vmanager 是哪个程序

Ad Manager Pro - PHP Ad Server
Ad Manager Pro is the most complete ad management solution available. It's a very flexible system, you can use it for one or more of these purposes:
Manage ads on your site(s)
Sell impressions and/or clicks to advertisers
Purchase impressions and/or clicks from publishers
These features may bring you an interesting income.
You and your users have a particular statistic on each ad (hourly, daily, monthly statistic), also a graphical statistic is available.
Each ad may be used in up to 5 campaigns, each campaign can be configured separately.
Ad Manager Pro has a lot of advanced features, for example a support for any
number of ad sizes, an option to use classic banners (jpg, png, gif, swf formats), plain text/HTML ads as well as ads based on templates.
There is available a real time and historical statistic, advertising and publishing accounts,
all public pages are based on templates (all pages are editable in any HTML editor) and many more.
A list of the most important features can be found .
Ad Manager Pro is written in PHP language and uses MySQL database. It means that the script is fast and can
be used for high traffic sites.
Ad Manager Pro Testimonials
After years of providing this excellent product we have accumulated a lot of fans and satisfied customers. Read for yourself what some have said:
had been looking for a cost effective, robust advertising system and we are glad that we found this Ads Manager. It's cool, easy and very useful. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to start there own advertising system.
I am most impressed with Ad Manager Pro.
It does everything we want plus a heap of other stuff too. I installed it myself and was pleased that the installation was not difficult and that it all went thru successfully first time.
How often does that happen!
However, I did need some help with customising the script so I contacted support and was so impressed by the service offered that I just had to write a review.
If every software company offered excellent support like this, the web would be a much better place.
I have purchased many scripts and usually as soon as they get the money you cannot get them to help with anything unless you want to pay more money. All of their scripts are great but you cannot put a price on their tech support. I have had these scripts up and running and every step of the way, if I needed answers to questions or help these guys were on top of it. I purchased Link Up Gold and Ad Manager Pro 18 months ago and when I emailed for help they got my site running almost immediately. If not for there great tech support my site would not even be on the Internet now. Theses guys are great!Craig
Again Ad Manager Pro is awesome, i love working with it.Yukho
Complete solution to create your own search engine and web directory with links, videos, blogs, articles and news. Other available features include users registration, polls, message board, the opportunity to earn money from advertising links, many more.
Quality ads management system and ad server, many available ad types, for example banners, text based ads, multiple DHTML ad types, video ads, page peel ads, takeover ads. Also included are detailed statistics with flash charts, unlimited ad sizes/zones/ads, paid ads.
The best banner exchange system. A solution to create your own banner exchange network and get free advertising and/or sell the network traffic. Detailed, graphical statistic. Unlimited banner sizes. Free and paid banners, 100's advanced unique features.
An unique text exchange script. Default templates with Google style text ads, any other text ad types can be created. Your users display links/ads of other users on their sites. You, as the owner of the exchange system take part of the impressions and clicks to advertise your own sites or for sale.
Free Scripts-Your Ad Here-
Manage Cookies
What can I do to manage cookies stored on my computer?
offer differing ways to configure your browser's cookie settings.
Due to the wide range of differences among differing websites' privacy policies, many browsers allow for universal privacy settings which users can choose from.
Users choose differing privacy settings based on their differing privacy concerns. Most commercial and/or professionally-created websites like
have privacy policy pages that disclose how the sites handle, gather, and/or pass on user information to third parties. These are known as “P3P” features (Privacy Preferences Platform).
Some modern browsers have a feature that will analyze website privacy policies and allow a user to control their privacy needs. These are known as &P3P& features (Privacy Preferences Platform). Get more information on .
To find out what browser you are using
If the commercial website you are visiting lacks a privacy policy, be very careful with any information you enter into any forms within the site.
You can easily remove any cookies that have been created in the cookie folder of your browser. For example, if you are on Windows machine, here are the steps on how to use Windows Explorer to erase cookie files:
* Click on 'Windows Explorer'
* Select the 'Search' button on the tool bar
* Enter “cookie” into the search box field for 'Folders and Files'
* Choose 'My Computer' in the 'Look In' drop down menu
* Click on 'Search Now'
* Select and open the folders that are retrieved
* Click to highlight any cookie file
* Click the 'Delete' key to erase the cookie file
If you don't have Windows Explorer, click the “Help” function on your “Start” button and enter “cookies” to search for information on how to locate the folder.
There are a number of ways to manage cookies.You can clear cookies, prevent cookies, delete cookies and enable cookies at your will and for differernt circumstances.If you use different computers in different locations you will need to ensure that each browser is adjusted to suit your cookie preferences.
Click on the link for your browser below to get information on how to prevent or clear cookies from being created on your particular browser.
What Cookies Do to Your PCs
Cookies are browser dependent and are essentially text files that contain information your browser saves on one of this folders for some websites that do send out cookies. By themselves, cookies pose no risk since they do not contain virus in any form nor do they spy on your PC content to compromise security. They are used to make online surfing faster and easier by make the sites you’ve visited remember who you are, like remembering you IP address or passwords, along with your own preferences such as when Amazon recommend a book or music CD similar to what you looked for in your last visit.
But this convenience feature of having cookies can be eagerly overused when some websites use them to track you across various websites often for analytical competition purposes and thus, record you surfing behavior. In gets a bit frightening when the companies that track you are those you have never dealt with and to whom you never gave your personal information.
Older browsers like Internet Explorer 5.x or Netscape 4.x offered a limited choice in managing cookies. They just completely allow or disallow cookies so you either benefit from them or not. They can also be set to prompt you for a YES or NO response in each attempt for a site to send one. Today, newer browsers from Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Opera allows better degree of control in selecting which sites can or cannot send cookies.
Managing Cookies from the Latest Firefox 8.0 Browser
Just as an example of what a modern browser can do, you can specify your cookie options under Firefox 8.0 by selecting Tools -& Options -& Privacy. On the Privacy box, you can disallows websites from tracking you by checking on the “Tell web site I do not want to be tracked” under Tracking. But even if you are tracked, you can go to the linked “remove individual cooker” which opens up a new dialog box containing the websites and their respective cookie files saved by the browser. You can individually delete the cookies, search for specific cookie or just delete all of the with one click.
Managing Flash cookies
As browser cookies generally make it faster and easier for you to access sites the next time around, the same benefit can be had with Flash cookies. Deleting them may require you to re-enter verification information in sites that do the next time you visit the same site. Bur just like any cookie, you can delete Flash cookies for security or technical reasons since flash cookers do tend to slow down your browser. Here’s what you can do:
* Visit the Settings Manager for your Adobe Flash Player. You will be taken to the Adobe website.
* The Adobe site lists the websites with the cookies in your browser.
* Click delete opposite the website where you want the cookies deleted. More on removing flash cookies .
& 2017 allaboutcookies.org康佳KKTV电视总是出现advertmanager 停止运行是怎么回事
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