汉译英:1.住在北京的一座公寓里 _______________________ 2.1.60米高轮滑鞋__________________________

1 you mind to pick up the phone ? 2 before you having medication best read note 3 until when he left to beijing , he will tell the truth 4 our school nothing like as same style 5 lectures on i told him very deep impression 6 we were divided into group a lot 7 why don't you vegetables and fruit separate ? 8 if he did not give me an instruction , i will not give the patient surgery 9 he behaved very courtesy , so i find his attitude has changed 10 in other words , i thought he could not introduce myself to us , isn't it ? 11 this called Lucy the girls that is enthusiastic and friendly 12 he lives in near the town of local 13 our town is twice that of them " great 14 his clothes and my clothes in color line
您可能关注的推广回答者:回答者:翻译句子(8分,每空0.5分)小题1:除了提供好的收入,他们还提供一套新公寓给我住。In ________ to a goo_百度知道
翻译句子(8分,每空0.5分)小题1:除了提供好的收入,他们还提供一套新公寓给我住。In ________ to a goo
村民们以他的名字命名学校.小题6.5分)小题1。My sister always doesn’t _________ things in _________.小题4,对新闻很敏感:除了提供好的收入
翻译句子(8分。In ________ to a good income:我妹妹总是不把东西整理好:我们应该采取积极的措施改善贫困家庭的状况.小题2.小题8:她是个好记者. She ________ a good ________ for news。The villagers __________ the school ________ the hero in memory of him.小题3,已有25人在火灾中丧生。To _________ fit:据报道,每空0.小题7:为了身体健康。We should _________ positive steps to improve the _________ of families in poverty, he would rather run to work _________ take the bus:他戴上墨镜以遮挡强烈的阳光,他们还提供一套新公寓给我住, they are ________ me a new flat,他宁愿跑步上班而不挤公共汽车。She is a good reporter:为了纪念英雄。It is _______ that 25 people had been ________ in the fire.小题5。He is wearing sunglasses to __________ his eyes _________ the strong sunlight
name after,place小题6,offering小题2,from小题7,状况situation小题3:take:reported,宁愿做…而不愿would rather do than do小题8:保持健康keep fit ,和be动词连用offering小题2,situation小题3:小题1,用过去式小题5:named:对…很敏感have a good nose for:in addition to:offer sb sth,after小题4
小题1:put:keep:采取措施,动词的时态语态:结合汉语意思:addition:take steps:除了,than小题8,注意句子的主谓一致,丧生be killed点评,选用适当的句型和短语:had:据报道:protect,killed
试题分析,名词的单复数等:It is reported that …,from小题7:以…命名,提供某人某物,结合所给提示,用过去式named小题4:把东西整理好put sth in place小题6:保护…免受…protect,nose小题5
1. Write an article about... Article 2. The history of rugao 3. Looks not very healthy 4. Lucky enough to do STH 5. If May 6. A natural attractions 7. Fresh air 8. A new railway station 9. Moved into a new apartment 10. Bring your dictionary to lend me 11. Put into use/service 12. In elementary school 13. 14. Alone have the same feeling 15. The dictionary to find it 16. Currently 17. In the past 18. From... 19. Not far in the past, it was 20. A quiet place to 21. Riding a bicycle (two) 22. Take the train to 23. Brings many advantages 24. Cause a lot of problems 25. Describe the accident 26. Build a bell tower 27. Just to give you how to get there. And look unpleasant 29. Don't look May 30. China's development 31. Very like and someone chat 32. Protect the environment 1. Different time traffic tools 2. The sunshine town to change 3. From then on 4. Move 5. In the small town south of 6. Until... Until... 7. 8. The town centre in married 9. Buy a gift for his wife 10. Change a lot of 11. In the midst of the years 12. The... Into... 13. And... 14. And play CARDS... Play Chinese chess 15. A pleasure trip 16. In those factories 17. Used to do something and the waste dump in the river. 19. The inside of the waste to take action to reduce toxin 20. 21. Pollution than before. In some ways 22 23. Open space 24. To move elsewhere 25. Feel a little lonely and sometimes 27. Make me happy and sometimes 29. For someone to an interview with... 30. 31. In fact 32. Sentence I've ever seen the best model in 33 exhibition winter vacation work.
您可能关注的推广英语翻译1 我就在你家楼下2 他每天上班都会从这里经过3 我就住在你家 楼上 / 楼下 【注:指的是不同的楼层,比如 8楼和 9 楼间的楼上,楼下关系】4 我住在你家对面的楼上 5 我住在你对面大楼的六楼英语翻译 6 一_百度作业帮
英语翻译1 我就在你家楼下2 他每天上班都会从这里经过3 我就住在你家 楼上 / 楼下 【注:指的是不同的楼层,比如 8楼和 9 楼间的楼上,楼下关系】4 我住在你家对面的楼上 5 我住在你对面大楼的六楼英语翻译 6 一支车队遭遇了袭击 ( 怎么说谢谢哈)
1 I am in your home downstairs2 he will from here after work every day3 I have lived in your house I live in your house opposite upstairs5 I live across from you to the sixth floor of the building 6 team suffered attacks
1. I am downstairs in your home
I was in your home downstairs.he goes to work will pass through here every day.i have lived in your house upstairs.i live in the upstairs acr...
您可能关注的推广回答者:(1/2)英语翻译:一片常年不角阳光的森林中央住着一个贫苦的农民和他的妻子_ _a poor farmer and his wif..._百度知道
(1/2)英语翻译:一片常年不角阳光的森林中央住着一个贫苦的农民和他的妻子_ _a poor farmer and his wif...
(1/2)英语翻译:一片常年不角阳光的森林中央住着一个贫苦的农民和他的妻子_ _a poor farmer and his wife in th
为你解答。一片常年不角阳光的森林中央住着一个贫苦的农民和他的妻子。(There lived)a poor farmer and his wife in the middle of a forest without sunshine all year.
亲,题目有点小不完整,根据多年经验,应该填 There lives


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