quite close to Credo's sister, Kyrie. 如果想要威胁 Nero 最好是用和他亲近的 Credo 的妹妹,Kyrie。 More than once he called out her name... 他不止一次呼喊过她的名字。 丛林这边,Nero 突然遇到花女。 花女:Try some seeds on for size。 来常常这些种子吧。 Nero 开枪打碎了几个种子。 花女:My children you bastard. 我的孩子,你这个混蛋! Nero: Sorry, but having you around is more than enough. 抱歉,不过有你在周围就已经够了。 花女:Your insignificant insults have no effect on me. Though I will tear your body to shreds! 你那无用的侮辱对我不起作用。 而且我要把你撕成碎片。 boss 战,之后花女打算逃跑。 Nero: Don't even think about it. 想都别想。 花女: How shamed to be beaten by a human...! 输给一个人类简直是耻辱! Nero: Hey don't step up if you're not going to pot up a decent fight. 拜托别再做那种突然袭击,如果你想公平对战。 Didn't your mom even tell you not litter? 还有你妈妈没有告诉你不要乱丢东西么? Nero 碰到 Credo Nero: That's a look you shoot your enemy. Ok, well then let me ask you this. What exatcly is Order and who the hell is Dante? 那是你准备杀死敌人时的眼神。 好吧,那么让我问你一些问题。 奥德到底是什么?还有但丁又是谁? Credo: You do not demand answer from me. You possess the power of a demon... 你没有权利从我这里得到答案。 你具有恶魔的力量。 Nero: Back down, I don't wanna hurt you I won't do that to Kyrie! 退后,我不想伤害你。 为了 Kyrie 我不会这么做的。 Credo: Hurt me? You don't get it, do you? 伤害我?你不明白。 Credo 变身。 Nero: You too... 你也…… Credo: I have been chosen to take the next step in evolution. To become something far more than just humans. I'm a angel 我被选择成为进一步的进化者。 成为一个比人类更高一层的生物。 我是一个天使。 Nero: Wrong Credo. All that you've become is demon. 错了 Credo,你们所变得都是恶魔而已。 Credo: As the Captain of the Holy Knight. You are now under arrest. Is the wish of the Holiness. 我作为圣骑士团的团长告知你,你被捕了。以主教的名义。 boss 战,Credo 战败。 Credo: No...not yet, I'm not finished. Your strength has increased! 不,还没完,我还没有输。 你的力量增加了! Kyrie 突然出现 Nero:No wait, this isn't what you think. 不等等,这不是你所想的。 Kyrie: Why? why did you do this? 为什么?为什么你要这么做? 眼镜男也出现了 眼镜男:It was an intentions to protect you from the truth. 这么做是为了保护你不受到真相的伤害。 Nero is a demon. Nero 是一个恶魔。 Nero: You son of a... 你这个…… 眼镜男:Not to worry, I have no intentions of harming her. Yet, though it would appear. Your attachment extends beyond friendship 别担心,我不会伤害她的。 暂时,这也没准。 你们之间的感情似乎已经超越了友谊。 Nero: She has nothing to do with this...Let her go! 她与这无关,让她走! Credo: How dare you use my sister! 你怎么敢利用我的妹妹! This is my fight and I will finish it. Let her go! 这是我的战斗,我会结束一切的,让她走! 眼镜男:His Holiness predicted your defeat. And so ordered that your sister be utilized. 主教大人已经预测出你会战败。 所以他下令利用你的妹妹。 眼镜男变身:If you want her, then come and get her. for I cannot guarantee her fate. 如果你想要回她,那么就来找她。 我可不敢保证她会怎么样。 Credo: His Holiness, use Kyrie? 主教大人,利用 Kyrie? Nero: Where is he taking her. Back to Headquarters? 他到底把她带到哪里去了?回到总部了? Credo: Nero, we must set aside this battle until I find out the truth of this. Nero,我们必须把这个战斗放一放,直到我真相为止。 Nero 来到实验室,看到 Kyrie 眼镜男:So you've come. 你来了。 Nero: What have you done to Kyrie? 你对 Kyrie 做了什么? 眼镜男:Why don't you check and find out. But don't expect me to be as easy on you as I was last time. 为什么你不自己来看看呢? 不过不要期望我会像上次那样对你。 Nero: If I have to kill you to save Kyrie. Then let's roll 如果为了救 Kyrie 而不得不杀了你。 那么让我们开始吧。 boss 战,眼镜男战败。 眼镜男:Damn you! Damn you! I will kill you! I will kill you! 该死的,该死的! 我会杀了你!我会杀了你! Nero: Is that all you got? I think it's time to put you out of your misery. 你就这点能耐? 是时候把你从那可悲中拯救出来。 主教突然出现。 眼镜男:The Holiness. 主教。 老头:That's enough, Agnus. Go and prepare for activation. 已经够了,Agnus。 去准备激活仪式吧。 眼镜男:Right away. 马上。 老头: You have indeed inherited Sparda's powers. 你确实集成到了斯巴达的力量。遇到但丁 Dante: What took you so long? 是什么让你花了这么长时间? Nero: You...What are you doing here? Forget it, I don't have time for this. 你在这座什么? 算了,我没时间跟你耗。 Dante: Then neither do I. So I'll cut to the chase. I'm here for the sword. 我也一样。 我会再次被钉到雕像上? 我是来拿剑的 Nero: Your point being? 你的意思是? Dante: It was originally my brother's... Return it to me, then I'll let you go, kid. 那本来是我哥哥的东西,把它还给我,我就让你走,孩子。 Nero: Kid? Well.. If that's how you see me. I think you'll blush a pretty pink when I kick your ass. 孩子?好吧…… 如果你是这么看我的。 我想你当我踹你屁股的时候你的脸上会露出可爱的粉红色 吧! Dante: Ah, helpful hint. Take a tip from your elders... 嗯,很有用的暗示,从长者这里也得到点什么吧…… 与但丁开打,然后剧情。 Dante: You cooled off yet, kid? What's the matter? Why the glare? 现在你冷静了? 怎么回事?干吗这么目露凶光? Nero: You look as if you've just being playing me from the beginning. 你从始至终就一直在跟我玩。 Dante: That sword...was used to separate our world from the demons. I can't have something of that kinds power floating around now can I? It's got to stay in the family. 那把剑……是用来隔离我们的世界和恶魔的世界。 我不能让这么一个具有强大力量的东西到处流通对吧? 它应该在我家里呆着。 Nero: I need this... 我需要它。 Dante: Then keep it. Now that you're calm and cool...Get going. 那就拿着吧。现在你冷静了,你可以走了。 Nero 离开,黑妞突然出现。 Dante: That regal look suits you. 这么豪华还挺适合你。 黑妞: I dress to impress. 我想穿得让人印象深刻一点。 然后脱掉伪装变成 Trish Trish: Are you sure you want to let him go? 你真的打算让他走? Dante: Yeah, I figure he can bear the burden. 是的,我觉得这个孩子可以经受考验。 Trish: I know it's not my business, but this could get ugly. 我知道这与我无关,但是这样下去很可能成为烂摊子。 Dante: Well, if the kid screws up. then I'll just have to kick his ass. 如果那个孩子不争气,那么我会踢他的屁股的 Nero 来到雕像处 Nero: What the... 这是…… 主教: Is it not beautiful? 这难道不美么? Nero: I think we've got a difference of opinion on that one. 我想我们在这方面意见不同。 主教: How unfortunate. Is it not your wish to become one with her? Within the Savior your mortal bodies will combine. melting into one to manifeat and create his core! A thing of outter and pure beauty. 真不幸啊。 难道你不想与她合二为一? 在救主的身体里你们两个人类的躯体将融合。 合二为一并且创造出一个新的核! 一个外在的纯洁而美丽的东西。 Nero: Go blow yourself. I'm here to save you...Please trust me 你去死吧! (对 Kyrie)我是来救你的,请你相信我。 主教: I'm afraid you are too late. But although still incomplete This is your chance to catach a glimpse of the true power of our Savior! 我想你已经太迟了 但是目前还没有完成。 这是你最后的机会去看一眼我们救世主的真正力量。 Nero 突然冲过去砍,老头卑鄙地利用 Kyrie 做挡箭牌。 主教: Held back by love. Such a shame. Still I must solute a man who carries the blood of Sparda. While not in Dante's veins. You still presented a harder fight than I had anticipated. I had orginally Intended to absorb him into our Savior. But circumstances presenting, I'd reather choose the option at hand. When your blood and this sword are combined, we will be able to proceed to the final stage of our ultimate goal 被爱拖了后腿,真是丢脸啊。 不过我还需要溶解一个拥有斯巴达的人的血才可以。 即使不是但丁的血。 你做出了很多让我意料不到的强大战斗 我本意是要吸收他到我们救世主的体内的。 不过从这个情势看来,我宁愿用你手中的东西。 当你的血液与这把剑结合的时候 我们将迈进一步达到我们的最终目标! Credo 突然出现救 Nero,被主教杀死 主教: You have betrayed us. Why? 你背叛了我们,为什么? Credo: I served the dream of a world you spoke of. The Savior you preahed of, But you used my sister, Kyrie. Who has nothing to do with this. And that is beyongd forgiveness. 我本来是忠心于你所说的梦想世界的。 那个你说教中的救世主,但是你却利用我的妹妹 一个和这件事情无关的人。 这就不可原谅。 主教:Love? For a sibling Now flesh. 兄妹间的爱? 去死吧。 Credo 掉了下去 主教: All that is needed is absolute power. 我所要的只是绝对性的力量。 但丁突然出现接住了 Credo,Trish 也在旁边。 主教: Oh, it's you... Gloria Unfortunately you did not anticipate a descendant of Sparda's blood. And because of this boy, you have been outwitted! And the Savior will be completed! 是你,Gloria 很不幸的,你没有我所期望的斯巴达的血液。 而因为这个男孩,你被骗了。 救世主将会完成的。 Dante: I don't know, I'd wager this kid's still got some life in him. 我可不知道,我打赌那个孩子还有气呢。 Nero 突然伸手抓住主教撞向墙上,但是主教从另一边出现。 主教: You fool, Escape is now Impossible! The creation cannot be stopped! 你这个笨蛋,逃跑是不可能的。 创造不会被中断的。 Dante: Hey kid, you give it up so soon? 孩子,你就这么快放弃了? Nero: My options...are limited... 我的能力,被限制了 Dante: Huh, so melodramatic. Besides, if you die without giving my sword back, I'm gonna be pissed. 真是戏剧性啊。 还有,如果你死前没有把剑还我,我会很不爽的。 Nero: Then come an get it. 那你就来拿啊。 Dante: What a punk. 你这个小混混。 雕像内,Nero 与 Kyrie 相遇 Nero: Kyrie, I failed to save you Kyrie,我没能救你。 Kyrie: Nero thank you. 谢谢你 Nero。 然后消失。 Nero: Kyrie, Kyrie! I swear, I swear I'm going to get us out of here! Kyrie,Kyrie!我发誓,我发誓我们会离开这里! Together Kyrie! 一起,Kyrie! 另一方面,具象被激活 Dante:Ha, check it out! Its got wings 哈,看啊!那东西有翅膀。 Trish: The design shows terrible taste. 不过这个设计得可真没品味。 Credo 醒来。 Dante: Hey, where's that thing going? It's not complete yet is it? 嘿,那个东西要去哪? 他还没完成对吧? Credo: It is in the heart to save this world from chaos. He will begin by driving it out. 本来他的内心希望拯救这个世界于混沌之中。 可是他却偏离了。 Trish: Now he has what he needs, Yamato. 现在他得到他想要的了,Yamato。 Credo: Sparda used it to seal the hell gate from the demon world. The sword is the key to opening the hell gate. The real hell gate. That last dominant beneath this city 斯巴达用那个封锁了地狱与人界的大门。 而那把剑就是开门的钥匙 打开真正地狱之门的钥匙。 最后整个城市都将笼罩在那之下。 Dante: The sword that separates the human world from the demon world... 那把剑将人类和恶魔世界分开来。 Credo: I think you, the son of the Dark knight Sparda. 我认为你,黑暗骑士斯巴达的儿子。 Are the only one who can stop the Savior now. Dante 是唯一一个能阻止救世主的人了。但丁。 Trish: Looks like you've got a rep to live up to 看起来你有保留剧目? Dante: Looks that way. 貌似是这样。 Credo: Please, honor one last request. Save them. Kyrie, and Nero. 拜托,荣耀者最后的请求,救救他们,Kyrie 和 Nero Dante: I'll do it. I wouldn't want to deny anyone whose dying request. 我会的,我不想拒绝一个将死之人的死前请求。 Trish: I'll sweep the city and evacuate the people. 那么我就去清扫城市并且疏散人群。 Dante: Hey, is this your way of ditching and dumping the means on... 嘿,这难道就是你挖洞然后填洞的方法? Trish: You wanna switch? 那你想换一换? Dante: It's cool. Let's stick to the plan. 很好,让我们开始我们的计划吧。雕像胸口的石头被破坏,Nero 去就 Kyrie Dante:Do what you gotta do kid, Cause I'm about to send this guy on a one way trip to hell. 做你能做的,孩子。 因为我打算给这个家伙一个单程的地狱之旅。 Nero: Don't worry I'm gonna get this done 不用担心,我会解决的。 Dante: Good luck kid. 祝你好运,孩子。 Nero:Talk about shaking things up in here... 为什么这里会晃成这样。 Dante: Hey kid. You should see what I'm going through! 嘿孩子,你应该看看我这边的情况! Nero: Guess we're in the same boat. 我想我们都在一条船上。 主教:We had originally intended Dante to form the Savior's core. Perhaps it would've been wise to adhere to that choice. 我本来打算用但丁来形成救世主的核的。 也许我当初就应该坚持这个选择。 Nero: Too late for regrets. Now release Kyrie! 现在后悔太晚了,现在放了 Kyrie! 主教: Why oppose the Order? I knew your faith was weak. But I always thought you served our wishes. 为什么违背奥德? 我知道你的信仰很弱。 不过你还是在服侍我们的意愿。 Nero: Bad enough you lying about all this and trying to kill me. But what really pissed me off was using Kyrie. 你骗了我还想杀我就已经够可以了。 不过真正让我不爽的是你还利用 Kyrie。 主教: What is that? Love? 那是什么?爱么? Nero: Look it up. 你自己看吧。 Dante: Come on, kid it's time to finish this! 拜托,孩子,是时候结束这一切了。 Nero: Wrapping things up on my end 我会自己结束这一切的。 主教: Don't be too sure, boy. Althought flawed, the power of the Savior is beyong that of which you can defeat. 别这么肯定,孩子。 尽管有瑕疵,不过救世主的力量依然足以打败你了。 boss 战,主教战败。 主教:The power of Sparda. Why won't you give me strength! Am I not worthy? 斯巴达的力量,为什么你不给我力量。 难道我不配么? Nero: Never could take those legends too literally. But I do know that Sparda had a heart. A heart that could love another person, a human. And that is what you lack. 我从来没发把这些传奇的故事记得那么清楚 但是我知道斯巴达有一颗心。 一颗能爱上别人,一个人类的心。 而这正是你没有的。 主教又用 Kyrie 威胁 Nero This time I will save you. just hold on... 这次我会救你的,再忍一忍。 主教: Don't move or I'll... 不要动,不然我就。 Nero 用 Yamato 吸引主教,然后杀死了他,救出 Kyrie Nero: Sorry I took so long. 抱歉用了这么长时间。Dante:Ha, it's over. Nero 抱着 Kyrie 出现 Dante: Took your time. 你有的是时间 Nero: What, you're looking for an apology? 什么?你在等我道歉么? Dante: Well, how long am I gonna have to wait for it? 那我还要等多久? 巨像突然站起来 Dante: This guy just doesn't let it go! 这个家伙不会这么容易完蛋的。 Nero: This is where it started. And this is where it will end...by my hand 这是一切开始的地方,也将是一切结束的地方,由我亲手。 Dante: Alright then. Go finish, kid. 好吧,去解决它,孩子。 Nero 对 Kyrie:Wait for me. 等我 走向巨像 You know God. I always hated that you made my arm like this... But now with it, I can destroy this thing. Who would've thought... Now I know, the hand was made for sending guys like you back to hell And...now, you die! 上帝你知道么?我以前很痛恨你为什么把我的手变成这样。 但是现在有了它,我才可以摧毁这个东西。 谁会想到呢? 现在我知道,这个手是用来送你们这些家伙回地狱的。 现在,你去死! 结局: 巨像倒地,Nero 来到 Dante 面前: Nero: I guess I should thank you. 我想我应该感谢你 Dante: But that'd be out of character. Maybe you should just throw an insult my way instead. 你演戏太假了,也许你直接损我一下就好了。 Nero: Yeah, that sounds better. Still I owe ya. 对,这听起来不错,不过我还是欠你的。 Dante: Don't sweat it. I had my reasons for helping. Take care your self. 别自作多情了 我有我自己的原因 你自己照顾好自己就行了。 Nero: Wait. You forgot this. 等等,你忘了这个。 Dante: keep it. 拿着吧。 Nero: What? I thought this meant a lot to you... 什么?我觉得这个东西对你意义重大。 Dante: That's the only kind of gift worth giving. I want to entrust it to you, and so I am. What you do from here is your call. 那是唯一我觉得能配得上的礼物了 我希望我能托付给你,所以我就这么做了。 从现在起你想怎么做随你。 Nero: Hey, Dante, will we meet again? 嘿但丁,我们还会再见面么? Kyrie: So is this the end? 都结束了? Nero: Maybe. 或许吧。 Kyrie: The city's a wreck. I...I'm still alive, right? 这个城市彻底毁了 我……我还活着对么? Nero: Yeah, we both are. 对,我们两个。 Kyrie, if i'm a demon. and not a human anymore. Is this what you want? Kyrie,如果我是个恶魔,不再是人类了,你希望这样么? Kyrie: Nero. You are you, and it's you I want to be with... I don't know anyone who is as human as you are. Nero,你就是你,而且我想和你在一起。 我不知道任何一个人类能像你一样了。 正准备亲 Kyrie,恶魔出现。 Nero: Looks like they've determind to interrupt. Guess that kiss is gonna have to wait. 看起来他们是决定要打扰我们了 估计那个吻得晚些时候了。 Kyrie: It's alright, I'll wait. Nero: Thanks, now let's rock! 没关系,我能等 谢谢,那开始吧!
《鬼泣 4》剧情图文攻略 》序章:红色衣服的男子 ...在教皇和克雷多对话时,不知道从哪儿闪出一个类似...常见专业英语四级专四高频词汇辨析 80份文档
毕业论文...胜利后发生剧情,尼禄的恶魔能力完全觉醒,之后便可以...英文个人简历模板 创意简历模板汇集 推理型题分析与总结...鬼泣4攻略 9页 免费 鬼泣4--GC对白 36页 免费 ...《鬼泣 4》图文流程攻略(上) 日期:2009 年 11 月 11 日 编辑:cz1587 查看...時空神像 ?攻击色子使分身前进 根据色子颜色会有剧情 颜色/效果:蓝色/血石、...超详鬼泣4攻略 9页 免费 鬼泣4_连招攻略 5页 20财富值 鬼泣4图文攻略 94页 2财富值 鬼泣4通关攻略 9页 1财富值 《鬼泣4》剧情图文攻略 97页 免费 鬼泣4...鬼泣4攻略_计算机软件及应用_IT/计算机_专业资料。Mission1 1.第一关很简单,剧情过后,开始了 Dante 的教学,第一个教学内容是手枪 攻击,按 J 就 OK 了。 2....应届生求职季宝典 英文个人简历模板 创意简历模板汇集 推理型题分析与总结文档...《鬼泣4》剧情图文攻略 97页 免费 超详鬼泣4攻略 9页 免费 鬼泣4 键盘出招表...4.经过一段剧情, 进入用△砍的教学状态, △△△四连击, 需要 4 次击中 Dante 5.挑空攻击——R1+L3 拉后+△,需要 3 次使用挑空攻击击中 Dante 6.又是...但丁篇 BOSS 不变 MISSION 12 线路与 MISSION 10正好反方向(之后几关地图相同的,除非需要新的传送方法,否则 不再提示路线,请自行 鬼泣4 参考地图和之前的走法...小学英语教学教研工作总结文档贡献者 叶夏虫 贡献于
专题推荐 2014...鬼泣4攻略 5页 免费 《鬼泣4》剧情图文攻略 97页 免费 鬼泣4图文攻略 94页 ...鬼泣4攻略搜集版_IT/计算机_专业资料。搜集了隐藏的和攻略的内容 Secret Mission 1 关卡:Mission 2 地点:Terrace/Business District 抓取后到底走廊的柱子上 条件:... 更多相关标签:
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