
。  8, Junichiro Koizumi,fastened  2, could be taken。。, brought  三。。  6,As you are dieting,部分题目给出,()内为答案  1. (The) after-sales manager  2. a lawyer  3。  4. A, J 52. I. F, Q  六,根据文章的提问,从文章内容中找出答案回答问题, Fans have been waiting to see a sino-Japanese film for long  5。。  2, A thousand million yuan。  3. 1 June. E, P 54. D,Junichiro Koizumi, adoptable  7。。, B 53, Which  8, don’t forget exercise  7 all of the above。  一,选择题(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案, were interviewed  10. ( ) 巡逻车 ( ) 武装**  53,顺序不明)  1, subject  2, in  3, be introduced.  二,词性转化(转换后)  1。。.。.  4, Northern China  五,中问英文对照填空  A ----------------- air traffic control system  B ----------------- armed police  C ----------------- crime prevention  D ----------------- entry requirement  E ----------------- international criminal police organization  F ----------------- level of security  G ----------------- picket line  H ----------------- police station  I ----------------- patrolling vehicle  J ----------------- safety precaution measure  K ----------------- safety control device  L ----------------- security command center  M ----------------- security service  N ----------------- security control center  O ----------------- security personnel  P ----------------- valid documents  Q ----------------- security monitoring and control  Examples: ( M ) 保安服务 ( G ) 警戒线  51. ( ) 空中交通管制系统 ( ) 安全预防措施  52. ( ) 国际**组织 ( ) 有效证件  54. ( ) 入境要求 ( ) 安保人员  55, to make  2。。, correcting  8 complaint  9, 2009  5. (automatically) withdrawn  七,多选择题  1,如果合同一方希望重签合同,阅读理解(选项答案或者部分)  1,()内为答案  1,必须在合同到期三个月内写信通知对方  2,尽管世界经济复苏的迹象是肯定的,但是未来几个月内经济危机缓和的现象还不很明显  3,第二个重要问题是有关人员调动的问题,这次已经得到妥善解决.  10,Introduction to Flying Blue  四, putting  3, Guangzhou。, pay off l  6,will have  9, hand and foot  10,根据所给文章,从文章中选词填空。。  9, The Future of the American Educational System, easier  4 will be discussed  5, choose low-calorie food。, occasionally  6, advanced  7. ( ) 安全保障级别 ( ) 安全监控  答案:51.。, O 55. Employment Service Office  4,不必再次讨论  4, on the ground  3 during the flight  4, video programs  5
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大学英语三级(A)真题 2011 年 12 月 大学英语三级(A)真题 (A)Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to .understand short dialogues. Thereare 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both dialogues the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1、A. It's 9:00. B. It's 9:30. C. It's 10:00. D. It's 10:30.2、A. The woman is waiting for a call. C. Somebody is using the telephone. 3、A. In an office. bank. B. In a bank. 4、A. The movie will start at 6 o'clock.B. The telephone line is busy now. D. The man cannot use the telephone. C. At a bus station. D. At a restaurant.B. The movie will be put off till tomorrow. C. They are going to meet at the school gate. D. They want to know where the movie will be shown. easy 5、A. It's not easy to find a taxi. B. The book store is very far away. C. The woman may walk to the book store. D. There are a lot of buses going to the book store. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some are recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.6、 A. He's in his office. 7、 A. Call him back. B. He's on holiday. D. He's away on business. B. Wait for his call. D. Visit him in person. B. Next year's budget. D. The opening of a new branch. Development B. Development of new products. D. Improvement of the company's sales. D. A guest speaker.C. He's in the meeting room. C. Send him an email. 8、 A. The production plan.C. The sales of the company. 9、 A. Training of new employees. C. Investigation of new markets. 10、 10、 A. Alan. Section C B. The man.C. The woman.Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will passages.hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.11、 11、 How does the tour guide describe Los Angeles? It is ______. 12、 When will the tourists meet in front of the information desk? 12、 Tomorrow morning at ______. 13、 13、 What will the guide tell the tourists tomorrow morning? Details about the ______. 14、 14、 What will the man from the hotel help the tourists do when they arrive at the hotel? To help them with ______. 15、 15、 Why does the tour guide ask the tourists to double check their bags? ______。 To make sure no bags have been left ______。 Part Ⅱ Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correctsentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required tocomplete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 appropriate choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16、 16、 The manager said that there were two reasons ______ our sales dropped sharply last year. A. because B. since C. why D. while17、 17、 Now the air pollution in this city ______ more and more serious with each passing day. A. to become became B. became C. becoming D. is becoming18、 18、 Before the age of the Internet, we used to ______ our holidays through travel agents. A. book B. having booked C. booking D. have booked 19、 ______ 19、 Since the new technology was introduced last month, we ______ in speeding up production. A. succeed B. succeeded C. have succeeded D. will succeed20、 20、 In order to improve your communication skills, we will show you how to learn ______ about your customers than you know now. A. many B. much C. most D. more21、 21、 As a public relations officer, you should know your customers ______ detail. A. in B. on C. for D. to22、 22、 People invest money in this company ______ they believe it will make profits. A. though B. because unless C. unless D. until23、 23、 ______ you choose to contact us, you can expect our efficient and helpful service. A. No sooner than B. Ever since C. No matter how D. Even though24、 strange 24、 Generally, it takes courage for an aged person ______ a new life in a strange country. A. beginning B. began C. to begin D. to have begun25、 25、 If we ______ more time and money, we could have visited many more places. A. have B. had had C. have had D. could haveSection B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank incompletewith the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words& in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26、 26、 Winning three gold medals is the most remarkable (achieve) ______ he has made so far. 27、 27、 In order to deal (effective) ______ with the frequent railroad accidents, a special committee has been set up. 28、 28、 Generally, the front page of newspapers (devote) ______ to the most important news of the day. 29、 (require) 29、 In addition to the (require) ______ courses, there are still some other courses to be individually chosen. 30、 short30、 These scientists are interested in (find) ______ out how short-term memory becomes long-term memory. long31、 31、 The sales manager asks his men every week (inform) ______ him of everything him concerning sales. 32、 self32、 If you want to be (success) ______ in life, you should be honest and selfconfident. 33、 33、 The engineer put forward a (suggest) ______ at the meeting to improve the public traffic system. 34、 been 34、 Once the payment has been made, the goods should (deliver) ______ in one or two days. 35、 35、 In the past decade email (become) ______ one of the most popular means of communication.Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. tasksYou should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinishedstatements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices question marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.(家庭旧物出售 家庭旧物出售) The key to any successful garage sale (家庭旧物出售) is to get the word out. The best means of advertising your sale is to place an ad in the local newspaper. If you have a city and neighborhood paper, make sure you advertise in both. The ad should include be large enough that it stands out. It should also include information on where the sale is located with directions, the &hot& items you're selling and the time the sale will start and end. An ad should be placed at least two days before the sale and run until (路线 路线) the day of your event. That way people can plan their route (路线) to the sale in advance. Signs are another great way to inform your community. Post them in places where people gather, such as stores and community centers. Some businesses have a (布告栏 布告栏), Other central bulletin board (布告栏), which is the best place to advertise. Other places to post are at the local college or university campus. This is especially helpful if your sale is happening in August or early September when students have returned to school and are looking for cheap finds. neighborhood. Post signs around your neighborhood. You should also place both ads and direction signs, especially if you're located on a side street without a major presence. Signs will attract and direct people. Just make sure you print in bold letters and use large direction signs so people can read the information from the front seat of their car. 36、 36、 The best way of getting out the news of your garage sale is to ______. A. publish the news online door-toB. visit people door-to-door your D. make phone calls to your neighbors C. advertise in the local newspaper37、 37、 You should place an ad at least two days before the sale so that people can ______. A. get enough cash for the sale C. select the items they will buy B. compare prices of the items D. decide on their route in advance38、 should 38、 Why should signs be posted in a community center? A. Schools are nearby. B. There are many stores. D. More people gather there. C. Students often meet there.39、 39、 What advice is given for printing the signs according to the last paragraph? Colored A. Colored signs are preferred. B. Bold letters should be used. D. Phone numbers should be provided. C. Large pictures should be included.40、 The best title for the passage might be ______. 40、 A. Advertising Garage Sales Sales B. Advantages of Garage Sales C. Importance of Garage Sales Task 2D. Printing Ads for Garage SalesDirections: This task is the same as Task i. The 5 questions or unfinished statementsare numbered 41 to 45.particularly Borrowing to start a business is not easy. Getting a bank loan, particularly for a new small business, is like going through the eye of a needle. Banks favor established business people with a solid credit rating and a large bank account. They should also have experience in the business they propose to enter, offer welland offer well-prepared business plans that show the ability to repay the loans. If you are not such a person, then you need to double your preparations to convince the startbanker to lend you that much needed start-up capital. If your business is new and bankers small, bankers will need to know as much as possible about you and your business. However, many small business owners often make the mistake of not being well prepared when going to the bank to apply for the loan. Surprisingly, many loan the applicants don't even have the slightest idea how or when they intend to repay the money they request. Often they don't even know how much money they need. When asked how much money they want to borrow, many people give these two common responses: &How much money can I get?& and wonder that lenders say no? So the most important thing is do your homework before you ask for a loan. 41、 41、 By saying &Getting a bank loan.., is like going through the eye of a needle&, B. the importance of borrowing money start- of D. the start-up of a new small business &As &As much as possible.& Is it anythe writer emphasizes ______. A. the ability to borrow from a bank C. the difficulty of getting a bank loan 42、 42、 Banks prefer to give a loan to those who ______. startA. are in need of start-up capital C. own an old and large business B. have the ability to pay it back D. haven't borrowed money before43、 before 43、 What will bankers do before they give a loan to a new and small business? A. Help fill out a special form for getting a loan. B. Request the business to pay a small deposit. C. Get enough information about the business. D. Estimate the size of the loan they will give. 44、 44、 Some small businesses fail to get a bank loan because ______. A. the form they fill in is incomplete B. their products are not technically advanced C. the amount of money they want to borrow is too big D. they have no clear idea of how much they need to borrow 45、 The writer advises that before applying for a bank loan, the applicant should 45、 ______. A. thoroughly prepare B. do some market research D. know the upper limit of the loan C. learn a lot about the bank Task 3 Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you are required to completethe outline below it (No. 46 to No.50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.When traveling overseas, it's a good idea to carry an International Driving Permit, even if you're not planning to drive. Valid in over 150 countries, the permit contains your name, photo and driver information translated into ten languages. (美国汽车协会 美国汽车协会) Before you travel the world, travel to any AAA (美国汽车协会) office for your International Driving Permit. Bring your valid U.S. driver's license, US$15, and two passportpassport-type photos. You may also wish to fill out our International Driving Permit application in advance. Simply print out the application, fill in the information requested and bring it with you to the AAA office nearest you. If you prefer to obtain your International Driving Permit through the mail, enclose your completed passportapplication form, two passport-type photos each signed on the back, a US$15 permit fee and a photocopy of both sides of your driver's license and mail them to the AAA office nearest you. 4Please allow 4-6 weeks for return mail unless additional postage for express mail service is included with the application. Application for International Driving Permit Place to apply: any (46) Document needed:, valid U.S. driver's license Application fee: (47) Photo: two (48) copies Ways to apply: 1. filling out the form in the office, or 2. printing out the form and filling it out (49) 3. sending the form through the (50) Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms related to marketing. After reading it, you ……等同 等同) are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. A―brand loyalty B―brand value J―market share K―market size C―buying habit D―buying motivation E―consumer survey F―customer service G―distribution channel H―market potential I―market research 51、 51、 ( )品牌价值 52、 52、 ( )产品形象 53、 53、 ( )市场份额 54、 54、 ( )购买习惯 55、 ( )营销目标 55、 Task 5 ( )促销L―marketing goal M―marketing plan N―product image O―reference price P―sales analysis Q―sales promotion( )客户服务 ( )参考价格 ( )市场潜力 ( )消费者调查Directions: The following passage is a notice. After reading it, you should give briefanswers to the 5 questions (No.56 to No.60) that follow. The answers (in no more No.60) than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.Certain portable electronic devices (PEDs) may interfere with aircraft navigational ground equipment. PED use is permitted while on the ground when the boarding door is open, and in flight when advised by crew members. About 10 minutes before departure, passengers will be asked to turn off computers, cell phones and other PEDs. The following PEDs are approved for use during the flight time: ? Personal Computers ? Handheld computer games ? Personal stereo and video devices twoMedical devices are permitted at all times while TVs, radios, two-way radios, remoteremote-control devices and some other electronic devices are not permitted. Due to safety concerns, the crew may at any time request that PEDs be turned off. Cell phones may be used only in the following instances: ? When the aircraft is at the gate and the boarding door is open. the ? When the aircraft is on the ground away from the gate and the captain has approved their use. 56、 56、 What is the possible bad effect of using a PED on an aircraft in flight? The aircraft navigational equipment may be ______. 57、 57、 When can a passenger be allowed to use a PED on a plane in flight? When When permitted by ______. 58、 What are passengers asked to do about 10 minutes before departure? 58、 Turn off their computers, ______ and other PEDs. 59、 59、 What devices can be used on the plane throughout the flight? ______ 60、 the 60、 Who has the right to approve the use of cell phones when the plane is away from the gate ready to take off? ______ Part Ⅳ Translation Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translateEnglish into Chinese. After each of the sentences numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and mark the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for the paragraph numbered 65, write your translation in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. Translation/Composition61、 61、 We will offer you a 20 percent discount if you are among the first fifteen customers of the day. A.如果你是当天 15 位中首次来购物的顾客,我们就能给你打 2 折。 20%。 B.如果你是今天首次来本店购物的第 15 位顾客,我们能让利 20%。 80%回扣。 C.如果你是今日首批来订货的第 15 位客户,我们将给你 80%回扣。 位顾客,我们将会给你打 D.如果你是当天来本店购物的前 15 位顾客,我们将会给你打 8 折。 62、 62、 As is known to all, trade and specialization go hand in hand and enable each of us to have more products to use. A.众所周知,现代贸易需要生产的专门化,才能让我们用到更多新产品。 B.众所周知,贸易和专门化相辅相成,使我们每个人能使用更多的产品。 C.众所周知,贸易和专门化总是同时进行,使我们能生产出更多的产品。 D.众所周知,现代贸易需要生产的专门化,才能够制造出更多的新产品。 .众所周知,现代贸易需要生产的专门化,才能够制造出更多的新产品。 63、 63、 If the engine is to be shut down for a long time, we recommend the following measures for the engine to avoid corrosion. A.如果发动机长时问不能工作,我们建议要采取措施以防止发动机锈蚀。 B.如果发动机要长时间停机,我们建议采取以下措施以防止发动机生锈。 C.如果发动机经常出现故障,我们认为应该立即检查发动机是否已生锈。 D.如果发动机维修的时问长,我们认为应该立即对其生锈部分采取措施。 64、 self64、A hotel is like a self-contained community providing guests with all the services they can expect in their own home and community. community. A.宾馆就如同一个社区,能提供社区给予的各种服务,使顾客有宾至如归的感 觉。 B.宾馆像社区的一个部门,可以为来自本社区的顾客提供各类家庭式的优质服 务。 C.宾馆像设施齐全的社区,可以捉供各种社区服务,使顾客感觉如同在家里一 样。 D.宾馆如同设施齐全的社区,为顾客提供其在家庭和社区期望能得到的所有服 务。 65、 65、 I'm very pleased to know that you are a regular customer of our store. We would like to ask you to call our Service Department if you are in any way not products. satisfied with our products. Unless we hear form you, we can't know that there is something wrong with our products and services. Therefore, we ask you to let us know if there is any difficulty with your purchases. services. Thank you again for your interest in our products and services.Part Ⅴ Writing Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required towrite an Email according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. This part is to test your ability to part do practical writing. You are required to write an Email according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet.1、 [说明] 请给经理写一份电子邮件,要求购买电脑和打印机(printer)。 [内容] 因为现有电脑和打印机已使用五年以上,经常出现故障,影响工作;此外,3 名新员工也 需要电脑。总计需购买电脑 8 台、打印机 1 台,需要人民币约 5 万元。
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