用现在进行时的被动语态态写一篇关于quickly taking notes in class的的作文

2013 年高考英语专项突破 基础写作 掌握解题绝技 ◆ 一条黄金法则 与[写作内容]中规定的内容有关的,能写一点就写一点,哪怕是不成句子的零星的 一个或几个单词, 也一定要写, 千万不留空白! 这是基础差的考生必须记住的黄金法则。 因为从近年广东高考英语阅卷情况看, 只要能写出与写作内容相关的一个或几个单 词就能给分!若能用正确的简单句表达全部内容的,可以得该题满分的 60%,即 9 分,
这已大大超过全省的平均分了! 但是若是抄试卷中阅读理解等地方的段落或句子, 或者乱写一些与写作内容无关的 话,写得再多也是零分! ◆ 三个重要基础 根据广东高考基础写作的评分标准中“句子结构准确”的要求,我们必须具备有关 句子结构的三点基础: 1. 掌握六个基本句型结构 所谓简单句就是由一个主语(包括并列主语)和一个谓语(包括并列谓语)组成的 句子,即一个主谓关系的句子。 (1) 主+谓: (2) 主+谓+宾: (3) 主+谓+双宾: (5) 主+系+表: (6) There be 句型: He studies very hard. 他学习非常努力。 We enjoy sports. 我喜欢运动。 Sports bring me happiness. 运动给我带来快乐。 Exercise is very beneficial. 运动益处多多。 There are three reasons why I like it. 我喜欢它有三个原因。(4) 主+谓+宾+宾补: Exercise makes me healthy. 运动使我健康。特别提醒:根据历年高考阅卷的情况,考生写句子最易犯的错误是:不用 be 时却 用了,或者该用 be 时却没用。因此,我们须注意: ①英语句子通常要有谓语动词,否则就不完整。如表达“他很累” ,不能说 He tired. 而要说 He is tired。因为 tired 是形容词,句中无动词。切记:当句子意思完整,但句中 没有动词时,一定要加上 be。 ②当句中已有谓语动词时,若不是进行时态或被动语态,一定不要再用 be。如表 达“他昨天来过这里” ,不能说 He was came here yesterday。而要说 He came here yesterday。 2.掌握并列复合句的结构 所谓并列句就是两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词组合在一起构成的句子。即: 简单句+并列连词(and, but, yet, or, etc.)+简单句。如: Work hard, or you will fail. 努力工作,否则你就要失败。 I made no answer and she went away. 我没有回答,接着她就走了。 She invited me, but I turned her down. 她请了我,但我拒绝了她。 3.掌握主从复合句的结构1 2013 年高考英语专项突破 复合句指的是含有两个或更多的主谓结构的句子, 其中有一个(或更多)主谓结构充 当整个句子的某一(些)成分。 充当定语的句子(有主谓结构)叫定语从句, 充当状语的句 子叫状语从句,充当主语、宾语或同位语的句子叫名词性从句。主句与从句之间用关联 词(when, before, until, unless, if, although, that, which, who, when, where, etc.)连接起来。 大体上可表述为以下两种结构: (1)主句+关联词+从句 He was fond of drawing when he was a child. 他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。 (2) 关联词+从句,主句 When he was a child, he was fond of drawing. 他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。 特别提醒:凡是有两个或多个句子(有主谓关系的为句子),如果之间没有句号或分 号,就必须要有连词,否则句子就不完整。 ◆ 五个解题步骤 1. 仔细审题,明确具体要求 审题一般应包括:(1) 文章主题;(2) 内容信息;(3) 主体时态;(4) 主体人称。 2. 列出要点,分成五组句子 根据中文提纲、表格或图表等,以及题头的所有中文说明,特别是[内容要点],列 出所有信息点,并根据信息点之间的逻辑关系,合并或拆分成五组句子。 3. 善用语言功底,译好每组句子 将五组句子翻译成英语,并将其整合成五个句子来表达。 4. 根据逻辑关系,连成通顺短文。 根据各句之间的逻辑关系, 使用恰当的连接性词语或适当增加词语, 将五句话连成 一篇通顺自然的短文。 5. 核查准确无误,认真规范书写 连句成篇后,还要通读检查一遍,根据评分标准,应着重检查一下内容: (1) 查内容信息是否完整。 (2) 查句子结构是否完整。如英文句子除祈使句外一定要有主语和谓语,还要注意 主谓一致;两个句子之间一定要有连接。 (3) 查是否有单词拼写错误、时态错误等。 (4) 看整个语篇是否连贯。 在准确无误后, 用规范的书法认真书写, 做到整洁美观, 给评卷老师留下美好印象。 写完后再度核查,以防抄写时出错。 ◆ 熟记关联词语 篇章结构连贯是三大评分标准之一, 因此, 我们在写作时, 除按逻辑组合信息点外, 还必须学会灵活运用连接性词语。 除连接并列句的连接词和引导主从复合句的连接词之 外,特别推荐用以下关联词语: 类别 最常用的连接性词语 表 起 first of all, according to, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as far as I know,2 2013 年高考英语专项突破 始 as for me 等表 递 besides, what’s more, what’s worse, further more, in addition to 等 进 表 并 also, as well (as), or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, both…and 等 列 表 因 therefore, thanks to, as a result (of), because of, due to, owing to 等 果 表 强 above all, indeed, surely, certainly, of course, at least, obviously 等 调 表 解 that is to say, in other words, believe it or not, to tell you the truth 等 释 表 比 just as, just like, in the same way, similarly, instead 等 较 表 空 on the left/ right, to the left/ right of, on one side of… on the other side of…, at the 间 foot/ top/ end of, in the middle/ centre of 等 at first, in the beginning, next, then, later, about two months later, after a while, 表 时 soon, soon after that, after that, afterwards, since then, meanwhile, in the end, at 间 last, finally, for the first time, the next moment, up to now, before long, from then on, sooner or later 等 表 转 however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in spite of, after all, in fact, as a matter 折 of fact 等 或 对 比 表 列 for one thing…for another (thing)…; first(ly), second(ly), third(ly), finally/ last but 举 not the least(最后但同等重要的)等 表 举 for example/ instance, take…for example, such as, as follows, and so on 等 例 表 in short, in a word, in conclusion, in brief, generally speaking, to sum up, all in all 总结 等 ◆ 运用英语谚语 谚语是洋溢着文化气息的哲理性语言,是智慧的结晶。在写作中,如果考生能够恰 当地运用一两句,可增强文章的表现力,提升作文层次,让阅卷老师眼前一亮。现辑录 以下写作中常用的谚语: 1. A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 2. A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己。 3. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩. 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。3 2013 年高考英语专项突破 5. A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 6. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 7. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不用请医生。 9. Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好。 10. Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 11. Details are the key to success. 细节决定成败。 12. Do nothing by halves. 凡事不可半途而废。 13. Every man is his own worst enemy. 最大的敌人就是自己。 14. Fact speaks louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 15. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 16. Health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。 17. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。 18. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实总是上策。 19. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。 20. It is love that makes the world go around. 爱使世界更美好。 21. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。 22. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 23. One is never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。 24. Practice makes perfect. 熟能成巧。 25. Rome is not built in a day. 冰冻三尺非一日之寒。 26. The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 27. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 28. Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 29. To stand still is to move back. 逆水行舟,不进则退。 30. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 31. When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 32. Where there is life there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 33. Well begun is half done. 好的开始,是成功的一半。 34. You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret to success.人要有自信,这是成功的秘 诀。 作文中谚语运用举例: (1) So if you want to learn English well, work harder. Just as the saying goes, “no pains, no gains”. 如果你想学好英语,勤奋些,正如谚语所说的, “一份耕耘,一份收获” 。 (2) As the proverb says, “Everything has two sides”. On the one hand, physical exercise is good for your health. On the other hand, if you don’t deal with it properly, it will do harm to your health. So we should look at the matter from two sides. 正如谚语所说的, “任何事物4 2013 年高考英语专项突破 都是一分为二的” 。一方面体育运动对身体有益;另一方面,如果处理不当,就会对身 体有害。因此,我们应当一分为二地看待事物。1.活动安排 活动安排包括对来访者活动的安排、课外活动的安排、比赛通知、晚会通知、演讲 通知等。因为这都是未来活动的具体安排,所以通常用一般将来时或现在进行时。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. the Students Union 学生会 2. win/get the first prize 获得一等奖 nd 3. 3 2 prizes 三个二等奖 4. the school lecture hall 学校阶梯室 5. sign up (for…) 报名(参加……) 6. pay a visit to 参观(某地) 相 7. participate in 参加 8. show sb. around 带领某人参观某地 关 9. be responsible for 为……负责 10. increase knowledge 增长知识 短 11. organize an activity 12. improve our spoken English 语 组织一次活动 提高口语水平 13. show gratitude to sb. 向某人表示感激之情 14.exchange small gifts with each other 互相交换小礼物 1. It’s a pity that you have to go back soon, so a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club at 6:00 pm this Saturday evening.你很快就要回去,所以我 们将于本周六晚上六点在阳光俱乐部 302 房举行欢送会。 2. I’m writing to (do sth.)我写信的目的是…… 3. If you are interested in …, please take part in the writing contest held by…如果你 对……感兴趣,请参加……比赛 相 4. In the morning you can fires visit…After that, you can go to… In the afternoon, I suggest you visit…where not only can you enjoy…but also you can…上午, 你可以先参 关 观……然后,你可以去……下午,我建议你参观……在那里你不但可以欣赏……而 且你还可以…… 句 5. Our outdoor activity will last 3 hours, and we’ll be back at about 11:00. 我们的户外 活动将继续 3 个小时,大约 11 点返回。 式 6. If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements. 如果你有兴趣, 请在下周四下午五点前到 办公室报名,以便我们作必要的安排。 7. Those who would like to attend it can go to…and sign your names there. 凡是愿 意参加的人可以去……那里报名。 8. All are welcome. 欢迎大家参加。 Dear students, The Students’ Union has decided to organize a music week, which will be held in the 经 first week of May. There will be different kinds of activities, including singing pop songs 典 and playing classical and folk music as well as a music contest. And in the contest the 范 students will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then guess where it comes 文 from. If you’d like to take part in the music week, please come and sign up for it before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later. Come to the great fun!5 2013 年高考英语专项突破 注 英汉表达差异:(1)汉语是先时间后地点,而英语是先地点后时间;(2)汉语中时间 意 地点由大到小,而英语是由小到大。2.经历感受 叙述经过就是叙述已经经历过的事情,包括故事、通讯报道、日记周记等,以一般 过去时为主,按事情发生的时间先后来记叙。如: 1. 表示时间:once upon a time, one day, the next day, last Friday, on the morning of April 5 2. 表 示 先 后 : at first, then, after that, twenty minutes later, afterwards, soon, immediately, during, at last, in the end, finally, when, while, after, before 3. 常用句式:(1) at first…then… five minutes later… after that… finally/ in the end/ at last…开始时……然后……五分钟之后……最后…… ◆ 晨读背诵 1. have a discussion 讨论 2. learn from sb. 向某人学习 3. search the Internet 上网查询 4. see sb. off 为某人送行 5. a five-day tour 为期五天的旅行 6. drop out of school 辍学 7. live a …life 过着……的生活 8. pay the tuition fees 支付学费 9. once-in-a-life-time 难得的 10. together with sb. 同某人一起 相 11. win the first prize 获得一等奖 12. come to a conclusion that… 关 13. be thought highly of 得出结论如下 短 受到高度赞扬 语 14. take great pains to do sth. 不遗余力地做 15. packed sth. into the suitcase 把某物装进箱子 16. set a good example for us 为我们树立了一个好榜样 17. devote one’s spare time to helping others 利用业余时间帮助他人 18. be impressed by…. 对……印象深刻;为……所感动 1. Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell.我们正在上语文课,老师突然滑到了。 2. We were about to set off when it began to rain. 我们正要出发,这时天下起雨来 了。 相 3. 关I had just lain down when the telephone rang. 我刚刚躺下,这时电话铃响了。 4. 句Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience started cheering. 他一演讲完 观众就欢呼起来。 式 (同义句式:no sooner…than/ as soon ) 5. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. 一到达,我们就开始工作。 6. On hearing the bell, students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could. 一听到 铃声,学生都尽快跑进教室。6 2013 年高考英语专项突破 7. Shortly after I let him come in, he cried on his desk. 我让他进来后不久,他就伏在 桌上哭了起来。 8. After that we had a party. S others danced or told stories in turn. 在 那之后,我们举行了聚会。有人唱歌,有人跳舞或轮流讲故事。 9. Moved by his words, I praised him for his deeds. 我被他的话感动了,我赞扬了他 的行为。 10. Seeing this, she shouted, “Stop the thief!” 看见这种情况,她喊“捉贼啊! ” 11. What attracted us most was that the water there was so clear. 最吸引我们的是那 儿的水是如此的清澈。 12. I’ll never forget the day when we stayed on the farm. 我永远也不会忘记我们呆 在农场的那一天。 13. I feel very relieved to see the Aids children so happy. 看到这些艾滋耳洞如粗快 乐,我感到很欣慰。 14. During the visit, we were excited to find that farmers are living a better life. 参观 期间,我们发现农民改善了生活,感到非常兴奋。 [交待时间、地点、事由]We bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees on the morning of April 12th, talking and laughing all the way. [记叙活动过程] Upon arrival, we began 经 to work immediately. Som some were carrying and planting young 典 trees, and others were watering them. After getting the work done, we put up a board 范 reminding people to protect the trees. Before leaving, we took some photos to record our 文 green action. [ 感受与活动意义 ] Seeing the lines of trees, we all had a sense of achievement.3.学习生活 中学生日常学习与生活交往,包括问候、感谢、询问学习中的问题等。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1.ask sb. for advice 请某人指点 2.remind sb.of sth.让某人想起某事 3. adapt to the life here 适应这里生活 4.solve problems 解决问题 5. be active in 在 ….. 方 面 很 积 极 6.take an active part in 积极参与 7.be skilled in 在某方面熟练 8.team up with sb.与某人合作 9.be strict with sb. 对 某 人 要 求 严 格 10.communicate with sb.与…交流 11.be bound to do sth.一定会做某事 12.under discussion 在讨论中 13.be faced with difficulty 面 临 困 难 14.preview one’s lessons 预习功课 15. 相 bear…in mind 牢记 16.go over one’s lessons 复习功课 17.bury 关 oneself in 埋头于 18.practise pronunciation 练习发音 19. 短 concentrate on/focus on 专心于 20.turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 21.fail 语 to do sth.未能做某事 22.get a high score 考高分 23. encourage sb. to do sth. 24.have a better grasp of7 2013 年高考英语专项突破 更好地掌握…… 26.realize one’s dream 实现梦想 28.in the process of 在…的过程中 30.receive an award 获奖 32.enlarge one’s vocabulary 扩大词汇量 34.improve one’s English 提高英语 水平 1.I almost buried myself in books every day, going over my lessons and doing a lot of exercises. 相 我这几天每天都埋头读书,复习功课和做习题。 关I will appreciate it if you give me a hand to solve the problems. 2. 句如果你能帮助解决这个问题,我将非常感谢。 式I have some trouble in collecting the relevant materials. 3. 我在收集相关资料时有困难 [遇到难题]As high school students, we are bound to run into one difficulty after another in the process of learning. Everyone has their own way to deal with them. Here I would like to share mine.[自己解决]When I am faced with difficulty, I usually 经 choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages. In this way, I can not only work 典 it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by myself. [求助他 人 范]However, when it is something beyond my competence, I will turn to my classmates 文 or teachers for help. Sometimes, I will also ask my parents for advice.[取 得进步]As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies. 鼓励某人做某事 25.have a talent for 有……的天赋 27.improve my ability 提高我的能力 29.lose heart 灰心 31.make progress 取得进步 33.relevant learning materials 相关的学习资料4.理由建议 因为陈述理由、分析原因和提出建议三方面常常伴随在一起,因此将其归在一起。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1.top students 尖子生;高材生 2.draw sb’s attention to 使…注意 3.relieve the pressure form family 4. give sb. a hand 减轻家庭负担 帮助某人;助某人一臂之力 5.get high grades/marks 获 得 高 分 6.be appropriate for/to 适合 7.build an active life attitude 8.develop/from good habits 建立积极的人生态度 养成良好习惯 9. 相a wise choice 一个明智的选择 10.do sb. good 对某人有益 11. 关 take/follow sb’s advice 12.take part in after-class activities 短 听从某人的劝告 参加课外活动 13. 语 the Information Age 信息时代 14.build up our body 强健身体 15. keep in touch with sb. 16.broaden our horizon 同某人保持联系 开拓我们的视野 17. gather information 收集信息 18.do harm to 损害;对……有害 19. visit your website 访问你的网站 20.heart-to-heart talks 倾心交谈 21.recommend a topic to you 22.enrich our knowledge 给你推荐一个话题 丰富我们的知识8 2013 年高考英语专项突破 23.at the appointed time 在约定的时间 24.prove to sb. that 向某人证明 25. give sb. advice on 26.make your school life colorful 给某人提出关于…..的建议 让你的学习生活丰富多彩 27.with the joint efforts of both teachers 28.make some suggestions and students 由于师生的共同努力 提出建议 1. The main reason is that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities.其主要原因是父母的压力使他们几乎没有时间参加其他活动 2. The reason why I’m late is that I missed the bus.我迟到的原因是没赶上公共汽 车。 3. I like it very much mainly for two reasons.我喜欢它,主要有两个原因。 4. In my opinion, there are three reasons for this.在我看来,有三个原因。 5. 相 My views are based on he following reasons.我的观点是基于以下理由。 6. 关 The reasons for this are as follow.其理由如下。 7. 句 So I suggest that you take your friends’ advice.因此, 我建议你接受你朋友的建议。 8. 式 Here I have some suggestions.这里我有几条建议。 9. It would be better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.如果你能负担更多的家务,入扫地、洗衣、做饭,那就更好了。 10. For one thing…and for another (thing)一来……二来…… 11. First of all/first/To begin with…Second(ly)/Then/Besides/In addition/What’s more…finally/Lastly/Last but not least…首先, ……其次/然后/还有/此外…/最后但 同等重要的是 As a student of your age, I understand your situation and the problem you are facing is common among us teenagers. However, you should understand your mother and it 经 is wise not to do anything that may hurt your mother ’s feelings.[ 引 出 建 议 ] Suggestions 典 on how to deal with the problem can be listed as follows.[列举建议] First, it 范 ’s advisable to talk more with your mom,(理由)which will help you understand each other 文 better, Second, you should learn to do your own things well by yourself,(理由) proving to your mom that you are already a “Grown-up”. It’s even better if you could share more of the housework, such as cleaning, washing and cooking.5.说明重要 说明重要性属议论文,首先指出某事很重要,然后举例说明为什么重要,也可以正 反论证,最后得出结论或表达我们应该如何去做好它。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1.for example/instance 例如,比方说 2.be responsible for 对…负责 3.take…for example 以…为例 4.miss opportunities 错失良机 5.make good use of 充 分 利 用 6.be happy with sth.对…感到满意 7.attach great importance to… 8.have an effect on 非常重视…… 对……产生影响 相 9.have a good mood 有一个好心情 10.with time passing by 随着时间的推移 关 11. the first and most important step 12.recover from the illness 短 第一步也是最重要的一步 痊愈,康复9 2013 年高考英语专项突破 语 13.cooperate with others 同别人合作 14.an attitude toward life 一种对生活态度 15.develop good relationship with sb. 16.as a famous saying goes 与某人建立良好的关系 正如俗话所说 17.in cooperation with 18.be grateful to sb.(for sth.) 与……合作 因某事感谢某人 19.play an important role in 20.accomplish/achieve/reach/attain one’s 在...起着重要作用 goals 达到某人的目标 21.accomplish their task 22. express your gratitude (to sb. for sth.) 完成任务 (因某事向某人)表达你的感激之情 23.make me feel relaxed 使我感到轻松 1.I think it is very important for parents to cultivate their children’s independence.我 认为父母培养孩子的独立性很重要。 相 2.More and more people begin to attach great importance to relationship.越来越多 关 的人开始非常重视人际关系了。 句 3.Protecting water is of great importance to the life in the future.保护水资源对未来 式 生活非常重要。 4.The Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.英特网在 我们日常生活正起着越来越重要的作用。 [指出重要] It’s very important and necessary and necessary for us students to keep the habit of taking notes in class. [说明理由] First, the students will be more careful 经 in class if he keeps busy in taking notes. What’s more, if we take notes in class, we’ll 典 not forget what the teachers say so easily. More important of all, it is convenient for 范 the students to review the knowledge after class. [ 得出结论 ] From the above 文 analysis, we may arrive at the conclusion that taking notes in class is of great importance.6.现象分析 现象属说明文,一般先指出某地存在某种现象,然后说明这种现象产生的原因,最 后提出建议或呼吁杜绝这种现象。通常用一般现在时态。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1.stay up late 熬夜 2.pour more money into 投入更多资金 3.plays an important part 起着重要作用 4.the whole society 全社会 5.choose to do 选择做…… 6. donate books to them 捐书给他们 7.owning to lack of money 由于缺钱 8.show concern for 关心 9.feel sleepy 感到困乏 10.as a result 结果 相 11. tend to do sth. 易于;倾向 12.grow tired of 厌倦了… 关 13.improve the situation 改善这种情况 14.take up too much time 占用太多时间 短 15.take measures 采取措施 16.take exercise 锻炼;做运动 语 17.sty slim 保持身材苗条 18.creative thinking 创造性思维 19.the college entrance examinations 20.mean everything to sb 大学入学考试(高考) 对某人来说意味着一切 21.be keen on 对……感兴趣 22collect money 筹集资金10 2013 年高考英语专项突破 23. 80% of the students 24.reform the current educational system 百分之八十的学生 改革现行教育制度 25. The worst thing is that.. 26.migrant schools 最糟糕的是…… 农民工子弟学校 1.A latest survey shows that the health of Chinese youngsters has greatly declined.最 近的调查表明,中国青少年的健康大大下降了。 2. In fact, the morning meal plays an important part because it can provide 30 percent of the whole day’s energy. 实际上,早餐起着重要的作用,因为它提供了整 个身体能量的 30%. 3. As a result, these students tend to feel sleepy all day and have bad memories.结果, 这些学生整天昏昏欲睡,记忆力很差。 4. Owing to lack of money, most migrant schools have no modern equipment, no playground, no libraries, and even not enough teachers. 由于缺钱,大多数民工学校 没有现代设备,没有操场,没有图书馆,甚至没有足够的师资。 5. In order to improve the situation, our government should take measures to help them.为了改善这种情况,我们政府应当采取措施帮助他们。 [指出现象] Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs on the Internet. [分析原因]For one thing, it can provide them a colorful window to show their ideas and for another, it is a way for them to release their pressure. However, many parents and teachers are worried about it. They fear that managing a blog will take a lot of time and energy, which will have a bad effect on their lessons. [作者观点] In my opinion, I do prefer this activity because the Internet is playing a more important and necessary part in our life and in the Information Age, we high school students have to learn and make the most of this useful tool to communicate and show ourselves.相 关 句 式经 典 范 文7. 正反观点 正反观点的陈述属议论文,通常先提出一个主题,接着陈述正方观点及理由,然后 点明反方观点及理由,最后才亮出作者的观点。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1.have a discussion about 讨论了…… 2.accompany sb. 陪某人 3.express oneself 表达自己的意思 4.get cheated 上当受骗 相 5.a waste of time 浪费时间 6.have a class meeting 开班会 关 7.hold the opinion that 8. the disadvantaged groups 短 持有……的观点 弱势群体 语 9.fall/get into the habit of 10. the majority/minority of…… 养成……的习惯 大多数/少数的 11.make a living 谋生 12.in general 总体来说 13.what’s more 此外 14.disapprove of 不赞同 15. urge sb. to do sth. 16.as far as I am concerned 敦促某人做某事 就我看来 1. Recently we have had a discussion about whether parents should accompany their11 2013 年高考英语专项突破 children at school. 最近我们讨论了父母是否该在学校陪读。 2. Nearly 70% of us disagree because they think it makes them fall into the habit of 相 dependence. 我们中有将近 70%的人不赞同,因为他们认为这会使他们养成依赖 关 性。 句 3. While about 30% of my classmates think it necessary for our parents to accompany us. 式 而我的同学中大约 30%的人认为父母有必要陪读。 4. Some people say yes ,who think that the Internet helps make friends on line.有些人同 意,他们认为互联网有助于网上交友。 5. My opinion is that students should place their study, health and safely before other things.我的意见是学生应该把学习、健康、和安全放在其他事情之前。 The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about whether we should stay at home or go out for travelling in the holiday. [正方观点及理由]Some students are in favor of staying at home. They think that it’s both convenient and 经 comfortable. What’s more, they can save money for other purposes though they will lose 典 the chance of getting to know the outside world. [正方观点及理由] However, other 范 prefer to go out for travelling because it can increase their knowledge and broaden their 文 horizon though they will spend some money and meet some troubles while traveling.[作者 观点] In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home for I can do what I like, such as reading, watching TV and helping my parents my parents with some housework.8. 调查报告 调查报告属说明文,一般是引出调查的时间,对象和主题,接着讲述调查的结果, 然后分析其中的原因,提出作者的希望等。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. make a survey 作了一次调查 2. according to the ssurvey 根据这项调查 3. rank first 位居第一 4. account for/take up 占(数字比例) 5. next in line 接下来 6.compared with 与…相比 7. be of the same age 同龄 8. have a lot in common 有很多共同点 9. be expert at 善于 10. get along well with 与…相处融洽 11. communicate with 与…交流 12. have a better understanding of 更好了解 13. struggle for 为…而奋斗 14. cultivate a good habit of 养成…的习惯 相 15. realize their dreams 实现梦想 16. in remote mountain areas 在偏远山区 关 17. be faced with 面对,面临着 18. earn enough money 赚到足够多的钱 短 19. be in favor of 支持,赞成 20. improve their life quality 提高生活质量 语 21. broaden one’s views 开阔眼界 22. achieve their life goals 实现人生目标 23. save money 存钱 24. improve my social skills 提高社交能力 25. junk food 垃圾食品 26. as for how to 至于怎么样 27. be reluctant to do sth 28. as can be seen from the table above 不愿意做某事 从上表可以看出 29. four in ten students 30. graduate from key universities 十分之四的学生 毕业于重点大学12 2013 年高考英语专项突破 1. Last week, we did a survey among 2600 students on “Who is your idol”. 上周我们就 “谁是你的偶像”在 2600 人中进行了调查。 2. Recently our League Committee has carried out a survey, whose results are as follows. 最近我们团委进行了一次调查,其结果如下。 3. According to the survey, about half of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble. 根据调查结果,大约一半的学生有困难的时候会去找他们的 同学或朋友。 4. Different persons may have different choices on how to spend pocket money. 关于 怎样使用零花钱,不同的人有不同的选择。 5. A recent survey suggests that students are different from each other in learning styles. 最近的一项调查显示,学生在学习方式上是各有差异的。 6. As is shown in the survey, drunk driving may result in serious accidents. 正如调查所 显示的那样,酒后驾驶会导致严重事故。 「时间, 对象和主题」 Last week, we made a survey among 500 Senior Two students on the most worrying problems in the 21st century. 「调查结果」The survey shows that 32% of the students think that they worry about the natural disasters most, for earthquakes and floods have taken many people’s lives. Besides, 29% of the students hold the opinion that environmental pollution is the most worrying problem while 17% of the students consider the housing problem to be the most worrying one. The percentage of the students who worry most about employment is the same as that of the students who worry most about food safety. 「作者观点」 As for myself, food safety is the most worrying problem because it is linked closely to our health and our generation.相 关 句 型经 典 范 文9. 人物简介 人物介绍一般是先描述这个人的外貌特征,接着主要讲述这个人的个性,习惯,爱 好以及学习或工作成绩等,最后作者提出自己对此人的评价或看法。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. set a new record 创下新纪录 2. have a gift for 在…方面有天赋 3. at the age of 在…岁时 4. during his childhood 在他童年时 5. as a young boy 他还是小男孩时 6. have a strong interest in 对…有浓厚兴趣 7. sense of humor 幽默感 8. be always ready to 总是乐于 9. modest and honest 谦虚诚实 10. open-minded and optimistic 乐观开朗 11. attend school 上学 12. go abroad for further study 出国留学 相 13. devoted one’s life 致力于 to 14. work hard 努力工作/学习 关 15. take an active part in 积极参加 16. overcome many difficulties 克服许多困难 短 17. be admitted to 被…录取;考入 18. graduate from 毕业于 语 19. be regarded as 被认为是 20. be honored as 被尊称为… 21. be honored for 因…而受尊敬 22. dream of being a writer 梦想成为作家 23. serve as a nurse 当护士 24. thanks to the help of sb 多亏某人的帮助 25. think highly of 高度评价 26. make contributions to 为…做出贡献 27. born in a poor family 28. receive the Nobel Prize in physics 出生于贫困家庭 获得诺贝尔物理奖13 2013 年高考英语专项突破 1. When he was a boy, he showed a great interest in math. 他小时候就对数学非常感兴 趣。 2. Born in a small town in 1812, Charles Dickens was able to attend school for only two years owing to his poor family. 查尔斯狄更斯于 1812 年出生在一个小镇,由于家里 穷,只上了两年的学。 3. As a teacher, she is kind, helpful and patient, so all of us like her. 作为一名教师, 她善 良,助人而有耐心,因此我们都喜欢她。 4. Wang Ping, an 18-year-old girl from Class 3. Senior 3, loves reading books. 王萍,来 自高三二班的一个十八岁女孩,热爱读书。 5. She is always ready to help her fellow classmates improve their reading. 她总是乐于 帮助同学提高他们的阅读。 6. She devoted herself to scientific research and make great contributions to her country. 她为科研献出了一切,对国家作出了巨大贡献。 7. He is considered to be one of the greatest scientists. 他被认为是最伟大的科学家之 一。 8. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her scientific achievement. 他因在 化学方面的科研成就被授予了诺贝尔奖。 Sun Shuwei, a world champion in diving, is a 14-year-old boy from Guangdong. He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team. A year later in 1990, he won a gold medal at the 11th Asian Games and became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championship相 关 句 型经 典 范 文10. 地点简介 地点介绍一般先要把这个地方所处的地理位置交代清楚, 然后介绍它的交通, 历史, 人口,自然风景等,最后讲这个地方比较显著的一些特点。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. neighbory 与…为邻 2. be made up of/consist of 由…组成 3. be located in 坐落在 4. serve as 当…用 相 5. has/with a history of 有…的历史 6. with/has a population of 有…人口 关 7. covers an area of 面积有 8. the third largest city 第三大城市 短 9. be famous for 以…而著名 10. a fantastic place 一个极好的地方 语 11. on its east lies…东边有… 12. a three-storeyed building 一栋三层楼的房子 13. be abundant in 盛产,丰富 14. be well-known as 作为…而出名 1. I would like to introduce my hometown to you. 我向你介绍一下我的家乡。 2. My homeyown, neighboring Hong Kong, is located in Guangdong Province.我的家 相 乡,毗邻香港,位于广东省。 关 3. Guangzhou, a city with a population of about 13 million, has a histoty of more than 句 2000 years. 广州,拥有一千三百万人口的一座城市,有两千多年的历史。 型 4. Covering a total area of 7434 square kilometers this city has a population of about 10 million. 这座城市占地面积达 7434 平方公里,人口大约是 。14 2013 年高考英语专项突破 5. It is abundant in natural resources such as gold and coal, and has mild climate. 它自然 资源丰富,如金矿和煤矿;气候温和。 6. Our school is no longer what it used to be. 我们学校再也不是过去的样子。 「地理位置」Taiwan Island, the largest island in our country, lies west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea on the north and the South Sea surrounding its southwest. To the west of the island is Fujian, another province of China. 「面积人口」Taiwan covers an area of about 36000 square kilometers with a population of over 20000. 「物产资源」 It is abundant in natural resources and bananas, rice, tea and so on are famous at home and abroad. 「景色气候旅游」The scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that travelers go in a continous stream for a visit throughout the world.经 典 范 文读写任务 ◆四条备考建议: 1. 将阅读和写作结合起来 在阅读课文或做完一篇阅读理解之后, 养成用大约 30 个词概括其内容要点的习惯, 并思考,假如命题人用这篇文章来命制读写任务题,可能如何命题;如果这样命题,我 们应该如何用英语来表达。 2. 将讨论热点新闻和写作结合起来 用英语讨论社会热点新闻可能是英语课堂的一个组成部分, 我们要积极参加, 因为 这是一种提高英语表达能力的好方法。如 2011 年有关佛山小女孩悦悦被撞,18 位路人 见死不救的新闻在当时引起全国人民关注,我们可以对此发表看法。如 (1)分析路人 不施救的原因; (2)假如你路过怎么办。 (3)如何避免类似事件的发生。然后用英语写 出来。 3. 坚持天天练,一天也不间断 每天可以花 20 分钟写一篇正规的读写任务,也可以针对日常学习或生活中的某件 事发表看法,自由表达思想,不局限词数,甚至越长越好。 4. 熟读优美句子,背诵作文范文 “熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 ”平时注意收集优美句子,熟读并背诵。平 时写作练习题的范文,最好也能背诵。 ◆ 八个解题步骤 1、 审题,明确具体要求 通过审题弄清楚写作的要求,包括文章主题、写作内容、只要时态、主题人 称等。其中主体人称,就是要确定以第几人称进行写作。 2、 根据写作内容,预测材料内容 如 2011 年高考写作要点 2 是“以约 120 个词讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家 的经历” ,据此,我们可以预测,本文的阅读材料应该是一篇记叙文,有可能是有关作 者或某人想家的经历。 这个人何时、 何地、 何原因想家呢?对他的学习和工作有影响吗?15 2013 年高考英语专项突破 他又是如何应对的呢?然后,带着这些疑问去阅读材料,迅速捕捉要点。 3、根据材料文体,抓住内容要点 阅读材料的文体特点,找出其内容要点。 (1)议论文:找出论点、论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句和结论句。如果文中 有一分为二的观点的,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。 (2) 记叙文: 找出时间 (when) , 地点 (where) , 什么人 (who) , 做了什么事 (what) , 结果怎么样(how)等要素。如果是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、感 悟。当然,最重要的要点是某人(who)做了某事(what) 。因此,概括中一般应包括: ①谁做了什么?(who did what) ②结果怎么样?(what was the result) ③文章揭示了什么?(包括作者的看法、观点、感悟,或写作目的。假如原文没有 提及,概括时可以不写) (3)说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句(多再首段) ,写概要时要找出中心句, 抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文,要找出“现象” 、 “造成这种现象的原因” 、 “解决这 种现象或问题的措施或建议” 。 (4)发言稿和书信:通常会很明确地表达观点或态度,写概要时要从发言者的言 语中明确作者的态度, 把握作者的写作目的。 或者先概括每段大意, 进而归纳全文主旨。 4、概括,转述作者观点 在找出文章的内容要点后, 就要用自己的话转述原文的内容要点。 我们要注意采用 同义替换、语态转换、合并句子等方式,避免抄袭之嫌。另外,不要以自己的观点代替 作者的观点。议论文可用以下开头语: (1) The passage/author argues that… 本文∕作者主张?? (2) The passage/author highlights the importance of …本文∕作者强调了??的重 要性。 (3) The passage/author discusses the impact of …本文∕作者讨论了??的影响。 (4) The passage/author compares…with…本文∕作者比较了??与?? 记叙文可用以下开头语: (1)The passage/story is mainly about…本文∕这个故事主要是关于?? (2)The author tells us a story about…作者告诉我们一个关于??的故事 (3)The passage is a story about… 本文是一个关于??的故事 (4)According to the passage, we know…根据短文,我们知道?? 5. 布局,紧扣三个要点 六年来的写作内容 2 都是 3 个要点,3 个要点做好依次用三个段落来写,每个 段落前最好用一个主题句,这样做既不会漏掉要点,又层次清楚,能让阅卷老师一 目了然。 最好用一句过渡的话来表达观点(赞成或反对)或引出类似的经历故事,使上 下文衔接得更加紧密。16 2013 年高考英语专项突破 议论文常用的句式有 表示赞同 (1)I do agree with the author. 我非常赞同作者的观点。 (2)I quite/totally agree with the writer. 我非常赞同作者的观点。 (3)I’m for the writer ’s idea that…我赞成作者的观点?? (4)I fully agree with the statement that… because/for…我完全赞成这种说 法??因为?? (5) I fully support the statement above because I am very sure…我完全支持上述 这种观点,因为我相信?? (6)I can’t agree more with what the writer said.我完全同意作者的观点。 (7)I share the same idea with the writer. 我的观点与作者完全相同。 表示不赞同 (1)I don’t agree with the writer. 我不赞同作者的观点。 (2)I am strongly against the writer ’s idea. 我强烈反对作者的观点。 (3)I partly agree with what the writer said. 我部分赞同作者的观点。 (4)In some way, I agree with…, but… 在某种程度上,我赞成??但是?? (5)What the writer said sounds reasonable. But… 作者所说的听起来很有道 理,但是?? (6)Some people argue as if it is a general truth that…. But to be frank, I can’t agree with them. 有人认为??好像是一个普遍事实,但是坦率地说,我并不赞同。 6、例证,论证自己的观点 议论文——在提出自己的观点后,就用具体的实力来论证自己的观点。 记叙文——编写与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的类似故事(亲身经历或虚 构) 。 在写好各个段落的主题句后,接着或提供论据,或说明理由,或分析原因,或 描写经过,才使文章有血有肉。 列举理由、原因、措施、建议、方法等时,需要用到一下表达: (1)On the one hand, … On the other hand, …一方面??,另一方面?? (2)For one thing, … For another…. 一则??,二则?? (3)To begin with/ First of all/ First(ly), … Second(ly),… Besides/ Furthermore/ What’s more, … Finally/ Last but not least… 首先??,其次??,此外/而且??, 最好 7. 结论,注意前后呼应 在文章最后,最好有一句总结性的话,以便前后呼应。以下可以作为总结句 的开头 (1)To sum up/ In short/ In conclusion/ In a word/ All in all, … 总之?? (2)Taking all the factors into account, we can draw a conclusion that… 考虑17 2013 年高考英语专项突破 到以上因素,我们可以得出这样的结论:?? (3)From the discussion above, it can be safely concluded that… 根据以上讨 论,可以得出这样的结论:?? (4)From what is mentioned above, we know… 依上所述,我们知道?? (5) To be brief, we should be aware of the importance of… 总之, 我们应当明白?? 的重要性。 (6)Therefore, it is necessary for us to…. 因此,我们有必要?? (7)Only in this way can we… 只有用这种方法,我们才能?? 8、 润色,使其锦上添花 一查人称是否符合要求, ;二查语法是否正确,特别是时态、主谓一致等,确保“语 言规范” ;三查逻辑关系,看前后观点是否一致,特别是你所举的例子与你要证明的观 点是否一致;四查是否使用一些较为高级的句型,如非谓语动词结构、with 短语、定 语从句、倒装句型、恰当的连接词等 ◆提高档次五招 1、表达精炼简洁 表达不要啰嗦,如果能用非谓语动词作定语或状语就不要用定语从句或状语从句。 2、避免低级错误 避免语法和拼写的低级错误,避免被扣印象分。 3、保证赏心悦目 注重书写美观,保持卷面整洁,提高印象分。 (1)切忌书写不清、涂涂抹抹; (2)保持单词之间的距离基本一致,一般为一个大写字母 A 的间隙; (3)措词只用一条横线或斜线划掉; (4)每段前空格大约 4 个字母的位置。 4、句子错落有致 根据表达需要,交叉使用长句和短句、简单句与复杂句。 5、句式多种多样 能用多样化句式,才能显示较强的语言功底,大大提高作文的档次。 (1)用 it is /was …that… 强调句式; (2)用做状语的介词短语开头的完全倒装或用以 only in this way 等开头的部分倒 装句; (3) 用 with 复合结构(with+宾语+宾补)做状语或定语; (4) 用非谓语动词; (5) 用 what 引导的名词性从句; (6) 恰当运用感叹句、被动句等; (7) 适当运用 however, in my opinion, fortunately, personally 等才插入语; (8) 尽量用短语代替单词来表达相同的意思;18 2013 年高考英语专项突破 (9) 恰当使用关联词语,做到过渡自然,结构紧凑,篇章连贯。 ◆如何写主题句 我们建议,读写任务的[写作内容] 2 的 3 个要点,每个要点单独放一个自然段,依 次分三个自然段。每个自然段段首写一个主题句,然后再围绕这个主题句展开。写主题 句的方法主要有一下几种: 1、直接回答 (1) 上文使你想起哪位对你老师最大的老师(2012 广东卷) This passage reminds me of my English teacher, Miss Li, who helped me a lot. 这篇文 章让我想起我的英语老师,李老师,她曾对我帮助很大。 (2) 你会怎样帮助贫困的儿童(2012 年汕头二模) As for me, I will donate my pocket money to the poor children around me. 2、翻译要点 (1) 中学生活和大学生活的区别(2008 年广东卷) From my point of view, college life will be different from the life in high school. 我认为,大学生活和中学生活是有差别的。 (2) 建设绿色校园的重要性(2011 年东山中学) It is of great importance to build a green campus.建设绿色校园是非常重要的。 3、明示观点 (1) 对作者写感谢信这种习惯的看法(2012 年茂名二模) I think highly of the author ’s habit of writing thank-you letters because… 我认为作者写感谢信这种习惯很好,因为?? (2) 你怎样看待老师对学生的影响(2012 年广东卷) From my own experience, I can safely draw a conclusion that a good teacher plays a really important role in students’ lives. 我从自身的经历可以得出如下结论: 一位优 秀的老师对学生的一生起着非常重要的作用。 4、引出经历 (1) 讲述一次你(或你的朋友)想家的经历(时间、地点和起因) (2011 年广东卷) Sam’s story reminds me of my similar experience. 山姆的故事让我想起我的一次类似的经历。 (2) 你或你的同学的一次留堂经历(2011 年佛山一模) This reminds me of my friend Li Hua’s experience in primary school. 这让我想起我小学的同学李华的一次留堂经历。 5、说出感受 (1) 你读这篇演讲稿后的感受(2011 年广州一模) After reading the speech, I felt really sorry for the student. 读了这篇演讲稿后,我真的为那个学生感到羞愧。 (2) 你读完这个故事(目标的重要性)的感受(2012 年揭阳二模) I was deeply inspired by such a story. 这个故事使我深受启发。 ◆主题展开方式 在写好主题句之后,我们还要通过各种方式展开主题,使文章饱满,有血有 肉,展开主题的方式有: 1、说明原因 “网上售票”引起人们不满的原因(2012 年湛江二模) (引出原因)Reasons for the problems of buying tickets on-line are divided. (分 析原因) On the one hand, for peasant workers, lacking the knowledge of computers has got19 2013 年高考英语专项突破 them into trouble. On the other hand, the ticket-selling system is not advanced enough to different situations. 网上购票的问题是有不同原因的,一方面,对于农民工来说,缺少 电脑知识使他们陷入麻烦;另一方面,售票系统也不够先进,不能处理不同情形。 2、阐明理由 你是否赞成文中对出国游学的看法?(2012 年广州二模) (提出观点)Though expensive, I still think study tours are worthwhile. (阐明理 由) “A million miles is better than a million books,” the saying goes, and my experience on my own-2-week study tour of the UK confirmed this. 尽管价格昂贵, 我依然认为游学是值 得的。俗话说: “读万卷书不如行万里路” ,而且我自己在英国两周的游学经历也证实了 这一点。 3、逐条举例 你认为建设绿色校园应该采取哪些措施(2011 年东山中学) (主题)In order to build a green campus, effective measures should be taken. (列举) On the one hand, the school should make rules and regulations to prevent students doing harm tot our green campus. On the other hand, students should enhance their awareness their awareness. (结尾) There is no doubt that our campus will be more beautiful if we pull together.为了建设绿色校园,应当采取有效措施。一方面,学校应该制定规章制度阻止 学生破坏我们的绿色校园。另一方面,学生应该提高环保意识。毫无疑问,如果我们齐 心协力,我们的校园就会变得更加美丽。 4、细化主题 你对考斯作弊的看法(2011 年揭阳二模) (主题)In my opinion, cheating in exams will have a very bad effect on middle school students’study habit. (细化)Those who often cheat in the exams will never treat study seriously because they believe they can get good marks without working hard. Those who never cheat in exams will consider it’s unfair for them, thinking studying hard is not necessary. 依我看,看是作弊对中学生的学习习惯有很坏的影响。考试经常作弊的人会 不再对学习认真, 因为他们认为不用努力学习也能得高分。 从不作弊的人会认为这对他 们不公平,认为没有必要努力学习。 5、说明结果 你对国家“禁止商场免费提供塑料袋”的看法(2008 年深圳一摸) It is necessary for the government to forbid shops from offering free plastic bags. With this ban, shopping customers would gradually form a habit of bring environmentally-friendly bags with them so that the consumption of plastic bags will be greatly reduced. 政府有必要 禁止商场提供免费塑料袋。有了这个禁令,购物者会逐渐养成带环保袋的习惯,塑料袋 的消耗就会大大减少。 6、叙述经过 你或你同学的留堂经历(2011 年佛山一摸)20 2013 年高考英语专项突破 (引出经历) This reminds me of my friend Li Hua’s experience in primary school. (叙 述经过) One day, he was still talking with another in class although the teacher had warned him several times . As a result, he had to stay for an extra hour after school. 这使我想起小 学时我的朋友李华的一次经历。有一天,尽管老四警告他好多次了,但他依然在同另一 个同学在课堂上交头接耳。结果,放学后他不得不留堂一小时。 7、举例证明 努力是成功的重要因素。 (提出观点)Efforts are the most important thing to help you achieve success. (举例) Take Helen Keller for example. Helen Keller was born deaf and blind. However, she made every effort to learn to speak and write. With a great deal of persistence, she finally became a writer and lecture, who also became an inspiration to all. 努力是帮助你去的成功的重要因 素。以海伦?凯勒为例,她天生又聋又瞎。然而,他尽最大努力学习说话和写字,由于 长期坚持,她终于成为一位作家和演讲家,她也成为一个鼓舞我们大家的人。 ◆文尾总结技巧 尽管写作中没有明确要求学生写总结, 但一篇带总结的文章会使结构更显完整, 在 阅卷时更能够争取更好的印象分。因此,建议考生用简短的语言总结全文。总结的方式 有以下几种: 【方法一】重申观点或概括内容 用简洁的语言概括各项写作内容,重申观点,起画龙点睛的作用。如: (1)In brief, college life is exciting and therefore I have been working hard to achieve my ambition of entering my ideal university, after which I will try to accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible. 简而言之,大学生活是令人兴奋的。因此,我一直努力, 希望自己可以进入理想的大学。进入大学后,我将设法尽快适应新环境。(2008 年广东 卷) (2)All in all, it is the love and education from school rather than suspensions that improve students’ behavior. 总而言之,改善学生行为的是爱与教育而不是停课。 (2009 年广州一摸) (3)To sum up, success results from hard work. 总之,成功是艰苦努力的结果。 (4)We can draw a conclusion that our society is progressing and people are living a better life than ever before. 我们可以得出一个结论,我们的社会在进步,人们的生活比 以往任何时候都更加美好。 【方法二】提出建议或进行呼吁 如果是反映社会现象或某种行为的文章, 考生可对此提出积极地呼吁或建议。 如: (1)Therefore, it is suggested that you should make friends with people having different genders, characteristics or backgrounds. 因此,建议你应当与不同性别、性格以 及背景的人交朋友。 (2)In conclusion, it is high time that visitors should stop taking photos with animals21 2013 年高考英语专项突破 and pay more attention to how to take better care of them. 总之,是我们该停止同动物拍照 并更好地照料他们的时候了。 (2009 年广东卷) (3)To conclude, it makes sense for school to deal with the misbehaving students in a sensible way. 结论是, 学校用合理的方式去处理那些调皮捣蛋的学生才是明智的。 (2009 年广州一模) (4)To summarize, emphasis should be placed on the problem of over-parenting so that children can be provided with more chances to become independent. 总之,应当重视父 母过分照顾子女的问题,以便孩子有更多的自立机会。 (2010 年广州一模) 【方法三】强调重要性 (1)To sum up, environmental protection is of great importance, which can make us live more comfortably and more healthily. 总之,环境保护非常重要,这会使我们生活 得更舒适更健康。 (2)In conclusion, parents’ sensibly dealing with the problem of over-parenting makes a difference, in which case their children will not be spoiled or become too dependent. 总之,父母正确处理好过分照顾孩子的问题很重要,这样小孩就不会被宠坏,也不会有 过分的依赖性。 (2010 年广州一模) 【方法四】围绕主题表明决心或信心 I am confident that I will make every effort to satisfy your demand of being brave and successful. 我相信我一定竭尽全力达到你的要求:勇敢和成功。 (2007 年广东高考卷) 总结全文时常用表总结性的词语,如:to sum up, to conclude, to summarize, in brief, in conclusion, all in all 等。此外,总结应简洁,建议只用一句话,且使用非限制性定语 从句或状语从句使观点更充分。如下句中下划线部分能使句子显得更有说服力。 To summarize, over-parenting prevents children from developing in an all-rounded way, which should not be encouraged. 简而言之,父母过分照顾孩子不利于孩子的全面发展, 这不应该提倡。 (2010 年广州一模) 要点各个击破 1. 叙述经历 这类要点中经常包含 “以你或你朋友的经历说明??”“讲述一次你或你朋友?? 的经历”等。叙述经历一般要包括记叙文的基本要素,即某人在何时何地因何原因作了 何事结果如何,或者说一般应包括时间、地点、起因、经过和结果。这个故事往往是与 阅读材料中的故事相类似,值得注意的是,所述经历一定要紧扣你所要说明的主题。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. After reading the story, I can’t help remembering? 读了这个故事后,我情不 自禁地想起?? 2. The story reminds me of a similar experience. 这个故事让我想起一次类似的 经历。22 2013 年高考英语专项突破 3. I also went through such an experience. 我也有过这样的经历。 4. The passage reminds me of another that happened?这个故事让我想到另一个 故事。这个故事发生在?? 5. The passage reminds me of my own experience of? Two years ago, I ? But when? As a result? 这篇文章/故事让我想起自己的一次??的经历。 两年前, 我?? 但是当??结果?? 6. I did have my own experience of doing ? Once when I ? However? At that time?我确实有??的经历。有一次,当我??但是??在那个时候? 7. On reading the story, my mind began its search for a similar experience. 读了这 个故事,我开始在脑海中寻找相似的经历。 8. It occurred to me that my friend had a similar experience.我突然想起我的朋友 的一次相似经历。 9. I still remember the day when…我仍然记得??的日子。 10. One of my friend’s experiences is a convincing example. 我朋友的一次经历是 有说服力的一个例子。 11. I shall never forget the first speech competition I experienced when I was in Senior One.我永远也忘不了我经历的第一次演讲比赛,那时我在高一。 12. What impressed me most is that… From this experience l learn/ realize/ know that…我印象最深的是??, 从这次经历,我学到了?? 13. It occurred to me / It struck me that my friend had a similar experience. The story began when… Later… In the end…我突然想起我朋友的一次相似的经 历。这个故事始于?? 然后?? 最后?? 经 叙述一次想家的经历(时间、地点、原因) 。 (2011 年广东高考) 典 This passage reminds me of my own experience of feeling homesick. 范 When I was ten years old, I depended on my parents fro everything. However, they 文 once sent me to my uncle’s home in another city because they were too busy to take care of me. At that time, I did miss my parents and feel lonely.常 用 句 式2. 读后感受 这类要点中通常含有“读??后的感受”或“对(某段经历)的感受” 。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. I felt terrible sorry when I read……当我了解到??我感到很难过。 2. I was deeply touched when I read your letter, in which…读了你的来信我很感动, 在信中?? 常 3. After reading the story of…, I was touched by…看完??的故事后,我因??而 用 感动。23 2013 年高考英语专项突破 句 4. Reading the story, I felt sorry/ ashamed for…读完文章后,我为??而感到遗憾、 式 惭愧。 5. Having read the passage, I acquire a better understanding of…读完文章后, 我 对??有了深刻的理解。 6. The moment I finished reading the passage, I was lost in thought. 读完文章的那一 刻,我陷入了沉思。 7. When it comes to…, I could tell you that…have already made a good impression on me. 当谈到??,我可以告诉你??给我留下了良好印象。 8. Knowing that…, I felt absolutely shocked/thrilled because…了解到??, 我感到极 度震惊,因为?? 9. What inspired/ impressed me most is that…让我最受启发/让我印象深刻的是?? 10. What I have learned from the passage is that…从文章中,我懂得了?? 11. It’s the first time that I’ve realized??这是我第一次意识到?? 读信后的感受(2007 年高考) I was deeply touched when I read your letter, in which I was capable of understanding your happiness over my coming to the world as well as your sincere hope on my growing. It’s the first time that I’ve realized your deepest love for me, which accounts for my true appreciation. 对中学生活的感受(2008 年高考) As far as I am concerned, the details of my life in high school have already made so strong an impression on me. As a matter of fact, I really had a great time in this school where I gained a great deal of knowledge and made a great number of good friends. Therefore, I really cherish my life here.经 典 范 文3. 方法措施 这类要点中常含有“怎么办” “如何/怎样(应对、处理、解决) ” “采取什么措施” “对解决??,你有什么建议”等字眼。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 相 6. 关 It’s necessary that… ??是必要的。 We are supposed to… 我们应该?? What needs to be done urgently is …最紧迫的事情是?? As a student, what we should do is…作为学生,我们应该做的是?? Here are some suggestions on how to deal with…在处理??,这里有一些建议 The way to…can be suggested as follows.建议解决??的方法如下。24 2013 年高考英语专项突破 7. 句 Some suggestions on doing…can be listed as follows.在做??的建议可以列出如 式 下。 8. We should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.我们应该采 取一系列有效措施来解决这个处境。 9. Some workable measures may be taken to…采取一些可行的措施来?? 10. Here are many steps which can be taken to settle this problem. 这里有很多方法可 以被用来解决这个问题。 11. In my view, to…, effective measures should be taken without delay. 依我看,为 了??必须刻不容缓地采取有效措施。 12. To solve this problem,…have a very important role to play.要解决这个问题,?? 的作用举足轻重。 13. It is high time that we should…是我们该??的时候了。 14. Let’s take immediate action to …before it is too late.让我们趁早立即采取行动?? 15. With these measures taken, we can surely… 通过采取以上办法,我们一定能?? 16. Only by adopting the above measures can human beings live in harmony with animals. 只有通过采取上述措施,人类与动物才能和谐相处。 17. If I were/had/did…, I would/might do…假如??我会?? 18. If I had done…, first, I would have done…假如??首先,我会?? 你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习(2010 高考) Here are some suggestions on how to encourage children to study. To begin with, it 经 will be wise for parents to be friends with your children, so that they will follow your suggestions. 点 Besides, I think it a good idea to build up children’s confidence, which plays 范 an important part in their studies. Last but not least, it is a good and pleasant environment 文 that creates a good student, so it is important for parents to set up a good environment for children to study.4. 主观意愿 主要是指梦想、理想和渴望之类的要点。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. 2. 3. 4. 相 5. 关 6. dream of…我梦想着 I am looking forward to…我渴望?? I consider it wonderful if I can have an ideal…如果我能拥有理想的?? I sometimes daydream that I will…我有时做着白日梦想着?? My ideal/perfect…should be…我理想中的??应该是?? First of all, I hope…What’s better, I will…Therefore, it would be…if…首先我希25 2013 年高考英语专项突破 句 式 望??更好的是,我会??总之,如果??将会?? 7. It will be better that…, What’s more,…In a word,…更好的是??另外,??简 言之,?? 8. To be frank,…More importantly,…Therefore,… 说 实 在 的 , ? ? 更 重 要 的 是,??因此,?? 理想的大学生活(08 年高考) I am looking forward to my ideal life in the college. I sometimes daydream that I will bump into a handsome boy and have friendly roommates. What’s better, I will be taught by a group of fabulous teachers from whom I can gain a lot of knowledge. Therefore, it would be wonderful if my ideal daydream come into reality.经 典 范 文5. 表明观点 这类要点中常含“你对??的看法” “你认为是否应该??”等字眼。 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In my opinion,…在我看来/依照我的看法,?? From my point of view,…依我之见,?? As far as I am concerned,…就我而言/在我看来,?? I am in favor of the idea that…我喜欢??这个主意 Personally speaking, I can’t agree more that…就个人而言,我非常同意?? I think it right/ necessary if/that…我认为??是对的/必要的 I strongly argue against the idea that…我强烈反对??这个主意 I don’t agree with idea that…我不同意??这种观点 I don’t think it reasonable that…我认为??是不合理的10. 相 After taking it into careful consideration, I don’t think it wise/proper for sb. to do sth. 关 在充分考虑之后,我认为某人做某事是不明智的。 11. 句 I hold the view/belief that… 我认为?? 12. 式 According to my experience, I think that…根据我的经验,我认为?? 13. There is no doubt that…毫无疑问,?? 14. It can not be denied that…不可否认?? 15. No one can ignore the fact that…谁也不可忽视?? 16. The reasons why I think so are as follows. For one thing,…For another,…我这样认 为的原因如下。首先,??其次,??26 2013 年高考英语专项突破 17. I think so because…Moreover,…Perhaps… 我这样想是因为??再者,??也 许,?? 18. The main reason is…What’s more,…其主要原因是??再者,??结果,?? 19. I have several reasons to support my opinion. First of all,…In addition,…我有几个 理由支撑我的观点。首先,??其次,?? 你认为是否应该禁止游客和动物拍照?(09 广东高考) 经 I don’t agree with the idea that it is illegal to take photos with animals mainly because 典 tourists pay for tickets to visit the wildlife parks and it will be a pity for them if they 范 can’t have a photo taken with an animal. Moreover, more tourists will be attracted to 文the wildlife parks if they are permitted to take photos with animals. Perhaps wildlife parks can set some special time, which can both satisfy tourists and protect the animals.6.分析原因 这类要点中常有“??的原因” “为什么??”等词 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. The reasons can be listed as follows./ The reasons for this are as follows. 理由 如下 2. There are several reasons why…为什么我们??有好几个理由 3. As far as I am concerned, the reasons why we…is that…我认为我们要?? 的原因在于?? 4. There are several reasons that contribute to…有几个方面的原因造成?? 5. The following factors may contribute to this phenomenon.以下是导致这个现 象的因素 6. Various reasons might result in the above phenomenon.多个因素可能导致以 上现象的发生 7. My views are based on the following reasons.我的观点基于以下几个原因 8. Reasons for why we…are varied.为什么我们??的理由有多种 9. It is not only because…,but also because… 不仅是因为,??而且是因 为?? 10. …mainly because,…In addition,…Lastly,… 主 要 是 因 为 ? ? , 除 此 以 外,??最后,?? 11. Thanks to/ Owing to/ Because of…, 由于/因为?? 12. Consequently/ Therefore/ Thus/As a result,…因此/结果 经 典 人们在参观动物园时为什么喜欢和动物拍照? There are several reasons why people like photographing when visiting经 典 句 式27 2013 年高考英语专项突破 范 文 zoos or wildlife parks. First of all, some want to remember their enjoyable and unforgettable experience with the animals by taking photos with them. What’s more, animals like koala and panda are so lovely that many tourists can not help hugging them and photographing with them.7. 后果影响 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. If…, …will do great harm to sb/sth. 假如…, …就会对某人/物有害。 2. …will bring sb many unfavorable consequences. …将会带来许多不良后果。 3. …influence/will influence sb/sth both in… and in… …已经/将会在…和…两方面 带来影响。 4. …not only affected…greatly but also did great harm to… …不仅大大地影响了…, 而且还对…造成了很大的危害。 5. …did/do affect sb/sth a lot in…as well as in… …确实在…和…方面影响很大。 6. First, …Worse still, …Worst of all, … 首先,…更糟的是,…最糟的是,… 7. To make things/matters worse,… 使事情变得更糟的是,… 8. For one thing, … For another thing, … 一方面,…另一方面,… 10. In the first place, … Besides, … What’s worse, … 首先, …其次, …更糟的是, … 想家给学习和生活带来的影响。 (2011 广东高考) Homesickness did influence me a lot both in my study and my school life . The great loneliness stopped me from concentrating on my class and I couldn't keep pace with my classmates. To make things/matters worse, I couldn’t sleep well and finally got sick. Feeling homesick brought me many unfavorable consequences . I was more likely to distract from my class. What’s worse, I got terrible score. Worst of all, I cried at night and couldn’t sleep well, which surely depressed me a lot.相 关 句 型经 典 范 文相 关 句 型8. 感激祝福 ◆ 晨读背诵 1. I am very grateful/thankful to sb. 我非常感激某人。 2. I would like to thank you for… 我要感谢你,因为… 3. I sincerely appreciate… 我真挚地感激… 4. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to… 我对…表示真诚的感激之情。 5. Please allow me to extend my gratitude to… 请允许我表达对你的感谢之情… 6. My true gratitude is beyond any words/description. 任何语言都不能表达我的感激 之情。 7. I have thousands of blessings to… 我有成千上万的祝福送给… 8. Best wishes for… 把最好的祝福送给…28 2013 年高考英语专项突破 表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。 (2007 广东高考) I sincerely appreciate you, my dear dad. Most important of all, thank you for supporting me over the last 18 years of my life. Moreover, thanks for giving me so much love and care over the years. Finally, thanks for the advice and instruction that you’ve given me. Actually, my true gratitude is beyond any words. I do hope you are healthy and strong and lead a happy life. I have thousands of blessings for you.经 典 范 文29
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