
轻型坦克- 38T(t)轻型坦克_坦克世界_官方合作网站_新手卡_网络游戏_新浪游戏_新浪网
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轻型坦克- 38T(t)轻型坦克
新浪游戏   17:14
生命值( HP )
1. 车长(炮手) 2. 驾驶员 3. 通讯员 4. 装填手
前方25两侧15 后方15
前方25 两侧15 后方15
3.7 cm KwK 38 (t) L/47
2 cm Flak 38 L/112
4.7 cm PaK 38 (t) L/43
LT-40-Turm ( 标准 )
PzKpfw-38-(t)-Turm Ausf.G
价格 ( 银币 )
Praga TNPS ( 标准 )
Praga EPA/2
Praga EPA/3
载重量 ( 吨 )
转速 (度/秒)
PzKpfw 38-(t) verst?rkte Ketten
通讯范围 ( 米 )
价格 ( 银币 )
FuG 37 (standard)
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    克里斯托弗?诺兰竟然用一部杰作向《坦克世界》低级房送去一位电影大师对第九艺术的殷切期望&&赶紧练到10级车!《坦克世界》作为《敦刻尔克》全球独家合作游戏,继承了电影向玩家们传达的&活着就是胜利&(活到最后就能拿下这一局!)和&做自己的英雄&(不要怂就是干),相约《坦克世界》,续写敦刻尔克传奇。    《坦克世界》敦刻尔克主题站:http://dunkirk.kongzhong.com           在《坦克世界》与《敦刻尔克》重叠的历史中,英法德三国当时的坦克都处于相当低级的存在,德军参加法国战役的主要装甲力量是上千辆III号IV号以及缴获的35t和38t,在《坦克世界》的德系科技树最高的IV号H型,是台五级车,而英法的坦克诸如雷诺R35,B1,玛蒂尔达,也都是五级房常客。这场前无古人的大撤退,也可以看作《坦克世界》里的小学生大乱斗。   &英系的IV级中坦玛蒂尔达    在敦刻尔克战场的1940年,这辆装甲厚重的中型坦克几乎可以免疫德军的小口径反坦克炮的攻击,但是捉急的机动在撤退中就比不上其他的西方坦克,丧失了斗志的英军手中也只能被遗弃在沙滩上。   &法系的II级轻坦R35    战前法国产量最大的轻型坦克,性能非常优秀,比什么I号II号不知道高到哪里去了,火力猛机动快,只可惜法军一溃千里,大量R35不战而降,没能在抗击德军的正面战场上发挥多达作用。   &法系IV级重坦 夏尔B1重坦    1940年地球上量产的最强重坦之一,车体的75mm步兵炮以今天的视角看起有点怪,但以当时法军的装甲战观念,坦克的作用在于伴随并支援步兵使用,因此步态迟缓而坚甲利炮的B1重坦就成为法军装甲部队的顶梁柱&&当然逃跑的时候也是第一个被放弃的。    但是,这些在历史上折戟沉沙的钢铁怪兽在《坦克世界》中却成为一辆又一辆屠幼神器,见证着一代代WOTER的欢声笑语或是悔恨泪水,并最终成长为 10级老司机。        《坦克世界》作为全球独家合作游戏,在8月22日为北京的军迷玩家带来了《敦刻尔克》的观影会。而 七天后的广州,南方的朋友们也可以抢鲜体验到诺兰导演的战争史诗,详情关注&坦克世界&微博和&天下军武&微信号,报名即可免费参与抢鲜观影活动,名额有限先到先得!        《坦克世界》将推出敦刻尔克主题联动活动 &为胜利积蓄力量&,8月22日-9月6日,参加战斗,完成相应任务就可以活动丰厚奖励!对于没能参与到超前点映的玩家们,《坦克世界》也准备了丰富的礼物,在9月1日电影上映后,《坦克世界》免费发放全国通用的影票,作为福利回馈给大家!   &http://www.19yxw.com/Article//538472.html 19游戏网整理报道编辑为您推荐的相关文章由欧美网游开发商Wargaming开发的模拟战争网游《坦克世界》(WorldofTank)官方网站目前确认,游戏的内部测试将于7月8日展开,届时玩家可以通过官网申请抽取与其他国外游戏媒体活动等方式获得激活码。本次开放的内在经历了0.8.9版本中7V7模式的巨大变革,著名二战战争网游《坦克世界》进一步丰富了其多样化的游戏方式。然而,近在眼前的0.8.11版本创新推出“国战”模式,令玩家们的战斗意志更加高昂!驾驶同一国家的王牌战车,与敌人一吹响国战号角,为荣誉而战!全球7800万玩家热捧的二战战争网游《坦克世界》最新0.8.11版本“战争传奇”2月25日重磅上线!万众期待的“国战”模式终于出现在玩家眼前,让你体验全新模式的震撼快感!全新3级限量坦克萌系登场俗话说众人拾柴火焰高,在坦克庆生4周年的时候,官方手机微信专门现在已经开启招募好友赢取战争神器的“夺宝奇兵”活动!只要您邀请了5位好友来关注官方微信,就能给您在“夺宝奇兵”活动当中来打开神秘的寻宝地图。超值的战车补给以及坦克世界神圣的战争活动,纪念苏联卫国战争爆发75周年,坦克世界神圣的战争活动活动地址?相信各位小伙伴都好奇神圣的战争活动怎么样?以下是19游戏网小编为大家带来的坦克世界神圣的战争活动活动地址及详情介绍。活动时间:2016
1  recently, an attempt to re-work thecurrent German TD branches has been published on the EU forums. I did not like it- too many fantasy designs (including the usual suspects, such as the&Krokodil&) and it was generally just mashing up for the sake ofmashup. Well, here*s a thought: a lot of people asked thru the months, howwould the leicht Waffetr&gers (Ardelt, Ardelt-Krupp, Ardelt-Steyr) fit intoWorld of Tanks. Well, I think I found a proper way. Surprisingly, thru thehull/suspension.  之前在欧服论坛上有一篇关于重制目前德国TD线的文章。不过SS不喜欢它,因为有太多的YY(包括一些老掉牙的,比如说&火蜥蜴&),而且仅仅是为了乱搞而搞乱。嘛,还有一个想法:很多人在问那些轻型武器运载车(阿尔德特,阿尔德特-克虏伯,阿尔德特-斯泰尔)放进WoT里究竟合不合适。SS觉得他找到了一个合理的方法---令人吃惊的是,这方法是通过车体/悬挂的继承关系发现的。  The famous LT-38 light tank (known as Panzer 38t) evolved from the basic PragaTNH variant, which in turn, was built around the Praga TN engine (TNH means TN - housenkov&:*tracked*). This is not the place to describe its journey, but from the basicTNH, meant for export to Iran, the Panzer 38t would eventually evolve. TheLT-38 was a great tank, judged by many (including Mr. H.Doyle) to be one of thebest pre-war light tanks in the world, surpassing the Panzer I and Panzer IIlight tanks completely. When Czechoslovakia surrendered to Hitler after thewestern powers betrayed it during the Munich conference, a number of thosevehicles, intended for the Czechoslovak army, was captured and later used byGermans to fight in Poland, France and against Soviet Union. But it was just alight tank - its armor and armament couldn*t keep up with the enemy medium andheavy designs of . One part never got old though - the suspension.Simply put, it was great. It was valued by the Germans greatly and became thebasis for whole series of various vehicles, from recovery vehicles over tankdestroyers to self-propelled guns. In late 1944, a decision was even made inconnection with phasing out of the Panzer IV production, only 3 platforms willbe manufactured in 1945: the Tiger platform, the Panther platform and the 38dplatform. But we*ll get to that.  发源于普拉达TNH的LT-38轻型坦克(更为人熟知的名字是Pz.38t),是基于普拉达TN引擎(TNH的意思是TN- housenkov&,即&履带式&)建造的。不过本文无意描述这发动机的演化,而是从最初的TNH(原计划出口到伊朗)开始,探索38t发展到最终形态的历程。LT-38,据很多专家的话说(包括H.Doyle先生),是一部伟大的坦克,是战前世界上最好的轻坦,性能可以完全压制德军的I号和II号。当西方强权在慕尼黑会议上将捷克出卖给小胡子后,原计划供捷军使用的38t被德军缴获,随后被投入在波兰、法国和苏联的作战。但它只是一部轻坦,愈发难以对付1941/42年间出现的MT与HT。但是有一部分从来不会过时---悬挂。换句话说,悬挂的的设计非常出色。德军给了它很高的评价,随后成为多种型号多种系列的坦克的基础:从抢修车辆到坦克歼击车,再到自行火炮。在1944年后期,在考虑终止IV号生产的会议上,提出1945年生产的平台仅能有3个:虎式,黑豹和38t平台  Basically, here*s a tank destroyerbranch proposal based on the 38t/d suspension. Let*s look at it.  下面是一条基于38t/d悬挂的坦克歼击车线,我们就来看看:  Before we can start building a newbranch, we have to modify the old one a bit. The old branch has something weneed: the Hetzer, built on the 38t chassis. That*s why I suggest the following:  在创建新线前,咱先对旧的科技树做一下修改。旧的科技树里一些东西要拿出来放在新线里:基于38t车体的追猎者。因此具体修改方案如下:  - remove the Hetzer from the branch  将追猎者从原版科技树中移除  - replace the tier 4 tank destroyerslot with the historical StuG III. Ingame StuG III has 80mm frontal armor andan unhistorical gun (the L/70). Regarding the gun - the latest StuG III versionmanufactured (the Ausf.G) had the StuK 40 L/48. There was a proposal project toarm the StuG with the L/70, designated Ausf.H (as far as I know), but thatnever reached a prototype stage. So, give the StuG its historical early versionarmor (50mm front), its historical gun (L/48), it would make a nice T4.  将4级TD的空缺用历史上的三突来填补。游戏中的三突有80mm的前甲和一门不历史的主炮(75mm L/70)。考虑下主炮:最晚出现的三突(G型)也只有StuK40 75mm L/48炮。虽然也有一个代号为H型的三突计划装备75mm L/70炮,但是甚至还没到原型车阶段。所以,将三突的前甲还原到历史上的50mm,主炮还原到75mm L/48,扔到4级还是挺不错的。  - put the StuG IV on tier 5. Well, here we have to improvise a bit. StuG IV has enough armor for T5 (80mm front), butit still carries the L/48. Basically, a StuG IV with L/70 mounted was renamedto Jagdpanzer IV, but I think we can still work with that.  将IV号突击炮放在5级。不过这儿咱要自行发挥一下。IV突的80mm前甲放在5级绰绰有余,但是历史上携带的还是75mm L/48。虽然带75mm L/70的IV突在历史上被重命名为IV歼,但是这点捣鼓一下还是可以解决的。  Alternatively, we canput the StuG III Ausf. H project on T5, but that probably wouldn*t work toowell, as the vehicle is similiar. What would however work would be T4 StuG III&early& (let*s say until Ausf. F/8) while the T5 would be StuG III&late& (Ausf.G,H) with sch&rzen.  作为替代,我们也可以将三突H型放在5级,但是这会引起车辆过于相似的问题,效果可能不会太好。不过,咱可以这样对2部车进行一下改变以解决这个问题:4级为三突&早期型&(F/8之前),5级为带裙甲的三突&后期型&(G,H型)  The StuG III Ausf.H(its real project name was 7,5 cm PaK 42 L/70 auf StuG III) is sort-ofhistorical. A project for re-arming the StuG III was made in 1943 by Alkett.The rearming was ordered by Hitler himself in December 1942. A wooden mockupwas made. After the war, the mockup was captured by the Americans and ended upin Aberdeen. The gun wouldn*t however fit in normally - the superstructure wasradically reworked. Thus, the ingame StuG III with original superstructure butthe L/70 cannon is a fake.  三突H型(历史上的名字是7,5 cm PaK 42 L/70 auf StuG III)还是有那么一点历史的,这是一个阿尔德特公司于1943年提出的项目,提出对三突的火炮进行升级。升级火力的要求是小胡子在1942年12月提出的。造出了一部木质模型。战后这个模型被美军缴获,在阿伯丁迎来了自己的归宿。但是75mm L/70炮不能通过正常的途径装进车里---战斗室被完全的改建了。也就是说游戏里带75mm L/70的三突是WG捏造出来的。  So, now that we havethe Hetzer available, let*s have a look at how such a tree would work  经过上述变动我们就可以把追猎者腾出来了,现在就来看看新线到底啥样:  T2: Panzerj&ger I  (I号坦克歼击车)  T3: Marder III Ausf.M  (黄鼠狼III M型)  T4: Jagdpanzer 38t &Hetzer&  (38型坦克歼击车&追猎者&)  T5: Hetzer (Krupp) or Aufkl&rungspanzer 38  (追猎者(克虏伯型)或38型侦查坦克)  T6: Jagdpanzer 38d  (38d型坦克歼击车)  T7: Waffentr&ger Ardelt  (阿尔德特武器运载车)  T8: Waffentr&ger Ardelt-Krupp  (阿尔德特-克虏伯武器运载车)  T9: Waffentr&ger Rheinmetall-Borsig 128mm  (莱茵金属-博尔西希128mm武器运载车)  T10: Waffentr&ger Rheinmetall-Borsig 128mm/150mm  (莱茵金属-博尔西希128mm/150mm武器运载车)2  Tier 3: Marder IIIAusf.M  3级:黄鼠狼III M型  The history of MarderIII is described pretty much everywhere, it*s a rather known vehicle. In theend, it doesn*t really matter which Ausf&hrung you choose, because none of themhad usually compatible weapons. The first Marder III, known as Panzerj&ger 38t,was equipped with the Soviet 76,2mm gun (PaK 36(r)), modified to fire the German 75mmrounds. Later variants (Ausf.H and M) were fitted with the 75mm Pak 40/3 gun.From what I could find, no Marder III was originally armed with a 50mm gun, sothere would be little continuity from the Panzerj&ger I.. Either way, thisvehicle is hard to make completely historically, so some suspension ofdisbelief is necessery.  黄鼠狼III的历史几乎在哪都能看到,是一部非常出名的车。结果就是,黄鼠狼的型号倒不是那么重要了,因为几乎没有一个型号装备的是可以相互兼容的武器。第一部黄鼠狼III(或者叫38t坦克歼击车)装备了一门苏制76.2mm炮(PaK 36(r))经过修改以发射德制75mm炮弹。后期的型号(H型和M型)则装备了75mmPaK 40/3炮。据作者所知,没有黄鼠狼III一开始就装备了50mm炮,所以和I号坦克歼击车的装备连续性上可能有点问题。不管怎么说,这部车要弄得完全符合历史不太可能,否则就会出现一些悬挂问题。  武器: 50mm PaK 39 L/60, 76,2mm PaK 36(r), 75mm PaK 40/33  Tier4: Jagdpanzer 38t &Hetzer&  4级:38t坦克歼击车&追猎者&  Here it*s kindapointless to add anything, the vehicle is already in the game and it worksfine. Just refer to WoTwiki for details.  没啥说的,这车游戏里早就有了,而且表现也不错。看看WOT维基就可以了。  武器: 75mm StuK40, 75mm PaK39, 105mm StuH 424  Tier5: Jagdpanzer 38t &Hetzer& (Kruppvorschlag)  5级:38t坦克歼击车&追猎者&(克虏伯方案)&  In November 1944,Krupp made several proposals regarding the rearming (&Umbewaffnung&)of existing hulls. Amongst them was a proposal to upgrade the Hetzer with asuperstructure and to mount the 75mm KwK 42 (L/70) gun within. The design hadsome serious flaws. In order to install the superstructure, the engine and crewcompartment would have to be completely reworked. Also, it was doubtful whetherthe original 38t suspension could hold the weight of the added weight - inorder to reach a sufficient level of protection, it would have to carry 18tons. According to the WaPr&f6 report, this vehicle would have about the samecharacteristics as the Jagdpanzer IV lang (A), currently being recalled fromthe front for being a failure.  1944年11月,克虏伯提出了数个重新武装(&Umbewaffnung&)现有车体的计划。其中就有一个将追猎者加装战斗室并安装KwK42 75mm L/70炮的设计。但这设计有一些严重的纰漏。为了安装战斗室,发动机和乘员舱需要完全重建。而且,最初的38t悬挂是否能承受增加的重量也是一个问题---为了将防御提升到一个可接受的级别,这悬挂就得承受18吨的重量。根据武器局6处的报告,该坦克的参数和IV号70(A)坦克歼击车性能接近,但是后者作为一个失败品正被从前线召回。  This project never reachedprototype stage. A great number of Krupp redesign project was most likelymotivated (the way the 3rd Reich worked) by the attempt to secure furthercontracts. Most of the design proposals were rejected in January 1945 - it wasno time for introduction of new projects. Krupp returned to this concept with asimiliar construction, built on 38d hull - with marginally better parameters.  这个项目从未进入原型车阶段。许多克虏伯的重新设计过的项目都是在为获得未来更多的合同而努力。但这些设计中的大部分在1945年1月的回忆中被拒绝了---那时候不是引入新项目的时候。克虏伯随后又继续进行着这个项目,结构和之前设计中的类似,不过底盘换成了38d---和38t相比性能有少许提高。  We can only estimate howsuch a vehicle would behave game-wise. It would most likely have thinner armorand would be slower than the current StuG III, which would have to becompensated by different weaponry.  我们能够猜测出这车在游戏里的表现如何---比现有的三突更脆更慢,但是这一点可以通过给一门更猛的主炮来补偿。  武器: 75mm StuK40,105mm StuH 42, 75mm KwK 42, PAW600 (德国先进的火炮设计---81.4mm滑膛炮,发射140mm穿深的HEAT弹)5  Tier 6:Jagdpanzer 38d  6级:38d坦克歼击车  The Jagdpanzer 38d wasbased on an evolution of the 38t suspension. Originally, it was called 38&Reich&, but quickly got renamed to 38d (Deutsch). Basically, inSeptember 1944, OKH (army high command) decided they want a new light tankdestroyer, based on the 38t chassis. There was a problem however: the 38tchassis was ill-suited for German mass production (due to the way it wasmanufactured, Czech industrial methods were different from the ones of Germanyand could not be copied easily). Thus it was decided the suspension would bemodified using the German methods. This project was designed by Alkett and andre-named 38 Ausf&hrung Reich.  38d坦克歼击车基于38t悬挂的改进型。最初它被称为38&帝国&,但是很快被更名为38d(德意志)。在1944年9月,OKH(德军总参谋部)决定它们需要一部基于38t新型坦克歼击车。但是这也有个问题:38t车体并不适合在德国境内量产(因为它生产的方式,捷克的工业生产方式和德国的不同,也没有那么容易被照搬)。因此决定用德国的工艺对38t的悬挂修改。这个项目由阿尔德特设计,被重命名为38帝国型。  Basically, the suspension was made 60mm widerand its final drive was strenghtened. In the meanwhile, in October 1944, it wasdecided to limit the future production of the Third Reich to only threeplatforms: the Tiger, the Panther and the 38(t/d). The project was finishedreally quickly - in November 1944, the basic works were finished (by that timeit was renamed 38d.) The result was actually quite good and a new tankdestroyer was planned based on it. It was to resemble the original 38t, but itwas to carry either the 75mm PaK39 L/48 or the 75mm KwK 42 cannon. A versionfor 105mm StuH42/2 was also concieved. The frontal armor was projected at 60mm.It was projected to be propelled by the Tatra T103 220hp engine, propelling itto 40 km/h.  大体上说,悬挂被加宽了60mm,加强了终传动。与此同时,在1944年10月的一次会议上,决定将第三帝国未来的生产限定于3种平台:虎式,黑豹式和38(t/d)。这个项目完成得非常快---1944年11月,基本的工作已经完成了(那时候被重命名为38d)。结果也是相当令人满意,计划将其作为新型坦克歼击车的基础。38d型TD计划模仿追猎者,但它既能携带75mm PaK39 L/48炮,也能携带75mm KwK42 L/70炮。还考虑装备105mmStuH42/2榴弹炮。前装甲厚度为60mm。计划装备泰托拉T103220马力发动机,极速能够达到40km/h  In January 1945, a detailedmeeting of the Entwicklungskomission Panzer in Obering took place, where theplans for the development and production were laid forth, but by then the warwas only months from its end. Some plans were made, but they never came tofruition. Two partially assembled prototypes were made by Alkett, but it*s unlikelythe company ever made them running.  1945年1月,一个有关通用化坦克的会议在奥伯林召开,详细讨论了该种坦克的研发与生产,但是那时候距战争结束也只有几个月的时间。提出了一些方案,但是最后都无果而终。阿尔德特造出了2部部分完成组装的原型车,不过这公司似乎也没有能力让它们开动起来。  In the game, this could bethe &Hetzer on steroids&, but truth to be told, it*s not that differentfrom the original Hetzer. It would however be rather small - that means goodcamo rating. The weapons choice is a bit lackluster, but it*ll get better.  在游戏中这可能是&追猎者类似物&,但是说实话,这和原版的追猎者没啥区别。不过它也外形非常小---意味着较好的隐蔽系数。武器的选择也较少,不过这是可以改善的。  武器: 75mm PaK39 L/48, 105mm StuH 42, 75mm KwK 42, PAW6006  Tier 7onwards - the Waffentr&gers  7级往后---武器运载车系列  Here it*s starting to get a bit complicated. Originally, I thought about theJagdpanzer 38d (project Krupp) on this spot. It was basically a Jagdpanzer 38dwith a superstructure, in the back, armed with a top-of-the-line PAW1000 gun(essentially a smoothbore HEAT-firing German gun, capable of penetrating cca200mm of armor). It looked like this:  从这开始事情变得复杂起来了。一开始SS构思的是将38d坦克歼击车(克虏伯方案)放在这个位置---这就是一个在车体后部加装了战斗室的38d型坦克歼击车,装备了一门当时最好的PAW 1000炮(一门发射HEAT弹的滑膛炮,口径105mm,穿深约为200mm)  But it has twoproblems. First: it uses the PAW1000 which is smoothbore (well, at least it*shistorical), but not the 88mm PaK 43, which would get skipped, only to returnon tier 8. That*s just weird. Furthermore, the vehicle wasn*t exactly stellar.As with the 38t Krupp proposal, the chassis was rather stressed and thecharacteristics wouldn*t be exactly great. I was thinking of adding some later(rifled) variant (81mm L/105 prototype - yes, such a thing existed), but I amnot sure it would fit the superstructure. Thus, it would be historicallycorrect to continue with the Waffentr&gers.  但它也有2个问题,首先它使用的PAW 1000是滑膛炮(不过这倒是符合历史的),而不是88mm PaK43,这会使得这车被跳票而被放在8级。这一点很奇怪,因为它放在8级并不太够格。对于克虏伯的38t方案,底盘所承受的压力很大,而且性能不会太理想。SS在想添加一些后期型的(线膛炮型)火炮(81mm L/105---对,这炮是存在的),只是不太确定能否装进战斗室中。因此它将会和武器运载车保持历史的连续性。  &Waffentr&ger&in German means &weapons carrier& - and that*s exactly what theWaffentr&gers were. If we skip all the improvised weapons carries, made eitherfrom captured or German knocked-out tech, the idea to make an unified mass-producedweapons carriers came to be in early 1944. In January 1944, a conference tookplace between the members of the army and the industry representatives. Thearmy complained that the PaK 42 and PaK 43 cannons were simply way too heavy tomanhandle and impossible to tow without special artillery tractors. It was areasonable complaint - Doyle mentions one incident, when brand new 88mm PaK 43cannons had to be destroyed without firing a single shot in order to preventthem from falling to the enemy - just because there were no towing vehiclesavailable. Thus a decision was made to mount all the heavy anti-tank guns on asimple, effective and cheap 38t platform, designated as&Einheitsfahrgestell&, or &unified platform&. Hitlerpersonally started messing around too, ordering the abovementioned decisionthru one of his directives and so the Waffentr&ger concept was born.  &Waffentr&ger&在德语里的意思就是武器运载车,这可谓名副其实。如果咱摒弃所有战场临时改装以及当时业已过时的设计,那么早在1944年早期,设计出一部通用程度高、可以投入大规模量产的武器运载车的想法就已经出现了。1944年1月,在军方成员与厂方代表间召开了一次会议。军方抱怨称PaK42和PaK43炮重量过大,人工操炮困难,而且没有特殊的牵引车就没法拖曳。这个抱怨倒也合情合理---Doyle有一次提到有一批崭新的88mm PaK43未发一弹就要就地摧毁以防落入敌手---仅仅是因为没有可用的拖曳车辆。因此与会双方得出如下结论:将所有重型反坦克炮装在简单有效而廉价的38t平台上。该平台代号&Einheitsfahrgestell&,即&通用平台&。小胡子自然也要插一脚---他通过一份训令促使上述结论的达成,因此,武器运载车的概念就诞生了。  The first one to reactto this new demand was Ardelt. Its 88mm PaK 43 Waffentr&ger proposal wasmade in two versions: one lighter, practically without any protection weighting10 tons, one protecting the crew at least from small arms fire, weighting 13tons, having a fully revolving turret. Versions for 75mm PaK 42, 105mm leFH18/40 and 88mm PaK 43 (L/71) were concieved. This design (with two 1:10 models)was presented to Hitler in late January - Hitler, after seeing it, decided togo straight for the 88mm version, using the &Kreuzlafette& (crossmount). The vehicle was to be equipped with the L/71 gun with 50 rounds ofammo, with depression/elevation of -8/+45 degrees. The gun for the Ardeltproject was to be modified by Rheinmetall Borsig. The armor was cca 20mm thickand the maximum speed in terrain was to be cca 30 km/h. This is how it looked:  第一个回应这个要求的公司是阿尔德特。它提出的88mm PaK43武器运载车方案分为2种型号:一个重量更轻,重约10吨,基本没有任何防护;另一个重约13吨,能够防御轻武器的射击,拥有一个可全向旋回的炮塔。有装备75mmPaK42,105mm LeFH 18/40以及88mm PaK43 L/71的多个版本。该设计(以及2个1:10的模型)在1月末向希特勒呈递---小胡子看了之后表示直接采用装88mm炮的版本,通过&Kreuzlafette&(十字炮座)安装在车体上。该车最终装备的是88mm L/71炮与50发弹药,俯仰角为-8&+45度。用于阿尔德特方案的主炮经过莱茵金属-博尔西希公司提供。装甲厚约20mm,越野时极速约为30km/h。外观是这样的:  The prototype(although not fully functional) was ready in April 1944 - it was tested and thetests were reasonably successful (no major breakdowns). The WaPr&f officialswere very positive about the vehicle - the only issue being the gun mount,which was not ideal (Ardelt would later move to the Krupp mount). This projectwas actually still noted as active in September 1944, but at some point afterthat, it was cancelled due to the low resources.  样车(尽管尚未达到完全可用的状态)在1944年4月完成---经过了测试而且结果也较为成功(没有大的机械故障)。武器局的官员们很看好该坦克的前途---主要问题仅在于炮座,它并不理想(阿尔德特后来将其换为克虏伯炮座)。记载中该项目直到1944年9月仍在进行,但是之后因为缺乏资源而被终止。  Another, competingplatform would be created by Steyr. Carrying the same weapon and having nearlythe same characteristics, its PaK 43 gun mount was modified by Krupp. The vehiclewas again using the 38t platform and was to be propelled by the V12&boxer& Steyr enging (140hp), but that engine was not yet availableand so the Praga EPA AC/2 180hp engine was used instead. Maybach HL andKlocker-Deutz diesel engine was also considered. From this point, the pieces ofinformation are a bit sketchy. At least one prototype was made (and captured bythe Allies) - it was scheduled to be read around October 1944. At some pointafter that, the program was stopped. This is how it looked:  斯太尔也制造了另一个平台用于与阿尔德特竞争,携带同样的武器,性能参数也基本一致,只是PaK43炮的炮座经过了克虏伯的改装。该车也使用38t平台,计划由斯泰尔V12&拳击手&引擎(140马力)驱动,但是该引擎那时候尚不可用,于是后来变更为普拉达EPA AC/2 180马力引擎。也考虑过迈巴赫HL系列与科勒克-道依茨柴油引擎。不过从这开始相关信息就变得很零碎了。至少造出了一部样车(并被盟军缴获)---它原计划于1944年10月完成建造,但是之后某时该项目被终止。这就是它的外观:  The third Waffentr&gerwas built in cooperation of Krupp and Ardelt. A modified platform from theoriginal Ardelt vehicle was used. The vehicle had once again a fully revolvingturret with the 88mm PaK 43 cannon. The elevation was -8/+25 this time and thegun had 42 pieces of ammo (6 in the ready rack on the side of the turret. Twoprototypes were made until the end of 1944 (2nd prototype was ready on23.9.1944) - further 7 serial vehicles were also produced. This was probablythe only Waffentr&ger ever to see live combat. All 7 vehicles were attached toPanzerj&ger-Alarmkompanie Eberswalde, commanded by Oberleutnant Ardelt (he diedfighting on the vehicle). The unit fought near Eberswalde, roughly 50kmnortheast from Berlin, where it was defeated. One of these vehicles was thenbrought to Russia, tested in 1946 and remains in Kubinka to this day. This ishow it looked:  第三部武器运载车由克虏伯和阿尔德特合建。使用的是从原先阿尔德特项目继承下来的平台,经过了少许修改。该坦克也在一个可全向回旋的炮塔中装备88mm PaK43炮,俯角为-8&+25度,载弹量42发(6发储存在炮塔侧面的弹药架中)。1944年末完成了2部样车(第2部于日完成)---除此之外还造出了另外7部。这可能是参加战斗的唯一一批武器运载车。7  And how to make thiswork in World of Tanks? Well, let*s see:  那么怎样放在WoT中才合适呢?咱就来看看:  7级 & 阿尔德特武器运载车 (75mm L/70, 88mm PaK 43)  8级 & 阿尔德特-克虏伯武器运载车(或者斯泰尔) (88mm PaK 43, 81mm L/105)  9级和10级 :  well, this is where it gets REALLY complicated. First, we definitely need a128mm vehicle here. There was a Rheinmetall-Borsig 128mm PaK 44 Waffentr&gerproject too (but stayed only on the paper). Here*s how it looked:  这2个级别就有点复杂了。首先,肯定要用一部128mm炮载车放在这位置上。历史上正好有一部莱茵金属-博尔西希的128mmPaK44武器运载车(仅停留于纸面)。外观如下:  Another version:  另一个版本  Game-wise, it would bevery light, maneuverable, with fully revolving 128mm PaK 44 (L/55, L/61variants) mount - the ROF would be boosted compared to the Jagdtiger, the camofactor would be excellent but of course the armor would be non-existent.  从游戏里来看,这将会是一个非常轻巧,机动敏捷,携带一门可全向旋回的128mmPaK44炮(L/55及L/61),射速较猎虎快,隐蔽系数也会很不错,但是装甲当然是纸糊的。  And as for tier 10?Well, there are again basically two options: either a 128mm Flak 45 (or ratherPaK 45), or a 150mm gun. The first option could use the same carrier as tier 9(or a modified chassis of Rheinmetall Borsig, which I really like visually):  10级呢?还是有2个备选:128mmFlaK45(或者就叫PaK45)炮,或者是150mm炮。第一门炮也可以安装在9级的载车上(或者是改进型的莱茵金属-博尔西希底盘上,从外观上看还不错)  The second option hada special Waffentr&ger designed by Krupp:  第二个备选是由克虏伯设计的一部特殊的武器运载车  The FlaK 45 is generally aninteresting weapon. It was designed to succeed the 128mm FlaK 40 (PaK 44). Ithad a bigger breech and used higher load of explosives. The original FlaK couldpropel the 27kg round at 880 m/s, FlaK 45 could shoot the same shells at1500 m/s. Combined with an APCR shell... well, you can imagine.  FlaK45是一个有趣的武器。作为128mmFlaK40(PaK44---FlaK形态为双联128mm L/66,PaK形态就是猎虎的那门长128)的继承者而设计,扩大了炮尾,装药量也相应增加。FlaK40能够将27Kg的炮弹以880m/s的速度打出,而FlaK45则将炮口初速提高到了1500m/s。再结合APCR弹&那酸爽不敢相信&  Epilogue  结语  From a pre-war lighttank to the mighty Waffentr&ger project, the 38t/dsuspension proved its worth time and time again. Very few designs survived thewar like that. Post-war fate of the 38t suspension was not that bright however.Several light tanks and tank destroyer/SPG designs were proposed inCzechoslovakia and for a while, it was even manufactured with the Hetzer copiesfor Czechoslovakia and Switzerland, but ultimately, it disappeared in late50*s.  从战前的轻型坦克到令人生畏的武器运载车项目,38t/d的悬挂历经了时光的磨练,证明了自己的价值。很少有项目能像它一样还熬过大战结束。不过战后38t悬挂的命运却不如在战争中那么光明。尽管战后捷克有数个基于38t/d底盘的LT/TD/SPG项目,甚至被用于给捷克以及瑞士生产追猎者,但是最终还是于50年代末期彻底淡出人们的视野。


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