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女孩子都喜欢漂亮手机——但女孩子+漂亮手机,这一组合也许就意味着危险的本身,至少小弟周围,就很是听说过几起女孩子被抢手机的案例。也许,手机用电击枪外壳(Yellow Jacket)的出现,能增加一点安全系数:
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Technical byZap! Yellow Jacket stun-gun case powers up for iPhone 5 - CNET
Zap! Yellow Jacket stun-gun case powers up for iPhone 5
January 8,
The new Yellow Jacket in crackling action.
Amanda Kooser/CNET
first showed up as an
back in the middle of 2012. That original model reached the world in early 2013, but a major redesign geared for the
and 5S has now landed at .
The original Yellow Jacket was a bit chunky-looking. The new one is a little more streamlined, but best of all, it's also detachable. You can easily remove your phone to let the kids play with it without also allowing them access to a 650,000-volt stun gun. There's also a big difference in the terrifying sound the new case makes. The original had kind of a fizzy zap to it. The new one is throaty and intimidating.
There are always going to be questions about the wisdom of having that much electricity surging near an expensive electronic device, but I got to see it in action and the phone doesn't skip a beat, even when the electricity is raging. The revamped build for the iPhone 5 is also relatively comfortable to hold for regular phone activities. Safety switches are designed to keep it from going off unexpectedly.
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The new case is due out in February for $149. The old case for
is still available for $99. If you're on the fence about the device, consider that it can also be used as a battery backup for your phone. That makes the bulk a little more tolerable. It's also designed to keep 10 percent of its power in reserve to feed the stun feature in an emergency situation.
The Yellow Jacket is always going to be a bit divisive. If you're the kind of person who would carry a stun gun anyway, then this may be the case for you. If you're not, then you might just shake your head at the idea and move along.
These prongs are serious business.
Amanda Kooser/CNET
About the author
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET's Crave blog. When not wallowing in weird gadgets and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
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