
父母村福利院-武汉养老院 父母村福利院 建乐社区养老院
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来源:养老中国网&&&&编辑:gdh&&&& 08:00:00
(莱阳市老龄办& 李成喜 高楠)
Copyright&&&&&&Corporation, All Rights Reserved&&
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&&&&重庆市第三社会福利院隶属重庆市民政局,作为重庆市首家“四星级福利机构”,主要担负重庆市主城区的无劳动能力、无生活来源、无法定赡养人的老年人的公费收养任务;同时有偿为社会上的老年人提供养护、康复服务。建院二十多年来,我们秉承“上为党和政府分忧,下为老人服务解愁”的服务宗旨,以科学的知识和技能维护老年人基本权益,帮助老年人适应社会,促进老年人自身发展,以高尚的职业道德、熟练的职业技能、严明的职业纪律全心全意为老年人服务,保证生活在这里的老人健康长寿。&&&&重庆市第三社会福利院座落在风景秀丽的歌乐山国家级森林公园旁,四周群山环抱,院内绿树成荫,鸟语花香,悠悠山泉叮咚响,清新的空气泌人心脾。苍翠的楠竹、芬芳的腊梅,姹紫嫣红的杜娟让您走进了一个“远看是森林,近看是公园,住进是乐园”和“人在花中走、水在石上流,鸟在树上飞、鱼在水中游”的市级园林式单位。&&& 全院占地面积60多亩,建筑面积17200平方米,其中老年公寓11000平方米,床位450张。按照老人的身体情况分设为四个休养区。我院现有医师4人,主管技师1人,护师2人,护士2人为老人提供高超的医疗服务。40名护理保健师为老人提供周到细致的生活护理。为了让老人闹中取静,颐养天年,为老人营造一个舒适、方便、清净的居住、餐饮、娱乐环境,我们认真贯彻《老年人社会福利机构基本规范》,热忱为老人提供下列服务:&&&&一、护理服务:各休养区都设有服务值班室,护理员实行24小时值班制,按护理等级分别提供生活、卫生等服务。&&&&二、餐饮服务:伙食实行包伙制和买票制。每天均有5至10种菜肴供应,并提供小炒、寿席、宴请等餐饮服务。&&&&三、医疗服务:医务所是市卫生局批准的医疗卫生机构,设门诊部和住院部,医护人员实行24小时值班制,并定期帮助老人测量血压、体温、血糖等,一旦有危重病情,即送医院观察治疗或转送介护区照顾护理。&&&&四、生活服务:住房分单人间、标准间和套房(一室一厅),内设有热水器、空调、彩电、电话、独立卫生间等,床上用品齐全。对不能自理的介护老人实行喂饭喂水,并帮助排大小便、洗澡等。&&&&五、康复娱乐服务:设有健身房、门球场、钓鱼池、棋牌室、书画厅、图书室等场所供老人锻炼、文化娱乐。专职康复员每天组织老人开展健身、钓鱼、跳舞、下棋、打牌等活动,并不定期举办游园文娱竞赛。休闲广场设有健身器供老人自由选择使用。&&&&六、安全服务:工作人员定时与老人谈心沟通思想掌握情况,帮助排忧解难。贵重物品和大额现金可委托工作人员保管储蓄。外出须请假,介助、介护老人须专人陪护。&&&&七、二休养区(培训中心)可接待小型会议。在这里,老人可以真正实现“老有所养、老有所为、老有所医、老有所乐、老有所学”。虽非骨肉亲,胜似儿女情,做老年人的合格儿女,全心全意为老年人服务是我们每个工作人员的信条,老人们的健康、快乐、幸福则是我们最大的心愿。我们热忱欢迎全国各地的老年朋友来院休养!
Brief Introduction
&&&&The Third Welfare Home in Chongqing is Subordinate to the Bureau of Civil Administration.As the first “four star welfare institution”, it undertakes obligations of adopting those elders at public expense in downtown who are disable persons and have no income or no legal dependants. Meanwhile we provide the nursing and recovery service with payment for other elders in the society.
&&&&In the following 20 years after Our resthome has been built up, we aim for sharing the responsibilities of the government and solving the trouble for elders. We try to maintain the elders basic rights and interests through scientific knowledge and technology and help them adapt to the present society and promote their further development. We wholeheartedly server the elders on the basis of noble professional ethics, efficient skills and strict disciplines, and ensure the elders here a long healthy life.
&&&&The Third Resthome is located at the beautiful national Gele Mountain Forest Park. It is surrounded by the mountains and embraced by the shade of woods. You can hear the birds singing and stream flowing, smell the fragrant flowers, breath in fresh air. The green bamboos, fragrant calyx canthus and colorful cuckoo, all make you feel lying at a fascinating world. It is a forest seen from the far sight and a garden from the short sight but a paradise while you are living here. The resthome could be pictured as such a scene “people walking in the flowers, stream flowing through the stones, birds flying in the woods, and fishes swimming in the pool”. That’s why it is granted the title of “a garden-like unit” of Chongqing by the municipal government.
&&&&The welfare home covers an area of more than 60 acre, with a total constructed area of 17200 square meters. The elders’ apartments take up 11,000 square meters of the total area.
&&&&4 different care communities are set up according to the elder’s health conditions. At present there are 4physicians, 1 chief technician and 2 nurses who can provide superior medical service. 40 health care masters can nurse the elders considerately. To make the elders live away from the noisy city and enjoy their rest lives, also in order to build up a comfortable, convenient and quiet environment for living, meals and amusement, we carry out strictly The Basic Disciplines of Elder’s Social welfare Institution and warmly warmly offer the services as follows,
Personal care service
Duty rooms have been set in every health care area. There will be carer on duty for 24 hours, which can separately offer living, sanitation and other service according to different nursing grades.
Meal service
We supply meals at a fixed rate or sell meal tickets. Everyday 5 to 10 kind of dishes will be served. Other swevice like banquets, meal orders and invitations are also available.
Medical service
Our dispensary is a medical institution authorized by the Board of Health of the municipal government which has ortpatient department and in-patient departments. Medical care personnels will be on duty for 24 hours a day, and help elders take their blood pressure, temperature and blood sugar at regular intervals. Once seriors patiert’s condition or emergency occurs, they would be sent to other hospital or transferred to nursing department to be looked after.
Daily living service
Rooms are classified to three kinds, singles, standards and suites (one living room and one bedroom). All the rooms are equipped with air conditioning, TV, Telephone, water heater and individual restroom, and beddings are all ready. Those elders who can not take care of themselves will be fed on meal and water, and be helped with relieving the bowels and bath.
Recovery and entertainment service
Fitness center, goal court, fishing pool, cards room, atelier and library are built up for elders’ recreational activities. Professional recovery workers will organize elders to keep fit, go fishing, dance, play cards, and amusement competition will be held now and then. Fitness equipment are placed in the leisure square so that elders can freely choose to use them.
Swcurity service
Our staff will communicate with wlders at a fixed time so as to know their thoughts and situation, which helps to solve their problems. Valuable things or big sum of cash should be kept by our staff. One needs to ask for leave if he wants to go outside. Elders who couldn’t take care of themselves need escorting while leaving.
Minitype conference can be held in recuperation area (training center) Here elderly people are able to realize their enjoyable life which can meet their need of healthy care, medical treatment, happy mood, self-realization and knowledge. Although we have no blood relationship, we are more closer than a real family. It is the credo of our staff to be qualified sons and daughters of elders and to wholeheartedly serve them. It’s also our best wishes to enable elder people to lead a healthy, happy life.We zealously welcome the elder friend from all over the nation to come the courtyard for recreation
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