
能看到自己爱人的笑容就是永恒了.我明又白了一点. 我问爸爸,什么是永恒,她在你的心里,便是永恒了.我笑了,终于,用心去体会爱,这便是永恒.我似乎知道一些了. 我问妈妈,很多人都奢望永恒.没有人会怀疑爱情的力量,也没有人会欢迎曲终人散的悲伤,便是永恒了.我明白了不少. 我问好友,什么是永恒?好友告诉我,一直爱一个人,坚持会给我们终点.爱情没有天荒与地老,却有忠贞与缠绵.执子之手是愿望,与子谐老是渴望.我们只要爱对方比对方爱自己多一秒,什么是永恒,那永恒呢?什么才是永恒...... 我问爷爷,什么是永恒?爷爷告诉我,能保留在你记忆里的对爱人的思念便是永恒.我明白了一点. 我问奶奶?妈妈告诉我,用责任去面对爱,用实力去赢得爱?奶奶告诉我?我是如此回答她的:人世间,有很多永恒,我现在爱你,其实就是永恒的开始.缘分给了我们起点,什么是永恒很多人都想去爱,很多人却又害怕去爱.很多人想远离伤痕,宽容地面对爱,细心地经营爱,什么是永恒?爸爸告诉我,我有答案了. 我的爱人问我
永恒是什么意思 永恒在线翻译 永恒什么意思 永恒的意思 永恒的翻译 永恒的解释 永恒的发音 永恒的同义词 永恒的反义词 永恒的例句
永恒 基本解释永恒[yǒng héng]词典:永生的;不朽的;永恒的,永久的;似乎不停的,没完没了的。词典:永远;不断地,无休止地;老是,经常。词典:永久的;不断的;无期限的;四季开花的。词典:[电影]永恒。永恒 汉英大词典永恒[yǒng héng] perpetual:  例:永恒的友谊        永恒的真理    eternal truth永恒 双语例句1. 永恒的反义词1. 我的永恒和无条件的爱给你们大家,给予你们礼物和爱。&&&&MY undying and unconditional love to all of you for your gifts and love.2. 钻石戒指收盘接触,哈尔顿花园珠宝商,经营的钻石戒指,你自己设计钻石戒指接触,预订结婚戒指、英国白金戒指、金戒指胶质,承担戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,接触红宝石戒指,伦敦珠宝商,奢侈品珠宝交战的Tiffany戒指、社会学的Tiffany,Etoile的Tiffany,预订珠宝,手工戒指接触英国订造接触戒指,戒指手工接触,接触不同寻常戒指,豪华珠宝商,手作戒指,用手写,英国伦敦车间,哈尔顿花园钻石戒指,白金、黄金、白银全部由手工及手工大师金帜钻石戒指、钻石戒指接触英国,翡翠戒指接触,红宝石戒指接触,品味珠宝钻石罚款、质量保证金街,伦敦珠宝商,聘请黄钻石戒指,钻石戒指婚纱、钻石贴片,钻石制造先驱钻石,钻石抛光机,出色禁钻石、白金钻石戒指、钻石永恒戒指,珠宝设计师独家钻石戒指的纸牌,迪拜钻石、钻石戒指廉价迪拜白金钻石戒指,cooldiamonds,dejoria,大卫莫里斯酷钻石,凉爽设计师、黄金钻石戒指,集束钻石戒指,英国钻石戒指,白金钻石戒指接触,史永恒戒指、钻石戒指三部曲,黑色钻石戒指,钻石戒指粉红、设计师钻石戒指,红宝石钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指永恒、古董钻石戒指,周年钻石戒指,汉语石榴石、钻石金戒指接触白色,蓝宝石钻石戒指、1克拉钻石戒指,原厂制造永恒戒指、钻石戒指接触的纸牌,金刚石engagemen296、昂贵的钻石戒指,kelsall的Harriet,镶有钻石戒指、白金钻石戒指婚礼、热点钻石、钻石耳环、钻石首饰松散钻石粉红蓝宝石及粉红蓝宝石戒指,英文英国豪华珠宝、钻石伦理道德珠宝、宝石伦理、黄色钻石献血钻石、冲突钻石、清洁钻石戒指珍接触,接触红宝石戒指、蓝宝石戒指接触,接触珍珠戒指、翡翠戒指接触、玛瑙、宝石、呈色、琥珀、紫晶、红柱石、磷灰石、宋瓷、绿柱石、钻石黑、蓝钻石、褐色钻石,钻石的金丝雀、玛瑙、猫眼玉髓、香槟钻石、宝石、chrysoprase,柠檬黄,钻石白兰地、友谊集团、同性恋结婚戒指,同性恋friendsh叶珊瑚、茱、刚玉、长征-立方氧化锆、demantoid石榴石、祖母绿、长石、萤石、蛋白石火灾、石榴石、玻璃绿钻石,或haematite赤铁矿、BBC等,hiddenite、iolite、色情、象牙、玉石、翡翠、喷气、Rappaport,kunzite、晕、蜜腊、铁矿、硅石、钾长石、morganite、玉、玛瑙、蛋白石、橙色钻石,padparascha或padparadscha、珍珠、橄榄石、粉红色钻石,prase,紫色的钻石,水晶,红色钻石,镶嵌水晶、玫瑰石英、宝石、红宝石、蓝宝石、可持续农业、sardonyx,榍,尖晶石、锂、星光宝石,sunstone,Tanzanite、黄玉、topazolite、乌龟、电气石、tsavolite、绿松石、黄钻、锆石、晶石&&&&Diamond Engagement Ring s, Hatton Garden Jewellers, Diamond Engagment Rings, Design Your Own Diamond Engagement Rings, bespoke wedding rings, Platinum Rings uk, gents gold Rings, commitment rings, sapphire engagement rings, Ruby Engagement Rings, London Jewellers, Luxury Jewellery, Tiffany Engagement Rings, Tiffany Lucida, Tiffany Etoile, Bespoke Jewellery, Handmade Engagement Rings uk, Custom-made Engagement Rings, Handcrafted Engagement Rings, Unusual Engagement Rings, luxury jewellers, Hand made rings, made by hand, uk london workshop, hatton garden diamond rings, in platinum, gold, silver, all handmade and handcrafted by master goldsmiths, custom made diamond rings, diamond engagement rings uk, emerald engagement rings, ruby engagement rings, haute jewellery, fine diamonds, bond street quality, london jeweller, yellow diamond engagement ring, diamond ring wedding, diamond mounter, diamond manufacturer, diamond setter, diamond polisher, excellent cut diamonds, diamond platinum ring, diamond eternity ring, exclusive jewellery designer, diamond ring solitaire, dubai diamonds, cheap diamonds rings dubai, diamond gold ring white, cooldiamonds, dejoria, david morris, cool diamonds, cool designer, diamond gold ring, cluster diamond ring, diamond ring uk, diamond engagement platinum ring, History of Eternity Rings, diamond ring trilogy, black diamond ring, diamond pink ring, designer diamond ring, diamond ring ruby, diamond eternity platinum ring, antique diamond ring, anniversary diamond ring, madarin garnet, diamond engagement gold ring white, diamond ring sapphire, 1 carat diamond ring, custom made eternity rings, diamond engagement ring solitaire, diamon engagemen rin, expensive diamond ring, harriet kelsall, 18k diamond ring, diamond platinum ring wedding, hot diamond, diamond earring, diamond jewelry, loose diamonds, pink sapphires and pink sapphire rings, english luxury jewellery uk, ethical diamonds, ethical jewellery, ethical jeweler, yellow diamonds, blod diamonds, conflict diamonds, clean diamonds, dimond engagement ring, ruby engagement ring, sapphire engagement rings, pearl engagement rings, emerald engagement rings, Agate, Alexandrite, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Andalusite, Apatite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Black Diamonds, blue Diamonds, Brown Diamonds, Canary Diamonds, Carnelian, Cat's Eyes, Chalcedony, Champagne Diamonds, Chrysoberyl, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Cognac Diamonds, friendship rings, gay wedding rings, gay friendsh ip, Coral, Cornelian, Corundum, CZ - 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Our age is, in especial degree, the age of criticism, and to criticism everything must submit. Religion through its sanctity, and law-giving through its majesty, may seek to exempt themselves from it. But they then awaken just suspicion, and cannot claim the sincere respect which reason accords only to that which has been able to sustain the test of free and open examination.6. 6. 是我们永恒的的决心;健康所系,性命相托是我们对您庄重的誓言。&&&&They are our eternal determination, work with health and life is our solemn oath.7. 真实的爱情只是人们最朴素的容颜,仿佛一张不修饰的面孔、无论清晨和黄昏,都是一双纯净的眼睛、一张温存的嘴巴,一只可以呼吸的鼻子,这个永恒的摸样和你朝夕相拥,不会有瞬间的惊诧,也没有剧烈的颠荡,生活就这样温存的过了一天又一天。&&&&True love is just one of the most simple appearance, as if a face is not modified, regardless of the early morning and evening, are a pair of pure eyes, and a gentle mouth, a nose to breathe, the eternal Mo Yang and you hugged overnight there will be no surprise the moment, no drastic Britain swing, life is such a gentle over-the day after day.8. 在蝴蝶后面的是一张有意识的脸,向内看著那个永恒的。&&&&Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal.9. 如果把自己作为中心,看得见摸得着的世界根本不是永恒的。&&&&Worse still, it isnt actually neccssary to look to space for petrifying danger.10. 10. 佐尔已经看到了这一点,没有人能够从他的发现中获益。而最后他让自己陷入了半痴狂的状态,佐尔深信能以某种方式控制住所有的事情,并且把这个永恒生命的礼物分成几份散布到宇宙中去。&&&&Zor had seen to it that no one could profit
and in the end he had driven himself half mad, convinced that he could somehow rule over all of it and parcel out to the universe the gift of everlasting life.11. 汉代表现生命意识的诗歌,因其主题的永恒和古今人情之不远,而特秀于文学史,至今仍焕发出蓬勃的生命力。&&&&&&Because of the eternal theme and common feelings of human, the poems of life consciousness in Han Dynasty are still great creations in literary history.12. 最后,狂欢化雅努斯性作为诙谐的精髓所在,将死亡转化为强大的再生力量,与诞生一起决定生命的永恒运动,狂欢节乌托邦在罗马的死亡因而导向小说主人公约塞连的重生以及其自身在瑞典的重建。&&&&&&Last, as the essence of carnival humor, carnival Janus transforms death into the irresistible power of regeneration, and guarantees the eternal operation of life together with birth.13. 13. 通过爱,永恒的宇宙无一例外地改变了一切。&&&&&&Through love the universe with constancy makes changes all without discord.14. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D14. 爱情成为人们思考的一个普遍而永恒的话题。&&&&&&Love is a universal and eternal topic for people to ponder over.15. 15. 和别人分享你的知识,那才是永恒之道!&&&&&&Share your knowledge with others, it is a permanent way.16. 和别人分享你的知识,那才是永恒之道!&&&&&&Share your knowledge, that's the permanent way.17. 任何事情都不是永恒的、一成不变的,必然会有前进,即某种进步;也会有倒退,即衰退及退化。&&&&&&There must be movement forward, which is progress of a sort, or movement backwards, which is decay and deterioration.18. 18. 破碎的旋律,以坚毅的执着延续着希望的永恒,用深爱的残忍,让一种欲望在记忆里复苏。&&&&&&Broken up melody, use to love deeply with the persist of determination abyss of time of continue the hope of cruelty, let a kind of desire recover in the memory.19. 意境决定心境,健康才是永恒!&&&&&&Artistic decisions mood, health is eternal!20. 从司徒之官起,我国即拥有世界上最早的教育主管官署,「彰明人伦,执守常道」这样的文化理想,也一直是我国教育的永恒目标,绵延著这个文化理想,中华民国的教育部也将以的精神,来创建一个更宏观的文明。&&&&&&With the appointment of SiTu some 2, 500 years ago, China is the first country in the world to have a government office in charge of education. Since then, developing culture and maintaining social order has been our ultimate goal in education. Bearing this goal in mind, the Ministry of Education of永恒是什么意思,永恒在线翻译,永恒什么意思,永恒的意思,永恒的翻译,永恒的解释,永恒的发音,永恒的同义词,永恒的反义词,永恒的例句,永恒的相关词组,永恒意思是什么,永恒怎么翻译,单词永恒是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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