small什么意思 sun。still sunny。 什莫意思?

sunny day是什么意思_sunny day在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
sunny day是什么意思
sunny day是什么意思 sunny day在线翻译 sunny day什么意思 sunny day的意思 sunny day的翻译 sunny day的解释 sunny day的发音 sunny day的同义词
sunny daysunny day 双语例句1. sunny day的解释1. It`s a sunny and nice day.&&&&这是美好的一天,阳光明媚。2. Today is a sunny day. I am happy.&&&&今天是一个阳光明媚的日子,我很高兴。3. It was a bright, sunny day.&&&&那是阳光明媚的一天。4. She sailed the whale on a sunny summer day, on the back of a crocodile.&&&&在一个阳光充足的夏日,她在鳄鱼背上扬起鲸的帆。5. It was sunny and hot all day.&&&&那是一个大晴天,一整天都很热。6. B:Like I said, it is a sunny day today.&&&&如我所料,今天是个大晴天。7. danci.911cha.com7. We are having a sunny day today.&&&&今天是个大晴天8. sunny day的反义词8. Feifiei: It`s going to be sunny all day.&&&&会是一个大晴天。9. 9. Before the autumn harvestthe best, at this time, leaf photosynthetic performance are still high, sunny, autumn, the larger temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to the accumulation of organic nutrients to meet the following year, budding, flower bud differentiation, flowering fruit setting needs. autumn should be, earth-based organic fertilizers such as manure, and at the same time with the appropriate number of available fertilizer applied&&&&秋施基肥采收之前施基肥最好,此时,叶片仍有较高的光合效能,阳光充足,秋高气爽,昼夜温差较大,有利于有机营养的积累,以满足翌年萌芽、花芽分化、开花坐果的需要。秋施基肥,应以圈肥、土粪等有机肥为主,同时要适当配合施入一些速效化肥10. It was on a sunny day in July that the accident happened.&&&&那起事故是在七月一个晴朗的日子发生的。11. You will return to where you belong, one sunny day.&&&&&&你会回到属于你的归处,在一个阳光灿烂的日子。12. You will return to where you belong, one sunny day&&&&&&你会回到属于比的归处,在一个阳光灿烂的日子13. Step change sunny day life in the Loess Plateau in a remote hill village suddenly entered a beautiful car.&&&&&&那一天风和日丽,在黄土高原一个偏僻的小山村里突然开进一辆漂亮的轿车。14. 14. On one sunny day in spring, the mother mouse took her children, little mice, to go sightseeing in the suburb.&&&&&&在一个阳光明媚的春日,老鼠妈妈带着小老鼠们去郊外春游。15. There is a rule of Canberra's weather that if it is foggy in the morning, then it is certainly to be a sunny day.&&&&&&堪培拉的天气很奇怪,如果早上一早就有雾,那么之后一定是个好天。16. I will bring you a sunny day.&&&&&&我将带给你晴朗的一天!17. It was a sunny and hot day, so we went swimming.&&&&&&那是晴朗而炽热的一天,所以我们去游泳。18. Spring day, sunny afternoon, I have good weather, sitting at home, feeling nausea, however, eaten a late lunch, with a few pocket money, they ran out of teach you to go.&&&&&&一天晴朗的春天的午后,我因为天气太好,坐在家里,觉得闷不过,吃过了较迟的午饭,带了几个零用钱,就跑出外面去逛去。19. I am enjoying a sunny day in the park and it is good for my health.&&&&&&我在公园里享受着阳光充足的日子,这对我的健康是有好处的。20. I really hope everyday is sunny day, so it is relax when you are driving.&&&&&&我真希望它每一天都是晴朗的,这样你开起车来就轻松多了。sunny day 单语例句1. Have chicken wings and beef slices preserved overnight, then call several friends and go barbeque together in a sunny day.2. It was a sunny day, and more than 30 of the center's regulars squeezed into the tiny projection room.3. The animals are diurnal, active in the day but resting in the heat on particularly sunny days.4. With rainfalls predicted in Beijing on the eve of National Day, ensuring a sunny day for the coming parade is becoming a challenge for the capital.5. Most of the favourites breezed through on a sunny day and a cool evening at the National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows.6. Mass displays of morning exercises were held under a sunny but hazy day.7. Take a stroll on any university campus on a bright sunny day and it will confirm that the hibernation of the umbrella has ended.8. Just like even on a sunny day a twister is not going to listen to the Sun and disappear before its kinetic energy dissipates.9. Sauntering outdoor on a sunny day is a pleasant alternative to gazing at the treasures and masterpieces in the indoor Metropolitan Museum of Art.10. There was no official comment on whether weather manipulation was the reason for yesterday's sunny day.sunny day是什么意思sunny day是什么意思,sunny day在线翻译,sunny day什么意思,sunny day的意思,sunny day的翻译,sunny day的解释,sunny day的发音,sunny day的同义词,sunny day的反义词,sunny day的例句,sunny day的相关词组,sunny day意思是什么,sunny day怎么翻译,单词sunny day是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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【独立民谣】I Kissed a Girl - William Fitzsimmons
选自美国独立民谣唱作歌手William Fitzsimmons发行于2010年的专辑《Derivatives》。
William Fitzsimmons出生在一对盲人夫妻的家庭,父亲带领他进入了管弦乐的世界,而母亲则将美妙民谣融入了家庭生活。他在小学教学生钢琴和小号,还精通包括班卓琴、曼陀林、口风琴和四弦琴在内的多种乐器。
This was never the way I planned这完全不在我的计划中Not my intention我不是故意的I got so brave, drink in hand借酒壮胆Lost my discretion失去了判断力It's not what, I'm used to这不是平时的我Just wanna try you on我只是想和她试试
I'm curious for you我对她感到好奇Caught my attention她吸引了我的注意I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩我还很享受The taste of her cherry chapstick她那樱桃唇膏的味道I kissed a girl just to try it我吻了一个女孩我只是想要试试I hope my girlfriend don't mind it我希望我的女朋友不要介意It felt so wrong这好像很糟It felt so right又好像很好Don't mean I'm in love tonight我不是说我今晚坠入了爱河I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩而且我很享受那个吻No, I don't even know your name不,我甚至不知道她的名字It doesn't matter不过没关系You're my experimental game她不过是我的实验小白鼠罢了Just human nature不过是人类本性罢了It's not what, good girls do那不是好姑娘会做的事Not how they should behave不是她们会有的行为My head gets so confused我开始头晕目眩Hard to obey开始控制不住自己I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩我还很享受The taste of her cherry chapstick她樱桃唇膏的味道I kissed a girl just to try it我吻了一个女孩我只是想试试I hope my girlfriend don't mind it我希望我的女朋友不要介意It felt so wrong这好像很糟It felt so right又好像很好Don't mean I'm in love tonight我不是说我今晚坠入了爱河I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩而且我很享受那感觉Us girls we are so magical你们女孩真的很迷人Soft skin, red lips, so kissable柔软肌肤,烈焰红唇,让人不住想要亲吻Hard to resist so touchable难以抗拒让人想要触摸Too good to deny it无法否认真的太迷人了Ain't no big deal, it's innocent没什么大不了的,这很单纯I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩并且很享受The taste of her cherry chapstick她那樱桃唇膏的味道I kissed a girl just to try it我吻了一个女孩我只是想试试I hope my girlfriend don't mind it我希望我的女朋友不要介意It felt so wrong这感觉很糟It felt so right又好像很好Don't mean I'm in love tonight我不是说我今晚坠入了爱河I kissed a girl and I liked it我吻了一个女孩我很享受那感觉
【民谣摇滚】The Other Side Of The Sun - Janis Ian
乐坛常青树Janis Ian(珍妮斯?伊安),不仅是民谣吟唱诗人,也是专栏作家及科幻小说作家。她的唱片是音响发烧友的常态性收藏品,曼妙隽永的嗓音与一把空心吉他便将音乐性十足呈现。爵士名伶Ella Fitzgerald 称其为“当今最会唱歌的女歌手”。
Janis Ian早在1967年便以首张同名专辑获葛莱美奖提名;并以单曲『Society's Child』奠定圈中地位。在年间,Janis Ian录制了Stars、Between The Lines与Aftertones 、Night Rains、Miracle Row、Janis Ian II 等经典专辑。其中Between the Lines 为五项葛莱美奖提名,拿下包括年度最佳唱片、最佳流行演唱、最佳录音与美澳英三地白金唱片。
《The Other Side Of The Sun》
I'm leaving on a boat for beyond the other side of the oceanI bet you in the morning, you won't even know I'm gone'Cause I'm tired of living here in the middle of a mixed emotionI might as well be living on the other side of the sunLeaving with the feeling I don't know how I'm dealing with loving youThough once I knew the special way and what to doTo make you stay forever and everEven as I'm leaving, I'll never stop believing you are the oneWho can make me laugh and can bring me backFrom beyond the other side of the sunI'm rolling down the river I hope I can deliver the morningI'm wishing on a star for the sun to come out and playAin't it funny, when it's over you really don't remember the warningYou might as well be living out beyond the milky wayLeaving with the feeling I don't know how I'm dealing with loving youThough once I knew the special way and what to doTo make you stay forever and everEven as I'm leaving, I'll never stop believing you are the oneWho can make me laugh and can bring me backFrom beyond the other side of the sunLeaving with the feeling I don't know how I'm dealing with loving youThough once I knew the special way and what to doTo make you stay forever and everEven as I'm leaving I'll never stop believing you are the oneWho can make me laugh and can bring me backFrom beyond the other side of the sunBeyond the other side of the sun
【独立民谣】Doorkeeper - Dawn Fung选自新加坡民谣歌手Dawn Fung发表于2009年的专辑《The Last Morning》。清澈的声音,治愈系的歌词,像是一汪清澈的泉水,缓缓流过心田,将你往日的忧郁洗涤干净。
Dawn Fung是个真正体味、创造、享受生活的一个女人:不定期更新博客,心血来潮弄一张唱片,偶尔给家人唱歌,偶尔中的偶尔来一次小型演出,以有爱的教师为职业,如今也终为人母。《Doorkeeper》
Doorkeeper, doorkeeper,where have the kids gone?No songs from the pastureecho with their sound,no wide open gatebeckon freedom and friend,nor cries in the distanceattract the free man.Stillness walks the forestwhere sorrow now stands.Doorkeeper, doorkeeper,look yonder the blue -the hairs of the childrencascade down the hill.They follow the man witha flute and a tune.No lips soft and tenderwill call out for you,fair maiden, to playamong white lily fields.Doorkeeper, doorkeeper,no hope is all lost.A boy who walks slowlyis left far behind,the crutches he leans onis worn out with time.So guard him with kissesupon his forehead -the sweetness of heavensleeps soundly in bed.
【独立民谣】Weather - Novo Amor
Novo Amor的音乐有一种不动声色的感染力。其声音轻盈缥缈,歌词简净优雅,旋律温暖透澈,给人自然般的舒适感。编曲和意境令人联想到早期的Bon Iver,很轻易地就被拨动心弦。
Novo Amor是英国独立音乐人Ali John Meredith Lacey的艺名,拉丁文的意思是&新爱&。这位来自威尔士的民谣诗人,不仅是一名多乐器演奏家,还也有着唱作人、制作人、音效设计师等多重身份。他的音乐受到Justin Vernon, James Vincent Mcmorrow,Daughter,Lord Huron等影响,但也自成一派。2014年发行了首张EP《Woodgate,NY》。
I'll drop and speak a charm,我将从天而降,念一串咒语take the weather from your heart,扫除你心上的阴霾and the weight from on your toes,带去你脚尖的重量And theres nothing to your side,你身旁空无一物for you to recognise,你将顿悟it tarnished long ago,事物早已锈迹斑斑
The lake will overflow,湖水会溢出flood all i've ever known,泛滥四方break walls and sever bones,越过堤坝,生灵涂炭Now i'l hold it in my heart,如今,我置它于心头just for you to fall apart,只为令你决堤Stunt all we'd ever grown,阻止我们所种之物的生长--Burn the bed and the dreams i've never met,焚毁床铺与那未梦之梦those wishes were never for granted,这类念想,素来有些异乎寻常So burn the bed i'l face wind and fill my head,所以啊,焚毁床铺吧,我将直面狂风,灌入脑海those wishes were never for granted这类念想,素来有些异乎寻常you'l drop for a new charm,你坠落,为求一段新咒语put the thunder in my arms,让雷栖于我臂湾hope for them to close,盼望它们能安宁下来leave nothing to my side,留我孑然一身take all I recognise带走我所识得的一切and varnish your old blows.粉饰你的旧说辞吧--Burn the bed and the dreams i've never met,焚毁床铺与那未梦之梦those wishes were never for granted,这类念想,素来有些异乎寻常So burn the bed i'l face wind and fill my head,所以啊,焚毁床铺吧,我将直面狂风,灌入脑海those wishes were never for granted这类念想,素来有些异乎寻常
【俄语民谣】Твой&голос&&- Mikael Tariverdiev
Mikael Tariverdiev(迈克尔&列昂诺维奇&塔里维尔季耶夫),1931年出生在格鲁吉亚第比利斯,前苏联作曲家。其作品横跨交响乐、电影音乐、话剧和诗歌,以热情、乐观、富于色彩、旋律丰富见长。《春天的十七个瞬间》《命运的捉弄》等很多影片里都有他的配乐。
【当代民谣】Photographs & Memories.&- Jason Reeves
Jason Reeves1984年出生于美国爱荷华州爱荷华市。受民谣大师Bob Dylan及James Taylor的影响,从少年时代起他开始自学吉他走上了音乐之路。后来从大学退学,来到加利福尼亚专职从事音乐工作,追逐自己的音乐理想。
《Photographs & Memories》
I keep your picture by my bed我在床边拿着你的照片For when I'm feeling sad,当陷入悲伤时I don't know why I would be虽不知我为何如此
The way your smile looks so real你笑的那般真挚I feel like I could start to understand your grace我感觉开始懂了你的魅力But I, I don't understand但我却不懂why you're not here with me你为何不在此伴我左右And I, I don't even wanna know where else you'd be而我不愿细思你将归于何处'Cause I have photographs and memories of the times因为我有曾经时光的定格与回忆You weren't on my mind and I was alone若你不在心里,我将落得孤寂I have poetry and drawings of my life即便生活有诗和画意You weren't on my side and I didn't know身畔无你,我将无从了解Just what is love爱的真谛Writing moments on the wall with different colors用斑斓的色彩在墙上誊写分秒Keeps my mind away from missing you试着将思绪从想你抽离And I can't wait to fall asleep to slip into my dreams我迫不及待入睡想沉于梦境Where we can dance upon a star那里我们将踏上星辰共舞And I be as patient as a boy in love could ever be那里我将耐心且一如少年般爱的洋溢And I don't feel like I was real我无从体味真实until you were a part of me直至你成为我的不可或缺'Cause I have photographs and memories of the times因为我有曾经时光的定格与回忆You weren't on my mind and I, I was alone若你不在心里,我将落得孤寂And I have poetry and drawings of my life即便生活有诗和画意You weren't on my side and I didn't know身畔无你,我将无从了解Just what is爱的真谛I need you back, I need you back, I need you here我盼你归来,盼你归来,归于身侧I need your smile, I need your eyes, I need you, dear盼你的笑,盼你的眼,盼望你,亲爱的Every line on your face makes a beautiful maze你脸上的每抹线条勾勒出绮丽迷宫For my eyes to trace为我的眼眸所探寻Every line on your face makes a beautiful maze你脸上的每抹线条勾勒出绮丽迷宫For my eyes to trace为我的眼眸所探寻I have photographs and memories of the times我有曾经时光的定格与回忆You weren't on my mind若你不在心里and I was alone我将落得孤寂
【独立民谣】Big Black Car - Gregory Alan Isakov
美剧《Forever/不死法医》第一季片尾曲,歌词脆弱得几近破碎,Gregory Alan Isakov 的演唱有种无以言说的心酸。作品中挥之不去的忧郁,有种奇异的魅力,紧紧抓住你,让你无法逃脱。
Gregory Alan Isakov出生于南非的约翰内斯堡市,小时候就和家人一起移民到美国,现在居住在科罗拉多州。从小就喜欢音乐的他,在16岁就有了自己的小乐队,并且开始决定走音乐道路,唱作人的生涯早早就起步了。
《Big Black Car》&
you were a phonograph, i was a kid你是一部留声机,而我是一个孩子i sat with an ear close, just listening我坐着侧耳倾听i was there when the rain tapped her way down you face我就在那儿&当雨水滑落到你的脸上you were a miracle…i was just holdin’ your space你是一个奇迹&我仅仅拥有你的空间well time has a way of throwing it all in your face时间有它的方式将一切扔到你脸上the past, she is haunted, the future is laced她用未来捕捉过去
heartbreak, ya know, drives a big black car悲伤开着一辆黑色的车swear i was in the back seat, just minding my own我发誓我当时坐在后座上,只想着我自己and through the glass, the corn crows come like rain透过玻璃,玉米地的乌鸦像雨水般降临they won’t stay, they won’t stay它们不会停留,它们不会停留for too long now现在它们不会停留太久this could be all that we know..这也许就是我们的所知...of love and all.关于爱与一切well you were a dancer, i was a rag你是一个舞者,而我是一块抹布the song in my head, well was all that i had我脑海里的歌曲是我拥有的一切hope was a letter i never could send希望是一封我永远无法寄出的信love was a country we couldn’t defend.爱是我们无法保卫的国家and through the carnival we watch them go round and round在狂欢节上&我们看着它们不停旋转all we knew of home was just a sunset and some clowns我们对家的所知仅是一场落日和几个小丑well you were a magazine, i was a plane jane你是一本杂志,而我是一架飞机just walking the sidewalks all covered in rain走在被雨水覆盖的人行道上love to just get into one of your stories想成为你其中的一个故事just me and all of my plane jane glory只有我和我所有的飞行荣耀just me and all of my plane jane glory只有我和我所有的飞行荣耀
【独立民谣】Radical - Emme Packer
Emme Packer的音乐十分清淡,淡淡的吉他,淡淡的声音,渐渐地沁入你的内心,渗透到某个最温柔的地方。这首《Radical》应该是写给朋友的,鼓励与安慰流淌在字里行间。&
Emme Packer,来自盐湖城的独立民谣歌手,13岁时开始自学吉它和唱歌,直到Emme年满18岁时独立发行了她的第一张专辑。她在自己的官方主页上说想通过歌声带给人们积极的态度。
you're such a delicate person with a delicate soul你细腻的灵魂把你勾勒的多么微妙you've got your choice of freedom of places to go你自有你的地儿去I'm proud to know you hope you never let go对于你的永不放弃我感到很自豪you have such beautiful children你有这么可爱的孩子with such a beautiful mind to be your radical parents这么美丽的心灵是你的父母赐予给你的you always be kind你人总那么好
I'm happy to know you认识你我感到很荣幸and I think you would be fine我觉得你会好起来的may may you always stand this top你总是那么强大cause you won't always be so small你不会轻易倒下there's no one looking down on you没有人会鄙视你的坠落there're still lot of changes to come世事变故也还很多there're still lot of growing up很多事都会慢慢成长there're nothing more for you to prove事实上你就是事实you've got a guy who loves you I know you can tell你可以告诉你爱的人you've got a family who need you and treats you well你有一个美满的家庭I'm so stoop to know you hope you know that I care我希望你了解什么是想要的may may you always stand this top你总是那么强大cause you won't always be so small你不会轻易倒下there's no one looking down on you没有人会鄙视你的坠落but still lot of changes to come世事变故也还很多but still lot of growing up很多事都会慢慢成长there're nothing more for you to prove事实上你就是事实
【独立民谣】Blue Skies - Noah and the Whale
上口的旋律、吉他+鼓的编曲架构,透出欢快清新的民谣气息。主唱Charlie Fink的声音挺有特点,低沉稳重却悦耳柔顺。
Noah and the Whale(诺亚与鲸鱼),来自英国伦敦的独立流行乐团。组成于2006年英国伦敦的Noah And The Whale。主唱/吉他手Charlie Fink、鼓手Doug Fink兄弟以及小提琴手Tom Hobden和贝斯手Matt Urby为原始四名成员。团名灵感来自于美籍年轻鬼才导演Noah Baumbach横扫各大独立影展的小成本电影「The Squid And The Whale」。
《Blue Skies》
This is a song for anyone with a heart这首歌唱给那些悄然心碎的人This is a song for anyone who can't get out of bed这首歌唱给那些难以梦醒的人I'll do anything to be happy我会做任何事开心起来Oh,&'cos blue skies are coming因那蓝色的天空正走过来But I know that it's hard但放下你,我知道这十分的艰难This is the last song that I write while still in love with you在我仍还深深爱着你的时候我写下了这最后的一首歌
This is the last song that I write while you're even on my mind在你仍住在我的脑海之中时我写下了这最后的一首歌Cos it's time to leave those feelings behind因为是时候放下这段感情了Oh,&'cos blue skies are coming因那乌云就即将要逝去了But I know that it's hard但放下你,我知道这十分的艰难I don't think that it's the end我并不认为这是我们的结局But I know we can't keep going但我知道我们已然无法一起走下去了I don't think that it's the end我并不想承认这已成了结局But I know we can't keep going但我知道我们已不能携手共同前进了But blue skies are coming乌云逝去,蓝天初现Oh yeah, blue skies are coming是的,那乌云正在逝去Oh well, blue skies are coming没错,那蓝天正在走来But I know that it's hard但放下你,这真的十分的艰难
【独立民谣】It Takes Away - Watching Cars
Watching Cars沙哑而慵懒的声线,有着与之年纪不相称的沧桑感。无论你的处境多么焦灼,听到他的声音,你就会安静下来。
Watching Cars是一个低调的二人民谣组合,由来自得克萨斯的David和Collin两个男孩组成。他们的音乐受到Death Cab For Cutie、Iron & Wine,&和Pedro the Lion等艺术家的影响。
【清新民谣】Keep It Alive -& Matthew Barber
Matthew Barber,来自加拿大的创作歌手。他在皇后大学期间,曾志愿为校园电台CFRC-FM效力并在校园酒吧驻唱,发行了第一张专辑《A Thousand Smiles An Hour》;2005年Matthew发行《Sweet Nothing》在本土取得了冠军的佳绩,成为其代表作之一。他的曲风介于indie pop和pop rock之间,又带有民谣和另类乡村的元素。
《Keep It Alive》
I think you know what I'm talking about我想你懂我在说什么Baby our love is in a drought亲爱的我们的爱情陷入了泥淖So let's collect all those tears we cried所以让我们把流过的泪水汇聚And keep it alive让它们一直保存余温I know that it's just a passing thing我知道那不过已是过去的事情Girl, it ain't easy living女孩&生活并不容易
But if there's a fire that still burns inside但如果你的内心依然留有火焰Gotta keep it alive就让它一直燃烧吧Oh, keep it alive让它一直燃烧吧Oh, we've had good times, and we've had bad我们度过美好和不美好的日子One day you're happy, the next you're sad今天笑容灿烂&明天却阴云难散But if you want this thing to survive但你若想以此解脱Gotta keep it alive那就一直温存吧Oh, we might be down but we'll never be out我们曾低落&却不曾退缩'Cause there are a few things that are never in doubt因为有些事不需要怀疑So into these healing waters we dive在那些愈发炽热的泪水中&我们潜行着To keep it alive一直温存吧Oh, keep it alive哦&一直温存吧Keep it alive一直温存吧Keep it alive一直温存吧Keep it alive一直温存吧Keep it alive一直温存吧Oh, oh, oh,哦,哦,哦Keep it alive一直温存吧Keep it alive一直温存吧Oh, keep it alive哦&一直温存吧Oooh, keep it alive哦&一直温存吧
【独立流行】Just a Day - Softies
选自Softies发行于2009年的专辑《Holiday in Rhode Island》。
Softies组合,美国Indie老厂牌K旗下的歌手。Jen & Ros两个女生默契绝佳的轻吟浅唱,弥漫着自然的花草气息,清新脱俗,有著心情净化的效果。
《Just a Day》
I wish I could draw a line我盼望我可以划一条线Through all of nineteen ninety-nine遗忘1999的所有记忆All except that moment in spring除了那年春天的一刻When I had everything当我做到了所有I had everything当我拥有了一切
It's funny how a year can make可笑的是一年可以犯下So much of only one mistake如此大的一个错误All I wanted was the life I planned我想要的只是我所计划的生活But now I understand但是现在我明白了Now I understand现在我明白了I wish I had never known我希望我从未知道A heart that beats just like my own正如跳动着的我的心How can one so close become so far away一个人,从最亲密到最陌生In just a day只在一天之内In just a day仅仅一天
【蓝草音乐】Heart Of Glass - Old School Freight Train
蓝草音乐(Blue grass)是由乡村,布鲁斯音乐过渡到摇滚乐时期最为重要的音乐形式之一,以乡村乐为基调,集结民谣,布鲁斯,福声音乐与爵士乐。
Old&School&Freight&Train(老式货车)是一支成立近十年的美国乐队,作品不算高产。这张发行于2009年的《Six Years》被《滚石》杂志评论“有Jack Johnson的影子”。
《Heart Of Glass》
Once I had a love and it was a gas我曾经拥有过一份爱情,那份爱情本是一团气体Soon turned out had a heart of glass不久她长出了一颗玻璃心Seemed like the real thing仿佛是真实的存在Only to find so much mistrust结果却发现了很多的猜忌Love's gone behind爱情却变得次要了
Once I had a love and it was divine我曾经拥有一份神圣的爱情Soon turned out I was losing my mind不久我就发现自己都精神错乱了It seemed like the real thing but I was so blind那份爱情好像是真实的,我却那么的盲目So much mistrust那么多的猜疑Love's gone behind爱情却变得不那么重要了In between what I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine我发现了令我高兴的事情&自我感觉良好love is so confusing爱情是那么的让人迷惑There's no peace of mind if I fear I'm losing you担心会失去你时,我的思绪难以平静It's just no good, you teasing like you do可那没有用,你还是烦扰着我Once I had a love and it was a gas我曾经拥有过一份爱情,那份爱情本是一团气体Soon turned out had a heart of glass不久她长出了一颗玻璃心Seemed like the real thing仿佛是真实的存在Only to find so much mistrust结果却发现了很多的猜疑Love's gone behind爱情却变得不那么重要了Lost inside adorable illusion迷失在可爱的幻想之中And I cannot hide我无法隐藏I'm the one you're using我是你爱着的人Please don't push me aside请不要把我推开We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航Ooh ooh ooh whoa唔~噢Ooh ooh ooh whoa唔~噢Ooh ooh ooh whoa唔~噢Ooh ooh ooh whoa唔~噢Once I had a love and it was a gas我曾经拥有过一份爱情,那份爱情本是一团气体Soon turned out had a heart of glass不久她长出了一颗玻璃心Seemed like the real thing仿佛是真实的存在Only to find so much mistrust结果却发现了很多的猜忌Love's gone behind爱情却变得不那么重要了Lost inside adorable illusion迷失在可笑的幻想之中And I cannot hide我无法隐藏I'm the one you're using我是你爱着的人Please don't push me aside请不要把我推开We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航We coulda made it cruising, yeah我们本可以让我们的爱巡航&耶~
吴含,籍贯湖南,独立音乐人,昼伏夜出神游者。干净清凉的声线,有着酸爵士味道,别样慵懒。2009年开始进行独立创作;2012年限量发售《Demo 1》。
【独立音乐】Generations Lost - Solander
《Generations Lost》
It is pretty clear you are telling me liesBut cant figure out what the fuzz was aboutI'm just sticking around to watch you crawlcrawl your hands and knees are on the floor againI'll be waiting one more day at the shoreAnd you have the same time to tell me what our life is forAnd if you don't come up with a better answer than the last oneI'll be sailing off I'll be waving my hat, you'll be laughed atWhat do you do with the young onesHow come they never careWhat does it mean for them to be aroundIt is pretty clear we are going to drownSo I'll be waiting one more day at the shoreAnd you have the same time to tell me what our life is forAnd if you don't come up with a better answer than the last oneI'll be sailing off, I'll be waving my hat, you'll be laughed atWhat do you do with the young onesHow come they never careWhat does it mean for them to be aroundIt is pretty clear we are going to drown
【民谣摇滚】Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce
《时光宝瓶》选自美国民谣摇滚歌手Jim Croce第三张录音室专辑《You Don't Mess Around with Jim》(1972年4月)。此曲当时没有作为单曲发行,直至Jim Croce因飞机失事去世后,ABC唱片公司发行了单曲版。这首歌成为Jim Croce第二首也是最后一首Billboard Hot 100冠军单曲。
《Time in a Bottle》&
If I could save time in a bottle如果我能将时光用瓶子珍藏The first thing that I'd like to do我想做的事情只有一桩Is to save every day就是珍藏日日流金Til' eternity passes away直到永恒消逝Just to spend them with you只为与你分享If I could make days last forever如果时光能够永驻
If words could make wishes come true如果这话能令梦想成真I'd save every day like a treasure and then我将犹如宝藏一般珍藏日日流金Again, I would spend them with you在此,与你分享But there never seems to be enough time但是时光似乎永远不够To do the things you want to do去做你想做的事情吧Once you find them一旦等你察觉到它们I've looked around enough to know我寻寻觅觅终于明了That you're the one I want to go你就是我想要的唯一Through time with愿与你共度终生时光If I had a box just for wishes如果我有盒子只为珍藏愿望And dreams that had never come true珍藏所有未曾实现的梦想The box would be empty这宝盒一定空空如也Except for the memory除了一种记忆Of how they were answered by you这种记忆全部关乎于你But there never seems to be enough time但是时光似乎永远不够To do the things you want to do去做你想做的事情吧Once you find them一旦等你察觉到它们I've looked around enough to know我寻寻觅觅终于明了That you're the one I want to go你就是我想要的唯一Through time with愿与你共度终生时光
【民谣流行】Sunny Road - Emiliana Torrini
Emiliana Torrini于1977年出生在冰岛的Reykjavik外的一个镇上,有着一半冰岛血统,一半意大利血统。1999年发行专辑《Love in the Time of Science》。同年,她演唱了由Peter Jackson导演的史诗巨作《魔戒》第二曲《双塔奇兵》的片尾曲《Gollum's Song》。
《Sunny Road》Wrote you this给你写这封信I hope you got it safe我希望你能收到It's been so long过去很久了I don't know what to say我不知该说些什么I've travelled 'round我已经游历四方
Through deserts on my horse骑着马穿过沙漠But jokes aside但是悄悄跟你说I wanna come back home我想要回家了You know that night你记得那个晚上吗I said I had to go我说我要走了You said you'd meet me你说至少我们曾经相遇过On the sunny road在那阳光明媚的小路上It's time, meet me on the sunny road是时候了&让我们在阳光明媚的小路上重逢it's time, meet me on the sunny road是时候了&让我们在阳光明媚的小路上重逢I never married我从未结婚Never had those kids从未有过孩子I loved too many我深陷情网Now heaven's closed its gates.没有关上情感的门I know I'm bad我知道我不好To jump on you like this这样向你乱发脾气Some things don't change但是有些东西没有改变My middle name's still 'Risk'我的名字还是“Risk”I know that night我记得那个夜晚So long long time ago是很久很久以前了Will you still meet me你还想再见我吗On the sunny road在那阳光明媚的小路上It's time, meet me on the sunny road是时候了&让我们在阳光明媚的小路上重逢it's time, meet me on the sunny road是时候了&让我们在阳光明媚的小路上重逢Well, this is it就是这样I'm running out of space我写满了这张信纸Here is my address这是我的地址And number just in case.电话号码在信封里This time as one这一次重逢We'll find which way to go我们会找到正确的方向Now come and meet me现在来见我吧On the sunny road在那阳光明媚的小路上
【英伦民谣】Worse - Dave Thomas Junior
Dave Thomas Junior,英国唱作男歌手,音色缥缈空灵;代表作《The Lucky Ones》。&
《Worse Dave》
And I tried everyday to be the best I can从前我日日努力成为他人眼中最好的自己Until the day you came along直到你来的那天And then I spent some time worrying who I am我开始花费时间好想想我究竟是谁And if I could be good enough我是否真能做到足够好You left you said it’s no ones fault你离开了&说这不是我们任何一个的过错You said that I am just too good for you你说我对你而言只是太完美了
So now I’m trying to get worse所以我现在只想努力变差一些I’m just trying to get worse我只是想变努力差一些I know that what you said don’t make no sense at all我知道你说的话什么也不能代表I think I said it once myself before我或许也曾对自己讲起过But somehow I can’t stop I wanna spiral但不知何故我情愿这样堕落来变更差Until we’re on the same level直到我们能平等地站在一起You left you said it’s no ones fault你离开了&说这不是我们任何一个的过错You said that I am just too good for you你说我对你而言只是太完美了So now I’m trying to get worse所以我现在只想努力变差一些I’m just trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些I’m just trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些I’m just trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些And I can’t help but daydream turning you away我无法阻止自己做着你回心转意的白日梦When you really need me在那时,当你真正需要我的时候But I know that all the good hearted part of me但我知道心软的那个我Would say please stay迟早会恳求你说留下吧So I’m trying to get worse所以我现在只想努力变差一些I’m trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些I’m trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些I’m just trying to get worse我只是想努力变差一些
【清新民谣】Bloom (Bonus Track)&-& The Paper Kites
澳大利亚墨尔本独立/民谣乐队 The Paper Kites (纸风筝乐队)成立于2010年。成员有:Sam Bentley, Christina Lacy, Dave Powys, Josh Bentley, Sam Rasmussen。
In the morning when I wake当我在清晨醒来And the sun is coming through,阳光透过玻璃窗洒在我身上Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,哦&你让我的呼吸充满爱意And you fill my head with you.你让我无时无刻不在想你Shall I write it in a letter?我应该把这样的心情写进信里寄给你的吧Shall I try to get it down?我应该试着写下来对吗
Oh, you fill my head with pieces哦&你是我脑海里的每一个散落的音符Of a song I can't get out.而我苦思冥想却写不出Can I be close to you?能让我更加亲近你吗Ooh-oo-oo-ooh, ooh哦Can I be close to you?能让我更加亲近你吗Ooh, ooh.哦Can I take it to a morning我能把这种感觉带到每一个晨光里吗Where the fields are painted gold当绿色的麦田变得金黄And the trees are filled with memories所有的树木布上回忆的色彩Of the feelings never told?那是一种难以名状的美好啊When the evening pulls the sun down,当慵懒的晚霞拉着太阳入眠And the day is almost through,当日光的交响乐接近尾声Oh, the whole world it is sleeping,哦整个世界都安然入睡了But my world is you.但是我的世界是你Can I be close to you?能让我更加的亲近你吗(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).哦啊Can I be close to you?能让我更加的亲近你吗(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).哦啊Can I be close to you?能让我更加的亲近你吗(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).哦啊Can I be close to you?能让我更加的亲近你吗(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).哦啊Can I be close to you?能让我更加的亲近你吗Ooh, ooh.哦啊
选自美国乐队Jeremy Messersmith发行于2010年的专辑《The Reluctant Graveyard》。
乐队核心Jeremy Messersmith是来自明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的唱作人,声线舒适自然,属于坐在长途车上靠窗神游的伴随品。Jeremy Messersmith给人的感觉是带些童趣,但在音乐表达上比童话多了些许伤感。生活就是这样,有欢欣的笑容,也有遗憾的泪水。


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