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初中英语是苏教版难还是人教版难?因为要去考试 考的是苏教 但是我学的是人教
扫描下载二维码  本人江苏土著一枚,现在是苦逼的高三英语老师,看了隔壁贴都在说江苏卷数学不难,那么你们可以试一试13年和14年的江苏英语卷子。15年难度有所下降,但是还是可以秒杀大部分其他省份的卷子。  下面一篇是13年的阅读最后一篇,感受一下。  Mark Twain has been called the inventor of the American novel. And he surely deserves additional praise: the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism.   I say clever because anti-slavery fiction had been the important part of the literature in the years before the Civil War. H. B. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin is only the most famous example. These early stories dealt directly with slavery. With minor exceptions, Twain planted his attacks on slavery and prejudice into tales that were on the surface about something else entirely. He drew his readers into the argument by drawing them into the story.   Again and again, in the postwar years, Twain seemed forced to deal with the challenge of race. Consider the most controversial, at least today, of Twain’s novels, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Only a few books have been kicked off the shelves as often as Huckleberry Finn, Twains most widely read tale. Once upon a time, people hated the book because it struck them as rude. Twain himself wrote that those who banned the book considered the novel “trash and suitable only for the slums ).” More recently the book has been attacked because of the character Jim, the escaped slave, and many occurences of the word nigger. (The term Nigger Jim, for which the novel is often severely criticized, never appears in it.)   But the attacks were and are silly—and miss the point. The novel is strongly anti-slavery. Jim’s search through the slave states for the family from whom he has been forcibly parted is heroic. As J. Chadwick has pointed out, the character of Jim was a first in American fiction—a recognition that the slave had two personalities, “the voice of survival within a white slave culture and the voice of the individual: Jim, the father and the man.”   There is much more. Twains mystery novel Pudd’nhead Wilson stood as a challenge to the racial beliefs of even many of the liberals of his day. Written at a time when the accepted wisdom held Negroes to be inferior (低等的) to whites, especially in intelligence, Twain’s tale centered in part around two babies switched at birth. A slave gave birth to her master’s baby and, for fear that the child should be sold South, switched him for the master’s baby by his wife. The slave’s light-skinned child was taken to be white and grew up with both the attitudes and the education of the slave-holding class. The master’s wife’s baby was taken for black and grew up with the attitudes and intonations of the slave.   The point was difficult to miss: nurture (养育), not nature, was the key to social status. The features of the black man that provided the stuff of prejudice—manner of speech, for example—were, to Twain, indicative of nothing other than the conditioning that slavery forced on its victims.   Twain’s racial tone was not perfect. One is left uneasy, for example, by the lengthy passage in his autobiography (自传) about how much he loved what were called “nigger shows” in his youth—mostly with white men performing in black-face—and his delight in getting his mother to laugh at them. Yet there is no reason to think Twain saw the shows as representing reality. His frequent attacks on slavery and prejudice suggest his keen awareness that they did not.   Was Twain a racist? Asking the question in the 21st century is as wise as asking the same of Lincoln. If we read the words and attitudes of the past through the “wisdom” of the considered moral judgments of the present, we will find nothing but error. Lincoln, who believed the black manthe inferior of the white, fought and won a war to free him. And Twain, raised in a slave state, briefly a soldier, and inventor of Jim, may have done more to anger the nation over racial injustice and awaken its collective conscience than any other novelist in the past century.   65. How do Twain’s novels on slavery differ from Stowe’s?   A. Twain was more willing to deal with racism.   B. Twain’s attack on racism was much less open.  C. Twain’s themes seemed to agree with plots.
  D. Twain was openly concerned with racism.   66. Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly from its _____.   A. target readers at the bottom B. anti-slavery attitude C. rather impolite language D. frequent use of “nigger”   67. What best proves Twain’s anti-slavery stand according to the author?   A. Jim’s search for his family was described in detail.   B. The slave’s voice was first heard in American novels.   C. Jim grew up into a man and a father in the white culture.   D. Twain suspected that the slaves were less intelligent.   68. The story of two babies switched mainly indicates that _____.   A. slaves were forced to give up their babies to their masters   B. slaves’ babies could pick up slave-holders’ way of speaking   C. blacks’ social position was shaped by how they were brought up   D. blacks were born with certain features of prejudice  9. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 7 refer to? A. The attacks.   B. Slavery and prejudice. C. White men. D. The shows.   70. What does the author mainly argue for?   A. Twain had done more than his contemporary writers to attack racism.   B. Twain was an admirable figure comparable to Abraham Lincoln.   C. Twain’s works had been banned on unreasonable grounds.   D. Twain’s works should be read from a historical point of view.
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  上个月某个外市名师在我们学校上的阅读示范课,选的是2011年专八的期中一篇阅读。  Paperlessness  For office innovators, the unrealized dream of the "paperless" office is a classic example of high-tech hubris (傲慢). Today's office drone(办公室里的复印件和打印机) is drowning in more paper than ever before.   But after decades of hype(夸大其词), American offices may finally be losing their paper obsession. The demand for paper used to outstrip(超越) the growth of the US economy, but the past two or three years have seen a marked slowdown in sales — despite a healthy economic scene.   Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving(渴求) for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair.   "Old habits are hard to break," says Merilyn Dunn, a communications supplies director. "There are some functions that paper serves where a screen display doesn't work. Those functions are both its strength and its weakness."
  In the early to mid-1990s, a booming economy and improved desktop printers helped boost paper sales by 6 to 7 percent each year. The convenience of desktop printing allowed office workers to indulge in printing anything and everything at very little effort or cost.   But now, the growth rate of paper sales in the United States is flattening by about half a percent each year. Between 2004 and 2005, Ms. Dunn says, plain white office paper will see less than a 4 percent growth rate, despite the strong overall economy. A primary reason for the change, says Dunn, is that for the first time ever, some 47 percent of the workforce entered the job market after computers had already been introduced to offices.   "We're finally seeing a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace," says John Maine, vice president of a pulp and paper economic consulting firm. "More information is being transmitted electronically, and more and more people are comfortable with the information residing only in electronic form without printing multiple backups."   In addition, Mr. Maine points to the lackluster(毫无生气的,黯淡的) employment market for white-collar workers — the primary driver of office paper consumption for the shift in paper usage.   The real paradigm shift()思考模式的转移 may be in the way paper is used. Since the advent of advanced and reliable office-network systems, data storage has moved away from paper archives(档案文件夹). The secretarial art of "filing" is disappearing from job descriptions. Much of today's data may never leave its original digital format.   The changing attitudes toward paper have finally caught the attention of paper companies, says Richard Harper, a researcher at Microsoft. "All of a sudden, the paper industry has started thinking, 'We need to learn more about the behavioural aspects of paper use,'" he says. "They had never asked, they'd just assumed that 70 million sheets would be bought per year as a literal function of economic growth."  To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities. For example, Xerox Corp. is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Notations can be erased or saved digitally.   Another idea, intelligent paper, comes from Anoto Group. It would allow notations made with a stylus on a page printed with a special magnetic(有磁性的) ink to simultaneously(同时的) appear on a computer screen.   Even with such technological advances, the improved capabilities of digital storage continue to act against "paperlessness," argues Paul Saffo, a technology forecaster. In his prophetic (预言的)and metaphorical(比喻的)1989 essay, "The Electronic Pi?ata (彩罐)," he suggests that the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.
  The information industry today is like a huge electronic pi?ata, composed of a thin paper crust(壳) surrounding an electronic core," Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust "is most noticeable, but the hidden electronic core that produces the crust is far larger — and growing more rapidly. The result is that we are becoming paperless, but we hardly notice at all."   In the same way that digital innovations have increased paper consumption, Saffo says, so has video conferencing — with its promise of fewer in-person meetings — boosting business travel.   "That's one of the great ironies(讽刺) of the information age," Saffo says. "It's just common sense that the more you talk to someone by phone or computer, it inevitably leads to a face-to-face meeting. The best thing for the aviation(航空) industry was the Internet."   16. What function does the second sentence in the first paragraph serve?   A. It further explains high-tech hubris.   B. It confirms the effect of high-tech hubris.   C. It offers a cause for high-tech hubris.   D. It offers a contrast to high-tech hubris.   17. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the slowdown in paper sales?   A. Workforce with better computer skills.
B. Slow growth of the US economy.   C. Changing patterns in paper use.
D. Changing employment trends.   18. The two innovations by Xerox Corp. and Anoto Group feature ________.   A. integrated use of paper and digital form   B. a shift from paper to digital form   C. the use of computer screen
  D. a new style of writing   19. What does the author mean by ''irony of the information age"?   A. The dream of the "paperless" office will be realized.   B. People usually prefer to have face-to-face meetings.
  C. More digital data use leads to greater paper use.   D. Some people are opposed to video-conferencing.   20. What is the author's attitude towards "paperlessness"?   A. He reviews the situation from different perspectives.   B. He agrees with some of the people quoted in the passage.   C. He has a preference for digital innovations.   D. He thinks airlines benefit most from the digital age.
  这个点还没到家的苦逼高三老师党!给学生准备的阅读材料,基本都是托福考试 专八考试还有经济学人文章节选
12:42:14  我就很纳闷,难道你们是和其他省市不一样卷子的竞争?  -----------------------------  这么明显,就是不一样啊
  行了行了,你们江苏第一难,满意了吧  开始是挺同情你们的,但是某些江苏人非得来刷存在感,烦不烦啊
  看了一段,觉得没啥难的,可能是因为我目前在外企,英语能力长进了不少,也许在高三期间看这段,会觉得很崩溃吧  lz你应该给高三考生看啊,给我们看没意义
  我觉得考试难不难的,不是重点吧  在已经设定好的招生计划内,你跟你的竞争对手都是做同一张卷子的啊  这个高校在这个省招收多少新生,跟考卷难不难无关吧
  虽然楼主发帖的目的是为了获取认同,但是我不得不说,单纯从你例举的这篇阅读理解来看,确实不难。  不知道楼主作为老师是如何教导学生完成阅读理解的,单纯就当年我老师的方法和我自己的方法来说,做阅读理解要先浏览一下问题,带着问题去看原文。 那么我就尝试着用“高中生的水平”分析一下这篇阅读理解。   65. How do Twain’s novels on slavery differ from Stowe’s?   A. Twain was more willing to deal with racism.   B. Twain’s attack on racism was much less open.  C. Twain’s themes seemed to agree with plots.   D. Twain was openly concerned with racism.   differ的意思高中生应该会知道,“不同”,那么题目问的是Twain和Stowe之间的不同。单纯从题目本身,我觉得高中生应该能看明白。  那么看选项,选项中最难的单词无非就是racism吧?我假设高中生不知道这个单词的意思。那么四个选项在他们眼中应该就是  A. Twain更想要处理racism.   B. Twain对 racism的攻击更加不公开(更隐蔽).  C. Twain的主题和情节更能保持一致. -好吧,如果这个选项高中生看不懂,其实也无所谓  D. Twain公开的关注racism.  看完第一题,看原文。  第一句“the man who popularized the clever literary attack on racism”。  clever的意思高中生肯定会知道,attack on的意思应该也知道。那么这句话给整个文章奠定的基调就是“更聪明”地“攻击”racism。  第二句“These early stories dealt directly with slavery”  directly的意思高中生应该知道,“直接”的反义词是“间接”这一点应该也是常识。  我做第一题就看题目和这两句话就足够了。和以前那些过于“直接”的方式相比,Twain的方式更加“聪明”,那么我推理一下,Twain的方式应该是“间接,不明显,不公开”的。回到答案中,很有可能是B选项。  66. Recent criticism of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn arose partly from its _____.   A. target readers at the bottom   B. anti-slavery attitude   C. rather impolite language   D. frequent use of “nigger”  这一题提到了“Huckleberry Finn”,但是如果高中生不知道criticism以及arose是什么意思,那么这道题目在他们眼中会是“最近关于Adventures of Huckleberry Finn的criticism arose部分从它的_____”  A. 底层的目标读者 –关键字是读者  B. 反对Slavery的态度
-关键字是态度  C. 粗俗的语言 – 关键字是语言  D. 大量使用的“nigger”- 关键字是“nigger”  看正文,“many occurences of the word nigger”。答案一目了然,D。  剩下几道题恕我时间有限,无法再继续扮演高中学渣,楼主作为教师,更重要的不是让孩子们填鸭式的做题,背下来所有见到的单词(当然能背下来单词最好),而是让学生们知道,在他们现有的能力范围中,总会有比较合适的方法处理难题。尽可能的将错误答案消除,尽可能的贴近正确答案。如果楼主作为教师都抱怨“难”,那学生本身可能就会更加慌乱而无所适从。教师如果能够举重若轻,孩子们至少心态上会更平和一些。  教师行业十分辛苦,楼主加油。
  楼主辣鸡 减招多大事 不就是从根子上挖了挖我江苏的科教软实力么 打你你就忍 叫什么叫 又不是全国减招 鞭子就打你一个 你居然敢喊痛 难道有人能感同身受么 别人批评你是看得起你 谁让你的哭声扰民呢 谁让你江苏人呢 活该不公平 就算你苏死了 别人也只会觉得尸体占地方 所以希望江苏的小毛头们好好学习
不公平的事很多 不怕别人给你挖坑 但是你千万不要往里跳啊 掉下去也要爬上来 高考还有一个月不到了
  湖北的,当年高考英语才119,觉得没什么难的……  可能因为当年高三那会儿,我集中训练过如何做英语的阅读理解~但是放在当时班上,至少60%会做吧!
20:43:54  另外坐标山东潍坊,初中的时候英语老师曾经让我们做过考研的阅读理解,指天发誓绝无虚言  -----------------------------  看到这层我也要呵呵了  
  这么巧 周末参加个教师考编考试 阅读刚好有这篇
  是挺难的。我CET6,外贸10多年。  感觉很多人都被考试废了,出这种没什么意思。
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