
&一个空白的小站,被莫名其妙的加了这么多关注,相信是因为对小站头像的期待吧&how can you survive in Harvard?&这也是这个小站的理念,&& & & & & & & & & & & & & &花开的路上____一段追寻理想,又不断邂逅幸福的旅程。 & & & & & &&&小站是关于 梦想,信仰,选择,热血,青春。浓缩成一句话表述就是一个思考中的青年用不同的尝试去追寻幸福的实验室。&&&Ps:小站会不定期更新一些比较有感觉的文章,还有在大脑里跑了半天的吐槽,&暂定分享计划:月初更新[月祭],总结上个月.每周六晚上整理[那些在我生命里留下印记的句子],或导读分享本周阅读到的好文章。&&&The pursuit of happyness,loading......&__________________________________________________________________________________8.1预告 &周六会在开学前发新post"Index, My Personal Kit"--总结我的信息管理系统还有"Tell me, what you want"--励志文,用自己对这个问题的答案给大学生们作参考&如果有时间,再加一篇"写在IEM开学前", 纪念逝去的预科还有分享最近的习惯培养心得
分享一首小诗 a leaf falls loneliness
6 Ways to Become Known as an Expert
(Editor&s note: Fauzia Burke is the Founder and President of , a digital publicity and marketing firm specializing in creating awareness for books and authors. For digital publicity and social media news, follow Fauzia on Twitter: )Our brand is our reputation, which is built upon our stories and expertise, and our willingness to share our knowledge. In today&s socially connected world our reputations have become global, making our brand more important than ever.Here are 6 ways you can share your valuable knowledge with others and become known as an expert in your field:
1. Become SocialTweet and retweet in your area of expertise, share relevant articles, white papers or videos from other experts in your field, and consider developing a Facebook business page for your expertise. Be sure to credit the original sources of content you share. Answer questions from followers, start conversations, share tips and do so consistently and you will soon be a trusted source of information in your field.
2. SpeakLook for a trade association meeting, industry conference, convention or Webinars in your field and look for opportunities to speak. You can submit to be a panelist or make a presentation at workshops. No matter what your field, there&s likely a circle of influence you can tap into for connections and leads. Make sure you write up a speaker&s page on your Website, highlighting the topics you speak about. Include your speaking expertise on LinkedIn and join forums to look for other ways to network.
3. Write a blogWriting blogs on a consistent basis is a great way to showcase your knowledge, promote your expertise and develop your brand. Approach your blogs with a perspective of wanting to help people. Use tips and takeaways that are actionable. Blogs also can help you promote your expertise in social media outlets. Another benefit of regularly writing blogs is once you have enough content, you can turn those blogs into a book or e-book.
4. Write your bookThere&s no better way to share what you are passionate about than to share your own story. A book can be your calling card about who you are, what you do, and most importantly, your expertise.
5. Run a workshop or webinarOne of the best ways to become known as an expert in your field is to host a free webinar and help other people. You can share tips and strategies and take questions from callers or questions posted on your Website or through your conference call offering. Not only will you be helping people, but you can also promote your website, your social media sites, your book and your blog & your expertise.
6. Network online and offlineThere is so much attention given to online networking, we forget how important it is to see people Face2Face. It is still one of the best ways to make meaningful connections. Keep your eye out for conferences related to your expertise and attend. Conferences provide you with the opportunity to network, connect with other people, get referrals and expand your network. You can promote yourself and your expertise with your business cards and by following up after the conference is over. Remember to connect with your new &friends& on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or/and LinkedIn.
courtesy of Shutterstock.
那些在我生命留下印记的句子 IV
Macht sichtbar
Dolce far niente
"He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others."
Leonardo Da Vinci
&Action may not al but there is no happiness without action.--Benjamin Desraili,
The Mission
This week spend spend 15 minutes to tell someone they're the greatest.&
只剩下大轮廓[Only have Outline ]
那些在我生命留下印记的句子 III
开学了,忙得不亦乐乎,人这种社会性动物总是容易容易迷失在这些社会性活动中,分享几个犀利的问题,提醒自己不要因为忙碌迷失了方向___________________________________________________________&If this is the last step of your life, how you gonna to face the&the eternity of the world?
Where is my stage?何处是我的舞台?&
What's the crazy thing you did?我做过最疯狂的事是什么?&
How much land does a man need?对于一个男人他需要多少领土?&
Hey,what&really&matters&to&your&dream,&what's&behind&you&dream?&白痴,你就从了吧!&嘿,你的梦,到底是为了什么, 在你梦想的背后,是什么?
4 Totally Free Ways to Change Someone’s Life
Most of would like to do something positive to&. But unless we&re millionaires with wide open schedules, we&re not sure what we&can&do aside from donating a few dollars to Salvation Army Santa Clauses or spending a Saturday at Habitat for Humanity.
But thanks to the wide reach and innovation made possible by the Internet, there are some really unique and inspiring ways you can&&on a regular basis, for no cost and with only a small investment of your time.
Check out the four sites below if you want to spread a little happiness (and feel pretty great about doing it):
1. Love Bomb
&mission is simple: drop tons of encouragement every week on someone who desperately needs it. It was created by&, the founder of the amazing (but now sadly discontinued)&&and also&&(see below).
Each week, Love Bomb&s subscribers are asked to nominate someone they know who is going through a tough time and could particularly use some positive words. That person must have a blog that allows people to comment without having to register for the site (although comment moderation is fine).
Why? Because each Thursday, when that week&s recipient is announced, Love Bombers are directed to a specific post on the recipient&s website&and it&s bombs away! Within hours, the bomb-ee has hundreds of uplifting and encouraging and comments from strangers all over the world. If a kind word from someone on a bad day can lift our spirits, imagine how an avalanche of unexpected support can help someone who&s going through a difficult time.
Nominees have included everyone from cancer patients to teens suffering depression to parents who have recently lost a child. To join the Love Bomb squad, click&&and enter your information at the bottom of the page.
2. The World Needs More Love Letters
Like Love Bomb, but a bit more tactile and &old school,&&&mission is to lift people&s spirits with&&sometimes addressed to specific recipients, sometimes totally random.
Their team of writers has composed individual letters of encouragement to people in need, thank you notes to hardworking New York City baristas&even letters to strangers to be left at favorite childhood places or busy hubs like airports and subway stations. They&ve also sent over 20 Love Letter Bundles to groups like the Ronald McDonald House.
Want to break out your rusty cursive (or printing) and send some love out into the world yourself? Sign up to get letter requests&.
3. ItStartsWith.Us
If you&ve got 15 minutes or less each week, you can turn someone&s day around with what may seem to them like a random act of kindness&but is actually a &mission& from&. It&s a site&that believes if we each do one positive thing, we can collectively change the world (or at least someone else&s &world& for a while).
Every week, subscribers receive a new assignment. It&s always something seemingly simple, like helping a coworker with something or telling someone how much you appreciate them&but who knows much your simple action might mean to someone? Maybe they&re secretly having an awful day and your gesture is the thing that turns it around. Maybe they&ll be so touched they&ll go out and perform an act of kindness for someone else. You never know how it can spread.
To join the mailing list and start receiving your weekly do-good task, click&.
4. 1000 Awesome Things
Okay, this one isn&t so much a mission you can actively participate in, but it&is&guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and snap you out of a bad mood. Share this site or any of its daily posts with a friend or coworker and you can definitely earn a few points as a happiness-bringer.
The goal of&&is to make you stop and consider the little (sometimes really little) and silly (sometimes really silly) aspects of life that are, when you truly consider it, pretty awesome.
Have you ever really&thought&about a&? Or thoroughly appreciated the glory that is? From common everyday miracles (like&) to the big stuff we all take for granted (like&), this site is the perfect way to see the world through a new lens of wonder and gratitude.
You can sign up for their weekday posts by&&or&.
How to Solve Your Problems Visually Using a Solution Map
新想法!解答地图。作者向我们分享了一个视觉化的问题解决过程。分析影响 &- 找寻原因 &- 思考方法 &- 分析障碍 &- 形成行动!(对于case study案例分析很实用的一个方法)____________________________________________________________________&Ever suffered from confusion around a personal or business issue?It&s difficult to think clearly and find solutions easily when you&re overloaded with complex and contradicting information. A puzzle with just too many pieces is quite confusing.
I believe there are three levels of thinking&
Regular thinking (inside your head)
Thinking out loud
Thinking visually
Regular thinking&is just you thinking in silence. This is the baseline & it only gets better from here on.
Thinking out loud&brings a few benefits. Expressing your thoughts verbally forces you to clarify them. You also get to feed off each other&s ideas.
Thinking visually&is incredibly powerful:
Visualizing &your thoughts mak
Ideas are aut
Your productivity is maximized by leveraging mind mapping and other types of diagrams.Problem solving is considered the most complex of all intellectual functions. Hence, all the help you can get is very welcome!The late&Eliyahu M. Goldratt, a business management guru, introduced several thinking processes that facilitate problem solving& in his book&It&s Not Luck.Goldratt&s Thinking Processes
Current Reality Tree (CRT):&Here you list our your irritants called UnDesirable Effects (UDEs), and try to identify the root cause(s) of all of them. Once you&ve identified the UnDesirables, you start coming up with potential solutions (injections).
Future Reality Tree (FRT):&This process helps you validate possible solutions by visualizing what your future situation will look like should you enact those alternatives.
Pre-Requisite Tree (PRT):&A Pre-Requisite Tree (PRT) helps you uncover potential impediments to the implementation of your solutions, and the actions that you need to take to overcome those impediments.
Conflict cloud:&With a Cloud, you can solve an apparent conflict or dilemma between two actions.
When applying the thinking process method, there is a proper sequence to follow.For example, a Current Reality Tree is always the best place to start. Once you&ve developed a CRT you follow up with a Future Reality Tree, and lastly a Pre-Requisite Tree.The Cloud, on the other hand, is used whenever you come across a conflict between actions.I created a simplified version of these processes derived from the CRT and the PRT. I call this approach a Solution Map.Using a solution map allows you to visualize your problem clearly. Simply put, you find the root cause(s) for all of your problems. In the end, you come up with a list of prioritized actions that you need to do, which you know will fix those problems.&
You will need&Although I find that the best way to use the solution map is with a computer, you can do it with post-its. If you choose post-its, then you are better off also using a whiteboard, on which you will place those post-its. A large sheet of paper will work too, but the advantage of the whiteboard is that you can easily move post-its around and redraw the connecting lines.In order to implement the Solution Map, follow these five steps:
List your UnDesirable Effects (UDEs)
Uncover the root cause(s)
Brainstorm solutions
Identify the obstacles
List the actions
1. List your UnDesirable Effects (UDEs)
These are your&problems, irritants, negative things in your business or your personal life. List all the UDEs that you can think of for now, or capture them over a certain period of time.Write each UDE on a separate post-it. Stick them to your sheet or whiteboard, in no particular order.
2. Uncover the root cause(s)
Build a causal tree. &Because of A, then B&. Add a line (or arrow) between each cause and its consequence(s). Consequences go in the top of the tree, whereas causes go in the bottom. The root cause(s) are the elements that don&t have any other element causing them. So in other words, the root causes are the leaves of the tree, in the bottom.
In our example, the two root causes are &Allergies& and &Too much focus on my personal life&.Note that you might also highlight the root causes in a different color. I kept things as simple as possible to demonstrate the process, but having some color coding is useful.If you have more than one root cause, prioritize them.&&To evaluate an element,&rate its impact and your capacity at solving it. Then, multiply those two numbers. You get a relative result that makes it easy for you to decide what the priorities are. In some cases where the hierarchy in importance is obvious, you don&t need to evaluate each element just decide.
Impact * Capacity =&Priority
Mark the most important root cause by highlighting it.
3. Brainstorm solutions
Since you now know which root cause(s) to focus on, it is the time to brainstorm solutions for that one, or for the top few. List all the potential solutions that you can think of. Place those post-its below their associated root cause. Draw a line or arrow from each solution to its related root cause. Prioritize with the same criteria (impact * capacity). Highlight the most important solutions with a different marker.
4. Identify the obstacles
For each of the most important solutions, identify the obstacles to their implementation. An obstacle is something stopping you from implementing the solution you have for a root cause.Did you notice the red dotted arrow? This is what is called a&negative reinforcing loop. It is simply a loop in your irritants that keeps making things worse, and worse, until you solve it. In our example, &being tired& feeds off the problem of &lacking energy to stick to things I&m committed to&. It is said that a Current Reality Tree is not really a Current Reality Tree until you have a negative reinforcing loop.
&Then, prioritize the obstacles with the same criteria (impact * capacity).
5. List the actions
For the most important obstacle or for the top few, identify the list of actions needed to alleviate it. An action is simply the thing you need to do to remove that obstacle. Prioritize the actions you find, using the same criteria.
And you&re done!You now have an ordered list of actions to take, which will remove the obstacles to the implementation of the solutions. Once you&re done with those actions, you need to start implementing the solution itself.Obviously, I kept this example very simple, with only a few UDEs, root causes, solutions and actions. Your real-life situation might be a lot more complex.And this brings me back to making the suggestion of using the computer, or at least a large white board. You will need plenty of space to create your Solution Map. I personally use&, but any visual tool that allows you to position elements freely on a white canvas and adding lines or arrows between those will do just fine.
Be Inspired
生活中,我们常常会莫名地陷入迷茫,迷失了为什么我们会努力,但这篇文章作者和我们分享了他生命中激励他的事物。那些,在我们生活中,婉转的美好。激励着我们一步步向前走去。_____________________________________________&&You are overcome with laziness and procrastination, feeling unmotivated, stuck, can&t get started.You are not alone. This is a commonality in the human condition, and the solution is elusive, never standing still and not wanting to be easily caught.You are not alone, but in this union with your brothers and sisters, there is hope. I&m among you, and I have found a few meager solutions. And if I can solve this problem, so can you. If others have beaten it, you can.These are ways I&ve found inspiration.
one: This morning as I sat down to write I had some ideas for posts but wasn&t excited about any of them. So I asked on Twitter, &What are you having problems with that I can help with?& Several people responded with things like laziness, motivation, procrastination, getting started. Having something to help with inspired me to write.
lesson: Inspiration can come from finding a way to help others.
two: My eight-year-old son was looking bored, and I asked about a (short) novel he&s been reading. He showed me the book and I challenged him to read four chapters today. His face lit up and he got to reading.
lesson: Creating a challenge can be an inspiration.
three: I have problems with procrastination, just like anyone else. I usually solve it when 1) I crystalize in my mind what I most want to be doing right now and wh 2) I clear away al and 3) I get started. As I began writing this post, I closed all other browser tabs (bookmarked ones I want to read later) and opened only the &new post& page in WordPress. Then I clicked on the &fullscreen& button so that everything but the writing box disappeared. Then I entered &Presentation Mode& in Google Chrome, so that everything else on my computer screen faded away. Now it&s just me and these words.
lesson: Clear away everything else and just create.
four: In the morning I sometimes feel lazy when I&ve told myself I want to exercise, stretch, or meditate. I don&t feel motivated. So instead of motivating myself to do something that might take 10, 20 or 30 minutes, I just focus on the smallest action: starting. To meditate or stretch, I just need to put my butt on the pillow (on the floor). To exercise, I just need to lace up my shoes and get out the door. Once I start, the rest is easy, and I&m always glad I did.
lesson: Get your butt on the pillow. Don&t wait for motivation, just start. Motivation will come.
five: As I began to write this morning I heard what sounded like opera music streaming through the walls from my neighbor&s house. What a lovely sound to write to! I immediately began playing some opera of my own, and the uplifting beauty infused my act of creation.
lesson: Surround yourself by inspiration. Music, art, great books, fascinating people.
six: When I feel lazy and don&t want to do anything, I remind myself of the gift I&ve been given. I live an amazing life, and to be given the joy of this world and the people around me, is a complete and utter miracle. Then I ask myself, &Is this how I want to use this miracle?& What a complete waste of something so perfect, so profound, to spend the little time I have in this life on pointlessness and laziness. I don&t mind doing nothing, if it is a nothing that makes me happy. But I also want to create, to help people, to be compassionate towards others, to do something fulfilling and joyous. And so I do.
lesson: Be grateful for the miracle of your life, and ask yourself how you want to spend it. Then get to creating, to making lives better.
seven: I read blogs by fascinating people doing inspired things. Often they will write about something they&re working on, and it sparks an idea in me, makes me want to do something really cool too. Yesterday this happened and I&ve spent hours now dreaming up something big. It might never happen, but that&s not the important thing. Because I surround myself (virtually) with inspired people, I&m more likely to be hit by inspiration.
lesson: Don&t wait for inspiration to strike & you have to meet it halfway. If you want to be hit by lightning, go out in a thunderstorm with a metal rod. Scream at the thundering gods, daring them to strike you.
5 Steps You Can Take to Put Your Dent in the Universe
I don&t know you, but I strongly believe that you don&t simply want to live your life and then disappear without a trace, impact or legacy. I think you want to&make a difference& that you want to leave your fingerprints on the world, in whatever measure.
So here are 5 steps you can take to put your dent in the universe:
1. Use What You&ve Got
You&ve gone through a lot and learned a heap. You&ve&&you didn&t start out with. You&ve gained strengths you can apply to get great results. Today, you&re at the point where you&ve learned, known, experienced and grown the most you ever have in your life.
That&s why you&re always in credit when it comes to your experience, skills, strengths and talents, and it&s those very things & the things that are now woven through you & that will give you the very best chance of putting your dent in the universe.
Don&t let what you&ve got go to waste.
2. Practice What You Don&t Have
If you want to become a great tennis player but have never played tennis before, your only choice is to learn how to play and get out there and practice.
Get better at what you&re already good at. Look at how you can leverage your strengths and experience in developing a new skill. Put in place strategies that will help you develop what you need to develop in order to get involved with what matters to you.
You have an extraordinary ability to learn new skills, strategies and strengths. You can even learn and practice new ways of thinking to replace old patterns of thought that just don&t cut it&any more.
Learning and practicing is to be cherished in the same manner as the fruits derived from those new abilities.
3. Figure Out What Matters
Figuring out exactly what it is that matters to you can be surprisingly elusive, but it&s extraordinarily important for one simple reason.
You can&t put a meaningful dent in the universe without knowing what matters to you.
So what&s always been there, exerting a pull over you? What breaks your heart when you see it? If you could make a simple, graceful difference to a person, a group or a community, what would it be?
Don&t overthink this. There might not be one single answer. The point is to look for some someth something that just might be compelling enough to get involved with.
Chances are you already know what matters.&Sometimes you just don&t let yourself believe it.
4. Get in the Game
When you have that thing, you&ve got to get in the game.
As opposed to goals (which are an idea of something out there in the distance that may or may not happen that you may or may not even want), to play a game you have to choose to get involved right now. You have to pick up that racket and swing. You have to put on your sneakers and run. You have to roll the dice and see what happens.
Playing a game requires a choice to participate&right now.
So make a deep choice to get involved in what matters to you and to make a start (however small) right now. You can make you can set t but neither of those things will amount to a hill of beans unless you&re engaged with a game that matters first.
5. Mind Your Head
Your brain can be a tricky beast, thwarting you in all kinds of clever ways you might never know about. Here are just 3 tiny examples that demonstrate how your brain makes all kinds of choices on your behalf, choices that can create an experience of life you never wanted:
Spot something risky,&&or sense you might lose out, and your amygdala will fire-up and tell you to fight, fly or freeze. As your amygdala lights up your pre-frontal cortex (the part of your brain that allows you to think deliberately and clearly)&powers down, making it all to easy to respond automatically.
Listen to old assumptions or expectations about what will happen, how others will behave or how they expect you to behave, and you can trigger automatic patterns of thought that can take you somewhere you never expected or wanted.
If things don&t turn out as you expect, the drop in dopamine can send you into a spiral of negative thinking that can fuel thoughts of not being good enough or not being up to the challenge.
So start to be gently and non-judgmentally aware of your own thoughts. Notice the thoughts that disable and those that enable. Acknowledge where your thinking is focused and see if that&s useful or not. &Start to be aware of the thoughts that take you out of the game.
That awareness gifts you with choice.
Don&t wait for the world to make a start.
Together, these 5 steps are how worlds are moved. This is how extraordinary ideas are brought to fruition. This is how you can put your dent in the universe.
What&s stopping you?
9 Ways To Prevent Burnout
Burnout,是一个很享受的过程啊。当你发现你追逐的一切都成了浮云之后,陪伴你的,只有你自己。Since you are already naked, why do not follow your heart?&但是失败之后,你必须要知道,你所要的,不仅仅是失败。_____________________________________________________
You would think that avoiding burnout would simply be a matter of not crossing a threshold of fatigue.
Burnout is not that simple.
Burnout And Creativity
Burnout is often work-related because we are increasingly expected to be not only highly creative but also highly productive & like creativity machines.
Robert Fritz, author of the bestseller,&The Path of Least Resistance,&writes that when we are creating there are two parts to the process:
Stretch:&which occurs when we work and expand ourselves in the work.
Consolidation:&which occurs when we take a step back afterward, rest and assimilate the results of the work.
Both parts of the process are necessary and support each other. Our fast-paced economic system keeps many of us stuck in the stretch phase of creating. If you are stretching and not consolidating, you are headed for burnout.
What Is Burnout?
Burnout is not just an emotional problem.&&defines burnout as:
&Exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.&
Burnout usually occurs for one of two reasons:
Lack of rest or rejuvenation (overwork)
Lack of motivation or reward
Over the past 50 years rest has acquired a bad reputation. You can rest when you are dead is how the thinking goes.
However, work and rest are two complementary sides of the same cycle and they enhance each other. We know this intuitively because we love getting a good night&s sleep after a day of positive and productive work and love going to work when we feel refreshed and on top of our game. When the cycle is working well we fe when not, we feel drained.
Burnout can also occur when:
&the work we are doing work that doesn&t suit our skills or interests.
&we know we are not interested in a particular job or task and force ourselves to do it too often.
&our work environment is fear-based and highly political.
&we have too many emergencies, both at work and at home.
&we are sick or a family member is sick.
When we are well we can withstand some turbulence in our lives. When rough spots last too long they start to debilitate us. Life is not meant to be a long emergency.
Assessing Burnout Potential In Your Life
To assess burnout potential in your life, evaluate each aspect of your life below on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being low in stress and burnout potential and 10 being extreme burnout potential.
Consider your physical condition:
You are strong and have physical reserves, you may have the ability to withstand long-term stressful situations.
Your resilience is lower, you need to be careful about how much stress you tolerate and monitor yourself for physical burnout.
You become fatigued easily.
You are sick or get sick easily.
Consider your work situation:
Are you valued?
Are you doing work you love?
Do you have the skills you need to succeed?
Do you work with people who are good for you?
Is the organization well managed?
Do you have to overwork too much?
Are you compensated well? Are your benefits good?
Consider your relationships:
Start with your family. Is it a warm, loving and supportive family or are you generally frustrated by the unhappiness in your family?
Do you have close supportive friends?
Do you have a community you are a part of?
Are you happy with your social life?
Are your work relationships good?
Consider the time of year:
Are there certain times when you are more overloaded than others and at risk of burnout?
Are there times when the people around you are overloaded and your responsibilities increase as a result?
Consider the totality of your life:
Do you have burnout in some or two area spilling over into others?
Do you see the potential for burnout to develop in an area in the future?
When you look at your burnout assessment how does it look to you? piece of cake? manageable? serious burnout potential?
There are no right answers and no score to determine your burnout potential. Your assessment is a map of your current situation so that you can easily get a high level view of your current situation.
With your assessment in hand, it might be useful to consider whether your burnout challenges are people challenges, time management challenges, or a need to develop skills. Sometimes we lack a skill set that could make our life easier, save time and reduce stress.
Steps To Prevent Burnout
There are many things you can do to prevent burnout:
Strengthen your body first. Improve your&&by getting a great night&s sleep, exercising, keeping hydrated and&. Detox your body since toxins can build up causing debility over time.
Learn to meditate to relieve stress and help you with emotional balance. It works wonders.
Make a list of all the areas you want to work on and set priorities for them.
Research on the Internet about the issues you want to take on. Do not be afraid to tackle large issues like career choices and family problems.
Do not be afraid to cut back on commitments that are too draining. &Your other commitments will benefit from your improved attention.
Upgrade your skills to keep yourself marketable and functioning well.
For the tasks you hate, you have several options: drop them if they are really unimportant, break them up into small bite size work units so that you only have to so it for a short time, delegate them, or trade your undesired task with someone else&s undesired task.
Determine what is most important to you so that you increase your time spent on your high value activities and therefore increase your satisfaction.
Treat burnout as a life-time concern that you can eliminate but taking good care of your life.
Everyone&s life matters and everyone deserves to enjoy their life. &Accept the reality of change and plan to be resilient but also make sure you can say no. &You do not have to carry the world on your shoulders.
When you are proactive, flexible, mindful about commitments and take excellent care of yourself you are doing what is necessary to beat burnout. &Good luck!
Failure Makes You Who You Are
Gina Amaro Rudan is&. That is, she wrote a very well-received book called&&that was endorsed by Seth Godin. But Gina wasn&t always a genius. She wasn&t even considered smart.
One day when Gina was in third grade at her Catholic grammar school, some children were pulled out of the classroom and taken to a much nicer room with beautiful windows and potted flowers. This new and improved room had been designed for the gifted students in the class, and Gina waited for her name to be called.&It never was.
One of the nuns explained to Gina&s hardworking single mother that although she was a sweet child, academically she was just average.& Gina&s mom, whose high hopes for her extraordinary child had just been dashed, told Gina that she would just have to try harder. So & trying harder & and getting attention for the abilities she knew she possessed, became Gina&s challenge, as well as the theme of her educational and professional experiences, for years to come.
From Gifted Kid to Corporate Loser
I can relate to Gina&s story because I have one of my own. Unlike Gina, I was a gifted kid. And that giftedness was my undoing when I entered Corporate America as a cocky twenty-two year old who had no clue about making a strong first impression or being diplomatic. It took me only a few months to get kicked out of my boss& office and taken off several key client engagements.
The string of failures in my early career became my calling card as I traveled from speaking engagement to speaking engagement across the globe. I found that sharing my setbacks allowed my audiences to relate to me as a human being and encouraged them to listen to me.
There is no question that my early career was emotionally difficult, but I wouldn&t trade those years for anything. If I hadn&t crashed and burned so spectacularly, I wouldn&t have taken personal development courses like Dale Carnegie so seriously, and I wouldn&t have learned all of the critical lessons that formed the foundation of my bestselling book, They Don&t Teach Corporate in College. Those experiences alone fueled&&to make the college-to-career transition easier for young professionals, and without them, I would not have a fulfilling career today.
Failure Resonates For All Time
Most people advanced in years will tell you that it&s not the&&that have the greatest impact on your life, but the failures.& It&s the failures that we remember, it&s the failures that make us think.& So whether you&ve been recently fired, humiliated in front of a senior executive, or told by a trusted mentor that you will never make it in this business, don&t let your current negativity trick you into believing that your career is over.& In reality, this is a temporary setback that will fully shape the professional you will become.
Like the scar you got at age eight when your older brother pushed you through the first-floor window, your failure will be a mark of your authentic self. Talking about it will provide a refreshing dose of humility in a world rife with self-promotion and overinflated egos. So be grateful for it.
Tell me, what you want?
No one shares the same destination, even there is, no one wants to share. 人生正因我们的不同而精彩&
人的成长很多一部分原因就是环境。你把乔布斯丢在一个没有geek的地方,把盖茨丢在一个独裁者家庭,他们的未来都很难说。而我呢,只是一个很平凡的人,比较典型的中国人。 爸爸生在农村,很能吃苦,考到了北京上大学。妈妈呢,城里人,不用太多地操心吃住问题,学校有分配,工作也有分配。爸妈工作分配到了一起,就有了我。生长的环境就是这样,出生在城里,偶尔回农村,没有农村孩子那股吃苦的劲。在城里身边却又缺少文化的氛围,18岁才第一次看过课本以外的书。成长在这样一个不冷不热的环境里。&
老乔说过,人生往前看的时候,一切都是未知,我们什么也不知道, you can only connect the dots looking backwards.
19岁:假期,无归。其实,我也不知道为什么要留下来。开头2周,动漫,电影,堕落在自己曾经爱过的东西中去寻找动力。随后1周,内心开始平静下来,开始聆听自己的声音,慢慢开始和自己对话。最后几周,找到了迷失的自己,终于在无尽的空白中,找到了自己的原则,找到了自己的梦, 找到了自己想要的。&
Finally, everything is linked。&
Tell me, what you want?
Index, My Personal Kit
方法是自己的, 但是工具可以是大家的.这篇日志想分享一下个人的信息管理工具. 主要介绍三个部分,&
Getting Things Done 任务管理
Evernote 云端一体化笔记
Weekly Planner 日程回顾反馈
1.Getting Things Done 任务管理
GTD这个理念来源于David Allen的&Getting Things Done&,&
在高二时追求个人高效工具时第一次接触这个概念, 遂追/
现已两年, 不得不承认我一切的系统都建立在这个概念之上,最大的体会是形成个人信息系统最大的困难就是你无法只说不做, 每一次学习都是通过你的行动,你的任务。&
To collect& 收集所有下一步将要做的任务,写下来,清空你的大脑
To anaylise& 分析每个任务是否可以立即完成,委派,或延迟 &
To organise& 组织好这些任务的分类与顺序(轻重缓急: to do list? Next list? Waiting list? Reference?
To review& 回顾你的清单, 整理为笔记、日程,project,清扫大脑& &&
To do& 根据环境,精力,时间及重要性决定行动&
这个概念大概就是这样, 在此稍微做一下评论,具体方法将等一会介绍。&
关于GTD的blog:追GTD的这几年,见证了个人信息管理网站数量的激增,从国内最初的褪墨,到时间堂,战隼的学习探索等等,国外的Lifehack, SimpleProductivity到后来的等等,全部都从GTD的概念中获益匪浅。我的感受是,你可以订阅很多个GTD相关网站,但是你必须有你自己的系统,不能人云亦云。&
关于GTD工具: GTD工具不胜枚举,从iso平台上的omniFocus一系列,N多的to do list到我现在用的doit.im,更别提还有PC上冗杂的软件集。还有和GTD相关的mind map系列,一旦陷入其中你会发现软件业的版权侵犯是多么严重,大家都在做相同的东西,唯一不同的只是用户体验,而这却只有通过用户一个一个软件去尝试。 实在不行,有纸有笔;软件,宁缺毋滥。(感谢青年营会的整理)
2. &Evernote 云端一体化笔记
(感谢李亚南的&信息时代的学习力提升术&)&&&3. & Weekly Planner
人们有一个共有的目标,就是找寻真实的自己。而现实中,我们只能通过主观意识不断地尝试,不断地调整才能摸索到真实的自己。在这过程中,及时的反馈就起到了关键性的作用。&先分享一下我使用weekly planner之前的方法。&之前我的系统有四个本子,一个daily task, 一个review calendar, 一个Idea box,还有一个dairy. 这四个本子涵盖了我生活的所有方面,充分捕捉到了一切关于我生活的信息。但当时我会有一点纠结,自己的系统居然由四个本子组成,这意味着,我旅行时也会带上整整4个本子?&
直到我第一次看到weekly planner,我开始想,人类同时记忆的项目数最大是9,而这个数字对于我来说其实还是太大。反思我之前的系统,daily task,每天的待办事项数量都不确定,不存在记忆可言,而review calendar上一个月30天的信息也让我无从建立联系。于是我破釜沉舟,直接放弃了4个本子,选择了weekly planner和7这个数字。
这就是weekly planner这个系统的全貌,但是在个人实际中,经过20周的实践与customise已经成为了我自己的东西。我加入了很多自己的东西,原本的planner被我充分改造成了计划与回顾的利器。
In control时间记录
&每周的weekly planner在周末会被我压缩,总结这一周的生活,记录下这周大块的时间,而每个月,会再次总结成month review,到了每一年固定时间,再提取这些信息记记流水账。&
总会想起Prof.Chua的那句话,how you gonna design that?工科生不能只满足于user,因为我们的选择是developer.&&
8.1 oops,最近hi爆了,差点忘月祭.这个月KO掉9本书,做了一个网站,教了3周书,再次陷入感情问题,情绪管理上出现了些波动. 临近开学, 经过6个星期的自我对话,已经基本达到in control. 临近开学, 同学们回来了,开始叙旧狂hi. 再次回到了I的性格. 和学霸交流了下..发现自己生活还是很有滋味的. hold住, 准备开学, 混不好我就不回来了!
那些在我生命留下印记的句子 II
时间表:真实自我和理想自我的矛盾. 所知,非所是.
Schedule: The paradox of id and ego. Knowing is not being.&
Counselling: to encourage the expression of inner emotion&
Leave the smile to who hurt you most&
People always try to keep more possibility&
事已至此, 何不尽力?
You must put every effort to be like effortless
Why Having a Baby is the Best Thing That Can Happen to Your Productivity
和小孩在一起是对你的效率来说最好的事情?没错! 和小孩子一起呆过的人就会理解, 小孩子有时是多么地任性,&&你无法预测他们的喜怒哀乐. 来看看这篇文章是如何教你通过和小孩子相处来提高你的效率的
It happened again.You thought you could work at home on your personal projects, when all of a sudden your newborn baby starts to cry. You and your child&s mother rush to nurture the baby and finally she settles down.&Even though things cool down for now, you are still very tired because of the many wake-ups you had last night & all caused by your hungry baby.All of this makes you worried. Even though you love your new family member a lot, these constant interruptions of your work, sleep and productivity is stressing you out. You have a ton to do in the coming months, but you start to wonder if you will even be able to get anything done.To make things even more challenging, you don&t have the luxury of working on your projects full-time because you have a day job and you also want to.It&s no wonder that you are frustrated, tired and stressed in this situation.New and wonderful lifeLet&s face it: The lack of productivity and tiredness caused in this scenario is from your newborn baby.She doesn&t live by the same schedules as parents & your baby lives in the moment and lets parents know if something is not right: Maybe it&s too hot, maybe it&s too cold, maybe she likes to be nurtured, maybe they are hungry &There is so much going on in your baby&s life and the only way to communicate her feelings is to cry (at least in the very beginning).One part of your frustration is just that & the communication and the lack of words. Sometimes when your baby is crying, you have to guess what is going on: Could it be hunger? Do the baby need to be nurtured?To make things even more confusing, a baby&s irregular sleeping habits can drive parents crazy in the beginning. Constant wake-ups are a reality in most cases and you wake up tired when the alarm clock rings. Yet, you must go to work so that you can earn living for your family.It&s no wonder that at times things look pretty chaotic & take it from me&I have been there! Living with a new dynamic new family member causes you to rethink your own priorities and re-evaluate your plans.Bite your lip and deal with it!Tiredness, frustration and lack of productivity are the symptoms in this situation, but the real reason behind all the symptoms are the false expectations towards parenthood and living with a new family member.Especially if this baby was your first one, there were so many things that changed in your life at once. And even with some mental preparation in advance, this change may seem too big to handle at times.False expectations can even emphasize the effects of the symptoms. In fact, your attitude will play a big role on how you handle everyday stress when you have a baby in your home.It&s also your attitude that defines whether you decide to find ways to deal with the situation or whether you keep on complaining and become more frustrated.From chaos to control, from frustration to appreciationNo matter if you are tired, no matter if you frustrated, no matter if you are confused, there is one thing that can change all of this: understanding & getting the big picture.I can hear you saying, &Okay, so I can make myself productive, erase my sleep debt and feel happy just by understanding the situation? No, I don&t think so!&
Here is the thing: when you go through these mixed feelings, do you really understand the whole picture of parenthood?Sure, it&s not nice when you aren&t getting stuff done and things aren&t going as planned, but hey & that&s what being a parent (and especially with a newborn baby) is all about!No one said that it&s going to be dancing on roses. Instead, it&s a lot of work required from both of the parents!And what about the big picture then? Well, it&s interruptions, it&s distractions, it&s supporting your spouse, it&s changing diapers, and it&s doing a lot of extra work. That&s the reality and that&s the name of the game.Once you understand that this is part of parenthood, you start to change your attitude and that makes handling the everyday frustrations easier.Besides, do you think that you are alone in this situation? Nope, there are millions of confused and stressed parents around the globe & not just you and your spouse!When you change your attitudes a bit, you also start to realize that even if you have less time at your disposal, you are finding more creative ways of getting things done. In fact, you start to appreciate even the smallest moments that you have for your work.Finally, when you know that your daily routine may change all of a sudden because of your baby, learn to plan your days the night before. When you know your tasks in advance, this helps you to take action as soon as you have even a tiny time pocket available.While having a baby will decrease the amount of your overall free time, you&ll start to focus on things that really matter and get rid of secondary stuff. In fact, you come to the realization that having a baby is the best thing that ever happened to your productivity!How I do itTo describe how I & a part-time work-at-home dad & get stuff done with a baby in our home, here are the steps I have taken and practice on a daily basis:
Attitude and appreciation.&I&m listing this first, since this is the foundation for your productivity. Once you understand what parenthood is (especially with a newborn baby), you start to tolerate those interruptions and unfinished task lists better.&Also remember, if you are in a regular routine right now, it will most likely change at some point.&For example, in the beginning me and my wife were tired because of constant wake-ups during the night. Things are now much better and we can pretty much sleep our nights without interruptions.
Working times.&Notice the daily rhythm of your child. For instance, I know approximately at what time my son goes to sleep in the evening, when he takes a nap and when he wakes up. Based on this knowledge, I try to get my work done during those times.&Also, be aware that the rhythm will change & at least in the beginning & and adjust your working time according to them.
Focus on things that matter.&The biggest productivity benefit I&ve experienced from having a baby is that I&m no longer doing secondary stuff that doesn&t take me closer to my goals. In fact, I&m super-focused and doing only the&.
Plan your day.&Plan your day the night before. Write down the most important tasks that you want to get done and keep that list of things in your head all the times. Put emphasis on those tasks which take closer to your goals.&Being a parent requires flexibility, so don&t always expect to get everything done every day. If a hectic day like that occurs, then continue working on the task the next day.
Hire some help.&When it comes to online business related matters, one of the best decisions I have made was to hire a coach. This helped me to reduce the non-important work and put the focus on things that helped me to reach my ultimate goal.&Another thing that helped was to outsource small tasks as much as possible. This was yet another way to lighten the workload.&Remember, not only is the outsourcing limited to just your business tasks & it can be done on a household level too: cleaning, cooking, babysitting, taking care of the lawn &
Spot the time pockets.&Finally, to get work done, recognize those small time pockets that exist every day. Remember when I told you to keep your task list in your head during step #4? Well, this is the reason why.&When you spot a time pocket (for e.g your kid is a sleeping), you can work on your own stuff during that time.&When you know what your next action will be, you don&t have to figure out what to do next. Instead, you can start working on it without any additional pondering, thus not losing valuable time.ConclusionDon&t let the frustration and confusion get to you & especially if you are having your first baby. In most cases, your attitude and mindset have to change as well.&Also, to get work done & even with a limited amount of available time & doing some planning as well as hiring some external help will do wonders for your productivity.Remember, it&s your baby that helps you stay focused on the right things.


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