
-- 喋血大汉口喋血大汉口剧情介绍浏览 884主演: 文章来源:集数:24集在线观看:发布日期: 00:00:01这是一篇关于喋血大汉口剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清喋血大汉口请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看剧名:《喋血大汉口》集数:24集日期:导演:石明华语言:国语字幕:中文地区:中国大陆类型:军事 革命 历史《喋血大汉口》剧情介绍  江城码头、风云四起、帮会斗争、血腥争霸、击杀日冠、视死如归。  一部维护民族尊严题材的大型电视剧,一部抗日救国的力作,一部黑帮与黑帮之间的龙争虎斗,惊心动魄&&  1938年,日军为能顺利攻下大汉口,派遣特高课进入大汉口。一方面,采取以华治华的手段,对有抗日思想的中坚人士进行血腥 的镇压;另一方面,利用日商的外衣作掩护,大肆贩运鸦片,榨取钱财。  大汉口帮会总舵主司马豪与日本特高课课长大田相互勾结,暴敛横徵,奸淫掳掠,民不聊生。司马豪聘请张勇管理他名下的&家家娱乐城&、&四新公司&、&银楼房&、&绸缎庄&。为了能使张勇驯服的听任使唤,司马豪许诺将自己的女儿司马佩如许配给他为妻。打铜帮帮主司马剑一身正气,劫富济贫,率帮众一致抗日,截获了大田私运的鸦片,令大田怒不可遏&&与大田狼狈为奸的司马豪企图灭司马剑和打铜帮时,发现司马剑竟是自己失散二十多年的儿子,后来,司马豪改邪归正了。斧头帮帮主张勇背叛司马豪,暗地里帮大田贩卖鸦片,并乘打铜帮刘帮主去世之际,进行追击大屠杀,身负重伤的司马剑在歌女小羽的帮助下终于逃脱危险&&  大汉口沧陷前夕,父子终于相认,并联手截获大男与张勇走私的鸦片,在江边一举焚毁,并号召市民前来观看,以振奋民心。大田闻讯,带领手下赶赴江边报复,一场弥漫整个江城的血雨腥风迅速扩散。打铜帮的人人活活的被大田和张勇手下的人枪毙,小羽被大田枪毙了。此时的司马剑深恶痛绝。后来大田认为张勇是连主人都咬的疯狗,也把张勇和斧头帮的弟兄枪毙了。司马剑带着满腔的怒火,先赤手空拳打死了大田手下的其中一人,抢来了一把刺刀。刺死了大田手下所有的人。后来抢来了一把手枪。把大田这个罪恶的日本鬼子活活的打死了。解除了司马剑的心头之恨。为打铜帮的弟兄们和小羽报了仇。从而大汉口得到了保护。  大规模的实兵对抗,剧中场景真枪实弹,充分展示了恢弘豪壮|气吞山河的中华军阵气魄;呈现了波澜壮阔的宏大场面;凸现了恢弘的博杀和剑拔弩张的黑帮抗日之战喋血大汉口相关剧情喋血大汉口英文剧情Four river wharf, clouds and wind, and gang fighting, bloody showdown, kill, crown, death.
A safeguarding national dignity of large series, a masterpiece of the anti-japanese national salvation, a race between the network of gangs and Mafia, thrilling...
In 1938, Japanese troops to attack of hankou, sending TeGaoKe in large hankou. On the one hand, by means of Chinese, to have the backbone of the anti-japanese ideas f On the other hand, their coat is used as the cover, on trafficking opium, bleeding.
Large hankou gang headquarter main SiMaHao TeGaoKe with Japan, in collusion with manager field, extort cross, rape, deteriorated. SiMaHao zhang management by his name every offering, four new company, silver, silks and satins zhuang. In order to make zhang tame ordering, SiMaHao SiMaPei promised his daughter so much rationing as his wife. Copper help SiMaJian one vital qi wang, Robin Hood, rate to help the anti-japanese, intercepted field to smuggle opium, making field angry... With field of knaves SiMaHao SiMaJian attempts to destroy and copper help, discovered SiMaJian was separated more than 20 years of his own son, later, SiMaHao repent. Axe help wang zhang yong SiMaHao betrayal, secretly help opium in the field, and take a dozen copper help liu wangs death, to pursue the holocaust, badly wounded SiMaJian in Alma kohane finally escaped with the help of...
Large hankou cang trap on the eve of the father and son who, finally joined forces to intercept and big male with zhang yong smuggling opium, in the river every burned down, and called for people to watch, to riordan roett. Field testing, lead the staff to the river revenge, a bloody spread quickly across the river. Make a copper help everyone alive by field and zhang yong people shot, kohane was shot in open field. SiMaJian at this time. Later field think zhang yong is even bite the mad dog of the master, the hammers and zhang yong brother shot. SiMaJian with a fit of anger, first with his bare hands shot field at the hands of one of them, to a handful of the bayonet. Stabbed field under all of the people. Then came a pistol. The field killed the evil Japanese guy alive. Lifting the SiMaJian heart of hate. For copper help brothers and avenged themselves of kohane. Thus large hankou protected.
Large-scale real soldiers against, the scene live ammunition, fully shows the great | the Chinese army was ver Presents a mag Fight highlights the magnificent and combative gang in the Anti-Japanese War 热门剧情 最新剧情 最新分集剧情大汉口(电视剧)7.3分我评分:3人喜欢
大汉口分集剧情 第29集
电视猫 版权所有 [鲁ICP备号-1]


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