你好,请问你有arcgis10.02 Data Interoperability这个安装包吗?能否发给我一份,非常感谢!!

进入arcgis—&desktop administrator—&licence manager里面修改名称,但是显示如下:The computer you chose is not a valid license server or is running an older version of the License Manager.从而修改不了~~~~
你看看服务中的arcgis licence服务启动没有
是的,你可以参考一下 renkiss 的答案,要修改lic文件中的 机器名
安装Arcgis前定要先功安装破解Lisence许1安装完许启LMTools(许文件管理工具)先start/stop/reread选项卡界面配置破解许文件配置完点&start & reread lisence file按钮2切换server diags选项卡点击perform diagnostics按钮查看lisence诊断信息看诊断&this lisebce can be check out说明lisence安装破解功再安装使用Arcgis没问题否则说明lisence没通验证需要重新安装配置lisence文件面附实践通arcgis9.3安装希望帮助:二、破解ArcGIS Desktop9.3打载破解文件夹其包含文件:data_interop 、license_server_crack、license_server_setup、ESRI.ArcGis.Desktop.v9.3.ISO-TBE.nfo1.运行license_server_setup\LMSetup.exe程序点击Browse按钮选择通注册文件获取授权选择license_server_setup文件夹.efl9文件作许文件点击next按钮直完安装注:安装结束请选择Not restart computer.若重启请系统启任务管理器先结束ArcGISlmgrd进程2.复制license_server_crack文件夹所文件license manager安装目录c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x并覆盖原文件3.用记事本打.efl9START_LICENSE与END_LICENSE间内容复制粘c:\program files\esri\license\arcgis9x\Arc_Info9.licVENDOR ARCGIS面原面内容全覆盖; 要第行主机名改机器名字或者IP (SERVER pan-reload ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=01改SERVER 主机名 ESRI_SENTINEL_KEY=01) 注意:主机名千万能文4. 始菜单点击程序-&ArcGIS-&License Manager(9.x)-&License Manager Tools.5. 单击Configuration using Services 选择 &ArgGIS license manager& .6. 单击 Configure Services选项卡 设置 Path to the license file : (例 C:\Program Files\ESRI\License\arcgis9x\Arc_Info9.lic) 7.点击start/stop/Reread标签点击Start Server按钮行8.复制破解文件夹data_interop文件夹fme_license.dat文件ArcGIS安装目录Data Interoperability Extension文件夹:您默认ArcGIS安装C:\Program Files\ArcGIs\,fme_license.dat文件复制C:\Program Files\ArcGIs\Data Interoperability Extension.9.始菜单点击程序-&ArcGIS-&Desktop Administration进行设置:1)点击左侧栏:Software Product,右侧选择:&ArcInfo(Floating)&.2)点击左侧栏:License Manager,右侧更改:&localhost&.3)点击左侧栏:Software Product,右侧选择:&ArcInfo Desktop(Floating)&.10.安装完所东西记重启再运行ArcMap等应用程序,等几秒钟相信您能功打所应用程序即所应用程序都破功
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TA的每日心情奋斗 14:57签到天数: 34 天[LV.5]常住居民I
Queries:At 10.2, by default, map and image services do not support database-specific where clauses in queries. This is a security enhancement implemented to prevent ‘injection attacks’, which are malicious code inserted into a SQL statement. Previously no parsing was done of SQL now a server-wide policy is implemented to reject risky SQL statements.默认情况下,ArcGIS10.2和影像服务不支持的where语句查询。这是为防止“注入式攻击”的一种安全性增强,即防止插入在sql语句中的恶意代码入侵。最新的具备解析sql语句的功能,以防止危险的sql语句。
Analysis (Geoprocessing)
The ability to import and export Microsoft Excel spreadsheets using the new Excel to Table and Table to Excel tools is new at 10.2. This is a very popular user requirement.增加exellToTable和TableToExcell的工具.
New Feature Class to
and JSON to Feature Class tools support these workflows with Big Data and
applications that frequently require JSON representation of features.增加了要素类到json的转换以及json到要素类的转换。
Multipatch features can be converted to rasters with the new Multipatch to Raster tool. This can be used, for example, to create an elevation raster from rooftop multipatches.可以把Multipatch转成栅格,例如可以将高程屋顶多面体转成高程栅格。
The Delineate Built-Up Areas tool has a new Minimum Building Count parameter to control how many buildings are necessary to be output as a built-up area polygon.Delineate Built-Up Areas工具:有一个最少建筑物数量参数,可以设置多少多边形可以输出。
Data Management:
A new Archiving Toolset supports enabling and disabling geodatabase archiving, which is how time-based change is modeled and analyzed in the geodatabase. Versioning is not required for archiving functionality beginning at 10.2.Archiving Toolset:增加新的归档工具支持地理数据库归档,不依赖版本控制,只是根据时间进行归档。(注:10.2之前时间数据归档功能是在ArcInfo和ArcEditor中提供的,针对的是完全版本化的数据)The Raster toolset adds three tools: pute Pansharpen Weights automates color balancing in any dataset, Merge Mosaic Dataset Items and Split Mosaic Dataset Items collapse or expand mosaic rows.Raster工具集:增加了三个工具:Compute Pansharpen Weights、Merge Mosaic Dataset Items、Split Mosaic Dataset ItemsMobile workflows are better supported by GeoTagged Photos To Points, which will now store camera compass bearing in a 0-360 degree range with each point.工作流程,更好地支持地理标记的照片来分,现在存储摄像机的罗盘方位在0-360度范围内的每一个点。 Spatial Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst and Spatial Statistics: Spatial Analyst has a new Visibility tool that supports using input data attributes or user specified values for its parameters.分析有一个新的可视化工具支持使用它的参数输入数据的属性或指定的值。 Multicore parallel processing support has been added for Reclassify, Weighted Overlay, Weighted Sum, Zonal Statistics and Zonal Statistics As Table.支持多核并行处理
A new Local function in Spatial Analyst supports a wide range of functions on a pixel-by-pixel basis, within a single band, while optionally supporting multiple input rasters. This function can replace many raster algebra workflows.在空间分析中,新的本地函数支持大范围以像素为基础的功能,同时也支持输入多个栅格。
Geostatistical Analyst has a new ArcPy class – GeostatisticalDatasets which can be used to automate the creation of geostatistical layers for many datasets using the same interpolation parameters for each dataset.Geostatistical Analyst增加了一个Arcpy类,可以根据相同的参数对不同数据批量做插值分析Spatial Statistics has a new Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool that interrogates data and determines optimal settings. The underlying science is maintained, and users will not need the statistics background assumed by the Hot Spot Analysis tool.Optimized Hot Spot Analysis工具:空间分析提供了一个热点分析工具,主要用于分析数据确定最佳设置,值得强调的是:使用这个工具用户不需要太多的背景知识。
ArcPy and :
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2 installs Python 2.7.3.
ArcPy now supports the creation and use of a SQLite workspace using either the native Esri ST_Geometry spatial data type or the SQLite Spatialite spatial type. SQLite workspaces created by ArcPy’s CreateSQLiteDatabase function are accessible as Desktop workspaces and support feature classes, tables, and views.最新的ArcPy可以引用ESRI本地的ST_Geometry的空间数据类型或SQLite的SpatiaLite的空间类型,去创建和使用SQLLite工作空间。通过arcpy的CreateSQLiteDatabase函数创建的SQLite工作空间支持要素类、表以及视图等,并且可以被ArcGIS桌面访问。
New at 10.2 is the CreateGeocodeSDDraft function that makes an .sddraft file suitable for staging new geocoding services with the arcpy.server module.CreateGeocodeSDDraft函数:在ArcGIS10.2中,可以将ArcGISserver使用的新的地理处理服务保存成sddraft文件。
Multiband rasters are now supported by RasterToNumPyArray and NumPyArrayToRaster functions.RasterToNumPyArray和NumPyArrayToRaster函数支持多波段的栅格数据。
Users can create their own Python site-packages. They can extend Geoprocessing with their own custom tools which become as easy to view and use as the installed System tools. An installation executable can be generated from Python's native distribution utility, optionally including internationalized help.可以使用arcpy包创建基础地理处理工具的自定义工具,可以将该工具做可执行的安装包。
GISShare 3D Scenes:With ArcGIS 10.2, users can publish ArcScene projects as a 3D Web Scene and share it on ArcGIS Online or embed it in a custom web page. This will allow users to easily share 3D models, analysis results, or design proposals with decision makers and the public. The 3D Web Scenes are based on WebGL technology, so no plug-in is required for most browsers.在ArcGIS10.2中,用户可以将ArcScene保存的文档发布成3D服务,并且可以上传到ArcGIS Online上或潜入在自定义网页中。这将运行用户方便的将三维模型、分析结果、设计建议等共享与决策者或者公众进行共享。在网页上浏览只需要有webgl插件即可。
Generate rule-driven 3D content:
ArcGIS 10.2 allows 3D Analyst users to embed CityEngine’s modeling power directly within their existing geoprocessingworkflows. Create 3D models – such as buildings, schematic trees, and 3D zoning regulations – directly from within ArcGISusing rule packages authored in CityEngine 2013.加了对Cityengine模型的建立工具。
LiDAR is faster:
Spatial indexes and summary statistics are automatically calculated for LAS data, providing faster access to source LiDAR data. These indexes and data are reused even if the LiDAR is referenced by many LAS Datasets and Mosaic Datasets, allowing anyone consuming the data to benefit from the improved performance. The improvements are particularly effective for larger LAS files (e.g. greater than 200 MB) and for organizations that have a central LAS repository that is exposed on a .为了提高LIDAR数据的访问效率,会自动计算空间索引和统计数据。即使lidar数据被其他数据集多次引用,他们的元数据仍然可以被重复利用,以增加他们的访问效率。这个增强对于大数据流LAS文件和管理网络上的LAS数据是特别有效的。
ArcGIS for 3D Cities:
The ArcGIS for 3D Cities solution helps users plan and understand their city, by providing the foundation for managing, visualizing, analyzing, and sharing 3D urban spaces. It organizes all city data – such as buildings, zoning regulations, facilities, and city-managed assets, like trees and street lights, into a well-defined information model. It comes with a set of specialized tools and workflows that take advantage of powerful new 3D geoprocessing tools in ArcGIS 10.2 for content creation and 3D urban analysis such as visual impact.ArcGIS 3D解决方案,通过对城市空间数据的管理、组织、可视化等进行分析,帮助客户认知和了解他们的城市。它通过组织建筑物,城市设施,城市管理资产如树和路灯等所有城市数据,将其转化为清晰的信息模型。
3D Analyst:
In addition to sharing the enhanced Visibility tool with Spatial Analyst, 3D Analyst adds the new Intervisibility tool. This tool determines if sight lines are obstructed by any intermediate features, adding a field that flags if the 3D sight line is obstructed.除了增强的可视化工具与空间分析,三维分析增加了新的通视工具。
Geodata and Big Data
Support has been added for
ezza 7.0 and INZA 2.5, and starting at 10.2, a Teradata workspace is supported for simple 2D features. Netezza and Teradata are platforms of choice for large data warehousing and analytics users, such as nationwide retailers.支持新的数据库Netezza 7.0 和 INZA 2.5,Teradata工作空间支持简单的要素类。
A very highly requested enhancement, support for modifying field properties after feature class or table creation, provided the underlying workspace supports this, is included at 10.2.可以修改要素类属性字段值。
We are introducing a new extension to ArcGIS for Server called GeoEvent Processor that allows organizations to process vast amounts of real-time data on the fly and display relevant information from these feeds in all ArcGIS clients, including ArcGIS for Desktop. This will meet the needs of many of our customers who are asking us to support real-time feeds in everyday decision making.在ArcGIS for Server中引入了GeoEvent Processor,可以组织大数据量实时显示,支持ArcGIS的,也支持ArcGIS Desktop。
Disconnected GIS
ArcGIS 10.2 makes it possible for users to view maps and do data collection in the field even if they are disconnected from the network. We have enhanced ArcGIS, particularly the geodatabase and the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs, so developers can build custom applications that will fetch data into local devices. Users will be able to query, display, and edit this data when disconnected, and when the connection is ready, they can synchronize these changes back to the server.允许在在线和离线环境下编辑地图。
New raster types supported include Pleiades (high resolution 0.5m) and DMCii (high frequency scene re-visit) data, and a downloadable extension adds support for the Chinese HJ, ZY02C, and ZY3 satellite products. Raster Process Definition (RPDef) files are now a supported raster product and can be browsed without needing to be referenced in a mosaic.增加Pleiades和DMCii数据、HJ、ZY02C、ZY3数据。支持Raster Process Definition
Parcel Editing
Jurisdictions may now implement digital submission of new parcels via Esri’s published Cadastral
format. Loading a Cadastral XML file from the parcel details dialog appends a traverse into the parcel lines grid and populates the observation and other attributes.不是看的很明白Portal for ArcGIS
Portal for ArcGIS is a supported product at 10.2 (See Portal for ArcGIS product brief). ArcGIS for Desktop connects with and allows users to publish to and consume web maps and services from Portal just as it does with ArcGIS Online.可以使用portal的服务,类似于使用online上的数据。
Feature Services ArcGIS 10.2 supports editable feature services to Desktop. Feature services to desktop (and web) clients now include a synchronization capability for edits made while disconnected from the Server, upon reconnection.当服务器断开后,再连接时,支持编辑数据的同步。
Network Analyst
At 10.2 the new single sign on from ArcGIS for Desktop provides access to Network Analysis services from ArcGIS Online. These services include drive time and vehicle routing solvers.ArcGIS Desktop10.2登录后,可以访问Online上的网络分析服务。这些服务包括驱动时间和车辆路径求解器。
Data Interoperability
The 10.2 release of the Data Interoperability extension will use the FME 2013 engine and workbench application. New tools support the inspection and repair of geometries, plus many new capabilities, such as polygon subision. The Quick tools now support guessing the input format based on its file name.FME2013,工具强大,新的工具增加了几何形状的检查和维修。快速导入(导出)工具可以根据文件名猜测该数据的格式。
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ArcGIS Data Interoperability扩展及其新特性
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官方公共微信第一资料 地图信息ArcGIS10.2最新全套下载地址 - 向北方 - 博客园
Blog: & & & & & & & http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
GIS Service Center&&& Download
Before downloading the software, you must&&&&to activate the software.
Refer to the installation instructions to download software listed below and to activate the software using the authorization files.&
Installation/Renewal Instructions
& ArcGIS Online Quick Start Guide&&&
& ArcGIS 10.2 Quick Start Guides&&&
& ArcGIS 10.1 Quick Start Guides&&&
& Concurrent Use Instructions for Installing ArcGIS10.0&&&& & Single Use Instructions for Installing ArcGIS10.0&&&& & Instructions for Renewing ArcGIS 10.0&&&& & Instructions for Installing ArcPad 10.0&&&
Download Software/Data
No-cost add-ons and a University-negotiated license for downloading XTools Pro are also available,&&&.
For the following password-protected downloads, refer to email with authorization files for password or email&&&:
ArcGIS Desktop&& Download ArcGIS Desktop software, data and maps, and tutorial data
ArcGIS 10.2.1
ArcGIS 10.2.1 for Desktop&&&&&|&&&&(4.57 GB)
Tutorial Data and ArcReader
ArcGIS 10.2.1 Tutorial Data for Desktop&&&&(534 MB)
ArcReader 10.2.1&&&&|&&&&(430 MB)
ArcGIS 10.2
If you are running ArcGIS software prior to 10.1 you must uninstall the software before installing ArcGIS 10.2
ArcGIS 10.2 Desktop may be downloaded as a single package (4.72 GB) or as multiple components:
ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop&&&&&|&&&&(4.72 GB)
The most commonly used components for a typical ArcGIS user are highlighted in bold.
Uninstall ArcGIS software prior to ArcGIS 10.1&&&&|&&&(1.23 MB)
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2&&&&&|&&&&|&&&&(811.71 MB)
Python 2.7.3&&&&&(24.60 MB)
ArcGIS VBA Compatibilty&&&&(33.49 MB)
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.2 Background Geoprocessing (64-bit)&&&&(145.28 MB)
ArcSDE for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (Personal)&&&&|&&&&(1.50 GB)
ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop&&&&&(449.80 MB)
ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop&&&&|&&&&(75.97 MB)
ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop&&&&&|&&&&(54.74 MB)
ArcGIS Case Tools for Desktop&&&&&(11.08 MB)
License Manager
ArcGIS License Manager (Windows)&&&&&|&&&&(16.63 MB)
ArcGIS License Manager (Linux)&&&&&|&&&&(100.29 MB)
ArcGIS License Manager (Solaris)&&&&&|&&&&(116.49 MB)
ArcObjects SDKs
ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework&&&&&(663.89 MB)
ArcObjects SDK for Java&&&&&(379.36 MB)
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1&&&
Tutorial Data & ArcReader
ArcGIS 10.2 Tutorial Data for Desktop&&&&(1.71 GB)
ArcReader 10.2&&&&|&&&&(423.05 MB)
ArcGIS 10.1
ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1&&&&|&&&&(4.13 GB)
ArcGIS 10.1 Tutorial Data for Desktop&&&&(1.70 GB)
ArcReader 10.1&&&&|&&&&(1.11 GB)
ArcGIS 10.0
ArcGIS Desktop 10.0&&&&&(3.6 GB)
ArcGIS Desktop Tutorial Data 10&&&&&(1.9 GB)
ArcGIS Mobile10 (Build 2525)&&&&&|&&&&(101 MB)
ArcReader 10&&&&&|&&&&(1.5 GB)
ArcGIS Data and Maps
Esri Data & Maps for ArcGIS&&&
Esri StreetMap Premium&&&
For the following password-protected downloads, refer to email with authorization files for password or email&&&:
ArcGIS 10.2 Data and Maps (2013)
&&&&&&& Data and Maps for ArcGIS (2013) #1 &&&&&(1.93 GB)& &&&& && Data and Maps for ArcGIS (2013) #2 &&&&&(7.64 GB)
Data and Maps for Server (2013)& (available upon request)&&
ArcGIS 10.1 Data and Maps
&&&&&&& USA and World&&&&&(1.87 GB)& &&&& && StreetMap Part 1&&&&&(2.34 GB)& &&&&&&& StreetMap Part 2&&&&&(3.02 GB)
ArcGIS 10.0 Data and Maps& USA and World&&&&&(1.7 GB)& StreetMap Part 1&&&&&(2.8 GB)& StreetMap Part 2&&&&&(2.8 GB)
Use with ArcLogistics for full capabilities:&& Esri StreetMap Premium Part 1&&&&&(4.9 GB)& Esri StreetMap Premium Part 2&&&&&(4.0 GB)
ArcGIS Data Reviewer
ArcGIS Data Reviewer 10&&&&&|&&&&(262 MB)
ArcGIS Engine
ArcGIS 10.1 Engine&&&&|&&&&(2.97 GB)
ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit
ArcGIS 10.1 Engine Developer Kit (Windows) &&&&&|&&&&(2.91 GB)
ArcGIS 10.1 Engine Developer Kit (Linux)& (available upon request)
ArcGIS for Server Enterprise
ArcGIS 10.2/10.2.1 for Server Enterprise (Windows)&&&&| (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.2/10.2.1 for Server Enterprise (Windows) (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.2/10.2.1 for Server Enterprise (Linux) (available upon request)
ArcSDE 10.2/10.2.1 (Windows)&&&&| (available upon request)
ArcSDE 10.2/10.2.1 (Linux & UNIX) (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Enterprise (Windows)&&&&|&&&&(2.80 GB)
ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Enterprise (Linux) (available upon request)
ArcSDE 10.1 (Windows)&&&&|&&&&(212 MB)
ArcSDE 10.1 (Linux & UNIX) (available upon request)
ArcGIS Mobile10 (Build 2525)&&&&&|&&&&(101 MB)
ArcGIS Server Enterprise for 10 for Red Hat Linux Enterprise and SUSE Linux Enterprise&&&&&(1.4 GB)
ArcGIS Server Enterprise 10 for Sun Solaris on SPARC&&&&&(1.5 GB)
ArcGIS Server Enterprise 10 for Windows&&&&&(3.1 GB)
ArcGIS SDE 10 for UNIX&&&&&(1.6 GB)
ArcGIS SDE 10 for Windows&&&&&(983 MB)
Esri Data & Maps for ArcGIS 10 (available upon request)& USA and World&& StreetMap Part 1& StreetMap Part 2
Esri Data and Maps for ArcGIS Server 10 (available upon request)& USA and World&& StreetMap Part 1& StreetMap Part 2
ArcGIS for Server Workgroup
ArcGIS 10.2.1 for Server Workgroup& (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.2 for Server Workgroup& (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Workgroup& (available upon request)
Esri Data & Maps for ArcGIS 10& (available upon request)& USA and World& StreetMap Part 1& StreetMap Part 2
Esri Data & Maps for ArcGIS Server 10 (available upon request)& USA and World StreetMap Part 1& StreetMap Part 2
ArcGIS for Windows Mobile
ArcGIS 10.2 for Windows Mobile& (available upon request)
ArcGIS 10.1.1 for Windows Mobile& (available upon request)
ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 3.0&&&&|&&&&(57.7 MB)
StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Europe NAVTEQ 2013 Release 1 (available upon request)
StreetMap for ArcGIS for Windows Mobile North America NAVTEQ 2013 Release 1 (available upon request)
ArcGIS Full Motion Video 1.1
This Full Motion Video Add-in allows ArcGIS for Desktop users to add full motion video data to their work. The video data must have MISB compliant telemetry metadata to allow the position information to display on the map.
ArcGIS Full Motion Video 1.1 add-in&&&&&(available upon request)
ArcGIS Image Server
ArcGIS Image Server 10&&&&&(409 MB)
ArcGIS Server Geoportal Extension
ArcGIS Server Geoportal extension 10&&&&&(87 MB)
ArcGIS Workflow Manager
ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop&10.2&&&&| download (54.74 MB)
ArcGIS Workflow Manager 10&&&&&|&&&&(57 MB)
ArcIMS 10&&&&&|&&&&(3.3 GB)
ArcIMS Gazetteer&&&&&(67 MB)
ArcInfo Workstation
ArcInfo Workstation for Windows and Sun Solaris on SPARC&&&&&|&&&(1.1 GB)
ArcLogistics&&(available only with single use license)
ArcLogistics Desktop10&&&&&|&&&&(831 MB)
For the following password-protected download, refer to email with authorization files for password, or email&&&:
ArcPad 10.2&&&&|&&&&|&&&&(114.32 MB) |&
ArcPad 10.0.4&&&&&(120 MB) |&&
ArcGIS Server ArcPad Extension&&&&&(8.67 MB)
Business Analyst
Esri Business Analyst 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1 (Desktop Premium, Server and Online Premium)&&&
(available upon request, for teaching purposes only)
DBMS Support Files
For simplified database connection and administration Esri is providing the database client libraries for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, which enables ArcGIS to connect directly to these databases without having to use an ArcSDE application server. Note that these libraries are provided as a convenience. They are always available from their respective vendors. Also included in DBMS Support is a version of the PostgreSQL DBMS installation for users that do not already have a PostgreSQL database to use.
IBM Data Server 9.7 Fix Pack 4 Runtime Client& (Windows & Linux)& (available upon request)
IBM Informix Connect Runtime 3.50& (Windows & Linux) (available upon request)
Oracle Database 11g R2 Instant Client& (Windows & Linux)& (available upon request)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Native Client (32-bit)& (available upon request)
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP1 Native Client (64-bit)& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.0.5 Client Libraries (Windows & Linux)& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.1.3 Client Libraries (Windows & Linux)& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.2.2 Client Libraries (Windows & Linux)& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.0.5 DBMS for Windows & for Linux& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.1.3 DBMS for Windows & for Linux& (available upon request)
PostgreSQL 9.2.2 DBMS for Windows & for Linux& (available upon request)
A key 10.1 theme is simplified database connection and administration. As part of this theme, Esri is providing the database client libraries for IBM DB2, IBM Informix, Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, which enables ArcGIS to connect directly to these databases without having to use an ArcSDE application server. Note that these libraries are provided as a convenience. They are always available from their respective vendors. Also included in DBMS Support is a version of the PostgreSQL DBMS installation for users that do not already have a PostgreSQL database to use.
&&(1.60 GB)
Esri CityEngine
Esri CityEngine is a standalone software package that provides professional users in entertainment, architecture, urban planning, GIS and general 3D content production with a unique conceptual design and modeling solution for the efficient creation of 3D cities, buildings, and streetscapes. CityEngine can be used to compile, use, and manage geographic information, and includes native support for many data formats including shapefile and file geodatabase. It also supports many GIS tasks, including: mapping, data compilation, analysis, geodatabase management, and geographic information sharing. CityEngine can be used both in isolation or as part of existing workflows, and it is an essential tool for anyone working with 3D urban environments.
Esri CityEngine 2013.1
Requires ArcGIS 10.2.1 License Manager which can be found in the ArcGIS 10.2.1 for Desktop file at the top
Esri City Engine Quick Start Guide&&
Esri CityEngine (Windows)&&&&|&&&&(371 MB)
Esri CityEngine (Mac OS X)&&&&|&&&&(379 MB)
Esri CityEngine 2012.1
3D Modeling Software for Urban Environments&&&&& |&&&&(999 MB)
Esri Mapping and Charting Solutions
Mapping and Charting Solutions provide specification driven quality control, data editing and cartographic product generation tools and workflows necessary for efficient production of industry standard products.
ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting 10.2.1 (available upon request)
ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry 10.2.1 (available upon request)
ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting 10.2.1 (available upon request)
Esri Defense Mapping 10.2.1 (available upon request)
Esri Production Mapping 10.2.1 (available upon request)
Mapping and Charting Solutions includes:
ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports
ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting
ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry
ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
Esri Defense Mapping
Esri Production Mapping
Esri Defense Mapping 10.2&&&&&|&&&&|&&&&(643.01 MB)
Esri Mapping and Charting Solutions 10.1&&&&&|&&&&(613 MB)
Esri Production Mapping 10&&&&&|&&&&(464 MB)
Patches and Service Packs
Patches and Service Packs for ArcGIS Desktop&&&&&
Other Esri Patches and Service Packs&&&
*Service Pack 4 Spatial Join software alert&&&&
Tracking Server
Esri Tracking Server 10.1 (available upon request)
Tracking Server 10&&&&&|&&&&(402 MB)
These no-cost add-ons are&&&&from Esri:
ArcGIS Editor for OpenStreetMap
Districting for ArcGIS
Free Geoportal Add-ons
Geodatabase Toolset (GDBT)
U.S. National Grid Tools for ArcGIS
WMC Client
Blog: & & & & & & & http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301
ArcGIS 10.2 Software Download
Stanford maintains a campus-wide site license agreement with Esri that is paid and managed by Stanford University Libraries for the benefit of the entire university. The site license gives the Stanford community an unlimited number of seats of Esri software for teaching, research, or administrative purposes.
Note for ArcGIS 10.1 users:&&The previous version, ArcGIS 10.1, may be downloaded from the&&&&page.
Updating to a new license:&&if you have an expired license for ArcGIS Standard (Arc Editor), you need to reapply the license codes provided in the ArcGIS Standard installation instructions below.
License Requirements
These programs are for installation on&&Stanford-owned computers only&&and are only available to users who possess a current SUNet ID. Programs provided under this agreement are to be used only for instructional, research, and administrative purposes. Use of the licensed programs for profit, private gain, or other commercial use is prohibited.
ArcGIS is available at two different licensing levels (&Standard&&and&&Advanced&).& Selection is dependant on your hardware and network connection type.& Please&&be sure to read the chart below carefully and select the appropriate choices for your requirements from the linked download form.
Please read before installing&: ArcGIS installation files are provided as .iso files, which must be unzipped before using. Windows can not ex you need to use a 3rd party tool like&&&&or&&&&to extract the .iso files before opening.
For Stanford owned desktops directly connected to the Stanford network, install:
ArcGIS Desktop Advanced
For Stanford owned laptops, NOT connected to the Stanford network, install:
ArcGIS Desktop Standard
Pre configured basemaps and thematic data for ArcGIS Desktop:
ArcGIS 10.2 Data and Maps
Data necessary to complete the tutorials available on Arc GIS Desktop:
ArcGIS&10.2 Tutorial Data
1) Please be sure to un zip the .iso installation files before attempting to install them (you can use a third party extrator such as&&&p or&&&)
2) Verify that you are using the correct version (Advanced or Standard) and licensing level (Concurrent or Single Use) for your set up. Please double check the installation instructions provided above.
3) Do not install the ArcGIS License Manager, this will make it impossible to correctly license your copy of ArcGIS. If you do install this, un install and re install just ArcGIS Desktop.
4) ArcGIS runs on Windows software only. You can run ArcGIS on a Mac with Windows installed via Bootcamp or a virtual machine. Click&&&for more information on running ArcGIS on a Mac.
&5) Students and faculty have access to free or low-cost copies of&&&&and&&&&for download on Stanford-owned and personal computers.
If you need any other application from the Esri suite of products that is not available for download on our website, such as&&ArcGIS Server&,&&CityEngine&,&ArcInfo Workstation&&or&&ArcGIS Mobile&, you can order the original installation media at Branner Library. Please use&&&&to find the product you are interested in and have the Call Number ready when you ask at the circulation desk. If you have any additional questions, please contact David Medeiros at davidmed@stanford.edu.
Blog: & & & & & & & http://blog.csdn.net/linghe301


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