
Voting for the Tories again, yeah?
Before you go and cast your vote for the donkey in the blue rosette, just like always, please .
Why are they called the Conservatives? What are they conserving? At the moment, it’s not economic stability, or the value of Sterling, or the environment, or a functioning NHS, or civil liberties.
As Prime Minister, you’ll get Theresa May, a dangerous authoritarian whose ability to play a human is so unconvincing that she has to be kept out of the public eye, and who now appears only in pre-recorded hostage-style videos. She promises to
in the name of security. She had six years as Home Secretary and one as PM, but is always promising that just one more hit to civil liberties will be the charm. It’s not terrorists that hate our freedoms, it’s Theresa May.
With a convert’s zeal, she has committed to the most disruptive and costly Brexit possible, estranging the UK from Europe and driving it towards Trump’s dangerous and unpredictable regime.
She made it , unless they’re rich. Now, she proposes to make it harder for any foreign spouse, unless they’re even richer. If you vote Tory, don’t fall in love with a foreigner.
Jeremy (enunciate it very carefully) Hunt will continue to damage the NHS. Is he just incompetent, or is he actively evil and wants to run it into the ground so he can sell the parts to his mates? You decide. Either way, if you vote for another five years of Tory misrule, you’d better plan on not getting sick.
The preternaturally ignorant David Davis will continue to
of how the European Union works on the job, and will continue to be inadequate to the task placed before him.
Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson will continue to play the clown, offending allies at a time when the UK needs them, and batting away questions with casual racism and Latin quotes. Quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
So what’s the alternative? Vote
to deprive the Conservatives of their majority.
Reckon Corbyn would destroy the economy? Have you seen what the Conservatives have achieved in the past year? Even .
. Labour has a competent team in Keir Starmer and Emily Thornberry, who wouldn’t be tied by May’s rash statements. The Conservatives have already alienated Europeans (most recently, with Theresa May’s bizarre claims that the EU is interfering in the general election). It’s hard to believe that Davis, Fox and Johnson would do a competent job based on what they’ve done so far. Brexit is a bad idea, but the Tory kamikaze Brexit is the worst idea of all. If you vote for the Tories to negotiate Brexit, don’t forget to stock up on food in March 2019. In fact, stock up now, before the falling pound drives up inflation further.
Theresa May and her coterie of headbanging Brexiteers are a menace to you and your family. Kick them out.
Yesterday morning, I passed a group of boys of maybe eight years old playing football in a park in Berlin. When I was their age, that spot was in the death strip on the East German side of the Berlin Wall.
One of the great things about learning other languages is that you also learn about the concepts that underlie linguistic representation.
Six years ago, , 180 km through the night by bicycle from London to the Suffolk coast at Dunwich. On Saturday, I did it again.
The good news is, I no longer have that sick feeling in my stomach. Now I’m just depressed.
Older entries can be found in the
Curios that recently washed up in the surf, and which I have bookmarked with :
—This actually works.—Product that are ‘accidentally or unintentionally vegan’.—A development environment without rooting.
Hall of shame
Attempts to break into this server, ordered by country/area.
See this information .
Note: The country and area names are based on internet domains and common English usage, and don’t imply any particular stance on political divisions.今日: 2|昨日: 3|帖子: 32920|会员: 39941|欢迎新会员:
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