e-mail.ru 注册:info@kdvm.ru

腾讯企业邮箱,用心你看得见 - 热线:400-100-3366¥750元/年5人无限邮箱容量32G个人中转站5G企业网盘¥14000元/年100人无限邮箱容量32G个人中转站100G企业网盘¥50000元/年500人无限邮箱容量32G个人中转站500G企业网盘自助询价我想要购买:&&个用户&&&参考价为:&&0.00元/年申请试用登记,我们将在24小时内为您免费开通和介绍产品联系人联系电话所在地区广东福建广州汕头Lehigh e-Mail
Remember - Never e-mail your Lehigh password. Never login to any
website with your Lehigh username and password if the website address
doesn't end with "lehigh.edu/".
is available for current
Students, Faculty and Staff.
Alumni can use myLehigh
Migrate your Lehigh mail to Lehigh GMail (or another system) using
(the Lehigh Email Migrator).
Read Lehigh e-mail via
(faculty and staff)
web page to manage your Lehigh account
To adjust settings such as vacation messages, use the settings
button/gear icon in Lehigh GMail.
If you are still using the
new legacy mail system you can adjust a small number of settings from the
such as disk quotas, e-mail forwarding,
vacation messages and configuring spam tagging/filtering.
If you are
using Lehigh GMail or the legacy system, use the
for setting up e-mail aliases and subscribing to daily Lehigh
Find a Person by name, username or 5-digit Lehigh phone number:
To search by last
name & initial, use the initial, asterisk, and last name: A*
Subscribe to campus mailing lists - .
You can also subscribe to mailing lists in
. Lehigh Google groups are user managed so anyone with a
Lehigh Google account can create and manage a group (mailing list).
Read Lehigh's computer and Network use policy.
Contact the Helpdesk
Mail Notes
SMTP (outgoing) on port 587 with TLS Encryption and Authentication is
required for people configuring all client (MUA) computers which
relay traffic through Lehigh. For reading mail, SSL IMAP on port 993 is required.
If you are using , follow these configuration instructions.
is now at version 0.98.4 and scanning all mail, both
incoming and outgoing.
Additional anti-phishing and scam signatures
are also installed.
is installed and tagging
messages as SPAM.
You can report spam messages
or by email
Note - When
reporting a spam message be sure to forward it with all headers (such
as using the "as attachment" option in thunderbird).
SPAM messages
should be automatically filtered in a folder called SPAM.
Mail to addresses identified as a phishing site are automatically
blocked, and the message "This address has been blocked due to
phishing" is displayed.
If you've received a phishing message and did
respond with your password, please go to the
and change
your password, so the phisher's can't use it.
Because we have quotas on incoming mailboxes and many external
servers have limits on e-mail, please use the
for transfering large files (over 20 MB).
For sharing collections of photos,
a free service such as
may be what you need.
For collaboration, you may want to use google docs, which you can access with your lehigh accounts via .
Learn how to recognize
by completing the LTS-Security course in coursesite.Oracle Communications Home Page


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