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马上就到了中华民族最隆重的传统佳节——春节,每年春节来临之际,都是各类礼品热销之时。对于“尊礼重道”的中国人来讲,春节送礼可是一件大事,而随着消费 ...
一直以来,都有个问题困惑着百姓,现在看个病怎么这么贵?前段时间,家住昆山的张先生被查出身体患有隐性疾病,医生给开了几副中药方和一些日常 ...
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一直以来,都有个问题困惑着百姓,现在看个病怎么这么贵?前段时间,家住昆山的张先生被查出身体患有隐性疾病,医生给开了几副中药方和一些日常保健的滋补品 ...
现在,生活节奏快得让人喘不过气,作息的不规律打破了生物钟,饮食随意也威胁着年轻人的健康,亚健康的 ...
现在,生活节奏快得让人喘不过气,作息的不规律打破了生物钟,饮食随意也威胁着年轻人的健康,亚健康的人群在逐日增多,全民养生 ...
&& 与往年不同的是,今年春节礼品市场已悄然变了模样:独特、新颖、名贵成为佳节礼尚往来的核心,海参类滋补品的地位开始当“红”不让。2018
春节送 ...
选海参礼 ...
今年的冬天格外寒冷,寒潮再一次侵入江浙沪地区,最低温度达到冰点,各地纷纷飘起了雪花,各地雪景十分漂亮,让人流连忘返。但是过低的温度极易 ...
四川黑色塑料地膜防渗膜 全新料 土工膜,因为它无毒无味,产品质量稳定可靠,寿命长,那些回收料做成的土工膜会有很多杂质在里,安全性不能保证,使用寿命也会大 ...
养殖鱼池务必使用全新料生产的土工膜,因为它无毒无味,产品质量稳定可靠,寿命长,那些回收料做成的土工膜会有很多杂质在里,安全 ...
今年的冬天格外寒冷,寒潮再一次侵入江浙沪地区,最低温度达到冰点,各地纷纷飘起了雪花,各地雪景十分漂亮,让人流连忘返。但是过低的温度极易导致人身体不 ...
&& 随着生活水平的提高,人们养生意识的增强,昆山滋补品市场逐渐升温。2018春节将近,在昆山一家宫品
店,店里销售火爆,满脸微笑的吴阿 ...
店,店里销售火爆,满脸微笑的吴阿姨告诉记者: ...
从一个专业的角度来说,海参因其独特的药理作用和本身体内含有的其它任何食品中都没有的营养成份如海参素等,让其身价从诸多保健品中脱颖而出, ...
从一个专业的角度来说,海参因其独特的药理作用和本身体内含有的其它任何食品中都没有的营养成份如海参素等,让其身价从诸多保健品中脱颖而出,成为人们在购 ...
2018春节在即,作为一年中最隆重的传统节日,很多人选择在春节假期走亲访友以加强亲朋好友的感情。与此同时,春节礼品市场也就出现了抢购高潮。从名贵烟酒茶 ...
刺参作为过去北方地区特有的海参品种,营养价值极高,但由于对生长环境要求较高,且由于刺参有“冬眠”和“夏眠”的双休习性,所以传统刺参产地 ...
养殖鱼池务必使用全新料生产的土工膜,因为它无毒无味,产品质量稳定可靠,寿命长,那些回收料做成的土工膜会有很多杂质在里,安 ...
记者通过相关 ...
蓝色的海洋有着无穷的宝藏,海参就是其中最有经济价值的产品之一。在我国沿海盛产120多种海参,其中可以食用的海参有20多种。按照海参背上是否有疣状突起,海 ...
中华美食文化源远流长,八大菜系更是丰富多样,流传至今,各种饮食菜色、食品调理、营养保健等方面的积累创造影响了各个地区甚至周边国家对美食的品味与爱好 ...
养殖膜/土工膜全新料养殖专用/防渗膜/土工膜好质量/养殖膜低价_厂家国标0.35/04/0.5水产养殖膜_hdpe防渗膜高密度直销厂家养殖膜选用优质的聚乙烯原生树脂,主要成 ...
国标全新料养殖专用/防渗膜/土工膜好质量/低价_厂家国标0.35/04/0.5水产养殖膜_hdpe防渗膜高密度直销厂家防渗膜选用优质的聚乙烯原生树脂,主要成分97.5%的高密度 ...
意识与养生观念的转变,有滋补功效的食品成逐渐成为了进补的首选,而 ...
2、改善水质:有效抑制蓝藻等有害 ...
防渗膜多少钱价格哪里便宜最低,保你满意国标全新料养殖专用/防渗膜/土工膜好质量/低价_厂家国标0.35/04/0.5水产养殖膜_hd ...
淡干海参是指将鲜海参经过了脱水处理之后得到的一种海参,是一种能够长期保存的海参产品形式,而在干海参的加工过程中,根据加工形式的不同,可以将干海参分为淡 ...
  1、 过碳酸钠 ,有2种,放氧量10.5%(合格品),放氧量13%-14%(优级品)纯原料,标准HGT 2764,氧多属优级品。
反硝化细菌 是一种能引起反硝化作用的细菌。多为异养、兼性厌氧细菌,如反硝化杆菌、斯氏杆菌、萤气极毛杆菌等。
它们在氙气条件下,利用硝酸中的氧,氧化有机 ...
亲参的采捕与蓄养→人工催产与授精→受精卵孵化与幼体选育→培育管理(控制合理的培育密度、换水与水质管理、适宜的饵料与投喂、附着器的制作与投 ...
湛江的 养殖 户叶先生,买了一件海洋红酵母回去用,现在已经是
头了。在他购买海洋红酵母的时候我就跟他说了,第二次购买的时候我一定会给他优惠一些 ...
海参的营养价值 渐渐被大家所介绍,但是海参市场上种类繁多有干海参、即食海参等,也有圈养海参和野生海参等。那么,面对种类繁多的海参市场,消费者应该如何选 ...
  眼袋是美丽的大敌,试很多种方法都不会把眼袋去掉的,眼袋那么顽固还那么难看怎么 ...
  很多女孩儿都被眼袋深深的困扰,眼袋也不能说是病,但是可能很多人都宁愿生 ...清朝时最受中国人欢迎的移民城市是利马 现代人你居然不知道?_凤凰旅游
清朝时最受中国人欢迎的移民城市是利马 现代人你居然不知道?
对于一个有旅行经验的人来说,你可以说你了解欧洲、亚洲或北美,但南美的很多城市有时会背叛一个精明的旅行者,经常让你感到惊讶和&挫败&。随着APEC的到来,你除了关注到秘鲁,当然还有秘鲁的正确发音,还应该了解一下秘鲁的首都利马。据说在清末时期,利马有很多来自中国和日本的东亚移民,这些移民有些把本地叫作&黑鬼埠&,作为现代人的你居然不知道利马吗?更多城市灵感旅行体验,关注凤凰旅游微信(travel_ifeng),回复&灵感&,即可收取。文:南菜编译:Joe在你没有注意到的时候,利马在迅速发展着,已经是居住着800万人的政治、经济和文化中心城市。虽然利马在现代工业方面表现良好,也经常出现几个小时内交通都堵塞得动弹不得的状况,但利马的历史和自然文化仍然竭尽全力以惊人的保存能力吸引着游客们。利马是一座盘踞在太平洋岸边悬崖上的城市,它是南美洲,甚至拉丁美洲最具活力的城市之一,这里既充满了历史感,又不乏随处可见的色彩感和文化底蕴。这座秘鲁的首都城市正在慢慢找到属于自己的定位,它不再只是一处游客前往马丘比丘途中的转机地点。利马随着雾霭从殖民地时期的老房子以及高楼大厦之间消散,利马那令人迷恋的魅力开始微妙地显露出来。这座肆意扩张的大都市从悬崖丛生的漫长海岸线上巍然而起,它是世界第二干旱的首都,仅次于开罗。前哥伦布时期的寺庙边上修建了很多高层公寓,它们总是散发着忙乱的气息,混乱的交通噪声中还夹杂着太平洋碎浪的快速拍击声。利马但利马也有精致的另一面,这座城市的文明可以追溯至一千年之前。宏伟的博物馆中展示着庄严大气的陶器制品;美术馆主推前卫艺术;肃穆的宗教游行场面让人宛如回到十八世纪,而人群熙攘的夜总会又响起了热情的节拍。四百多年的美食革新历史让这座首都城市极富烹饪天赋,想必没有哪位游客愿意错失这样的邂逅机遇。利马的美食氛围堪称一绝,这里的夜生活极其丰富,巴兰科区有很多鸡尾酒吧和现场音乐表演,充满波西米亚气息的街区白天吸引了大量搜罗艺术品的收藏家前来,晚上就变成了派对动物们聚集的天堂。无论你是自然爱好者,还是海滩狂热者,或者艺术史研究者,在利马你都能找到属于自己的东西。利马这便是利马,掩映在历史中,既散发着令人心动的凌乱感,又充满着审美情趣。利马不再只是去马丘比丘途中的一处停靠点,现在正是发掘这个&拉美最隐秘之所&的最佳时机。多年以来,利马仿佛一直被迷雾所笼罩。这座城市如同一幅褪去了铅华的单色画。当把这种风貌与多年盛传的关于利马不安全和破败结合起来时,那些背包客和独行游客们在利马住上一晚便忙不迭地前往马丘比丘,便显得毫不令人惊讶了&&利马只是长途跋涉之后不太方便但又躲避不开的一处休整之所。利马但是他们都错了。正如BBC World Service所说:&利马是拉美最隐秘的处所。作为美洲最古老的城市,利马拥有最好的美食和多元文化的氛围。这里的很多建筑都是五个世纪之前修建的。&这些特质足以让这座城市与波哥大、墨西哥城或布宜诺斯艾利斯等其他似乎更为&性感&的首都城市相媲美,别忘了,利马曾经也是西班牙殖民者在南美的根据地。利马的那些不可错过阿利亚加故居和利马一样古老。西班牙征服者弗朗西斯科&皮萨罗在日建立了这座首都城市,当时他便将政府大厅边上的一块土地送给了自己值得信赖的盟友赫罗尼莫&德&阿利亚加,这样他们就能成为邻居。从那以后,阿利亚加家族的十八代人都定居在同一栋宅邸里&&虽然阿利亚加故居经历了多次翻新,但它依然是美洲最古老的寓所。现如今,赫罗尼莫的子孙后辈们都住在一栋现代化的附属建筑中,但故居的主体部分依然可以参观。利马阿利亚加故居收藏了各式各样的秘鲁艺术品和文物,包括赫罗尼莫&德&阿利亚加在征服秘鲁时所使用的剑。此外,它还展现了几个世纪之前丰富多彩的装饰风格。穿梭于故居中厚重的木门,你仿佛深入了层层历史。在利马的闹市区,不出几个街区,你定会与一座又一座的殖民时期教堂不期而遇。在城市建立之初,天主教会众们都各自分到了一块土地,大多数土地都建起了用来纪念守护圣徒的修道院或教堂。圣弗兰西斯科教堂便是其中保存最为完好的教堂之一,教堂最鲜明的特色在于门口天井处聚集了大群的鸽子;小贩们会向路人推销一包包投食用的种子,逗得鸽子们络绎不绝地聚拢而来。建造于十七世纪后期的圣弗兰西斯科教堂充满了巴洛克风格,里面修筑了多座镀金边的祭坛以及一座令人惊叹的网格穹顶。毗邻的修道院里陈列着各种古老的宗教文献,其中一些是印加帝国被征服以后由第一波进入美洲的西班牙神父们带过来的。利马利马南美洲国家秘鲁的首都,位于秘鲁西海岸线的中央,西临太平洋,与海港卡亚俄组成利马都会区。利马于日由西班牙殖民者法兰西斯克&皮泽洛所建,是秘鲁的西班牙文化重地,著名的天主教建筑包括了16世纪的大教堂和国立圣马尔科斯大学。在1500年代和1600年代,秘鲁是西班牙语美洲仅次于波哥大和墨西哥城的经济、文化重心。更多城市灵感旅行体验,关注凤凰旅游微信(travel_ifeng),回复&灵感&,即可收取。城市灵感 栏目介绍从风格多样的旅行方式,到千奇百怪的地域文化。也许你曾去过很多地方,但却未曾真正亲近过某座城市。每周一,我们用城市激发你的旅行灵感,用独特的角度讲述那些或熟知或陌生的城市,更多城市灵感旅行,关注凤凰旅游微信(travel_ifeng),回复&灵感&,即可收取。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&凤凰网旅游微信公众平台账号:travel_ifeng生活家私人微信:lifeofwealth2015下载凤凰新闻客户端,订阅&旅游&,获得更及时、更有用、更有趣的旅游信息欢迎投稿至:all_我们将为你的作品提供亿万人观看的平台
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文章来源:中国刑事辩护网&&&&发布时间:日 11:51&&【字号:&&&&&&】
 To get at them you must go behind the foreground of existence and reach down to that curioussense of the whole residual cosmos as an everlasting presence, intimate or alien, terrible oramusing, lovable or odious, which in some degree everyone possesses. This sense of the world'spresence, appealing as it does to our peculiar individual temperament, makes us either strenuous orcareless, devout or blasphemous, gloomy or exultant, and our reaction,involuntary and inarticulate and often half unconscious as it is, is the completest of all our answersto the question, "What is the character of this universe in which we dwell?" It expresses ourindividual sense of it in the most definite way. Why then not call these reactions our religion, nomatter what specific character they may have? Non-religious as some of these reactions may be, inone sense of the word "religious," they yet belong to THE GENERAL SPHERE OF THERELIGIOUS LIFE, and so should generically be classed as religious reactions. "He believes inNo-God, and he worships him," said a colleague of mine of a student who was manifesting a and the more fervent opponents of Christian doctrine have often enough shown atemper which, psychologically considered, is indistinguishable from religious zeal.
 "I have several times within the past few years felt the so-called 'consciousness of a presence.'
 We shall see abundant examples of this happy state of mind in later lectures of this course. Weshall see how infinitely passionate a thing religion at its highest flights can be. Like love, likewrath, like hope, ambition, jealousy, like every other instinctive eagerness and impulse, it adds tolife an enchantment which is not rationally or logically deducible from anything else. Thisenchantment, coming as a gift when it does come--a gift of our organism, the physiologists will tellus, a gift of God's grace, the theologians say --is either there or not there for us, and there are persons who can no more become possessed by it than they can fall in love with a given woman bymere word of command. Religious feeling is thus an absolute addition to the Subject's range oflife. It gives him a new sphere of power. When the outward battle is lost, and the outer worlddisowns him, it redeems and vivifies an interior world which otherwise would be an empty waste.
 [16] Book IV., 523But compare even as devout a passage as this with a genuine Christian outpouring, and it seems alittle cold. Turn, for instance, to the Imitation of Christ:-"Lord, thou
let this or that be according as thou wilt. Give what thou wilt,so much as thou wilt, when thou wilt. Do with me as thou knowest best, and as shall be most tothine honour. Place me where thou wilt, and freely work thy will with me in all things. . . . Whencould it be evil when thou wert near? I had rather be poor for thy sake than rich without thee. Ichoose rather to be a pilgrim upon the earth with thee, than without thee to possess heaven. Wherethou art, and where thou art not, behold there death and hell."[17]
 But the more I seek words to express this intimate intercourse, the more I feel the impossibility ofdescribing the thing by any of our usual images. At bottom the expression most apt to render whatI felt is this: God was present, he fell under no one of my senses, yet myconsciousness perceived him."The adjective "mystical" is technically applied, most often. to states that are of brief duration. Ofcourse such hours of rapture as the last two persons describe are mystical experiences, of which ina later lecture I shall have much to say. Meanwhile here is the abridged record of another mysticalor semi-mystical experience, in a mind evidently framed by nature for ardent piety. I owe it toStarbuck's collection. The lady who gives the account is the daughter of a man well known in histime as a writer against Christianity. The suddenness of her conversion shows well how native thesense of God's presence must be to certain minds. She relates that she was brought up in entireignorance of Christian doctrine, but, when in Germany, after being talked to by Christian friends,she read the Bible and prayed, and finally the plan of salvation flashed upon her like a stream oflight.
   Were one asked to characterize the life of religion in the broadest and most general termspossible, one might say that it consists of the belief that there is an unseen order, and that oursupreme good lies in harmoniously adjusting ourselves thereto. This belief and this adjustment arethe religious attitude in the soul. I wish during this hour to call your attention to some of thepsychological peculiarities of such an attitude as this, or belief in an object which we cannot see.
 To my mind a
current far more important and interesting religiously than that which
sets in fromnatural science towards healthy-mindedness is that which has
recently poured over America andseems to be gathering force every
day--I am ignorant what foothold it may yet have acquired inGreat
Britain--and to which, for the sake of having a brief designation, I
will give the title of the"Mind-cure movement." There are various sects
of this "New Thought," to use another of thenames by wh but their agreements are so profound that their differences may
beneglected for my present purpose, and I will treat the movement,
without apology, as if it were asimple thing.
 To pass now to religious phenomena, take the melancholy which, as we shall see, constitutes anessential moment in every complete religious evolution. Take the happiness which achievedreligious belief confers. Take the trancelike states of insight into truth which all religious mysticsreport.[8] These are each and all of them special cases of kinds of human experience of muchwider scope. Religious melancholy, whatever peculiarities it may have qua religious, is at any ratemelancholy. Religious happiness is happiness. Religious trance is trance. And the moment werenounce the absurd notion that a thing is exploded away as soon as it is classed with others, o the moment we agree to stand by experimental results and inner quality, injudging of values--who does not see that we are likely to ascertain the distinctive significance ofreligious melancholy and happiness, or of religious trances, far better by comparing them asconscientiously as we can with other varieties of melancholy, happiness, and trance, than byrefusing to consider their place in any more general series, and treating them as if they wereoutside of nature's order altogether?
 Q. Have you had any experiences which appeared providential?
 "Yet this is not all. This vast array is swelled by innumerable
volunteers from daily life--the fearof accident, the possibility of
calamity, the loss of property, the chance of robbery, of fire, or
theoutbreak of war. And it is not deemed sufficient to fear for
ourselves. When a friend is taken ill,we must forth with fear the worst
and apprehend death. If one meets with sorrow . . . sympathymeans to
enter into and increase the suffering."[48]
 In the first place, happiness, like every other emotional state, has blindness and insensibility toopposing facts given it as its instinctive weapon for self-protection against disturbance. Whenhappiness is actually in possession, the thought of evil can no more acquire the feeling of realitythan the thought of good can gain reality when melancholy rules. To the man actively happy, fromwhatever cause, evil simply cannot then and there be believed in. H and to thebystander he may then seem perversely to shut his eyes to it and hush it up.
 I fear I may have made a longer excursus than was necessary, and that fewer words would havedispelled the uneasiness which may have arisen among some of you as I announced mypathological programme. At any rate you must all be ready now to judge the religious life by itsresults exclusively, and I shall assume that the bugaboo of morbid origin will scandalize your pietyno more.
 The richness of its allegorical meaning also is due to his being there--that is, the world is all thericher for having a devil in it, SO LONG AS WE KEEP OUR FOOT UPON HIS NECK. In thereligious consciousness, that is just the position in which the fiend, the negative or tragic principle, and for that very reason the religious consciousness is so rich from the emotional point ofview.[20] We shall see how in certain men and women it takes on a monstrously ascetic form.
 [11] Lectures and Biographical Sketches, 1868, p. 186.
 In the first place, happiness, like every other emotional state, has blindness and insensibility toopposing facts given it as its instinctive weapon for self-protection against disturbance. Whenhappiness is actually in possession, the thought of evil can no more acquire the feeling of realitythan the thought of good can gain reality when melancholy rules. To the man actively happy, fromwhatever cause, evil simply cannot then and there be believed in. H and to thebystander he may then seem perversely to shut his eyes to it and hush it up.
 The more concrete objects of most men's religion, the deities whom they worship, are known tothem only in idea. It has been vouchsafed, for example, to very few Christian believers to have hada sensible vision of their S though enough appearances of this sort are on record, by way ofmiraculous exception, to merit our attention later. The whole force of the Christian religion,therefore, so far as belief in the divine personages determines the prevalent attitude of the believer,is in general exerted by the instrumentality of pure ideas, of which nothing in the individual's pastexperience directly serves as a model.
 Lecture III
 There are saints who have literally fed on the negative principle, on humiliation and privation, andthe thought of suffering and death--their souls growing in happiness just in proportion as theiroutward state grew more intolerable. No other emotion than religious emotion can bring a man tothis peculiar pass. And it is for that reason that when we ask our question about the value ofreligion for human life, I think we ought to look for the answer among these violenter examplesrather than among those of a more moderate hue.
 In one sense at least the personal religion will prove itself more fundamental than either theologyor ecclesiasticism. Churches, when once established, live at second- but theFOUNDERS of every church owed their power originally to the fact of their direct personalcommunion with the divine. Not only the superhuman founders, the Christ, the Buddha, Mahomet,but all the originators of Christian sects ha--so personal religion should stillseem the primordial thing, even to those who continue to esteem it incomplete.
 To get at them you must go behind the foreground of existence and reach down to that curioussense of the whole residual cosmos as an everlasting presence, intimate or alien, terrible oramusing, lovable or odious, which in some degree everyone possesses. This sense of the world'spresence, appealing as it does to our peculiar individual temperament, makes us either strenuous orcareless, devout or blasphemous, gloomy or exultant, and our reaction,involuntary and inarticulate and often half unconscious as it is, is the completest of all our answersto the question, "What is the character of this universe in which we dwell?" It expresses ourindividual sense of it in the most definite way. Why then not call these reactions our religion, nomatter what specific character they may have? Non-religious as some of these reactions may be, inone sense of the word "religious," they yet belong to THE GENERAL SPHERE OF THERELIGIOUS LIFE, and so should generically be classed as religious reactions. "He believes inNo-God, and he worships him," said a colleague of mine of a student who was manifesting a and the more fervent opponents of Christian doctrine have often enough shown atemper which, psychologically considered, is indistinguishable from religious zeal.
 The field of religion being as wide as this, it is manifestly impossible that I should pretend tocover it. My lectures must be limited to a fraction of the subject. And, although it would indeed befoolish to set up an abstract definition of religion's essence, and then proceed to defend thatdefinition against all comers, yet this need not prevent me from taking my own narrow view ofwhat religion shall consist in FOR THE PURPOSE OF THESE LECTURES, or, out of the manymeanings of the word, from choosing the one meaning in which I wish to interest you particularly,and proclaiming arbitrarily that when I say "religion" I mean THAT. This, in fact, is what I mustdo, and I will now preliminarily seek to mark out the field I choose.
 To get at them you must go behind the foreground of existence and reach down to that curioussense of the whole residual cosmos as an everlasting presence, intimate or alien, terrible oramusing, lovable or odious, which in some degree everyone possesses. This sense of the world'spresence, appealing as it does to our peculiar individual temperament, makes us either strenuous orcareless, devout or blasphemous, gloomy or exultant, and our reaction,involuntary and inarticulate and often half unconscious as it is, is the completest of all our answersto the question, "What is the character of this universe in which we dwell?" It expresses ourindividual sense of it in the most definite way. Why then not call these reactions our religion, nomatter what specific character they may have? Non-religious as some of these reactions may be, inone sense of the word "religious," they yet belong to THE GENERAL SPHERE OF THERELIGIOUS LIFE, and so should generically be classed as religious reactions. "He believes inNo-God, and he worships him," said a colleague of mine of a student who was manifesting a and the more fervent opponents of Christian doctrine have often enough shown atemper which, psychologically considered, is indistinguishable from religious zeal.
 If we were to ask the question: "What is human life's chief concern?" one of the answers weshould receive would be: "It is happiness." How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness, isin fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing toendure. The hedonistic school in ethics deduces the moral life wholly from the experiences ofhappiness and unhappiness which different ki and, even more in the religiouslife than in the moral life, happiness and unhappiness seem to be the poles round which the interestrevolves. We need not go so far as to say with the author whom I lately quoted that any persistententhusiasm is, as such, religion, nor need we call mere laughter
but we mustadmit that any persistent enjoyment may PRODUCE the sort of religion which consists in agrateful admiration of the gift of s and we must also acknowledge that themore complex ways of experiencing religion are new manners of producing happiness, wonderfulinner paths to a supernatural kind of happiness, when the first gift of natural existence is unhappy,as it so often proves itself to be.
 As regards the manner in which I shall have to administer this lectureship, I am neither atheologian, nor a scholar learned in the history of religions, nor an anthropologist. Psychology isthe only branch of learning in which I am particularly versed. To the psychologist the religiouspropensities of man must be at least as interesting as any other of the facts pertaining to his mentalconstitution. It would seem, therefore, that, as a psychologist, the natural thing for me would be toinvite you to a descriptive survey of those religious propensities.


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