lesbian怎么读 brassiere什么意思

breast(乳房)的简写为什么是bra,而不是bre? - 知乎1被浏览401分享邀请回答03 条评论分享收藏感谢收起拉拉是什么意思?_百度知道
她们换女人如同男人一般.是女人中的女嫖客。  再说说所谓的P  7.因为在男人的世界里失宠,可恶的,因为自己长的比较中性,而把自己当作是T.  6、留长发等  T是比较男性化的女性同性恋者,一般喜欢留短发,穿着上也一般以休闲装为主  不分是界于P和T之间,和女人在一起而不许女人碰她.其实这是种心理障碍.如果有极爱她的人帮助鼓励,是可以纠正的.自诩为T.  4.还有的拉拉是现代的产物,认为拉拉是时尚是时髦,这个世界不那么好玩.一些心地善良的LES也要认清什么样的人才是真正的拉拉,不要被人玩了.这LES的纯洁世界就是被一些时髦的,因为空虚寂寞无聊,玩起同类来了、P和H  女性同性恋者的身份在圈中一般自我界分为P,这拉拉的世界有一类女人..花花世界里什么人都有,望采纳,不管是从身体上还是思想上她就是爱女人.只会对女人才有那种性的感觉.她知道自己是女人但是她就是爱上了女人,好奇这拉拉的世界,也想体味一下女人之间的性关系.  13.当然也有的女人可以感受到来自同性或异性的,把自己打扮的酷酷的,而恰巧自己又长的还刚好,因为社会网络的传播,是用一个女人的心态来爱女人的,这样两个女人之间的关系,应该是爱人.互爱彼此。  同性恋中分有T,把自己当作男人。也可以说是角色错位.对于这种拉拉来说,爱女人是天性使然.在拉拉圈子里一般自诩为纯T.  2.在特定的环境中形成的拉拉。  比如部队,外形特征一般中性,角色也可因对象角色而定,可P也可T简称H即TP不分。  有的会把不分再分成 不分偏T,但是为什么到女人的世界里来呢?是钱.可以毫不客气地说,是卖到女人世界里来了.因为一些女人的天性善良好骗、T和不分  P是指比较女性化的女性同性恋者,女同性恋之解,圈内人译为拉拉或拉子!很高兴能为您解答,我是QQ空间答疑团队许子晴。LES是Lesbian的简称,人渣的,还因为有的女人因为有钱出于一种嫖客的心理,要买.  12.还有一类女人她喜欢男人,也喜欢女人,也就是所谓的双性恋,这类女人的心态大都是对女人很好奇!如若满意,请点击右侧【采纳答案】,如若还有问题,先确定好自己的性定位.不要游戏拉拉世界,请点击【追问】希望我的回答对您有所帮助,这类女人大都有些钱,不分偏P。  【T P 的角色划分】  1.异性僻.  这种人身体是女人,但是心理上就不接受自己是个女人的现实,正是赶时髦的美P了.  10.而有的女人是不小心与女人发生了关系,来到这拉拉的世界里,她也许就根本不知道这男人和女人之间的关系是什么样的,也不明白女人和女人之间的关系.说白了,受伤,而害怕男人,不接受男人.转而去爱上同性.希望有个女人爱她宠她.其实她是无所谓P和T的.  8.有的女人生来就是喜欢女人,认为女人才是美好的,她绝对的不喜欢男人,不接受男人.但是她自己恰恰又是特有女人味的那种,在和女人在一起的时候,因为TP的划分,而是把女人当作一种满足她们性欲的工具,她们不许女人碰她——在我看来她们是一种性的心理变态.这种人是最为可耻的拉拉!她们也自诩为纯T.  3.因自卑心理形成的拉拉。  有的拉拉在一种特定的环境中长大,从小可能受到过某些刺激,无法正视自己的身体,认为自己的身体有这样或那样的缺陷,一般喜欢穿女装,正是所谓的帅T.  5.最爱的是女人,把自己当作女人.在这样的一个时代.个人认为用这LES来表示同性恋是非常伟大的壮举.这女人她就是爱上了一个女人,她们之间的是爱情.在这爱人之间怎么可能分出谁是P谁是T呢?只有相爱的两个女人而已.这才是真正的LES.  看到网络上形形色色的拉拉们,奉劝一句,学校,监狱等地方.她们并不是爱女人、情感或爱情上的的吸引.这种人才是真的双性恋.  14.还有的女人只是到同性中来寻求一种心灵的契合,帕拉图式的精神恋爱.认为只有女人才可以了解女人.  15,这类女人还有个特点计较和她上床的女人是不是处女,是无知.  下面再说几种  11.还有一种女人是喜欢男人的,她喜欢被动.这种女人认为自己是纯P.  9.有的女人喜欢那种所谓的帅T,基于性,没有责任感的混蛋们弄的乱七八糟.呼吁真正的LES们要团结起来,让我们的世界干净一些您好
毕竟是统称专业的用LESBIAN ,简称:LES 中文:拉拉/蕾丝其中女同性恋可以用GAY
等待您来回答Look at Chloe Scott and Sizi Sev! Everyday Millennials! Sat next to each other, staring into their cellphones…not saying a word. They’re fixated with their phones, working all the popular apps. Chat apps. Dating apps. Picture apps. The works. While Sizi is looking at fotos, Chloe is chatting with a fellah named Vonte. That babe lastly breaks the silence. &OMG,& Chloe chirps, &Vonte is so hawt! But I am worried&. Sizi’s not sure what Chloe means, but in a short time this babe learns Vonte is a greater than average, buffed black ladies man. Chloe knows she is going to hook up with Vonte, and she’s by no means competent &BBC&. Sizi has, so this babe is gonna school Chloe on how to handle a pice of greater than run of the mill, darksome meat. But first Sizi will need to warm up Chloe’s tight, pink cookie. And certainly Chloe will return the favour. It doesn’t take Sizi long to strap-on a 10& darksome dildo. &Trust me, this will open you up for Vonte!& as Sizi slips it in. This all ends with one of the highest bush-shmoosing grinds you’ll ever watch!
– Beautiful white gals getting dominated by sexy, aggressive dark sweethearts!
Our man in Prague is stuck. That buck is been commissioned to discharge hardcore scenes with impressive gals, and not just any gracious girls. Prague is loaded with slinky, nice-looking gals. This stud needs attractive beauties with large, fat boobies and larger than run of the mill asses. Unfortunately for him, he is been getting nowhere. This chab decides to connect with one of the porn fellows to watch if that Lothario can help.
Always happy to extend some of that famous European hospitality, Dennis is glad to call a cutie that stud knows. That babe has all of the qualifications our Lothario needs and that babe can come right over.
Go into . She’s got anything the doctor ordered. She’s flirtatious, giggly and frisky, and this babe is always crazy to pop her monumental, fleshy whoppers out, especially when there’s a camera pointed at her and an crazy dude willing to service her and drop a stupendous load of cum on her powerful, mighty mams.
Dennis tells smiley-faced Angelina in her native tongue that the cameraman wishes a very sexy, natural scene. Laughing, Angelina says “Okay!” and applies her native tongue to Dennis’s boner for starters. She does not need the cameraman’s direction, just Dennis’s hard-on.
, who is 66 years old and wearing a low-cut top that reveals off her titanic scoops and a tight skirt that hugs her wazoo, is getting ready to go out when that babe hears somebody talking in her daughter’s bedroom. She moves closer to the door and hears her daughter’s boyfriend, Bambino, telling anybody how this chab banged Rita’s daughter the night previous to.
“She sucked me admirable,” this chab tells his ally on the phone.
Rita is outraged. After all, it’s one thing for her to floozy it up all over the place and receive ass-fucked and DP’d by total strangers. It is one more thing for her daughter to do it right there in her abode…at night, while Mother is upstairs dreaming about rods. Or maybe rogering the buck she picked up the night previous to.
Rita opens the door and sees Bambino in his underclothing.
“Bambino! What the fuck are u doing here?” Rita says. “Where is Liz? Did I indeed hear you say you screwed my daughter?”
“No,” Bambino says sheepishly.
Well, yeah, that babe did.
“I’m sorry. It isn’t alright. By no means. I suppose I’m gonna need to train u a lesson,” Rita says.
That lesson involves engulfing his penis and not letting him cum. Then tying his hands and having him bow over so she can suck his balls from behind and engulf his ramrod, also.
“C’mon, Bambino, fuck my mouth!” that babe demands.
Next, this babe sits on his ramrod in advance of lastly untying him so that guy can copulate her doggy position. Then that babe jacks him off onto her face.
“You screwed my daughter?” Rita asks Bambino. “Why can’t you fuck her Mama?”
No reason at all. And now, there’s completely no reason to shag the daughter. Stick to the Mamma!
Who just happens to be one of the highest GILFs ever. Just sayin’.
is not a swinger, but she’s a swinging cutie in a hammock on a bright, sunny day in LA. Aurora swings away and takes out her larger than run of the mill, sun-kissed wobblers to plant a kiss on her nipples. The bubbly Brit gets her summer suit and bra off and swings her bra buddies from side to side in advance of going into the house to phat off.
The bed is a comfortable platform to continue her breast bouncing. She is a talkative gal on-camera and has a hot English accent. There’s definitely some formal theater training in her background.
Aurora told she one time booked a mistresse to tie her up and tanalise her. This busts up our image of English angels as book club members who meet to discuss the latest novels over a pot of tea. And that is a valuable thing.
If you have never heard of Mookie Jordan, you’re about to. This fellow is one of the greatest wide receivers his state has ever produced, and some say this stud might not even finish college to go expert. Mookie has a problem, though, and she might stand in his way of football stardom: his girlfriend, Shonda. Coaches are aware this babe messes with Mookie’s head, so they’ve asked two of the muscular program’s administrators to step in: Alura Jenson and Dee Williams. Wait until you watch how they handle Mookie! Alura and Dee’s objective? Acquire Mookie to break up. How are they intend to achieve it? By giving Mookie a smack of white mouth…white bawdy cleft…white ass. Mookie’s invited to fuck any hole that smooth operator pleases, which is exactly what Mookie does. The &coogs& drain Mookie’s balls not one time, but twice: first deep in Alura’s pleasing wet crack, and then one time more all over the one and the other ladies! As they clean each other with just their tongues, Dee and Alura achieve what they set out to do: Mookie’s soon texting his GF that it’s over!!
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Sweet-faced Latin chick
tries on a new bustier she’s brought back to the apartment she’s staying in with the SCORE team.
It fits her adore a tit-glove, allowing whopping boobage to overflow and create pleasingly round boobies. Paola likes what she sees in the mirror. She tells us in Spanish (with English subtitles) that she’s let her pubic hair grow so she’ll have more to shave off as we view.
Paola is not plan to shave her slit totally bald. She’ll leave it trimmed. How many beauties have you known who have shared this most-intimate and personal act of female grooming? Paola is a very considerate goddess.
needs a lift home. That babe also needs a full-time bodyguard, judging from the way this babe looks, but that is one more story. Walking on a deserted road, Roxi thumbs it, a vision of unreality, but Roxi is real, absolutely real, one of the biggest-breasted honey bunnys in the world!
A presidential convoy would avoid for Roxi but Brad beat everybody to it and offers to drive Roxi to his place so this babe can call for a ride to her house. Roxi’s heard this line before, but that babe is game for some shlong so they drive off.
They’re not greater than typical on diminutive talk and seduction. Brad makes a beeline for Roxi’s mountainous bra-busters as pretty soon as they walk into his place. Each boob is 3 times as bigger than run of the mill as his head! Roxi makes his ding-dong vanish with the high-reaching of ease.
“This is the foremost thing I’ve ever done. I enjoy being photographed and getting plenty of sex. I’ve fulfilled all of my dreams cuz of porn. I have no inhibitions anymore. I too am a Domina and I adore it.”
Two Spanish girls made their arrival around the same time. Sandra and Marta La Croft are both diminutive and stacked but very different in looks.
Spain is a highly conservative country, yet there are quite a hardly any Spanish girls that do adult modeling and hot sex. The country has a whopping porn industry. Scarcely any super-busty beauties there, but I am always hoping one or more will show up one of those days.
Sandra was born in Dusseldorf, Germany and was raised in Barcelona, which I make almost certainly of is in Catalonia, to be particular about it.
“I love to wear very constricted clothing that brandish tons of my breast valley,” Sandra said in Spanish. This babe speaks no English. “My dresses and skirts need to be very high to expose my legs. I like to be looked at.”下载翻译插件
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