鬼泣4 存档问题的声音问题。

baby - I was lucky to have you If one day we can be love, I would like to accompany each other regardless of whether we can go white first, we must adhere to the \The world, it is still firmly believe that we will meet the next reincarnation, then loudly tell each other: Honey, we have loved! - Can it be that one day we love each other can be very natural to introduce their friends to let them know that this person is the other half identified themselves, even if the mixed reaction of friends still in the hearts firmly believes that choice.
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- Can it be that one day we love each other, have a tacit agreement of the air out of a holiday in each other's birthday or a festival, and the humble, packed up a few simple things to degrees only The two of us travel. Scenic road and then the United States, nor did you make me warm and tender smile, just like the feeling of mutual snuggle, I obsessed. -
- If one day we can be in love, with you I want to drive to a very far away, hand in hand to passers to ask the way, all the scenery along the way photographed. If you travel alone, must remember to bring a gift for each other, even a leaf, a piece of stone. -
- one day we Can it be love, love that the moment of export, from the other side only to allow his heart checked. When once again the face of lost love, it can be very calm, relieved laughter, that is the past, because now we have found the most suitable for their own man. one day we Can it be love, not the pursuit of life's ups and downs, only willing to holding each other's hand through life with a dull but warm every day. Can it be that one day we love each other, and let the other moving things, but deliberately did not tell him,cheap manolo blahnik shoes uk, only to surprise him. Then look at each other the tears of laughter, tears filled snout gently on the cheek, even if the moment is sweet tears. -
- Can it be that one day we love, we will accompany each other intimately, like all couples the same, we will fight like them bickering little trouble temper. But we will not and the other Cold War more than 24 hours, there will be first to the other side to compromise. Promised each other we do not say \If one day we can be love, I would like to send you out every morning, then walked to the door of the moment gives you a big kiss good morning, hope you can take a happy mood, well spent a busy day working hours. -
- Can it be that one day we love, we look forward to tomorrow Imagine the future, they were startled to find, heart outlines blueprint, with the same scenery. There is a \, we can eat in bed playing computer games. -
- If one day we can be in love, in your bad mood, I will remain silent, holding out his hand caresses your face, then soft lips, a kiss away crushing that touch of brow indescribable depression, so you always know the unhappy past. -
- one day we Can it be love, when another one around the opposite sex in life, can be very calm and smiling, and then come up with two sweet photo wallet, gently wrote: I'm sorry, I already have to be waiting for people. -
- If one day we can be love, I want to fight after a night, so you compromise, \you \-
- If one day we can be in love, you want to travel you can not accompany me when I pack for, and then secretly put a piece of paper, told clothes remember that I remember to take medicine, remember to bring their own safety secure all of the home. -
- Can it be that one day we love each other, at least on the other day to say \life needs air, the fish can not do without water as a matter of course, naturally and must be. - Can it be that one day we love each other, lying in your lap watching TV and find fault with you to get me to take the East West. When you are tired, for I am the same way \You can head on my lap, I caressed your hair,manolo blahnik shoes sale, you pull of an obvious white hair is very unsightly. -
- Can it be that one day we love each other, love each other the moment, he decided, and even more twists and turns to face the future, as long as no worries, pull together, as long as the heart of love still , would never say that separate. Can it be that we love one day, 24 hours does not shutdown, only when I think you can also think I received your message. Although reluctant, but every time you have to I'll hang up phone, no matter what you say I will not hang up the phone first, because you do not want the phone cut off when I heard the cold voice. one day we Can it be love,Jimmy Choo Sandals, love is inclusive and tolerant, and not excessive in the request. When you order for me to work towards changing their own fun, I will reveal a very happy face, so you know, my dear, I do not want you lose the original for my own. You do not have to meet me and get rid of their habits or personality, I just want a healthy and happy for you, because you are my reason for happiness. one day we Can it be love, I believe that love is not a balance, do not care about whether I give too much, or do you pay too little, but heart to gratitude, next to the person that had their choice life of man, the other at any point to pay attention and love, have to be grateful for and cherish. one day we Can it be love, there is no burden, no longer worry about the past, do not fear the future. There is no struggle, but simply ..... If one day we can be love, I think I'll be the happiest person in the world, and you my dear, is not it also has the same feelings ... ... Can it be that one day we love each other, in the busy road, the crowds, the're holding each other's hands tightly, do not go too fast, can not easily let go, do not worry about lost, we like tight tightly to tightly, pull together. -
- Can it be that one day we love, we do not care if one day hurt each other, how we must involuntarily, sorry with the tears in the eyes, silent, and the other will dismay of hugged a man crying children, but could not bear in mind even if we have to blame blame. -
- one day we Can it be love, I remember all the other things and do not like eat something, then good agreement with picky eaters overcome bad habits, feed each other had not eat but eating nutritious food. - Can this love one day we will be urging each other to sleep early, while always fun in the sleepy, but still moved forward to showing you care discourse. -
- 相关的主题文章:Professor Yu Dan sentences 360 people to tears
Lost love to the end, reality!!
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