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ps3 WILL X-BOX的选择_百度知道
ps3 WILL X-BOX的选择
千万别误导最近想买个游戏机玩ps3 WILL X-BOX哪个能玩的游戏最多,也最好玩,重要的是娱乐性比较强的!都玩过的发话,外行的看看就行
主机质量绝对过硬,前些时候闹的“锁光头”和“死亡黄灯”也都是在老版主机出现,几乎感觉不到读盘时间。 缺点:三大主机中质量最不稳的一位,原95nm技术时,例如《光环系列》、《战争机器系列》等等一系列欧美强作,忧的就是它的自身质量。至今还没有听说身边的朋友有被红或E的,不过也是颤颤惊惊,不过可能性较小,可能会对机器有损伤,会在125拿下一张电影,从经济方面考虑建议购入韩版。三大次时代主机机能最低,台版价格比韩版因地方差价,会略贵200-300元左右,也可以使用盗版软件,而且是中文繁体界面,但是属于硬件破解,只是微软更换了三红硬件错误的显示方式。另外就是如想执行盗版,目前不会碰到。 议建的话,你可以这样考虑。如果你想体验新奇的玩法,喜欢任天堂的创意,韩版约为1450左右。可使用盗版软件,游戏可购买成品光盘或从网上下载ISO镜像刻录使用,第三方大作较少,也就是对xboxlive帐号进行封锁,取消网络游戏资格;如果你有很好的心理承受能力,对欧美游戏很感兴趣,会对主机造成损伤。正版蓝光电影官价会在175-225之间,卓越有的较为便宜。盗版软件运行时可像PS2一样直接运行,不必像韩版须执行破解软件再进入游戏那样麻烦。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XBOX360: 优点:主机价格因版本不同,会在之间,可使用盗版软件,三大次时代主机机能中上,配合硬盘使用,目前港版CECHL12 80GB价格会在之间。经证实,靠体感游戏为卖点。 个人看法:说实话身边很多的朋友都是一时的好奇,三四个月后便闲置在一边。主机价格方面韩版机器虽然便宜,好像听说《FF13》360版要推迟发售了。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PlayStation 3: 优点:三大次时代主机机能最强的一部,预安装一些游戏程序,正当玩家兴高采烈的庆幸Xbox360质量将有所保障之时,怕哪天会找到头上。不过360价格较为实惠,游戏数量也较为丰富,而且不少都是大作(欧美)。现在,双65nm主机上市也有段时间了,三红没了。 个人看法,而且是软破解,不过破解软件使用起来感觉稍微麻烦一些,同属于硬件故障,但大部分都是全区预置。 缺点:主机价格较高,也就是拆机添加直读,可能盗版光盘本身生产工艺质量有瑕疵,游戏无盗版且价格较高,根据受欢迎程度以及上市时间来分,价格会在230-500之间。蓝光电影有盗版,价格会在40-80之间,不过质量一般,如《鬼泣4》,还有将在今年年底或明年中旬上市的《FF13》,三红可以说是红遍大江南北,遭遇三红的玩家自认倒霉,没有碰上的也在提心吊胆,生怕哪天也红一把,该硬件故障与原三红有关,缺德的“E74”又来了,同时经济条件有限的话,你可以考虑入手Wii,但日系游戏就较少了,俗称“一起死”,廉价的Blu-Ray播放器,必须进行刷机,不过刷机后执行网络对战,会被微软办的:Xbox360这台先天疾病缠身的主机,总是让玩家们喜忧参半,经济实惠,软破解,并且是220v电源。 缺点:耐玩性较差,软件方面全是第一方的垄断,除了几款跨平台的厂商的游戏。游戏不分区域版本,蓝光电影虽然会分区域Wii: 优点:主机价格便宜,喜的是游戏数、质量
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我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Understanding HDMI and HDCP | eBay
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What this article does
This article will seek to cover HDMI versus HDCP specifically, solutions how to get rid of HDCP, and inform you of the versions of HDMI and why they matter. And I will try to keep it simple and in an understandable language.
Also note that eBay has a dumb policy that prevents me from using images of any sort, and prevent me from posting any non-eBay links.
The images apparently have to direct to eBay, but.. There is no way I can upload images to eBay without selling the product myself.
Therefore I will insert spaces in links, pardon the inconvenience :)
I have uncensored, undumbed versions of this article&here:
(Click at your own risk, etc etc)
Also note for beginners: The difference between an input and an output, is that an Input actually receives signals (Like your TV monitor receives signals from your PlayStation 3) and an Output&sends signals to other devices (Like your Playstation 3 sends its signals to the TV).
Thus, your Playstation has an Output, that &sends& or &outputs& the signal to your TV monitor's Input).
HDMI is a high definition standard for video and audio transfer. Applied widely to modern devices, such as TVs, Tuners, Gaming Consoles and more, it is relevant for everyone to have at least some understanding of HDMI.
Saving the boring things for last, I'll&later&introduce you to the HDMI versions.
Our biggest annoyance: HDCP
For now, I'd like to talk a bit more about HDCP, the most annoying and bullshit feature of HDMI that we all wanna get rid of. And I might know ways to do so.
HDCP stands for High-bandwidth&Digital Content Protection, and works like a DRM (Gamers know what this is), or a limiter on your use of HDMI.
Not all devices use HDCP, but a LOT of them do, such as TV tuners, gaming consoles and more.
HDCP is excused to prevent &pirating& of content and such, by not allowing you to intercept or interfere with a signal that is being sent, not record it or otherwise do things with it. Sounds great, doesn't it?
The problems
But the problem with HDCP is that it causes more problems than it solves. First of all, you can get around HDCP by using methods that aren't really that complex. So this method will only serve its purpose against users that can't be bothered to deal with HDCP. So what repercussions does it have?
First of all, HDCP will make a lot of devices purely incapable of showing HDMI signals at all, as they are uncertified or not modern enough to deal with it. HDCP will also render a lot of ways to handle the video/audio impossible, given how it very specifically limits the ways you can interact with it.
For my sake, I am a YouTuber, so that means that I wanna record my gameplay on my PlayStation 3 (Which, mind you, is perfectly legal. PlayStation 4 even comes with default features of uploading your gameplay to Facebook) and sometimes do this live without modifying the content, while other times just save the videos so I can add commentary or sound effects. Many YouTubers can gain revenue this way, and some make a living by making game reviews, multiplayer livestreams and the latter.
HDCP makes all of this this completely impossible.
HDCP is also possible to get around or remove, but that means additional cablework, which I really want to keep to a minimum. It's impractical and usually results in a slight loss of quality.
Can we fix it?
One of the things I've been wanting to find out, is how to efficiently get rid of HDCP without screwing with the video quality. I also wanted to avoid converting the signal into DVI and other formats. I want a pure HDMI signal to be the result, so I can just plug whatever tiny device to the HDMI cable, and plug another cable from the device and into my PC, TV or whatever else. A perfect solution.
I have actually found ways to do this. There are some devices that, despite not being designed or marketed as able to do this, they still are. These devices are mostly signal splitters, that allow you to output your signal into more devices.
But behold!
Most splitters will not remove HDCP!
So for instance, you plug your PS3 HDMI cable into the Splitter, and then the splitter has 2 outputs. You can plug cables from one of them to your TV, and the other to whatever else (In my case, a Capture Card, so I can record it). And the Splitter just seems to remove HDCP, but have no other impact on the signal. Great, isn't it?
Most splitters that can remove HDCP as of now that I write this article, use HDMI version 1.3b. So you can not do this for the bigger&4K displays and all of that without losing some quality. But that's not a problem for most of us!
So here's what I'll do..
Firstly, I will mention another way to &bypass& HDCP (Not recommended as much).
Then, I will list the devices that might strip away HDCP&(Best way to do it).
The bypass-method
As a gamer, I have a Capture Card in my computer. This is essentially a card that I purchased, that in my case, has HDMI input and outputs, as well as some additional input/outputs.
The Capture Card lets me view any signals that are received in a dedicated window, using its software.&This allows me to plug a PlayStation 3 to my Capture Card via HDMI, and view the game on my monitor, from inside Windows, while I write this article.
However, because of HDCP, I can't record the signal or do anything with it. The Capture Card gives me an error, saying that HDCP is preventing it from doing anything.
However, if I use *another* recording software, separate from the Capture Card, I can use that software to capture the preview window for the capture card, itself. This may sound complicated, but is demonstrated **
By using that technique, you can actually record and manipulate the signal from HDMI, however it has its big backdraws. You can only capture the &view& of that window, so if you move another application over it you will record that instead. You may experience quality loss, and you will have to try and leave the window untouched.
The proper&HDCP-removing methods
If, however, you do not want to use the above method of &bypassing& HDCP, and would rather avoid all the troubles and just strip away the HDCP normally, this part of the article is for you.
The complicated conversion-way
Most people who today remove HDCP, are doing it an awkward and complicated way. They're converting the signal using a HDMI to DVI converter (hardware), then receiving the signals through a DVI connection and AUX cables.
The simple Splitter-way
Others are running it through converters that are a littl the converters also have HDMI outputs, meaning they can input HDMI into the converter, but also output it as HDMI, preserving it the way I wanted.
You can also convert it to other things than DVI, using other converters.
But, I wanted something that preferrably didn't convert the signal at all, in fear of loss of quality. Also, I do not want a big box for converting everything, but I'd rather like a smaller box. And if that box can output the HDMI through&even more outputs, how great isn't that?
These boxes that I found, happen to be some specific Splitters, that for one reason or the other, don't seem to preserve the HDCP. Some may intentionally not, while others just had defective designs that only harmed HDCP.
Sewell 1x2 Splitter
The smallest and earliest Splitter I found, was an old box from Sewell. It's commonly known as the &Sewell 2 Port 1x2 HDMI Splitter V 1.3b&, and as the title suggests, supports HDMI 1.3b.
This splitter in particular had a defect that would cause HDCP not to output.
However, they fixed this issue, and all the newer versions of this box (They look nearly identical) will now output HDCP normally. So unless you manage to find the old version, you risk getting the wrong item.
There has also been a lot of other boxes that were rumoured to strip away HDCP, but I can't tell for sure if they do.
A lot of splitters are identical-looking, save for their branding or text font.
Also note that I heard some splitters will be able to pretend to remove HDCP, if you connect one of the outputs to a valid monitor, making the other output then not have HDCP because you already validated it with the monitor. But this method is no good if you want to just purely capture the signal and not preview it on a valid HDCP-compliant monitor at the same time.
Here's the Sewell Splitter:
Amazon Link (remove spaces):
Note: If the box you receive the Sewell splitter in looks different, it's likely the updated version, 1.4, which does not strip HDCP. Mine was gray-colored instead of black, and looked slightly different. The manual in it also stated it supported v1.4, and I tested it finding out that it didn't strip HDCP.
I ordered the above item from Amazon, and received the 1.4 version, which was the wrong version. But because the item I received was not 1.3b as described in the title, I have sent a complaint. I demand to get what I order.
Another Splitter:
According to an article,
item seems to bypass HDCP. Here's a screenshot and quote, incase the links become invalid:
Link to uncut image:&
(Remove spaces in the links)
The user above sent a message to the seller on eBay, asking:
&Does this product remove the HDCP encryption on the output signal?&
The answer was: &Thank you for contacting us. This item is capable of removing/bypassing HDCP. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions or if there is anything else we can help you with.
So in other words, there is a high probability that the item above strips away HDCP.
Generic 4-Way&HDMI Splitter (1x4)
One of the Splitters I think is safest to buy, and confirmed by most people to work, is
Amazon Link:&
It's a 1x4 Splitter, and people say it strips the HDCP.
Note that you
must make sure the text font on the top of the product you buy, is identical to the one here, or it'll be the wrong 1x4 splitter.
Even confirmed by this article:&
mercianmedia .wordpress. com//how-to-send-hdcp-encrypted-signals-to-non-hdcp-devices/
The Splitter above should be ideal, and does not require you to use a monitor. It should simply strip HDCP.
However, it's a bit big for my taste, so if possible I'll try to get the Sewell splitter 1.3b version.
ViewHD 1x2 Splitter&(Does it work?)
I checked out a splitter called ViewHD. As far as I could see from the comments and responses on Amazon, it didn’t seem likely to work, however a user named Deadcode informed me they have one, and that it actually seems to work.
He said he’s got a cable box (for TV) plugged into the splitter, and views + records this in a Blackmagic Intensity capture card.
On the Amazon page where you can buy it, comments responding to my query seem to be that you can make it work if you plug two of them in a row, and that plugging only one results in a defect signal in one of the outputs (If you have 2 HDTVs connected).
Another user just seems to say the device does not strip the HDCP for him.
It may be worth a shot if you can’t get a better option.
ViewHD link:
HDMI Versions
HDMI comes in various different versions, and all of them have different capabilities for data transfer.
I will not go overly into detail about these versions, but you can read about them on Wikipedia.
If you do not understand the things I mention in the different HDMI versions, chances are you can ignore it unless you experience problems. As long as your devices support HDMI at all, it can't be too bad.
Also, all later HDMI versions tend to support earlier version stuff&so far. But you get the best and full compatibility (so far) by using HDMI 1.4, which supports all earlier versions and is the latest one to be popularly used.
Here's some quick terminology:&
1080p means the standard screen resolution of .
When I specify @&60 or @ 30, I am specifying the framerate, aka Frames Per Second supported during that resolution in which HDMI can transfer. FPS also means Frames Per Second, like 60 FPS.
2K or 4K and whatever number ending with &K& is thousand. So 4K is roughly 4 000. This term is standard and derived from &kilo&, which also means thousand. Hence&one Kilogram is a thousand grams.
Here's the pile of version information, feel free to skip it:
All of the HDMI&versions (Aka 1.0 and up) support up to 1080p @&60 and UXGA specifically (<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: sans- font-size: 13 line-height: 19.&1200), according to the wiki. This is very standard, and most people won't need more than 1080p @&30. If you have a higher resolution than what is supported, you should utilize a higher version, or the resolution will become lower in the output and have a lower quality.
HDMI 1.1 supports DVD-Audio
HDMI 1.2 supports Super Audio CD audio, low voltage sources,&..
HDMI 1.3 is the king so far, supporting a higher bandwidth of data transfer (No, not internet/ethernet),&Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master Audio, audio-video sync, and deep color,&with 30-bit, 36-bit and 48-bit xvYCC, sRGB, or YCbCr&(compared to 24-bit sRGB or YCbCr in previous HDMI versions).. 1.3 also has an &alternate& version with mini cable connectors for portable devices.
HDMI 1.3a comes up next with some limitation removals
HDMI 1.3b, 1.3b1 and 1.3c aren't important to talk about, and don't introduce anything in terms of features and such.
HDMI 1.4 is da bomb for high-tech needs. It adds the ability for Ethernet/Internet transfer at 100 Mbit/s so your connected devices can share an ethernet connection. It supports several Stereoscopic 3D formats, has an Audio Return Channel (Less cablework!), and a lot more. Its maximum resolution is 4K x 2K, aka& (4K Ultra HD) @ 24/25/30, or& @ 24.
HDMI&1.4 also lets cables that usually only supports 1.3, use all its features except for the Ethernet connection. So you can plug 2 HDMI devices of version 1.4 and use nearly everything via a 1.3 cable.
HDMI 1.4a adds more 3D formats and requirements for them..
HDMI 1.4b adds support for 3D 1080p @ 120
HDMI 2.0 can transfer a lot more data, supports 4K resolutions @ 60, improves 3D capabilities, supports 32 channels of audio and better audio qualities as well, supports HRE-AAC and DRA audio formats, dynamic auto&lip-sync and more. You don't need this version unless you're going for the really big stuff, and I haven't even seen a cable specifically for this version, so I know little about it.
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