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北京大学地球与空间学院教授焦维和表示,也是本次“天宫一号”发射面临的一个重要难题,尽管目前还没有具体的处理方案很可能坠落大海,最有可能的情况是,详看下文,“天宫一号”两年后在严密控制下坠入大海,在地球赤道同步轨道附近有大约700颗卫星成为空间垃圾,欧洲太空总署最新的监测表明。据了解,目前如何清理太空垃圾已引起全世界的高度重视。如何避免太空垃圾的碰撞和影响。中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心研究员都亨表示,越来越多的太空垃圾对地球安全产生一定的威胁:随着美国失控的“高层大气研究卫星”坠入地球,也成为人们密切关心的问题,空间站有控制地坠海或许将成为国际惯例,“天宫一号”不会对地球安全产生威胁,而在未来。 来源。“天宫一号”在服役两年结束后如何处理
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BEIJING: China took a crucial step towards fulfilling its ambition to set up a manned space station by completing its first successful docking high above Earth, state media reported.
The Shenzhou VIII spacecraft joined onto theTiangong-1 experimental module at 1738 GMT, silently coupling more than 343 kilometres above the Earth's surface, the Xinhua news agency said.
The spacecraft, whose name translates as &divine vessel&, is a modified version of the capsules that took the first Chinese astronauts into space as part of the rising power's ambitious exploration programme.
China aims to complete construction of a space station by 2020, a goal that requires it to perfect docking technology -- a delicate manoeuvre that the Russians and Americans successfully completed in the 1960s.
The technology is hard to master because the two vessels, placed in the same orbit and revolving around Earth at high speed, must come together progressively to avoid destroying each other.
China sees its space programme as a symbol of its global stature, growing technical expertise, and the Communist Party's success in turning around the fortunes of the once poverty-stricken nation.
China began its manned spaceflight programme in 1990 after buying Russian technology and in 2003 became the third country to send humans into space, after the former Soviet union & and the United States.
In September 2008, the Shenzhou VII, piloted by three astronauts, carried out China's first space walk.
badegg (US) (美国)
5 hrs ago (02:55 AM)
Chinese have their vision and are determined and hardworking. That's why China is making progress step by step but at fast pace. When China has a plan, China stays with it.
Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha (Clinton, USA)(美国)&
5 hrs ago (02:59 AM)
In the DRUDGE Report yesterday there was an article of Chinese hackers , hacking into the Lawrence Livermore lab and other advanced US research centers. Add to this the many scandals of Chinese Scientists caught in the USA of spying and the fact that China became a nuclear power because of the nuclear knowledge that The Soviet union & gave to her and one can come to the conclusion that this latest space adventure is founded on stolen technology. China obviously believes in the old notion that &the ends justify the means& Since the world has consistently given China the pass of such transgressions maybe it is time for other neighboring nations like India to follow suite.
Terima ka chute (Pune) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha&
2 hrs ago (06:32 AM)
Why is US still begging China, the biggest theif on earth, to buy US cheap and undervalued debts and Treasury Bonds. Sadly beggars still want to be choosers. ha, ha, ha...get a life.
vns (new delhi) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha&
2 hrs ago (06:28 AM)
I feel sorry for you for believing American 'reports' which are fabricated to suit their interests. They cheated the whole world sitting in UN and telling everyone that Saddam Hussain had WMD manufacturing unit in a truck and went to punish Iraq, killiong lakhs if not millons, and damaging the whole country with its chemical bombs, and never apologized for it and no one punished America for the cosnpiracy. But they want to punish Iran for conspiring to kill Saudi Diplomat in USA. Only a foolish Iranian would ever even attempt such an act, and Iranian government is not stupid. If they want to kill Saudi diplomat they will wait for him to visit Saudi Arabia and kill him there, which will be easier, faster and the murderer can escape paying bribe.
The_Observer (Australia) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha&
4 hrs ago (03:51 AM)
If you care to read US court case summaries involving he FBI which freely available on the internet you will see that the Chinese are not the only ones involved in espionage in the USA. You will find other nationals including Indians as well as the odd Israeli, the latter being better at not being caught and has the protection of the US Israeli/Zionist lobbies. Also, if you think the West doesn't do espionage, you are deluding yourself.
Badabing (USA) replies to Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha&
4 hrs ago (03:39 AM)
You are not in the USA. Drudge Report is a right wing rag, a leftover slug trail of McCarthyism back in the 1950's that forced Dr. Qian Xue-Shen, world renown rocket scientist & Co-founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab in CA to go back to China & started building the PRC's foundation on rocketry in 1955. Do you even know who McCarthy was? You want sold stolen stuff? Google Noshir Gowadia & weep. You want to talk about &end justifies the means& you H-1 POS A just go read the Manifest Destiny & Monroe Doctrine to learn all about how USA justifying the means with 17 straight decades of warfare domestically & abroad since 1840.
你是没有在美国。德杰拉报道是右翼的一条抹布,麦卡锡法案的余孽。回到1950年代,他们软禁了钱学森&&世界知名火箭科学家,加州理工喷气动力实验室的创建者。后来他在1955年回国了帮助中国建立火箭系统。你知道麦卡锡法案么?你想卖贼赃?谷歌下Noshir Gowadia (因为被判向中国出售B-2动力资料被捕入狱)。你想讨论&为了目的不择手段&?你个H-1 POS美国崇拜者,去读读美国天命论和门罗主义吧,去学习下美国自1840年为了达到目的是如何对国内外不择手段的,包括战争。
Facts (Mumbai)&
4 hrs ago (04:06 AM)
I hope India completes its own original docking before commenting the CHina's docking as stolen ..
The_Observer (Australia)&
4 hrs ago (04:08 AM)
Besides a lot of good mechanical engineering this docking procedure was done automatically and not remotely controlled from base. This indicates the high level of programming sophistication on the part of the space laboratory's engineers. Expect the Chinese space programme to pick up pace going forward.
krishnan (Gujarat)&
3 hrs ago (04:38 AM)
Congrats to china For this great acheivements. This is a very encouraging step towards a full fledge space station. All i can say to my brothers is that we should give credit to a country when they deserve it instead of bashing them with cheap junk and stuffs. Come on brothers this is a country which has made major achievements almost from scratch after the chaotic rule by Mao during the great leap forward and cultural revolution. Sometimes i just cant believe how far and fast China has come from and the speed with which they are developing. I must say im impressed. We still have a lot to learn from China. Even though we have a comendable space agency(ISRO) ,we are still way behind China, But i think we should follow our own path and rythm while developing, instead of competing head on with China, because to be honest we don't yet have the Financial means and clear vision to do so. Im aure when China has fully mastered the docking technology, it will help several other countries space research, since China tends to be more willing to share her technology than the So called free country (U.S). It was the U.S and Europe, and Japan reluctance to let China join the ISS, which promted China to develop its own Space station. Anyway i think it wa a good thing for China, since this will go a long way to help other developing countries to share this experience and technology with China. We should see this as a challenge and also take steps to develop our country who still has the largest number of poor in the world, Im sure if we continue to have a high growth rate with proper redistribution of income, all these things will naturally follow. Congrats China
Indian (Delhi) replies to krishnan&
2 hrs ago (06:28 AM)
Our ISRO is much more advanced than the Chinese Space Agencies. We have latest technologies where China is still using old and outdated ones. We are ahead and if not, on par with US and still above the Chinese. Indians can dock on Mars as of now except we don't have that aspirations right now. Maybe later. Jai Hind. Bharaat matar ki jai
songbillwood (west java) replies to Indian&
8 mins ago (08:26 AM)
yeah, the ISRO is so advanced that it has invented teh invisible space station. It is already in the space, you just don't see it.
indian938 (new delhi) replies to krishnan&
3 hrs ago (05:22 AM)
you should move to china dude ..
Patriot Indian (Mumbai) replies to indian938&
2 hrs ago (06:21 AM)
sourgrapes...continue to defecate in the open streets dude and clean up with a pot of holy water by bare hands.
vns (new delh) replies to indian938&
2 hrs ago (06:18 AM)
you are an TOI news fed idiot. know nothing, think you know everything. US crazy Indians are damaging India's progress.
Krishnan (Gujarat)&
3 hrs ago (05:22 AM)
I know some of my brothers may feel offended or angry of what i just wrote, but its just a fact many of us know we are far behind China, its is only by recognising your failures and position vis a vis others that you can strive to improve yourself, SO in a way i'm happy to see that we have a neighbour like China, which we can look up to and strive to compete with, since this will uplift us even without us knowing. I think that if we didn't have a neighbour like China, we will not even be witnessing the kind of development and growth we are witnessing now, since most of our corrupt,greedy and selfish politicians will have never bother to make even the most basic necessary reforms to start with. We should also be very careful to play the game of the U.S which is to contain China using India, since we should remember that the U.S is far away from Asia, meanwhile China is our neighbour and will always be, whether we like it or not, so its in our interest and theirs as well to have friendly relations at least and even cooperation.I believe in future we can be good friends with China as we used to be thousands of years ago before the so called democratic and free countries colonised us and started this border problem with China. anyway in politics no countries have permanent friends, just permanent interest. so its not impossible for India and China to become ally in the near future. Again let me stress that it was thi same U.S who for no good reason, during the 1980s and 90s prevented us from cooperating with Russia to developed and master Cryogenic engine technology.this has prevented us from mastering this crucial technology till today, meanwhile Russia, U.S, China, Japan and France acquired this technology decades ago. so we can see the U.S has never been on our side and will never be, they will only seek to create problems, divide n rule and further their interest in the region. How i wish many of us Asians acknowledged all this and work together like westerners do. God help us
xiaoping (usa) replies to Krishnan&
1 hr ago (07:19 AM)
You are right, Indian brother. China was, is and will always be the friend of India. Most of chinese have religion that is originated in India, namely Buddhism. To be friends, people should believe in each other.
Indian (Delhi) replies to Krishnan&
2 hrs ago (06:23 AM)
Looks like a wolf dressed in sheep skin....However, if you spoke out from your heart, then you are just a small minority of 0. of Indians.
NK singh (china)&
58 mins ago (07:36 AM)
I have been living in china for more then 5 years. As a Indian I also like to see my nation as a great nation but its only the hope. Many people give comment here at TOI as a hatred,saying Chinese goods are cheap, low quality and so on. But in reality its not. They hasn't come here and see. You only read from news paper and some other articles which is written by Indian or western only. So let try to know the reality and learn something from them. Hope we can build a better nation one day for our coming kids.
NK singh (中国)
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