
家庭种菜、种花如何节省空间 DIY壁挂式花园、菜园图解步骤╭★肉丁园艺网
家庭种菜、种花如何节省空间 DIY壁挂式花园、菜园图解步骤
/ 代号小冷 / 2914℃
Intro Greenhouse Project Hello everyone
me and my dad decided to build a small , 4 meter X 80 cm Greenhouse up against the wall of our house.
it took us something like two weeks of hard work at the weekends ,but as you will see , it paid off eventually.
hope you enjoy !Roey
Step 1 Shopping listMaterials&:
Plexiglas - 3X2 meter X2
Hangers - at least 15
Aluminum poles for mounting the outline Frame of the Greenhouse
Bolts and nuts in different sizes
2 HPS ( High pressure sodium ) 600 Watt lamps +m Housing&
Wiring and automatic timer
100 kilo of sand for the future to be plants&
Jigsaw + Metal blade for cutting the aluminum&
Drills + a set of drills
Electric screwdriver
Free Time and lot`s of coffee
Before Step 2 Clearing the area for construction The ground before the building prcess
&&Step 3 Starting covering the Frame
Step 4 Mounting the Shelves The Shelves are covered with this protective nylon on the Plexiglas.
make sure to keep on till the end of the Project , so the Clear Plexiglas wont scratch&
Step 5 Starting with the Jiffy Pallets The Jiffy Pallets were out first attempt in growing some vegetables .
we are amateurs , we had no experience at the beginning , but during time, we learned how to grow it correctly
my advice to you is , read a lot before you start growing
Step 6 Lettuce and other growing After we grew the Jiffy Pallets , we had to move them to a bigger planter in order for them to grow.
we started with planters of 1 Liter and moved to 7 Liter at the end&
Prototype hydroponic drip garden (with plants growing in it) New hydroponic drip garden (constructed for this instructable)Intro Hydroponic Drip Garden for Vegetables, Herbs or Flowers The picture below shows the two hydroponic drip systems I built that are covered by this instructable. The prototype system was built about 3 weeks prior to the taking of the picture. All the plants currently residing in the prototype are between 1 and 2 1/2 weeks old. The prototype has been working so well I build a second system for plant staging. This instructable chronicles the construction of the second system,&as well as growing progress updates in Step 15.
How the System Works
The hydroponic nutrients are stored in the black plastic box. A water pump inside the box pumps the nutrients up to the drip lines at the top, thus providing nutrient solution to the grow media (clay balls in my case) and plants inside the white plastic pots. The nutrients will drain out the bottom of the plastic pots which is then collected by the recessed yellow lid that the pots sit on. Holes in the lid allow the nutrients to drain back into the black plastic box. I currently have a timer that waters the plants for 15 minutes every hour that the light is on, and then twice more during the night.&
Hydroponic S What is best for you?
I have been using two basic hydroponic systems: Raft and Drip. Other hydroponic systems include: Ebb and Flow, Nutrient Film, Aeroponic and Fog.
The raft system&works by floating the plants right on top of the nutrient solution. An air pump and air stone are used to aerate the nutrients. The raft system is really good for growing lettuce but most plants thrive better without their roots submerged right in the nutrients.
The drip system&works in much the same way that plants normally get watered. Nutrients are provided to the top of the grow media by gravity or a pump which draws much needed oxygen into the media as the nutrients drain out. This method should work well for almost any type of plant. Pump failure and cloged drip lines are the down side of this method.
The Ebb and Flow&system is a popular system for home hydroponics. Pots are placed in a tub that is flooded with a couple inches of nutrients using a water pump. This waters the pots from the bottom up. After the tub is flooded, the pump is turned off and the tub drains back into the nutrient reservoir. One downside of this type of system is you need a large reservoir to hold all the nutrients necessary for flooding the tub as well as enough left over so the pump does not run dry. Like the drip system you also have the possibility of pump failure.
The Nutrient Film&system works by placing the plant roots on a thin layer of flowing nutrients. From what I have read, these systems are hard to set up and thus not a good place to start for the home hydroponic enthusiast.
The Aeroponic and Fogsystems work by atomizing the nutrients which the roots are sprayed with, or suspended in. This can be a very powerful method for growing plants as the atomized solution contains much oxygen, which the roots thrive in. Most of the home bought syste***abeled as "Aeroponic" are not really aeroponic system though. These home systems use small fountain pumps and spray nozzles to spray the bottom of net cups and roots. The tiny fountain pumps cannot produce the kind of pressure necessary to atomize the nutrient solution so the gain over a drip or ebb and flow system are questionable. I have avoided these systems as the tiny spray nozzles seem more likely to clog than the larger drip emitters. Fog systems are fairly new and I do not know about the reliability or availability of these systems for the home hydroponic enthusiast.
Step 1 Materials Needed&Here are the items you will need:
1 - 27 gallon heavy duty plastic storage box with recessed plastic lid
10' of 1/2" PVC pipe
5 - 90 deg PVC elbows
3 - PVC T connectors
1 - 3/4" to 1/2" PVC reducer
1 - 3/4" PCV pipe to 3/4" Male Thread connector
4 - 1/2" PVC J-Hook Hangers
1 - Male Quick Disconnect to male 3/4" hose thread
1 - Female Quick Disconnect to female 3/4" hose thread
1 - 1/2" hose barb to female 3/4" hose thread&
1 - rubber washer with filter screen
3' of 1/2" flexible rubber hose
1 - Active Aqua PU160 water pump
12' 1/4' O.D. drip line hose
12 - Drip stakes or drip nozzles with tie down stakes
12 - Square Plastic pots sized to fit 3 across top of tote lid
1 - 24 Hr timer with 15 minute on/off timing intervals&
The first 11 items on the list were all purchased from Home Depot and can be picked up at most hardware stores. The remaining item were purchased from a local hydroponics store in Billerica MA []. I highly recommend t If not most items can be picked up via the WEB or at a local garden supply shop. I purchased everything new for a total cost of about $70.&
Tools Needed
Miter box and miter saw or hack saw for cutting PVC
Sand paper, small round file, or deburring tool to debur cut PVC
PVC purple primer and cement adhesive
Electric Drill with assorted bits
1" speedbor bit or 1" hole saw
Awl or Nail to place drill starting mark in PVC&
Utility knife
Hydroponic Supplies Needed
Your choice of hydroponic nutrients (I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro)
Your choice of grow media (I used about 15 liters of clay balls)&
Measure from outside edge to outside edge of 3 pots lined up side by side. Measure from outside edge to outside edge of 2 pots lined up side by side.Step 2 Box Setup The lid of the plastic box needs to be solid enough to support the weight of the pots and plants without significant bowing. The lid must also be recessed to capture the nutrient solution as it drains from the pots. Drain holes in the lid will then allow the nutrients to drain back into the box. Heavy duty stacking storage boxes like this can be found most large hardware stores.
You will want to select square pots that will set flat 3 across the recessed part of the plastic lid (see first photo). You should also be able to get 4 pots along the length of the lid as well as a 1" space between each half dozen pots (see second photo). As you can see from the photos the pots I selected are a good fit.
Measure from the top outside edge to top outside edge of 2 pots lined up side by side, as well as 3 pots lined up side by side. the yellow note boxes in the second photo indicate the measurements to be made.
In my case 2 pots measure about 10 3/4" and 3 pots measure about 16".&
With these measurements in hand, let's get to cutting.
来自:中国 辽宁 大连
爱手工、爱生活,我是牛仔很忙 ,欢迎热爱DIY的肉丝们与我联系互相学习共同进步。
牛仔很忙的其它作品  最近买了个二手楼梯房,9楼顶层带天台花园的,一边已经搭好了遮雨棚,另外一边就用铁条做好了藤架的了。上一手业主已经用几个大花盆种了一种像藤一样,有次,有花的话缠好的了,还种有两株葡萄,还有很多小矮树。但是,可能因为太久没打理,我今天上去看的时候,那些花盆下面伸出了密密麻麻的根须 ,和隔热层紧密的连在了一起,我很艰难的把花盆移了个位置(花盆很大很重),把那些残余的泥土产干净,发现原来放花盆的位置比没有放花盆的隔热水泥板凹了差不多0.5公分,感觉就是被泥蚀了一样,哪我想问,如果这样种花,是不是要经常移动花盆的位置啊,不然会不会蚀坏隔热水泥板啊?或者我用两块砖或者玻璃块(家里有不用的,很大很厚)把花盆承起来行不行?有这方面经验的人来说一下吧
楼主发言:4次 发图:0张
  @monan12345 3楼
21:54:45  铁条架传热快,会烫死花藤,改成竹杆架。  -----------------------------  不会啊,原来的业主种了5年了,我看房子时上去看很好啊,不会死,很漂亮
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我们在您的电脑上找不到 iTunes。 要购买和下载Hongwei Deng的小朋友的黄金花园(完整版-共16种花)-种植类益智游戏(儿童应用)-黄金教育,请立即获取 iTunes。
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小朋友的黄金花园 益智游戏 升级版 发布了,更多神秘花种,更多趣味工具。o优质幼儿教育集团——“黄金教育”经典科学益智游戏iPad版发布; o花园中共有4个花房,16种花卉可进行培育,可爱的卡通风格,有趣的动画模拟,游戏操作简洁; o培植工具丰富多样,有趣地模拟培育过程,让幼儿感性认知花朵的普遍生长过程、照料方式以及花朵的相关知识。 o附有“花朵图鉴”,种好的花朵会被收入其中。点击花朵,就可以欣赏花朵的真实图片、名称及相关介绍。游戏目的:模拟培育过程,让幼儿感性认知花朵是怎样生长的以及如何培育花朵。游戏最后还有花朵图鉴,点击花朵,可以听语音介绍花朵的相关知识。让幼儿在游戏过程中,培养照料植物的爱心及对花朵的欣赏力。游戏帮助: 1.请你点击花种包,领取花种,再根据小手提示,点击物品(铁铲、花种包、浇水壶),种下花种吧。2.游戏中的每一天里,你可以点击选择:肥料袋、浇水壶、太阳、赞美机,剪刀,小手,杀虫剂,就能分别给花种施肥、浇水、补充阳光、赞美、修剪、拔草或杀虫了。3.每天必须选择4项操作。注意:有杂草或害虫时,一定要选小手拔草或杀虫剂杀虫。4.第五天过去后,看看你种出了什么品种的花吧!点点花朵,就能了解与它相关的知识。5.点击花朵图鉴,就能看到已种出和未种出的花朵;点点种出的花朵,会有相应的知识介绍。 6.点击花园切换按钮,可以进入另一个花园,种植更多的花朵。关于黄金教育 ●0~6岁的优质教育就是黄金教育!黄金教育的理念就是“在最佳时机,用最佳的方法,让婴幼儿主动获得最佳发展(可持续发展)。” ●在黄金教育时期,最好的学习,就是有目的地游戏;最好的游戏,就是愉快地学习。 ●黄金教育,遵循“学得无意、学得随意、学得乐意”的总体设计原则,特别为幼儿设计各类寓教于乐的趣味应用,让孩子在玩中学,学中玩,玩学结合,成就未来。 欢迎关注我们的官方网站 黄金教育数字平台: 黄金手指幼儿园: 欢迎关注我们的官方微博:/hjjy1248e 黄金教育科技 /ifunnykids 木小呆-呆呆超人
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