
首先找到网站的网页程序和游戏程序,在/wwwroot 下面的, 还有游戏的服务器端口程序,在/ly_server下的, 另外就是数据库文件, 在/Mysql5 下面的几个文件夹(game,login,playeritems,playerlevelupinfo), 其他的东西基本上就没有用了.
游戏的服务器端口程序,随便放在哪里都可以,直接运行ly_server\SecurityBox\SecurityBox.exe 和 ly_server\login\logon.exe 以及 ly_server\GameServer\Gameserver.exe 三个游戏端口监听程序就可以了。
ly_server\GameServer\conf 下的两个文件(realms.conf和world.conf)是控制游戏服务器的服数和端口以及服务器IP地址的,其中realms.conf里的其他都可以不用修改,需要修改的是Realm1后面的Name = && 引号里放的与后面游戏登陆页面有关的参数,这里默认的是&test_1&,每个服这里的参数都不一样,另外就是Address = &&引号里填写服务器的IP地址及端口(默认的是127.0.0.1:10010 , 这也就是为什么只能单机玩的原因了),每个服的端口也要设置不一样,这里的IP地址设置成你服务器在局域网的IP地址那么就可以局域网玩,如果设置成外网就可以外网玩了(注意:如果有路由器则需要设置端口映射),楼主把IP地址直接设置成的域名也用起了;特别注意的一点是,realms.conf里的Address =&& 引号里的端口号一定要和world.conf下的WorldServerPort = &&端口号一致,否则登陆游戏会出现'游戏连接错误';另外就是world.conf里的RemoteConsole后面的Host和AllowIP都为&。
如果需要开2服,就将ly_server\GameServer\文件夹复制一份,命名为GameServer2 即2服的游戏端口监听器,然后按照前面说明修改好里面的参数后运行这里面的Gameserver.exe即可。
网页程序(wwwroot)里根目录下的几个文件需要完善一下,才能开局域网或外网,其中有game.php , main.php , game1.php 。
main.php里的 两个&进入游戏&的按钮里的href='' 里面的地址和参数改为game.php?server=1 这里的server=1的数字代表服数,如果要开多个服,就多设置几个按钮,server=的参数也设置成不同的。
game.php里的 src=&&中间的地址和参数里写为: game1.php?username=&?=$_SESSION['valid_user']?&&isAdult=1&server=&?=$_REQUEST['server']?&
function getParams()里面的参数改为:
其中server_id后面的参数应该和游戏监听程序GameServer里的配置文件Realms.conf里Realm1后面的Name = && 参数相同,默认的为test_1,所以应将游戏监听程序GameServer里的配置文件的参数修改掉,这里用的就是服数,即1 或二服的 2 。
function getCDNPath()里面的地址为:
亲们,请爱护小贱的辛苦付出,如若转载原创文章,请务必加上来源网址,谢谢您的支持和理解!如有疑问请或给小贱!如何给不能做端口映射的内网架设VPN? - 知乎125被浏览12586分享邀请回答vpnazure.net 和&端口号&[管理虚拟HUB] -& [管理用户] 添加用户,认证方式选择自己认为最方便的客户端安装SoftEther VPN Client配置客户端,新建连接,填入主机名、端口号、虚拟HUB名、用户认证信息大功告成注:服务器端[本地网桥设置]中的物理网卡一定要能访问互联网……我作服务器的笔记本无线网卡居然不能桥接,努力一个小时都没有解决,只好插网线了┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍附原版完整教程,单纯粘贴,点一个赞翻译一节。Employees need to connect to the company LAN from outside or home? Remote Access VPN realizes virtual network cable from a Client PC to the LAN from anywhere and anytime.Principles allows communications only for just VPN-established member PCs. However if your company has a lot of computers on the corporate network, it is not practical to install VPN Clients on all PCs on your company. This is the reason why Remote Access VPN is necessary for middle and large-scale corporate network.Remote Access VPN is an extended topology of the ad-hoc network. The difference between ad-hoc VPN and remote-access VPN is similar to Wi-Fi Ad-hoc mode and Wi-Fi Infrastructure mode. With Wi-Fi Ad-hoc mode, every computers must connected to the single Wi-Fi segment. Unlike this, Wi-Fi Infrastructure mode allows communicating computers on both Wi-Fi segment and Physical Ethernet segment.In order to build-up a Remote Access VPN you can use
in order to connect between Virtual Private Network segment and physical Ethernet network segment. After that, any remote computers which are connected to the Virtual Hub via VPN will be treated as a part of the existing physical Ethernet segment.Step 1. Set up SoftEther VPN ServerYou can
on a computer in your corporate network. It is recommended to set up VPN Server on a computer which has two network adapters where one is connected to the corporate network and another is connected to global Internet segment. However if you cannot prepare such an ideal server, you can try SoftEther VPN Server on a PC which has only one network adapter to the private network. Because SoftEther VPN Server has
and function, you can reach to such a private PC from the Internet.Installation is very easy by using Installer and Initial Setup Wizard based GUI.Step 2. Define Local Bridge between Virtual Hub and Physical Network AdapterIn order to allow remote accesses from client PCs to the corporate network, you must define
between the Virtual Hub and the physical network adapter on the corporate network. Making a local bridge is done easily by Initial Configuration Wizard or you can add it manually after the initial setup.Step 3. Create UsersOn the VPN Server
on the Virtual Hub. Each user object has a password. After that, distribute pairs of username and password to each member of the VPN.Step 4. Set up VPN Client on Each Member's PCOn each member's PC . Enter the server address, username and password for each PC.If a member of the VPN is Mac OS X, iPhone or Android,
on each PC instead of SoftEther VPN. Another solution is to use OpenVPN Client on Mac OS X, iPhone or Android to connect to SoftEther VPN Server.Step 5. Now Remote Access VPN is Ready to UseNow each member PC can connect a VPN to the corporate network. After a VPN connection is established the client PC is regarded as a part of the destination network. Then a PC can use remotely any applications for LAN-oriented, for example groupware, SAP, SQL client and enterprise systems.4110 条评论分享收藏感谢收起0添加评论分享收藏感谢收起查看更多回答


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