如何找到自己需要的iconfonts Fonts

Icons and Icon Fonts
The explosion of devices and screen sizes has had an interesting effect on how designers and developers use icons on the web. Used well, icons can pack a lot of information into a small amount of visual real estate. They can help UIs communicate efficiently. For example, consider
The ‘conversation bubble’ icon is not only smaller than the word ‘Comments’, it is also easier to pick out in a sea of text.
One of the primary challenges facing icon designers is that their icons must display crisply when sized for different screens. When resized, especially to small areas, icons can become fuzzy or illegible. For the pixel aficionado, the only possible solution may be to hand tweak each icon for each display size. Even for a simple case (phone, tablet, and desktop screen sizes at low and high pixel densities), you may wind up with 6+ different versions of an icon. When you combine these variations with the need to style icons for different use cases (hovered, selected, disabled, etc), the number of icon renderings can quickly spiral out of control.
A 24×24 icon becomes blurry when resized to a 32×32 or 16×16 size.
Bookmark icon courtesy of
Resizing vs pixel-aligning at 32×32
The bookmark icon, used as part of a styled button
Traditionally, there have been two ways to cut down on the number of icon files. The first, using , replaces the resolution-dependent versions of an icon with a single vector. The second, combining multiple icons into a single , cuts down the number of files to manage during development and load during runtime. More recently, web fonts have become a convenient way of packaging vector icons into a single file. At their most basic, fonts just contain a bunch of glyphs, or vector shapes. For example, the
Strumpf contains the shape C to represent a capital ‘C’. Instead of storing glyphs for characters, icon fonts store glyphs for — you guessed it — icons. Since font glyphs are vector based, they will scale more cleanly than their rasterized counterparts. Although icons from an icon font must be monochromatic (unlike their SVG counterparts), they can be styled using CSS, just like any other text on a web page. Instead of rasterizing an icon at different sizes, using different colors, opacities and filters, you can simply style them.
Character Fonts
Under the hood, there are three main mechanisms icon fonts use to replace markup with font glyphs. The first, and simplest, just maps standard latin characters to the icon glyphs. Instead of replacing the character ‘C’ with C, replace it with
. You can use an icon font like this the same way you would use any other web font.
@font-face {
font-family: 'IconFont';
src: url('icon-font.ttf');
&span style='font-family: IconFont'&C&/span&
Note that the above web font incantation has been simplified from the . The weather icon font
uses this type of font encoding, substituting, say, a sunshine icon for the letter ‘B’.
Private Use Fonts
While these fonts display correctly, they can cause a disconnect between a page’s markup and visual representation. After all, the letter ‘B’ doesn’t really map to our idea of sunshine. This disconnect can cause problems for developers trying to understand the code, search engines attempting to parse it, and screen readers assisting the visually impaired. The second method of icon font encoding gets around this problem by using characters that have no semantic meaning. The
standard defines some characters for . These characters have no standardized meaning, and font developers can assign custom glyphs to them. When developers, screen readers, or search engines encounter one these characters, they should either ignore it, or interpret it as having a custom meaning within the markup. The markup using this method would look something like:
@font-face {
font-family: 'IconFont';
src: url('icon-font.ttf');
&span style='font-family: IconFont'&&/span&
There are two small annoyances to this method (think of them as opportunities for improvement). The first is that these characters need to be escaped as numbers, since you can’t type them on your keyboard. The second is that each icon does have a meaning we are unable to convey through the markup. If you saw ‘’ in some HTML, I’m guessing your first reaction wouldn’t be “Oh, that must be a comment icon.” Unicode does provide some
that can help machines parse markup, and the best of these icon fonts tend to map to them when possible. Most also provide human-friendly classnames that utilize pseudo-elements and the content property under the hood. For example, the markup might look like
.icon-comment:before {
font-family: IconF
content: '\e02d';
&span class='icon-comment'&&/span&
Examples of these types of icon fonts include
Ligature Fonts
There is an alternative solution to the problem of creating more human-friendly markup using , part of the new . Ligatures enable a font to substitute a single font glyph for multiple markup characters. Used in the traditional sense, ligatures combine adjacent characters into more visually pleasant forms.
Traditional ligature example from
However, ligatures also make it possible to replace, say, ‘comment’, with the glyph
. You have a literal description of the icon as part of the markup, which makes it easier to understand for developers, screen readers and search engines.
@font-face {
font-family: 'IconFont';
src: url('icon-font.ttf');
&span style='font-family: IconFont'&comment&/span&
A couple icon fonts are already experimenting with this method, including
and . It is important to note that because they are a new feature, ligatures are not yet fully supported .
Icon fonts offer an interesting solution to the problem of icon management. They do have certain strengths and weaknesses to consider when looking at them for a project. They are stylable, scale well, and can help reduce the clutter of individual files. On the other hand, people are used to working with individual image assets because the workflow can be simple and fast. Right now, the biggest challenge may simply be that icons are more frequently distributed as individual assets rather than packaged as a font. As more and more icon fonts become available, however, I think we’ll see them playing an increasing role in web development. If you’re interested in learning more, check out
icon fonts, or create your own over at .
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Copyright & 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.使用SVG中的Symbol元素制作Icon - 博客 - 伯乐在线
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为了解决屏幕分辨率对图标影响的问题,字体图标即icon font顺势而生。字体图标是一种全新的设计方式。更重要的是相比图片而言,使用字体来制作图标可以不受于屏幕分辨率的影响,这对于现在各种分辨率屏幕的移动互联网时代,比起用图片来说确实有很大的优势。所以现在在web开发中,使用字体来制作icon应用的也越来越多。
所有的SVG可以全部在一个文件中,节省HTTP请求 。
Inline SVG,直接把SVG写入 HTML 中,这种方法简单直接,而且具有非常好的可调性。Inline SVG 作为HTML文档的一部分,不需要单独请求。临时需要修改某个图标的形状也比较方便。但是Inline SVG使用上比较繁琐,需要在页面中插入一大块SVG代码不适合手写,图标复用起来也比较麻烦。
SVG Sprite。这里所说的Sprite技术,没错,类似于CSS中的Sprite技术。图标图形整合在一起,实际呈现的时候准确显示特定图标。其实基础的SVG Sprite也只是将原来的位图改成了SVG而已。
现在,我们着重介绍的是使用svg中的&symbol&元素来制作icon,在上面说到的SVG Sprite中,我们需要使用相对位置来控制哪个图标被显示出来,但是SVG本身的定义是允许你可以使用&use&的方式直接引用SVG中的某一部分。
第一种,将上述SVG作为body的第一个元素插入在HTML中, 此后,在需要显示某个 Icon 的地方插入下面的代码即可:
第二种是,是使用完整路径引用Icon。 也就是:
这里介绍一个专门用于处理SVG Symbols用的glup插件。
ok。基本的环境搭好啦,正所谓,巧妇难为无米之炊。上哪找svg图标去呢? 这里推荐去 这个专门提供矢量图标网站下载矢量图像,重要的是它提供SVG格式的图形下载。
一切准备就绪,在你的项目目录中,运行gulp sprites命令:
运行gulp webserver命令,打开localhost:8080,就可以看到我们引入的svg图标了:
综上所述,使用SVG Symbols的方式来制作图标比使用字体图标有着无可比拟的优势。更重要的是SVG中的每一个path元素都可以单独控制,这可以给我们带来什么呢?点击下面的图片你就知道使用SVG来制作图形元素带来的魅力啦。
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赞助云主机, 赞助云存储Iconion: Converts Icon Fonts To Icon Files - 推酷
Iconion: Converts Icon Fonts To Icon Files
Icon fonts are quickly becoming a web design trend and there is a good reason for that. Instead of working with a load of files in different resolutions or large sprites to be controlled by CSS, we simply embed a special font. Creating icons with icon fonts gives designers the ability to manipulate the icons with CSS, and it can improve load times by up to 15%, and because they're vector in nature, they're infinitely scalable, while still being smaller in size than an image sprite.
But what if you need to use these icons in a desktop or mobile application? Or create a website favicon or multi-colored icon?
The only answer is old-fashioned image icons in png or ico format. Iconion allows you to convert any icon font into fantastic-looking png icons by adding color, shadow, background, gradient, stroke and many other fancy elements.
What you can do with Iconion?
With Iconion you can select icons from Font Awesome, Entypo, Linecons, Typeicons and any other symbol fonts you like. You can select any size, without having to worry about the size, 8px or 1024px, the images will be of the same crisp quality. Add style: Icon color, Icon shadow and Icon long shadow, Gradient, Stroke, Icon rotate, Background, Background color, Background gradient, Background shadow, Background border, Rotate. Or just apply one of awesome pre-made templates.
Your final result can be save as png, bmp, jpeg or ico files.
How to use Iconion
Iconion have an interface divided into 3 sections. The left part of the screen lets you select icons from the popular Typeicons, Linecons, Font Awesome and Entypo. But the developer promise to launch a future version that will allow users to work with any symbol font.
The right part which is the style section, allows you to select a style for your icons. There are a lot of fancy styles to choose from. Also, you can easily customize icon and background color, border, size, shadow, gradient and many other parameters. All the pre-made styles can be changed to your liking from an editor below the styles window.
Now, the middle part which is the &Preview & Save& section allows you to control the look of your icon by changing the &Icon& or &Background& properties in their respective tabs. After you are done with the editing, icons can be saved as images after a click on Save Icon button.
Iconion offers two licenses. One entitles you to use Iconion for free for non-commercial purposes. And the other one requires you to have a commercial license if you are going to use Iconion in a profit-oriented project.
权限设置: 公开


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