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解读手相中五个手指的含义  1、手掌  手掌的厚薄程度与财富多少有关,厚实有弹性,类似于肥沃的土壤能够生长万物一样,这种类型的人,做事比较认真,并且活力充沛,无论是工作或生活,都充满了干劲,也比较容易得到贵人的帮助,所以十分具有赚钱的本能。相反的手掌薄的,各方面也就相对较弱了。  2、拇指  拥有厚实拇指的人,用钱的观念十分实在,不会过份强调感官享受,如华丽的衣服和美食,在这种人的眼中,是极为不实际的。这样的人,对生活的要求很简单,为人也相当务实,说一是一,不会有太多的心机。平而薄的拇指,与厚实的拇指正好具有相反的性格。这样的人不喜欢一板一眼的日子,性格具有神经质的特性。如果拇指又平又短,对于理财则会有过于谨慎保守而变得优柔寡断的情形出现。  3、食指  食指通常意味着支配欲、权力欲与一个人的进取心,所以食指较长的人,性格也比较顽强,相当具有企图心。食指过长,性格偏强硬、爱出锋头。财大气粗的性格,往往很难存得住钱。这种类型的人,就算钱赚得多,花得也多,所以节制挥霍的欲望和消费习惯,是根本之道。  4、中指  中指象征自己的命运。中指如果生得过短,则是缺乏耐性和冲动的表示。这种人必须好好约束和规范自己的情感,不然很容易做出会令自己后悔莫及的事。在金钱的投资打理态度也是倾向于盲从跟进的态度。如果能获利纯属幸运,要是全盘皆输,将会从此一蹶不振。  5、无名指  无名指象征着一个人的艺术才华、天赋和财富。它是和创作、天份相关的,所以认定它主掌一个人的才华、人缘和财富。无名指长的人好投机,这样的人,将钱视为身外之物,不是因为贪财,而是喜欢追求刺激,加上个性不服输所致。  6、小指  小指长的人,具有雄辩之才,文字的表达能力极佳,而且喜欢言谈,个性上很强势,善于经营。不过缺点在于言多必失,而且容易因言语得罪人,所以结怨招惹他人的可能性也大。另外这种人做事小心、善于使用权谋、工于心计,做事很难成功,所以虽然能拥有事业和财富,但人缘却不见得好。手相财运最好的几大标志是什么揭秘  1.智慧线有向上的支线  假如智慧线末端有支线向上延伸,预示其人非常有商业头脑,而且有很强的金钱观念,对金钱既眷恋又敏锐,很人利用一切机会招财,常常在不知不觉间赚到很多钱。不过其人在金钱的使用上非常节省,要以用吝啬来形容。  2.太阳丘或木星丘上有星纹  在太阳丘或木星丘这两个部位的任一个部位出现星纹,预示其人拥有特别的好运,容易得到意想不到的机会和幸运,从而心想事成,赚到很多财富。只是,这种幸运星纹出现后,假如本人不善于把握机会,努力付出,也会自己消失。  3.手掌掌纹呈M型  事业线自手腕处开始向上延伸,一直穿过智慧线到达感情线,与手掌上其他的掌纹形成一个斜的“M”型。有此手相特征的人通常有很强的事业心,拥有远大的目标,会为了自己的理想而努力付出,不达目的绝不放弃,因此这类人往往不到四十岁就能够功成名就、名利双收。假如拥有这种手相的人,感觉自己不算成功的话,表示自身还不够努力或是努力的方向不对,只要调整一下自己的心态或者是事业的方向,他日一定能跃升到富翁的行列。  4.水星丘红润而隆起  水星丘位于小指的根部,掌管一个人的财运、社交与商业头脑。水星丘生得红润且向上隆起的人,不仅在商业方面拥有绝佳的才能,而且财运也相当的好,容易遇到很好的赚钱机会,只要努力肯付出,便能赚得大笔财富。此外,其人自身的交际手腕也很棒,应变能力很强,若从事商业经营之类的职业,更容易成功,从而获得丰厚利润。  5.钱财纹数量多  所谓钱财纹,是指在水星丘(小指根部)和太阳丘(无名指根部)之间出现的细的斜线。一般人手上都钱财纹,只是数量有的多,有的少。通常手掌上钱财纹越多的人,财运越旺,越容易招财,尤其是偏财运好,例如工作上时常发奖金,或者常常意外中奖等等。
百家号 最近更新:
简介: 星座、生肖的运势详解、配对,八字命理分析
误解一: 4S对象是TSA (美国交通安全局)选定的。
误解二: 4S美国专有。
12/04/2008 - The Dreaded SSSS On Your Boarding Pass
Many of you have experienced the joy of "Secondary Security
Screening Selection" (SSSS), and for those who have not experienced
it , you probably know someone who has, or have seen it while
waiting in line for security.
How do you know if you have been "selected" for secondary
screening? In the lower right corner of your boarding pass you will
see four letters "SSSS," which stands for "Secondary Security
Screening Selection." Contrary to popular belief, passengers who
receive SSSS selection are not chosen by the United States
Transportation Security Administration (TSA), they are actually
selected by the airlines they are flying on.
A common misconception is that SSSS only exists in the United
States. You can get SSSS on your boarding pass outside of the
United States. I know quite a few people who have had SSSS come up
on their boarding pass outside of the US. In fact I was handed a
boarding pass with SSSS this morning for my flight from
Seoul/Incheon (ICN) to Tokyo/Narita (NRT).
Another very popular myth is that passengers in premium cabins are
not subject to SSSS. This is entirely false. Another common myth is
that an airlines, or airline alliance, "elite" frequent flier is
not subject to the SSSS. This is also incorrect.
To demonstrate that these myths are just myths, there is a
photograph of my boarding pass from this morning at the end of this
post. This boarding pass has all the myths debunked on one sheet of
If you look at my boarding pass you will see that it is issued at
Incheon/Seoul (South Korea). You will also see that the boarding
pass clearly states "United First" in the upper right of the card,
a "First Class" label is on the the right hand side. Lastly you'll
notice under my name is printed "BD*G." BD*G = British Midland
International (BMI) - Star Gold. "Star Gold" is the highest level
of elite status recognized between the Star Alliance member
How can you avoid getting the "SSSS" on your boarding pass? You
cannot. There are no published guidelines for what triggers this.
The only know reasons that can potentially trigger this appearing
on your boarding pass are your travel patterns. I know why I think
my boarding pass has SSSS on it. My travel itinerary over the past
few days is unusual. I have made complete stops in my itinerary in
four countries, on three continents, in three 24 hour periods,
without ever overnighting in any one place. Having traveled in the
United States, Germany, Hong Kong and South Korea (I am now writing
this entry sitting in the airport in Tokyo/Narita, Japan) would
naturally set of red flags in the airline's computer system.
When you are selected the computer has to base it's SSSS selection
on travel patterns, such as last minute one-way bookings, as the
computer cannot factor in a background check at the time the
boarding pass is issued. I have read some very amusing posts online
about how to avoid SSSS, such as asking for a new seat. This does
not work. A favourite way to avoid SSSS is to pay for an upgrade.
Not only does this not remove the SSSS, but you have to consider if
it is even worth it to pay for an upgrade to save 4 minutes at the
security check point.
Secondary screening is not that bad. It is inconvenient, but it
takes a few minutes,that's all.
Does SSSS actually provide us with any additional security? No not
really. If you are planning on doing some harm to the worth and you
see SSSS on your boarding card chances are you'll walk out of the
airport, or go to your car and ditch whatever you were going to
smuggle onto the plane. It is simply a show of force.
So, if you get SSSS on your boarding pass be polite. Stay calm and
relaxed. Empty your pockets it will go by quickly. I have seen
quite a few folks start yelling at gate agents or security agents.
That gets you no where except possibly being denied boarding and
certainly a longer, slower search.
Happy Flying!


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