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Step by step configuration of the XSCF console for the Sun SPARC M3000 server.
I installed the new SPARC M3000 server on the rack and powered it on.
The M3000 can only be configured via the serial cable connected to the serial port for XSCF.
Any windows computer with hyperterminal should be able to connect to it’s console. Once the XSCF interface has been configured with an IP address and telnet has been enabled, you can then connect to it remotely across the network with telnet.
XSCF (eXtended System Control Facility is used to control, monitor, operate, and service SPARC Enterprise series servers and domains. You can power on/off the server (domain) via the XSCF interface.
As long as the server is plugged into a power source the XSCF console will always be online even though the domain (server) is off.
For those who are familiar with Windows servers, the XSCF is similar to the DRAC interface for Dell servers or HP Insight Manager.
When you are connected to the XSCF console, you will be prompted for a login ID.
The default ID is “default” and there is no password.
With this ID you will need to create a new administrative ID.
You also need to be standing close to the server for this process as you will be prompted to change the panel mode switch.
If you do not create a new logon ID whenever you connect to the console or when the console session times out, you will be prompted to change the panel mode switch.
login: default
Change the panel mode switch to Locked and press return…
Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds.
Change the panel mode switch
to Service, and press return…
Check the version of XSCF.
XSCF> version -c xcp
XSCF#0 (Active )
XCP0 (Current): 1090
XCP1 (Reserve): 1090
Create a user andrew
XSCF> adduser andrew
XSCF> password
password: Permission denied
Change the password for andrew
XSCF> password andrew
New XSCF password:
Retype new XSCF password:
Grant andrew the following privileges, useradm, platadm, aplatop.
XSCF> setprivileges andrew useradm platadm platop
Here is a list of all available privileges.
o Can refer to the status of any hardware mounted in a domain_n.
o Can refer to the status of any part of a domain_n.
o Can refer to the information of all system boards mounted.
o Can power on, power off, and reboot a domain_n.
o Can refer to the status of any hardware mounted in a domain_n.
o Can refer to the status of any part of a domain_n.
o Can refer to the information of all system boards mounted.
o Can refer to the status of any part of the entire server but cannot change it.
o Control of the entire system
o Can operate all hardware in the system.
o Can configure all XSCF settings except the useradm and auditadm privilege settings.
o Can add and delete hardware in a domain.
o Can do the power operation of a domain.
o Can refer to the status of any part of the entire server.
o Can create, delete, invalidate, and validate user accounts.
o Can change user passwords and password profiles.
o Can change user privileges.
o Can refer to the XSCF access monitoring status and monitoring methods.
o Can monitor and control XSCF access.
o Can delete an XSCF access monitoring method.
o Allows field engineers to perform the maintenance tasks or change the server configuration.
o When the local privilege for a user is set to none, that user has no privileges, even if the privileges
for that user are defined in LDAP.
o Setting a user’s privilege to none prevents the user’s privileges from being looked up in LDAP.
XSCF firmware has two networks for internal communication. The Domain to Service Processor Communications Protocol (DSCP) network provides an internal communication link between the Service Processor and the Solaris domains. The Inter-SCF Network (ISN) provides an internal communication link between the two Service Processors in a high-end server.
Configure DSCP with an IP address using the setdscp command.
XSCF> setdscp
DSCP network
] >
DSCP netmask
] >
XSCF address
Domain #00 address
Commit these changes to the database? [y|n] : y
Configure the XSCF interface with an IP address, this will be the adress you connect to via telnet to manage the console.
XSCF> setnetwork xscf#0-lan#0 -m
Enable the XSCF interface you just configured with an IP address of
XSCF> setnetwork -c up lan#0
Confiure the default route
XSCF> setroute -c add -n -g xscf#0-lan#1
XSCF> showroute -a
Flags Interface
Configure the hostname.
XSCF> sethostname xscf#0 paris
Configure the domain name.
XSCF> sethostname -
You must apply the network configurations with the applynetwork command.
XSCF> applynetwork
The following network settings will be applied:
xscf#0 hostname
DNS domain name
: xscf#0-lan#0
IP address
: xscf#0-lan#1
IP address
Continue? [y|n] :yes
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the network settings.
Please confirm that the settings have been applied by executing
showhostname, shownetwork, showroute and shownameserver after rebooting
Now reboot XSCF for the configuration to take effect.
XSCF> rebootxscf
After the reboot check the network settings.
XSCF> shownetwork -a
Link encap:Ethernet
HWaddr 00:0B:5D:E3:39:B4
inet addr:
RX packets:13160 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:.8 MiB)
TX bytes:210 (210.0 B)
Base address:0xe000
Link encap:Ethernet
HWaddr 00:0B:5D:E3:39:B5
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
Base address:0xc000
Enable ssh, it will require a reboot.
XSCF> setssh -c enable
Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the ssh settings.
Enable telnet.
You probably do not need telnet if ssh is enabled.
XSCF> settelnet -c enable
XSCF> showtelnet
Telnet status: enabled
It is much easier to configure and manage XSCF via https as you do not have to remember all the commands.
I will show you how to enable https by creating a Web Server Certificate by constructing the self CA.
First generate the web server private key.
Remember the passphrase you will need it in the next step.
XSCF> sethttps -c genserverkey
Enter passphrase:
Verifying – Enter passphrase:
Create the self-signed web server certificate by speficying the DN.
XSCF> sethttps -c selfsign CA Ontario Toronto CupidPost Technology Center andrew_
CA key and CA cert already exist. Do you still wish to update? [y|n] :y
Enter passphrase:
Verifying – Enter passphrase:
Now enable https.
XSCF> sethttps -c enable
Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the https settings.
Reboot with the rebootxscf command,
XSCF> rebootxscf
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y
After the reboot you can connect to the XSCF console by telnet, ssh or https.
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(2)(1)(2)(2)(2)(4)(7)(16)(2)201012 Sun Mx000系列服务器XSCF升级方法_百度文库
201012 Sun Mx000系列服务器XSCF升级方法|
你可能喜欢97Sun M4000 服务器维护指南 V1.0
97Sun M4000 服务器维护指南 V1.0
Sun M服务器维护指南 一、 配置 M服务器 XSCF1、串口线一头是RJ-45 接口,插入 XSCF 的串行端口。图1
串行端口位置 表1 串行端口线缆线序 表2设置串口的属性值 2、将操作面板上的钥匙设置到“维修”位置。3、在超级终端窗口中,当系统提示以下信息时,输入用户名default。login:4、 当系统提示以下信息时,将操作面板上的钥匙设置到“锁定”位置,然后按“Enter”。Change the panel mode switch to Locked and press return...5、当系统提示以下信息时,将操作面板上的钥匙设置到“维修”位置,等待5秒以上,然后按“Enter”。Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds.
Change thepanel mode switch to Service, and press return...6、执行以下命令,还原XSCF 设置的默认值。还原出厂设置过程中,当系统提示输入[yes/no]的时候,一律输入yes。XSCF& restoredefaults -c factory7、当系统提示以下信息时,XSCF 将会自动重启。Please stand by while rebooting the system.(15)Restarting system 8、当系统再次提示以下信息时,输入用户名default。login:9、当系统提示以下信息时,将操作面板上的钥匙设置到“锁定”位置,然后按“Enter”。Change the panel mode switch to Locked and press return...10、当系统提示以下信息时,将操作面板上的钥匙设置到“维修”位置,等待5秒以上,然后按“Enter”。Leave it in that position for at least 5 seconds.
Change the panel mode switch toService, and press return...11、执行以下命令,创建adminuser用户。XSCF& adduser adminuser12、添加adminuser用户权限。XSCF& setprivileges adminuser platadm useradm auditadm fieldeng mode13、设置adminuser用户的密码,推荐密码为adminuser。XSCF& password adminuserNew XSCF password:*********Retype new XSCF password:*********14、执行以下命令,退出default用户。XSCF& exit15、当系统提示以下信息,输入用户名adminuser 及其密码adminuser。login: adminuserPassword:16、设置用户超时退出时间,推荐时间为 60min。XSCF& setautologout -s 6017、设置XSCF 网络配置。1). 执行以下命令,开始配置XSCF。XSCF& setupplatform2). 当系统提示 Do you want to set up an account? [y|n]:时,输入n。3). 当系统提示 Do you want to set up networking? [y|n]:时,输入y。 4). 当系统提示 Do you want to set up the XSCF network interfaces?[y|n]:时,输入y。5). 设置xscf#0-lan#0的 IP 地址、子网掩码和网关 IP。a. 当系统提示Do you want to configure xscf#0-lan#0? [y|n]:时,输入y。b. 当系统提示以下信息时,输入 XSCF 网卡0规划的IP 地址、子网掩码和网关 IP。xscf#0-lan#0 ip address? []:xscf#0-lan#0 netmask? []:xscf#0-lan#0 default gateway? []:c. 确认输入的相关信息。xscf#0-lan#0 ip address: netmask: default gateway: these settings correct? [y|n]: y6). 设置 xscf#0-lan#1的 IP 地址、子网掩码和网关IP。a. 当系统提示Do you want to configure xscf#0-lan#1? [y|n]:时,输入y。b. 当系统提示以下信息时,输入 XSCF 网卡1规划的IP 地址、子网掩码和网关 IP。xscf#0-lan#1 ip address? []:xscf#0-lan#1 netmask? []:xscf#0-lan#1 default gateway? []:c. 确认输入的相关信息。xscf#0-lan#1 ip address: netmask: default gateway: these settings correct? [y|n]: y7). 当系统提示 Do you want to configure lan#0? [y|n]:时,输入n,不配 置网卡0的take over功能。8). 当系统提示Do you want to configure lan#1? [y|n]:时,输入n,不配 置网卡1的take over功能。9). 当系统提示Do you want to set up the DSCP network? [y|n]:时,输 入n,不配置 DSCP 协议。10). 设置服务器域名。a. 当系统提示Do you want to set up the domain name service?[y|n]:时,输入y。b. 当系统提示Primary DNS server ip address? []:时,输入0.0.0.0,DNS server 的IP 地址默认为。c. 当系统提示Do you want a secondary DNS server? [y|n]:时,输入n,不配置次DNS。d. 当系统提示以下信息时,输入默认的域名 。Do you want to specify a domain name? [y|n]: yDomain name [localdomain]: e. 当系统提示以下信息时,输入XSCF 网卡0的hostname,默认为&服务器主机 名&-xscf0。XSCF#0 hostname [localhost]:f. 确认输入的相关信息。Primary DNS server ip address: DNS server ip address:Tertiary DNS server ip address:Domain name: XSCF#0 hostname: osssvr-1-xscf0Are these settings correct? [y|n]: y11). 当系统提示Do you want to set up the network time protocol? [y| n]:时,输入n ,不配置 NTP 服务。12). 配置 SSH 服务。a. 当系统提示Do you want to set up ssh? [y|n]:时,输入y,设置SSH协议。b. 当系统提示Enable ssh service? [y|n]:时,输入y,启动SSH 服务。13). 当系统提示Do you want to set up https? [y|n]:时,输入n,不开启 https。14). 当系统提示Do you want to configure email reports? [y|n]:时,输 入n,不启用 email。15). 使网络配置生效。a. 当系统提示Do you want to apply the network changes? [y|n]:时,输入y。b. 确认XSCF 网络配置信息。The following network settings will be applied:xscf#0 hostname
:osssvr-1-xscf0DNS domain name
:upIP address
:-n -m -g
:upIP address
:-n -m -g [y|n] :y18、设置XSCF 的海拔高度。1). 当系统提示 Do you want to reboot the XSCF now? [y|n]:时,输入n, 暂时不重启XSCF。2). 当系统提示Do you want to set up the chassis altitude? [y|n]:时,输入y,设置海拔高度。3). 当系统提示Chassis altitude in meters:时,输入5004). 确认 XSCF 的海拔高度信息。Chassis altitude in meters: 500Is this setting correct? [y|n]: y19、设置XSCF 的时区、日期和时间。1). 当系统提示 Do you want to reboot the XSCF now? [y|n]:时,输入n, 暂时不重启XSCF。2). 当系统提示Do you want to set up the XSCF time zone? [y|n]:时,输入y,设置时区。3). 当系统提示Continue setting up the XSCF time zone? [y|n]:,输入y。4). 当系统提示以下信息时,输入490,时区编号为490(PRC)。0
Africa/Algiers?Enter number to choose time zone or return for next set of time zones:注意时区编号要根据实际情况输入,此步骤以PRC 对应的时区编号为“490”进行举例说明。5). 确认时区信息,确认正确后输入y。XSCF time zone: PRCIs this setting correct? [y|n]: y6). 执行以下命令启动servicetag agents。XSCF& setservicetag -c enable7). 执行以下命令启动telnet。XSCF& settelnet -c enable8). 执行以下命令设置日期和时间。日期和时间根据实际情况设置,格式如: YYYY.MM.DD-HH:MM:SSXSCF& setdate -s -16:10:00步骤 20 当系统提示The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :时,输入y完成对 服务器 XSCF 的配置。二、 ----结束 启动M 服务器1. 执行命令telnet 服务器的XSCF的IP地址登录到XSCF。2. 输入用户名及密码。3.将服务器正面操作面板上的钥匙设置到“维修”位置。执行poweron 命令,给域0上电。XSCF& poweron -d 0DomainIDs to power on: 00Continue? [y|n] :y4.
执行以下命令,进入域0。XSCF& console -d 05.
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