
广州市标志性雕塑五羊雕像头羊遭雷击折角(图) - - - - 新闻- 体育- 财经- 汽车- 房产- IT- 游戏- 生活- 健康- 女人- 旅游- 教育- 求职- - - 搜狐短信强档推荐 国内版最新消息本版新闻搜索 >> >>广州市标志性雕塑五羊雕像头羊遭雷击折角(图)日13:35 千龙新闻网   新快报讯(记者杨海鹰)位于越秀公园内的广州市标志性雕塑———五羊雕像前天被雷击,一只羊角被击落。  据悉,前天傍晚雷雨大作时,五羊雕像中的领头羊的右边羊角被雷击中掉落。越秀公园昨天已与广州市雕塑院联系修复事宜,专家称五羊雕像被破坏的程度还不算很严重。  据广州市雕塑院有关负责人介绍,五羊雕像于1959年落成,原作者尹积昌已去世。这座雕像由几百块石头粘合砌成,经过几十年的风雨后遭到损坏并不奇怪。按规定,高大的雕塑都应安装避雷装置,五羊雕像是否如此还得查找相关资料。如未安装,此次修复时可以装上。  至于掉了一只角的五羊雕像如何修复,是采取粘合法还是别的修复方式,具体方案尚在研究中。  广州连日雷雨阵阵  新快报讯(记者夏畅)昨日下午又一场豪雨袭击广州,这已是连日来的第三场雷暴雨。不少老广州都感叹:好多年都没见到雨下得这么大,雷打得这么响。  据省气象台专家介绍,连续几天傍晚的大雨是典型的“热雷雨”,是受副热带高气压影响而导致的。近日来白天阳光灿烂,气温很高,积蓄了大量能量。到了下午,潮湿的空气上升,对流旺盛,于是形成雷雨云。雷雨云的范围大小不一,且流动较快,它经过的地方就降雨,对流强烈时还伴随狂风、雷电,它一走天又放晴。据预测,如果近几天上午日晒依然猛烈,这种雷阵雨天气还将出现。 相关专题:Copyright @ Inc. All rights reserved. 搜狐公司 版权所有五羊石像的英语简介五羊石像是广州市的标志.走进越秀公园,登上木壳岗,便会看到1959年由著名雕塑家尹积昌等人设计的,作为羊城城徽的,富有诗情画意的艺术作品——五羊石像.五羊仙子降临广州,给羊城人民带来_百度作业帮 五羊石像的英语简介五羊石像是广州市的标志.走进越秀公园,登上木壳岗,便会看到1959年由著名雕塑家尹积昌等人设计的,作为羊城城徽的,富有诗情画意的艺术作品——五羊石像.五羊仙子降临广州,给羊城人民带来了吉祥与幸福,他们赠稻于民,并祝“愿此阛阓,永无饥荒”,然后腾空而去,五羊化为巨石.艺术家将这个美好的传说重塑出来.五只石羊神态各异:站在高处的老羊雄劲,口衔谷穗,昂首向前方;老羊脚下是一对亲密依偎的小羊;再有一对母子羊,母羊左右回首顾盼正在安静吸乳的幼羊,深厚母爱溢于言表.“五羊石像”是广州最著名的景点之一.建于1959年,位于越秀公园西侧木壳岗上,由130多块花岗岩雕刻组砌而成‘高11米,体积53立方米.石像中大山羊居中,昂首远眺,羊髯微拂,口衔“一茎六出”谷穗,雄浑有力的羊角伸向半空,显得深沉、威武.余下四羊环列四周,或小羊跪乳,或母羊回首,或吃草,或嬉戏,形态可爱,栩栩如生.这座石雕有一个美丽的传说,传说在二千多年前周夷王时,广州这地方,海天茫茫,遍地荒芜,人们辛劳终日难得温饱.一天,天空仙乐缭绕,有五位仙人身穿五彩衣,骑着口含六束谷穗的五只羊飞临广州,把谷穗留给广州人,并祝愿这里年年五谷丰登永无饥荒,然后驾云腾空而去,羊化为石.从此,广州成了富饶的地方,这动人的传说世代相传,广州也因此得名“羊城”、“穗城”.五羊石像也成为广州城市标志之一.五仙人故事—在中华人民共和国建国40周年之际,为进一步美化环境,1990年,在上级领导的关怀下,公园又在五羊石像下将五羊仙故事内容,由原作者尹积昌主持创作浮雕两组,并增设牌坊、亭、台、廊、碑石等建筑,将景区扩大到近万平方米,景点总称为五羊仙庭.2010年广州亚运会会徽日,第十六届亚运会组委会在广州中山纪念堂举行2010年亚运会会徽发布仪式,广州设计师张强以柔美上升的线条,构成了一个造型酷似火炬的五羊石像外形轮廓,象征着亚运会的圣火熊熊燃烧、永不熄灭.这个既象征着“羊城”广州,也表达了广州人民的美好愿望,还表现了运动会应有的动感,该设计方案成为2010年广州亚运会会徽. Five-goat statue is the symbol of guangzhou. Into the yuexiu park, wood shell, then can see 1959 by famous sculptor YinJiChang etc, as ChengHui Yang cheng, rich poetic five-goat statue of art --.Come to guangzhou, five-goat fairy yangcheng people brought good fortune and happiness, they donated rice in people, and let the Huan Hui, famine, then go to vacate the markdt.all, stone.Artists will this beautiful legend remodeling. Five shiyang different: standing in a old sheep high XiongJin, mouth seed-heads, head to the front, A old sheep is a pair of feet nestled close lamb, Mother sheep, which have a look back is quiet about the young sheep, absorb deep love shows."Wu stone" is the most famous attractions in guangzhou. In 1959, located in yuexiu park, west GangShang wooden carapace by more than 130 granite and carved into a "high 11 meters 53 cubic meters, the volume. Cuhk goats center, head stone, micro breeze, been sheep mouth "a stalk 6" heads, powerful horns extending deep, majestic, appear empty. The remaining four sheep, or sheep which, kneeling, or ewe or eating grass, or play, lovely, lifelike.This stone is a beautiful legend, legend in more than 2,000 years QianZhou yi, guangzhou this place, you and the land desolate, the Haitian people all the toil and rare. One day, XianLe sky, there are five immortals, riding in colorful mouth contains six bundle of grains in guangzhou, and five sheep for the heads of guangzhou, and wishes here every year for the grain and multiply it, and emptied famine in clouds, sheep into stone. Since then, guangzhou become fertile, this touching story, guangzhou and therefore generations named Yang cheng ", "city" ear. Five-goat statue of guangzhou city has become one.Five fairy story -- in the founding of the People's Republic of China for further 40 anniversary, beautify the environment, 1990, in care of superior leadership, in wu stone park under the markdt.all fairy story content, will be hosted by the original creation of YinJiChang relief groups, and adding arch, pavilions, Taiwan, etc, the stones, will expand to the scenic spots near thousand square meters, is always called five-goat fairy.2010 guangzhou Asian games emblem on November 26, 2006, the 16th Asian games held in guangzhou sun yat-sen memorial hall, the 2010 Asian games emblem designers with gentle, guangzhou blaker, rising lines form a modelling resembles five-goat statue shape outline of the torch relay of the Asian games, a symbol of the burning, and never extinguished. This is a symbol of a "yangcheng" guangzhou, also expressed the desire of the people in guangzhou, but also have move feeling, the sports design scheme is become by 2010 guangzhou Asian emblem. 一个韩国留学生对张力尹的看法 张力尹 我记得回来时,有朋友问我张力尹在韩国是不是很红了?我当时什么也没有说,因为觉得很不可思议,她竟然问这么愚蠢的问题。于是我反问一句,难道她在中国很出名吗?朋友说在中国有很多人力挺她,觉得她那么小就在异国他乡,为梦想努力很不容易,而且还有了成就。听了这些话,我真的很为那些没有认清她真实一面的人感到惋惜了。 张力尹的... Five-goat statue is the symbol of guangzhou. Into the yuexiu park, wood shell, then can see 1959 by famous sculptor YinJiChang etc, as ChengHui Yang cheng, rich poetic five-goat statue of art --.


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