
  1.空虚的女人穿丝袜,寂寞的男人打DOTA(LOL),这句话很有道理。  2.男人都不喜欢女朋友随时随地都在问是不是爱她,开始会耐心,时间久了,问太多会很烦的。  亮点在44秒    3.单身男人的宿舍是很可怕的,甚至可以秒掉一些外来物种。(蟑螂...)  4.男人都会希望女朋友陪着自己玩游戏,男人有同样兴趣爱好的感觉很棒.  5.别不把男人对你的好不当回事,以为他爱你,你就应该支配他干这干那,说白了:我爱你时你说什么就是什么,我不爱你时,你说你算什么?。  7.男上女下更有征服感。  8.不喜欢小动物的男人不是没有礼貌,就是心眼小的。  9.男人其实也会有那么情绪低潮的几天,也渴望有人能懂能安慰,汉子们,我说的对吗?
楼主发言:27次 发图:0张 | 更多
  17.没有哪个男人会承认自己少于十分钟。 中枪没有
  看到你的帖子啦··感觉你挺有想法的 ,小女子想认识下你呢 呵呵 ··  我的q
也可以加你的 ·
  看到你的帖子啦··感觉你挺有想法的 ,小女子想认识下你呢 呵呵 ··  我的q
也可以加你的 ·
  20. pia pia pia的时候,妹子们偶尔的强势,会让汉子们欣喜。
  35.别再爱爱的时候聊什么大蒜多少钱一斤,米价又涨了多少。会让人阳痿的。  36.年龄越大,越把爱情看得淡。所以小妹妹们别太相信大叔有爱所谓的鬼话,若没有年轻性感的身体,谁TM和你谈爱阿。  37.很多男人照顾宠物,比照顾自己或者家人细心多了。比如楼主 - -!~
  27.会好奇妹子们姨妈巾包裹着到底是怎样的赶脚~~  28.希望自己也来一次九眼桥事件,别提多刺激了。  29.男人真的喝醉了酒,JJ几乎是不能勃起的好吗,能勃起都是很软那种。所以不要相信因为喝多了才乱来的鬼话。  30.其实,男人都会有想要勾引已婚少妇的想法~!
  31.洗衣服,对男人来说是折磨,哪怕是用全自动洗衣机。  32.在你体谅他,为他省的时候,还不舍得为你花钱的男人,赶快离开他。以后没有你的好日子过的。  33.最好不要打听一个男人的以前,还是多关心他以后吧。知道太多反而不好  34.他在运动(打球之类)完,你为他擦汗,专心工作的时候你的一杯热牛奶,别提有多温馨浪漫了,比什么事都浪漫。
  38.男人在打LOL或者DOTA的时候,尤其是团战的时候,就是地震来了,也得先撸完这盘~  39.不论多长时间,总觉得自己爱爱的时间不持久,总想时间再长点就更好了~。  40.会自己修电脑的男人战斗力加一千,会做饭的男人魔抗加一百,会照顾人的男人护甲加一百,什么都好,还会挣钱的男人, 你已经超神了好吗,装备比任何人都好了。
  41.男人玩DOTA(LOL)没有某个女人玩的好,那么就约等于这个男的和这女人没戏。众屌们,我说中了么~  42.喜欢女友偶尔的撒娇卖萌,但不要随时这样,男人有时累了,你也要体谅。  43.反感“呵呵”两字,你说呵呵,我就想说WQNMGB。你今天被呵呵了吗?
  44.啪啪的时候,希望听到你呻吟,这样才觉得自己很棒。~  45.出过轨的女人,再好也不要  46.梦遗的时候不一定要做春梦  47.大多数男人在家里喜欢穿的越少越好。
  48.把自己女人打扮的漂漂亮亮,自己很有成就感  49.偶尔有些稀奇的想法,多鼓励他,说不定他会因此大放光彩。  50.别小看矮个子男生,他们爆发出来往往会让你吃惊的  短小精悍
  51.越得不到,越想要。  52.成熟男人不会成天泡在网上,当然,工作需要除外。  53.越有钱的男人,往往越懂得合理支配,越穷的男人,往往越喜欢大肆挥霍.  54.男人鼻头越大,X能力越强~!
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什么时候女人最需要男人的陪伴 引言:作为男人,请不要怀疑真爱你的女人的奉献精神,她可以为你吃苦,可以为你卖命,甚至可以为你和父母反目成仇。但是,女人也经不住伤心,当她需要你时,你要即刻出现在她身边,如果给予的她太多失望,她将会决绝离开。下面的6个时刻,男人切莫缺席…… 一、伤心欲绝时人这一生注定会伴随着喜怒哀乐,尤其在生活遭遇不测时,会伤心欲绝,这时,除了无助,也会胡思乱想。为此,女人通常会第一时间找心爱的男人诉苦,其目的有二:1、倾诉自己的委屈,渴望得到相应的安慰;2、希望心爱的男人能够为自己挡风遮雨。女人多数都是缺乏安全感的群体,更多时候找男人哭诉,并不是想在男人面前暴露自己的矫情,而是渴望得到保护。为此,当女人发出求救信号时,男人一定要回应一份该有的担当。此刻做缩头乌龟,只会让女人失望,并尝试抽离。二、惊魂不定时精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.com每个人都有自己的致命点,比如,有些人怕狗,有些人怕蟑螂,有些人怕蛇。为此,当女人遇到自己害怕的事情时,也许在男人看来或小菜一碟,但是,男人千万别在此刻怪女人大惊小怪,而是将她迅速的搂在怀中,帮她排除她的恐惧。女人在惊魂不定时,需要的是绝对的安慰和保护,而不是听到严厉的责备和嫌弃。那些只顾自己感受而不顾女人感受的男人,终将会让女人看透你的自私,并因为你的长期自私从而对你失望,对自己的付出寒心。为此,告诫男人,别等到失去了,才学着珍惜。三、医院产子时怀孕的女人最美丽,因为十月怀胎期间,她尝尽了人世界的酸苦,之所以能够坚持下来,那是母性伟大的绝对体现。产子时那撕心裂肺的疼痛会让女人铭记一生,只是为了爱的结晶,女人无怨无悔。也就是说,男人在女人整个孕育过程中即使操碎心,但是受苦的却是女人。女人在此期间对男人其实没有高要求,只希望男人能忠于爱情,并在产子时能陪在自己身边,然而,就是如此小小心愿,有些男人也吝啬于成全,敢问,这样的男人,女人把你留身边有何用?精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.com四、生病无助时人在生病时最脆弱,除了病魔本身的缠绕,还会导致心情低落,导致各种胡思乱想。这时,女人需要陪同与呵护,尤其喜欢深爱的男人陪在身边。甚至很多女人都会将生病时男人有没有陪在身边作为考量男人是否真爱自己的重要指标。当然,男人在陪同的时候也需要注意一些细节:不要邀功,因为女人会觉得这是你应该做的;不要碎碎念,病人在更多时候需要安静;只需在女人身边做个安静的美男子,并负责给其买来水果和鲜花和饭菜即可。当然,能在女人生病时,亲自下厨,将会给自己加分。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.com五、意外惊喜时女人除了有委屈,也会有欣喜的时刻,无论是买了一件称心的衣服,或是在工作中被肯定,女人都会第一时间找心爱的男人显摆,这份显摆其实是分享内心的喜悦,并希望得到男人的奖赏“我就知道我的女人是最棒的”,但是,会有一些男人不会愉快的聊天,在女人欣喜的时候,喜欢泼冷水,从而让女人的好心情顿时瓦解。人与人之间应该有一点生活情趣,如果凡事都呈现严肃态度,那么,生活将会变得乏味。一旦女人在爱情领域连最起码的浪漫都无法获取,那么,爱情将会成为女人的负担。六、寂寞空虚时精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.com男人出差,或正常工作时,女人会莫名的打来电话,寓意着女人寂寞了,想你了。这时,男人或正忙碌,但绝对不要拒绝电话,至少应该拿起电话来一句:“亲爱的,我现在真忙,等忙完,给你电话。”除此之外,男人在空闲时,要经常给女人打电话,千万别遇事才主动打电话。打电话的意义并不是要交待某件重要的事情,而是想对方传递“我想你”的讯息。男人千万别不主动给女人打电话,也别在女人给你打电话时总彰显不耐烦的态度,否则,她会换个愿意接听她电话的人。以下是英文(对照)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comWhen a woman needs a man's companyIntroduction: as a man, please do not doubt the dedication of love your woman, she can suffer for you to work oneslf to the bone for you, and even as you and your parents into beasts of burden. But women by sad, when she needs you, you should immediately appear in her side, if given her too much disappointed, she will refuse to leave. 6 times below, men neverabsent......精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comA heartbroken, whenPeople in this life is destined to be accompanied by emotions, especially in the life the misfortune, grief stricken, at this time, in addition to helplessness, also will be cranky. Therefore, women usually look for the first time the beloved man complained, it has two goals: 1, poured out hisgrievances, eager 2, to hope that the beloved man can own wind Zheyu. The majority of women is the lack of a sense of security groups, more time for a man crying, www.gzbhhb.cn,and not to their精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comhypocritical exposure in front of a man, but the desire to be protected. To this end, when a woman issued a distress signal, the man must respond to a. At the moment to make a turtle, will only let the woman down, and try to draw away.Two, at the timeEach person has his own fatal point, for example, some people are afraid of dogs, some people are afraid of cockroaches, some people are afraid of精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comsnakes. Therefore, when women meet the fear of their own things, perhaps in men's eyes or a piece of cake, but men do not at this time strange woman make a fuss, but she quickly in his arms, to help her out of her fear. The woman does not need to be in at the time, comfort and protection of the absolute, rather than hear a stern rebuke and dislike. Those selfish feelings regardless of the woman feel man, will let the woman sees you selfish, and because your long-term selfish so disappointed in you, for their own pay chilling. To this end, telling men, don't wait until lost, learn to cherish.Three, when the hospitalPregnant women are the most beautiful, because during pregnancy in October, she tasted the world of bitter, the reason to insist on down, that's maternal great absolute expression. When the production of piercing pain will let the woman remember for the rest of my life, just to love the woman without crystallization. That is to say, the man even worry in women throughout the preparation process, www.fntape.cn , but the woman is精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comsuffering. During the term of this woman to the man actually not high, only hope that man can be loyal to love, and in the production of neutrons can accompany in your side, however, is that such a small wish, some men also mean Yu Chengquan, dare to ask, such a man, woman to you stay around what is the use?Four, sick and helplessWhen people get sick on the most vulnerable, in addition to winding disease itself, can lead to depression, leading to a variety of make blind and disorderly conjectures. At this time, a woman needs to accompany and care, especially like the man with deep love in the side. Even a lot of women will be sick when the man has not accompanied by the side as an important indicator of whether a man is true love. Of course, man in the accompanying also need to pay attention to some details: don't take credit, because精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comwomen will feel that this i don't nagging, patients in m just do a quiet beautiful man next to the woman, and is responsible for to buy the fruits and flowers and food can be. Of course, when a woman is sick, personally cook, will give yourself extra points. Five, an unexpected surpriseWoman in addition to have a grievance, moments of ecstasy, both bought a desirable clothes, or is in the work to be sure that women are the parading of the beloved man for the first time, this show is actually share your joy, and hope to get man's reward "I knew my woman is the best, but there will be some men will not be pleasant chat, when a woman happy, like pouring cold water, so that the woman's good mood suddenly collapse. There should be a little bit of life between people and people, if everything is a serious attitude, then life will become boring. Once a woman in the field of love even the least romantic can not get, www.hylamp.cn,then, love will become a woman's burden.Six, lonely emptiness精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:http://gl.baidu.comMen on a business trip, or normal work, the woman will be inexplicable phone calls, meaning that the woman is lonely, like you. At this time, man or are busy, but never reject calls, at least should be picked up the phone and say: "my dear. I'm really busy, busy, give you a call." In addition, a man in his spare time, often to the woman to call, don't they just call. The meaning of a phone call is not to explain something important, but to the other side to pass "I want you" message. Men don't give up theinitiative to the woman to call, also don't give you a woman to call when the total show impatience attitude, otherwise, she will be willing to answer her phone calls.
相似攻略推荐本小姐寂寞空虚 求18-25的男人陪伴 就现在咯! 破解 - 谷普下载┆┆┆┆┆站内软件文章
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→ 本小姐寂寞空虚 求18-25的男人陪伴 就现在咯!作者:佚名 来源:互联网 更新时间: 07:21:51与好友分享: 更多网友提问:本小姐寂寞空虚 求18-25的男人陪伴 就现在咯!
参考答案:然后呢?在哪wo de QQ我来我哥18
可以加他试试您的空虚。需要我来解决对么。咱的抠口 - - 加QQ,聊天语音视频都行,
企鹅 号码 。 你加本人20.QQq, 通宵陪你畅聊来吧..加我我啊加Q本大爷活泼开朗 求52――81的女人陪伴就现在咯怎么联系?我身高183,年龄22,绝对哥哥型?能照顾你?有正当职业??技术好???绝对不是打广告的!!! 加我 我来陪你 !!想看什么都给你!!建议LZ
见机行事... 先摸清楚 形式 如果她同意 上了她又何妨
哈哈 ~~~本人现在在广州九零后QQ...美女嘛!!美女就好啊你Q多少
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