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第一, 把你的发音练的和你喜欢的角色一样 第二, 在玩角色扮演的时候顺畅把台词说出来! 让我们身临其境重温一次老友记吧!
Peer Pressure 这件小事,知乎和Quora 上的同龄人怎么看?
从小就是“别人家的孩子”,也不能免俗地面临严重的Peer Pressure.
本期职小越为大家诚意奉上编译自知乎和Quora 的相关回答,不妨看看同龄人,是怎样考虑这个问题的。
Peer Pressure (同侪压力)的参考定义:
Your peers are the people similar to you in age and status. Peer pressure’s when you do something because they’ve persuaded you to, or because everyone else is doing it and you’re afraid you’ll look like silly if you don’t join in. Often you don’t necessarily agree with it.
从上学时一味追求名校,到毕业后一味追求投行咨询精英行业,我像大多数中国孩子一样,几乎从出生的那一刻起就体验到了peer pressure。参与更多英语活动请进入
从好的方面来看,peer pressure让人不偷懒、不松懈,周围人都在努力读书的时候,我也会不自觉地用功起来;周围人都在规划职业的时候,迫使我也去思考自己的未来,而不是一味回避这个让人恐惧的问题。从坏的方面看,peer pressure让人随大流、不思考,不敢跳脱出去做意想不到的事情,是禁锢,是无形的枷锁。
我的想法是,既然peer pressure无法避免,不如好好去利用它。
找外教一起来聊聊这个吧~ 点击加入
我两年前很焦虑,现在peer pressure问题对我来说不存在了。分享一下认知变化:)
所以并不存在peer pressure这回事。坐井观天,井是幻象。
@Geofanny B. Yohanes, Quora
Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve always been alone or friends with just few people. Right now, I feel very comfortable with the small circle of friends I have.
There was one period of time where I felt sad and thought “why am I not popular” and “why don’t many people like me”, but at some point, I realised that I probably won’t enjoy being so popular. I don’t want to go to lots of parties. I don’t want people I don’t know to know so many things about me. I don’t want so many people to interact with me.
In the end, I stop wishing to be popular. I’m fine. I have a few close friends with whom I can be the real me. I am respected enough not to get bullied. I’m somewhat accepted, though I am not popular. I just focus on being nice in general.
@Allison Hellman, Quora
Peer pressure can be positive, negative or neutral, it’s not always bad. Most people focus on negative peer pressure and forget the rest. Examples are below:
Positive Peer Pressure:
I am a huge procrastinator. I wasn’t going to study for the test tomorrow. My friends and I were hanging out that day though, and everyone there decided to study. I felt like I had to study so I wouldn’t feel weird, and to fit in. Maybe a friend says “Do you want to go over notes?” and I don’t want to admit that I hate studying.
This is positive peer pressure since studying is a positive thing to do.
@Luke Carter, Quora
When someone quits smoking and a friend asks if you want to smoke.
When someone quits drinking and you get invited to a party with alcohol.
It’s important to remember why you made the decision to quit whatever you’ve quit or to not do whatever you don’t feel comfortable doing so that when life throws those tests at you, you’ll be ready to stand up and say you won’t be doing that anymore.
So a holistic life is not possible when there is thought, time, and the desire for identification and for roots. They prevent a way of living that is whole, complete. You hear the statement, and your question then will be, ‘How shall I stop thinking?’ It is a natural question, isn’t it?
所以,当思想、时间以及对认同和根基的渴望依然存在时,完整的生活就不可能实现。它们妨碍了完整的、整体的生活方式出现。你听到了这个说法,然后你就会问:“我要如何停止思考呢?”这是一个很自然的问题,不是吗? 参与活动一起来探讨吧~~
You know that time is necessary to learn a skill, a language, or a technical subject. But you have also just begun to realize that the ‘becoming’, the moving from ‘what is’ to ‘what should be’, involves time, and that it may be totally wrong, it may not be true.
So you begin to question. Or do you just say, ‘I don’t understand what you are talking about but I will go along with it’? Which is actually what is taking place. Honesty, like humility, is one of the most important things. When a vain man cultivates humility, that humility is part of vanity. But humility has nothing to do with vanity, with pride. It is a state of the mind that says, ‘I don’t know what I am, let me inquire’, and never says, ‘I know.’
于是你开始质疑。还是你只是说,“我不明白你在讲什么,但我会带走这个说法”?这就是实际上正在发生的事情。诚实,就像谦卑一样,是最重要的东西之一。当一个虚荣的人培养谦卑,那谦卑就是虚荣的一部分。但谦卑实际上与虚荣、与骄傲毫无关系。那是这样的一种心灵状态:它会说“我不知道自己现在如何,让我来探究一下”,而绝不会说“我知道了。” 教你英语聊天
Now, you have listened to the fact that all time is now. You may agree or you may not agree. That is a dreadful thing—agreeing and disagreeing. Why should we agree or disagree? The fact is that the s you don’t agree or disagree with it.
So can we put aside our conditioning of agreeing and disagreeing so that we both can look at facts, so that there is no division between those who agree and those who do not? Then there is only seeing things as they are. You may say, ‘I don’t see’, but that is a different matter. Then we can go into why you don’t see. But when we enter into the area of agreement and disagreement, we become more and more confused. The speaker has said our lives are fragmented, our ways of thinking are fragmented.
You are a businessman, you earn lots and lots of money and then you build a temple or give to charity. See the contradiction in it. We are never deeply honest with ourselves—not honest in order to be something else or to understand something else. But to be clear and to have an absolute sense of honesty is to have no illusions.
If you tell a lie, you tell a lie and you know it and say, ‘I have told a lie’, and do not cover it up. When you are angry, you are angry and you say that you are angry. You do not find causes, explanations for it, or try to get rid of it. This is absolutely necessary if you are going to inquire into much deeper things, as we are doing now. Not make a fact into an idea but to remain with the fact—that requires very clear perception.
That Benediction is Where You Are, Talk 2
Economic migrants are seen as a threat to jobs and the welfare state. The reality is more complex 参与下期讨论活动,可以关注公众号 北京英语俱乐部
STOKE-ON-TRENT in northern England is home to the world’s second-oldest professional football club, Stoke City FC. Founded in 1863, it enjoyed its heyday in the mid-1970s, when the club came close to winning the top division. The playing style was described by its manager, Tony Waddington, as “the working man’s ballet”. These days the flair is often provided by players from far afield. More than half the first-team squad comes from outside Britain, mostly from other parts of Europe. But that is about as far as Europhilia in Stoke goes. In June’s referendum on Britain’s European Union membership, the city voted strongly for Brexit.
A study by Italo Colantone and Piero Stanig of Bocconi University in Milan found that areas where jobs are vulnerable to competition from Chinese imports, mainly those in Britain’s faded industrial north, tended to be in favour of leaving. Stoke City FC are known as the Potters intribute to the city’s once-great pottery industry. But Stoke also seemed predestined to be a Brexit supporter on another count. An analysis by The Economist earlier this year found that in places such as Stoke, where the foreign-born population had increased by more than 200% between 2001 and 2014, a vote to leave was almost certain.
Someone’s heyday is the time when they are most powerful, successful, or popular.全盛时期
win the top division
If you have flair, you do things in an original, interesting, and stylish way.才华;资质;创意
A squadis a group of players from which a sports team will be chosen.(将从中挑选运动员组队参赛的)运动队,大名单
be vulnerable to
a place, thing, or idea that is vulnerable is easy to attack or criticize
tributeto sb/sth
showing the good effects or influence of sb/sth(良好效果或影响的)体现,显示
Potteryis the craft or activity of making objects out of clay. 制陶手艺;陶艺;陶瓷制造
If you say that something was predestined, you mean that it could not have been prevented or changed because it had already been decided by a power such as God or fate.命中注定的;上天安排的
Immigration of low-skilled workers has become an increasingly contentious political issue in both America and Britain. Voters in host countries often see a sudden influx of people from places with lower wages, poorer working conditions and a less generous welfare system as a threat to their livelihoods and living standards. In America the debate is about whether migrants hold down the wages of native workers. In Britain the main concern is that migrants put additional pressure on housing, public health services, schools and transport systems.
Along with trade, migration is one of the two main sources of public anxiety about globalisation. For the host economy, the gains and drawbacks are similar to those from trade. Immigration enriches the workforce, allowing for a more finely graded specialisation that raises average productivity and living standards. Diverse workforces are likely to be more productive, especially in industries where success depends on specific knowledge, such as computing, health care and finance. By easing labour bottlenecks, low-skilled migrants help to keep down prices of goods and services.
The drawback for native workers is competition for jobs and public services. In principle, an influx of low-skilled workers depresses wages for competing native workers, in the same theoretical way that opening up to trade with poor countries does. The balance of benefits and costs will depend on income: the rich are likely to do better out of the bargain. Economists dispute the extent of the overall gains and losses to hosts and labour-sending countries respectively.
A contentious issue causes a lot of disagreement or arguments有争议的;引起争论的
An influx of people or things into a place istheir arrival there in large numbers.流入;涌进
to keep sth at a low level 使保持低水平
gains and drawbacks
balance of benefits and costs
gains and losses
Come pick my strawberries
Some benefits are uncontested. For immigrants from poorer countries moving to Stoke, or indeed to any part of Britain, there are clear gains. They can hope for a better job, a marked improvement in their quality of life and access to better public services such as health care. Economic migrants are by definition a mobile labour force. Migration helps to deal with labour shortages in low- or mid-skilled industries, such as mining or agriculture, and in remote places where it is difficult to attract native workers. Migrants are also often granted work visas on the strength of having scarce skills.
Other elements of migration are more controversial. If host countries benefit from immigrants, then the countries that send them must be losing out on manpower, skills and tax revenue. The people who move are often the brightest and best—those with the get-up-and-go, the languages and the connections—so their country of origin may suffer a brain drain. A recent paper from the IMF puts a number on this. Between 1990 and 2012 almost 20m people moved from central, eastern and south-eastern Europe to richer countries in western Europe. This east-west migration accelerated after 2004 when eight eastern European countries, including Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, joined the EU. The IMF researchers reckon thisexodus lowered cumulative population growth in labour-sending countries by eight percentage points. If those mostly young and skilled workers had stayed put, the gap with the EU in income per person would have been five percentage points narrower.
on the strength of
the brightest and best
brain drain
When people talk about a brain drain, they are referring to the movement of a large number of scientists or academics away from their own country to other countries where the conditions and salaries are better.人才流失;人才外流
If there is an exodus of people from a place, a lot of people leave that place at the same time.大批离去;成群撤离
If a series of events have a cumulative effect, each event makes the effect greater聚积的;积累的;渐增的
These results are open to dispute. Migrants typically move from places where economic prospects are poor, making it hard to establish whether weak growth is a cause or a consequence of their leaving. The chance of a better life elsewhere may also create a stronger incentive for those who remain to acquire new skills. Michael Clemens of the Centre for Global Development and Satish Chand of the Australian National University used a natural experiment provided by a military coup in Fiji in 1987 to study the effects of emigration on that country. The economy was split between indigenous Fijians and those of Indian origin. A large chunk of the second group, generally high-skilled, left after the coup. Most of them went to Australia and New Zealand, which admitted well-qualified migrants. It seemed the ideal opportunity to measure the effects of a brain drain.
What the researchers found was that the Indian Fijians who stayed behind started to acquire skills at a faster rate in order to be able to emigrate (or at least to have the option of doing so). They also concentrated on disciplines that allowed them to meet the skills-based immigrationcriteria most efficiently. The increased investment in skills was large enough to raise the stock of human capital net of the first wave of emigration, in which a fifth of the Indian-Fijian population left. The brain drain was fully offset.
a military coup
Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country.当地的;本土的;土生土长的
a large chunk of
a fairly large amount of sth.相当大的量
A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.(判定的)标准,准则
If one thing is offset by another, the effect of the first thing is reduced by the second, so that any advantage or disadvantage is cancelled out.抵消;补偿
implicit contract
What about the impact on host countries? Many native workers see uncontrolled immigration as a break with an implicit contract: that the state will look after its own. It creates a tension between immigration and the welfare state. That tension, though, is mostly policy-related. Where migrants’ employment rate is higher than that of natives (as is the case with migrants within the EU), fears that immigration will add to the welfare burden are largely unfounded, though much depends on how welfare policies are designed. In America, for instance, only those who have paid into the public Social Security (pension) scheme for at least ten years are entitled to benefits. A well-designed policy could make immigration and welfare provision complementary.
The trouble is that at local level there is often a mismatch between the extra resources that immigrants add and the extra demand they create. Additional pressures on local public services are a particular problem in Britain, where central government raises taxes and allocates spending. Centralised budgets make it difficult for local authorities to respond flexibly to changes in local conditions, and strict planning rules limit the construction of new homes when demand surges.
Some other European countries deal with economic migration rather better than Britain does. In Denmark a lot of budgetary policy is made at municipal level, says Jacob Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. If an area has an influx of migrants, it receives more local tax revenues to expand public amenities, build more schools, hire more doctors and so on.
Another concern among natives has been that immigrants put downward pressure on wages. In theory they should, but empirical studies come to different conclusions. On one side is George Borjas, of Harvard University, whose study in 2006 found that although immigration did not depress overall wages between 1980 and 2000, it did hold down the pay of the low-skilled by 5-10%. On the other side, David Card, of the University of California, Berkeley, concluded that there was no effect. His view was based on a study of the “Mariel boatlift”, an unexpected surge in Cuban migrants to Miami in 1980. Mr Card reckoned that Miami had become accustomed to handling large inflows of unskilled migrants. Mr Borjas has recently looked at Mr Card’s analysis again and claims that high-school dropouts, a subset of the low-skilled native workers in Mr Card’s study, did in fact suffer a material fall in wages.
Amenitiesare things such as shopping centres or sports facilities that are provided for people’s convenience, enjoyment, or comfort.生活福利设施;便利设施
Mariel boatlift
1980年的马列尔偷渡事件 (Mariel Boatlift)中,有150,000古巴人一次性渡海达迈阿密,这也是历史上最大的一次军事渡海行动。
Until quite recently the academic literature treated migrants as substitutes for native workers. But what if t if low-skilled migrants helped to boost the productivity of low-skilled natives? Gianmarco Ottaviano, of the University of Bologna, and Giovanni Peri, of the University of California, Davis, find that for workers with at least a high-school qualification, the wage effects of low-skill immigration are positive if you drop the assumption that workers of the same age and education are perfect substitutes and that workers of one skill level, say cooks, do not affect the productivity of workers at other skill levels, say waiters or restaurant managers. The effect on the wages of high-school dropouts is only mildly negative. A paper by Marco Manacorda, Alan Manning and Jonathan Wadsworth, of the London School of Economics, similarly concludes that immigrants to Britain are imperfect substitutes for native-born workers, so they have little impact on natives’ job prospects or wages. New immigrants tend to affect only the pay of recently arrived immigrants.
From these muddy waters, it is possible to draw two tentative conclusions about the broad impact of migration on wages. First, the effect on the bulk of low-skilled native workers has been fairly muted—perhaps because the way work is done changes in response to large-scale migration. However, the pay of some narrow categories of workers (say, farm labourers in Britain or high-school dropouts in America) may still be affected.
To deal with the tension between immigration and the welfare state, three rules suggest themselves. First, make benefits conditional on having paid into the system. Second, tie the funding of local public services to local tax revenues to ensure an automatic response to an influx of migrants. Third, restrict migration to prime-age, skilled workers who are more likely to get jobs and less likely to lose them in a recession.
But this may not be as straightforward as it sounds. Almost two-thirds of the new jobs that will be added to America’s economy in the next decade will be low-skilled or mid-skilled jobs, according to a projection by the country’s Bureau of Labour Statistics. Care workers, kitchen staff, auxiliary nurses and builders will be in strong demand in Europe, too. Such demand may not easily be met by indigenous workers, even at higher wages.
Will these jobs be filled in a black market or in a formal labour market? This is a question America has faced before. In the 1980s the baby-boomers were moving towards middle age, causing a spike in demand for young, low-skilled labour. This coincided with a demographic bulge in Mexico. An overhaul of America’s immigration rules in 1986 regularised those Mexican workers who had arrived before 1982. Henceforth work visas would be granted only to high-skilled migrants. The interplay of supply and demand created a black market, causing the number of illegal migrants to reach 12m in 2007, when policing of the border was stepped up. It was only quite recently that the flow of migrants was reversed (see chart).
Europe now faces a supply-demand dynamic similar to America’s in the 1980s. It has an ageing population, whereas on its doorstep, in the Middle East and Africa, populations are young and growing rapidly. A lesson from America’s engagement with Mexico is that a formal system for low-skilled immigration, perhaps with fewer entitlements than for skilled workers, is far preferable to turning a blind eye to informal migration.
If there is a spike in the price, volume, or amount of something, the price, volume, or amount of it suddenly increases.(价格、数量的)突然上升,剧增
demographic bulge
turn a blind eye to
for the most part
unfettered If you describe something as unfettered, you mean that it is not controlled or limited by anyone or anything.自由的;不受拘束的
Only within the EU’s borders is the free movement of people tied to the free movement of trade and capital. For the most part, enthusiasts for globalisation have rooted only for freer trade and open capital markets, not migration. Yet many of them are now having second thoughts about the benefits of unfetter
ed capital too.
对于中国大陆的读者来说,在哲学领域区分“唯物主义”和“唯心主义”是理所当然、天经地义的事情,似乎这是最重要、最根本的区分,不存在什么疑问。人们普遍认为,从古至今的任何哲学观点,或者属于唯物主义流派(或具有唯物主义倾向),或者属于唯心主义流派(或具有唯心主义倾向),二者必居其一。中国哲学界近些年虽有少数学者对这种区分提出一定质疑和讨论,但是一来并未引起足够重视,二来仍未讲出完全令人信服的道理。参与本期北京英语角活动,请关注 笔者在《超越西方思想——哲学研究核心领域新探》(增订版2008年)一书中采用与现今人们所知道的各种哲学观点和流派都很不相同的研究思路,包括没有从“唯物主义”和“唯心主义”这种简单的区分出发,不过并没有对这一问题做出正面的讨论。笔者现在对此进行初步地讨论。 从字面上看,中文的“唯物主义”和“唯心主义”这两个术语,一是突出“唯”字,二是突出“物”和“心”字,即从字面上理解,似乎唯物主义学说只承认有物质存在而不承认有精神(“心”)存在,而唯心主义学说只承认有精神存在而不承认有物质存在。实际上当然并非如此。简单地说,大致可以分为认为是物质更重要还是精神更重要这两种看法,迄今哲学教科书多表述为“是物质第一性还是精神第一性”。而西方语言中的相关术语则有所不同,尤其是缺少汉语术语中“唯”的意思,或至少很不明确。此外,西文“materialism”和“idealism”这两个词都是多义词,所以在汉语著作中有时也把它们分别译为“物质主义”、“物欲至上”和“观念论”及“理想主义”等。 但不论怎样,迄今的讨论主要都围绕“物”与“心”、“物质”与“精神”这两样东西,这就是说,并没有跳出二元存在论的思路。而在笔者看来,这本身恰恰就是有毛病的,即无论是把世界最终归结为物质还是最终归结为精神、或者最终归结为二者,都是不大正确的、是片面的。如果只知二者而完全不知其他,只考虑二者而不考虑其他,从把哲学当作最广义科学研究的角度看只会陷入很大误区。 首先可以问:语言、文字、符号是什么?应该属于物质还是精神?其次,人们想象出来的东西(比如妖魔鬼怪、神仙等)是属于物质还是精神?这些问题迄今都难以给出令人完全信服的答案。毛病就出在“物质-精神”二分法的思路过于狭窄。笔者认为,语言文字、符号既不应简单归属为物质,也不应简单归属为精神,而是人类所创造出来的十分特殊的东西。其次,人们所想象出来的东西也不应简单归属为物质或者精神,而是必须专门加以考虑和安排。这样,就必须跳出这种二元论思维的路数。20世纪西方著名哲学家波普尔提出一种“三个世界论”即三元存在论的思路。一些中国大陆或华人学者也提出各种新思路,包括唐力权的“场有哲学”、任恢忠的“物质-意识-场”论、吴学谋的“泛系论”等等,这些都是哲学领域大胆探索的尝试,但是显然都有很大的不足,迄今也没有被国内外学术界所普遍接受。 经过多年反复研究思考,笔者做了一次新的大胆尝试,一共区分开四种最基本的东西,即整个世界最终都归结为这四种东西:一,对象世界(即可以命名的整个世界,包括整个自然界、人类所制造出的一切产物);二,符号世界(主要包括语言文字及数学符号体系);三,定义内容世界(当我们对一个词的不同理解和定义进行争论时,实际上就是争论其定义内容,定义内容固然都是人为规定的,但是必须要讲出令人信服的道理,才能被大多数人所接受);四,想象力世界(人们争论到底有没有妖魔鬼怪、神仙等的存在,其实都只是在争论人们所想象出的东西到底是否“存在”,这些东西当然并不存在于自然界当中,而是只存在于人们头脑的想象力当中以及借助于文学艺术作品等所表达出来)。 这种四元存在论包含了世界上所能接触到和想到的所有东西,由此出发能给出令人信服的解释,从而避免从“物质-精神”二分法以及其他各种存在论出发所遇到的各种尴尬。详细论述请见笔者《超越西方思想》一书以及发表在凤凰网博客“刘立群北外”上的有关文章,特别是“哲学创新的出路在哪里”等文。 从以上讨论可以得出:由于“唯物-唯心”之争只是从“物质-精神”二分法出发的,因此很多事情、很多道理都讲不清楚,也不可能讲清楚,有很大的局限性,因此必须另辟蹊径,进行新的尝试、接触新的思路。从笔者的四元存在论出发就可以发现“唯物主义”和“唯心主义”等学说或倾向都存在各自的不足和缺陷,都不完全正确,但也都有各自某些可取之处。换言之,从古至今的哲学研究领域之所以出现许多观点极为不同的争论,主要是因为没有完全正确解决哲学的问题,在把哲学问题完全正确解决之后,这些争论将没有必要继续下去。笔者《超越西方思想》一书就是完全解决哲学核心领域问题的大胆尝试。 仍需补充两点。一,在当代中国大陆的汉语表达中,“唯物主义”和“唯心主义”这两个词已经具有和西文“materialism”和“idealism”这两个词本来意思很不同的引申义,即中国大陆已常把“唯物主义”一词当作“实事求是”、“不凭空臆造”的同义语,而把“唯心主义”一词当作“不实事求是”、“凭空臆造”的同义语。从这个词义来说,“唯物主义”代表科学的、实事求是的精神,是褒义词,而“唯心主义”代表不科学的、不实事求是的精神,是贬义词。不过,这已经不属于纯哲学讨论的领域,是由我们中国大陆特定的历史环境所造成的用语习惯。但如果把这种日常用语直接译回西方语言,则往往会出现误会,比如如果把“唯物主义”直接译成“materialism”,而“materialism”目前在英语国家乃至整个西方主要是“物质主义”甚至“物欲至上”的意思,那么显然会出现很大误解(连罗马教皇都严厉批评materialism即物欲至上的倾向)。所以,在这种场合可译为“matter-of-factness”(实事求是精神)等意思。 二,主张唯物主义的人必然主张无神论,而有神论则必然与唯心主义相关联。在这个意义上说,唯物主义是正确的,而唯心主义是不正确的。但是主张有神论的人却不承认这点,他们认为神仙上帝是信之则有、不信则无,认为这取决于每个人的体验,没有公认的客观真理和客观验证可言。迄今主张无神论的学者对此也无可奈何。在笔者看来,这恰恰说明迄今唯物主义学说的局限。而从四元存在论出发,就可以看出,鬼神上帝的确都“存在”,但是这出自于人的想象力即虚构,因此并不属于物质世界,而是属于想象力世界,然后用语言文字以及视觉艺术等各种手段表达出来。 人们会进一步问:既然鬼神都是想象、虚构出来的,那为什么现在还有这么多人相信它们?答案是:1,相信鬼神存在并且有“法力”甚至“法力无边”的人其实并不知道鬼神是人类自己想象、虚构的产物,如果人们都知道是这样的话,就基本上不会有人再相信它们了;2,宗教心理学、宗教社会学等各门科学对于宗教的社会作用、心理作用等问题已经进行了大量研究,得出了许多有意义的结论,有兴趣的读者可以去参考有关著述。
你要做的第一件事,就是找准一个可以为之奋斗5年、 10年甚至更久的目标。一个清晰的目标,可以让你的职业成长围绕着一个点去积累经验,这种积累也是你日后升职加薪的筹码。方向明确了,哪怕你走得再慢,也可以比那些走弯路的人走得快。
报导说,最近两年来, “…national and local scandals have polluted the political atmosphere for GOP candidates,” 全国和地方上出现的丑闻污染了共和党候选人的政治气氛。
全世界各地都有丑闻,举不胜举。水门事件迫使美国前总统尼克松辞职下台, “Watergate scandal forced Nixon to resign.” 台湾总统陈水扁和他家人的丑闻 – “scandals surrounding Taiwan President and his family,” 导致人们静坐示威要他下台。上海的陈良宇因腐败丑闻被免去职务, “A Shanghai official was fired due to financial scandal.” 还要举例子吗?够了吧!


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