剑桥 xstreamm magic 6不能上网如可还原

交易0 分生日1978 年 3 月 1 日威望7887 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1784 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分25827精华0UID4146
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望4862 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间183 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分6782精华0UID4620
7.1CH, 积分 6782, 距离下一级还需 1218 积分
本帖最后由 yangshr 于
06:38 编辑
音乐潜水艇 发表于
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
本帖最后由 音乐潜水艇 于
09:03 编辑
yangshr 发表于
别来推销你的神学了,你台电脑换了电源和内存,是否能把1+1计算为3?发神经的人去录音棚看看,哪个神经录 ...
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望4862 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间183 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分6782精华0UID4620
7.1CH, 积分 6782, 距离下一级还需 1218 积分
音乐潜水艇 发表于
08:44 我宽恕容忍你的无知。 首先我是消费者,自己无产品,不推销啥,只是分享一些自己消费经验与看法。其次, ...
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望10429 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1333 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分23859精华1UID14132
morehd 发表于
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
Huchiz 发表于
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望10429 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1333 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分23859精华1UID14132
音乐潜水艇 发表于
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
Huchiz 发表于
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望19855 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间503 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分24985精华0UID262029
交易0 分威望10429 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1333 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分23859精华1UID14132
音乐潜水艇 发表于
交易0 分威望10429 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1333 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分23859精华1UID14132
morehd 发表于
PCHIFI就是电脑+USB DAC,现在USB DAC大部分为异步,利用电脑的播放软件来 ...
交易0 分威望1514 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间228 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分3894精华0UID176289
6.1ES, 积分 3894, 距离下一级还需 1106 积分
PC→Wadia121→JRDG Capri→Pass X350.5→Contour S5.4
交易0 分威望1564 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间877 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限20积分10434精华0UID88714
9.2CH, 积分 10434, 距离下一级还需 1566 积分
喇叭:harbeth compact 7es-3 红木版
功放:TeddyPardo PR1+FirstWatt M2
音源:opera reference 7+X1
交易2 分威望22495 点收听数听众数QQ居住地四川省买家信用卖家信用在线时间863 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分31225精华0UID271559
交易0 分威望7629 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1950 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分27229精华0UID169600
交易0 分威望23356 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间9518 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分118636精华16UID69644
actuary 发表于
目前同价位的解码器在音质上和同价位的CD机相比,差距挺大的.但是CD的消亡是大势所趋.如果未来真正有实力的大 ...
数字播放器:Soulutiion 540 Digital Player
模拟唱盘:NOTTIGHAM Spacedeck
唱头:光悦 Rosewood Signature
前级&唱放:Studer Revox Mixing Console C279+ASR Basis Exclusive
后级:FM Acoustic 801
音箱:JBL Studio Monitor 4430
电源线:Virtual Dynamics Revelation签名版
讯号线:Van Den Hul The Moutain Hybrid+Jensen Silver 6
数字线:AudioQuest Sky
音箱线:Van Den Hul The Inspiration Hybrid
交易0 分威望7629 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1950 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限40积分27229精华0UID169600
lintianshi 发表于
KDS/1播放高格式音乐的声音,明显要好过CD12播放 ...
交易0 分威望5448 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间1740 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限0积分22948精华0UID220205
本帖最后由 lolo258 于
11:44 编辑
morehd 发表于
PCHIFI就是电脑+USB DAC,现在USB DAC大部分为异步,利用电脑的播放软件来 ...
PC-HIFI就是電腦+USB DAC?@#$%^拜託你們這些壓根沒玩過PC-HIFI的人,可不可以不要出來胡說八道丟人現眼,謝謝。
交易0 分威望23356 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间9518 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分118636精华16UID69644
actuary 发表于
现在真正的问题不是技术上的,关键还是唱片 ...
数字播放器:Soulutiion 540 Digital Player
模拟唱盘:NOTTIGHAM Spacedeck
唱头:光悦 Rosewood Signature
前级&唱放:Studer Revox Mixing Console C279+ASR Basis Exclusive
后级:FM Acoustic 801
音箱:JBL Studio Monitor 4430
电源线:Virtual Dynamics Revelation签名版
讯号线:Van Den Hul The Moutain Hybrid+Jensen Silver 6
数字线:AudioQuest Sky
音箱线:Van Den Hul The Inspiration Hybrid
交易0 分威望3283 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间386 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限10积分7243精华0UID282677
7.1CH, 积分 7243, 距离下一级还需 757 积分
有人用过剑桥 Stream Magic 6 网络音频播放器吗?想买一个玩玩。
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
lintianshi 发表于
KDS/1播放高格式音乐的声音,明显要好过CD12播放 ...
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
交易0 分威望23356 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间9518 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分118636精华16UID69644
音乐潜水艇 发表于
数字播放器:Soulutiion 540 Digital Player
模拟唱盘:NOTTIGHAM Spacedeck
唱头:光悦 Rosewood Signature
前级&唱放:Studer Revox Mixing Console C279+ASR Basis Exclusive
后级:FM Acoustic 801
音箱:JBL Studio Monitor 4430
电源线:Virtual Dynamics Revelation签名版
讯号线:Van Den Hul The Moutain Hybrid+Jensen Silver 6
数字线:AudioQuest Sky
音箱线:Van Den Hul The Inspiration Hybrid
交易0 分威望10359 点收听数听众数QQ买家信用卖家信用在线时间3999 小时相册帖子日志记录好友主题分享注册时间最后登录阅读权限50积分50449精华0UID201508
功放:力士LX-550A/Simaudio Moon I5
音箱:意力310CE、Epos es14和原配脚架、Rogers C620
线材:艺康斯SMS2.4喇叭线,欧亚德R1,29踏步扩散板、Auralex Metrofusor扩吸板,Cathedral 驻波处理板
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With What Hi-Fi? Sound and Vision magazine's over 35 years experience in the industry it's easy to see why a What Hi-Fi? Award is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed upon a product.
If you have a wireless network at home, this unit can hook up to it straight away, without you having to connect additional cables or buy a "dongle" or other accessory.
Access tens of thousands of free Internet radio stations with this product. Everything from national radio to obscure stations run from the other side of the world can be listened to instantly.
USB sockets allow you to do all sorts of things. Most commonly you can play media stored on a flash drive, but some units can record to one too or connect accessories like video-calling cameras.
Digital in: 1 optical, 1 coax
(For more features refer to the specification table below.)LOWEST PRICE GUARANTEED&699.95All our web prices are valid in-store
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"The Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 is as captivating as ever, with its new functionality making it an even better proposition than before." What Hi-Fi Sound & Vision Award Winner 20144X THE POWER OF THE ORIGINAL With a brand new processor on board, the Stream Magic 6 V2 is four times as powerful as the original. It's twice as fast, reducing jitter and offering a smoother, more accurate sound as a result. The extra power also ensures the V2 can play all files effortlessly - right up to wirelessly streamed 24-bit/192kHz studio master quality files.STILL THE BEST AUDIO SPEC IN ITS CLASSIn terms of its audio spec, the Stream Magic 6 V2 is still without rival. It features the highest quality digital circuitry possible at its price. Twin Wolfson WM8740 DACs, implemented in a dual differential mode, are complemented by the legendary Anagram Technologies AFT2 24 bit/384 kHz up-sampling circuit. Up-sampling digital files "stretches" the music to give the highest resolution possible. It also aids standard 24-bit/192kHz recordings with a faster sampling rate for less jitter. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR SOUND QUALITYUp-sampling sound gives a smoother, more relaxed sound quality with added detail. You'll also notice enhanced depth of sound and a more natural quality without the "edge" that can afflict digital music. You'll hear every detail, including every deep breath, squeaky chair and fl in short, it's like being there for real!STREAM YOUR MUSIC IN THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY - BETTER THAN CD!However you experience digital music, the idea behind the Stream Magic 6 V2 is still to get the very best sound quality and ease of access from it. First off there's the streaming capability. By either using a wireless or Ethernet connection you can access your stored music from a NAS (Network Attached Storage) drive, laptop or PC. What's more, the Stream Magic 6 V2 makes it easy to access. Using a simple file sharing system called UPnP (Universal Plug n' Play), set-up is simple and there's no further software required. Where the Stream Magic 6 V2 still scores over similar network streaming devices is in its ability to playback very high quality audio files, including 24-bit FLAC and WAV files. In practise this means that, provided you don't mind using up extra storage space on your hard drive, you can now stream music that's better quality than CD.MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR PC'S STORED MUSIC WITH THE 24/192 COMPATIBLE USBConnect to the rear-mounted USB socket and you can stream music files from your PC at the highest quality possible - 24-bit/192kHz. Both kernel streaming and ASIO standards are accepted. (Apple computers support up to 24-bit/192kHz USB transfer natively and a free driver makes this possible from Windows PCs).OPTIONAL BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITYThe Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 is fully compatible with the BT100 Bluetooth receiver. Simply pair the receiver up with your smart phone, tablet or any other Bluetooth media device and then stream your stored music or music streaming services via top quality Bluetooth aptX. Although not quite as good, in terms of sound quality, as the other streaming methods, it provides flexibility and is ideal for streaming stored music from smartphones or tablets, making it perfect for parties!GREAT FOR INTERNET RADIO STREAMING AND STREAMING SERVICES INCLUDING SPOTIFY!In addition to supporting over 20,000, easy to access Internet radio stations, the Stream Magic 6 V2 is also compatible with the most popular music streaming services. Spotify is the world's most popular streaming service and now the Stream Magic 6 V2 has Spotify Connect integrated into it. If you subscribe to Spotify Premium, you can control the Stream Magic 6 V2 with the powerful Spotify Connect app on your phone or tablet. Should you prefer other music services, the Stream Magic 6 V2 also supports Napster, BBC iPlayer for radio, Aupeo! Pandora and Rhapsody.STREAM MAGIC CONTROL FOR YOUR APPLE OR ANDROID DEVICEWith a free Apple/Android app you have effortless control over the radio stations with the comfort of your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad or Android device. Stream Magic also seamlessly manages all your streaming content and is, in effect, a very user friendly way of bringing together and controlling all your digital sources. Stream Magic also controls the volume on a compatible Cambridge Audio amplifier or receiver.BUILT-IN PRE-AMP - JUST ADD ACTIVE SPEAKERS!If you're seeking quality hi-fi from a minimal system then the built-in pre-amp will appeal. Simply add active speakers via the digital or analogue outputs and you'll be able to control the volume and balance via the Stream Magic.FULLY CONNECTED, INCLUDING XLR BALANCEDWhen it comes to connectivity the Stream Magic 6 V2 is, yet again, at the top of the class. The highlight is the fitment of XLR balanced outputs. When used with a compatible amplifier, such as the Cambridge Audio 851A, these connections give the ultimate link possible, with greatly superior levels of shielding. Added to this there are USB inputs on both the front and rear, plus a third, Type B input for the direct connection of your PC or Mac. Both optical and coaxial digital sockets are provided for both inputs and outputs. This lets you connect up other digital components and take advantage of the superior quality DAC built into the Stream Magic 6 V2. Finally, the choice of either Ethernet or wi-fi compatibility gives the ultimate flexibility in how you connect the Stream Magic 6 to your network.Greatly improved and still without serious rival, the Cambridge Audio Stream Magic 6 V2 is simply the best in class. <p Expand AllUSBNumber of USB sockets fitted. These can be used for connection of media players, wi-fi dongles and other accessories3Optical Digital OutputDoes it feature a digital optical output for connection to digital amp/AVR or upgraded DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor)?Coaxial Digital OutputDoes it feature a coaxial digital output for connection to digital amp/AVR or upgraded DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor)?XLR Balanced OuputsBalanced XLR outputs offer a professional grade connection with minimal interferenceCoaxial Digital InputDoes it have a coaxial digital input? This allows the unit to also be used as DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor) for other componentsOptical Digital InputDoes it have an optical digital input? This allows the unit to also be used as a DAC (Digital to Analogue Convertor) for other componentsApple AirPlayDoes the unit support Apple AirPlay? Apple AirPlay lets you listen to your entire iTunes music library from a suitable iOS device such as iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. Best of all, the system is wireless and so is ideal for building up a wireless multi-room system.BluetoothDoes the unit support Bluetooth? A built-in Bluetooth receiver lets you stream music from a suitably equipped device such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC.Optional - BT100Wireless ConnectionWhether a wireless or, Wi-Fi, connection is included as standard or optional (via dongle). This allows for wireless connection to your home network hub.Internet Radio & ServicesDoes it have access to Internet radio and other online music services?High Resolution AudioHigh Resolution Audio provides exception sound quality from High Resolution music files. Typically these are DSD, WAV, AIFF, FLAC or ALAC files at 24bit/96kHz or 24bit/192kHz ratesSmartphone RemoteCan you use a Smartphone (iPhone or Android) to control the unit?DLNA CompliantDLNA stands for Digital Living Network Alliance. It is an alliance of interested bodies that help standardise streaming content. If a product is DLNA complaint you can be assured it will stream music from your PC, laptop etc to the unitPower Consumption - StandbyThis is the power used in watts when the unit is switched off but still powered at the mains and ready to be turned back on0.5Power Consumption - Normal UseThis is the power used in watts when the unit is on, using standard settings. Note, different manufacturers use different methods to arrive at this figure. In some cases only the maximum power consumption is quoted30DimensionsDimensions of unit (W x D x H) mm.430 x 305 x 85WeightWeight of unit, unboxed, in KG.4.0Award Winning Music Streamer
Rated 5 out of 5燽y 1
Rated 5 out of 5燽y Magpie53 Fantastic
Listen to studio masters is even USB FLAC files and you will hear new levels of detail. The radio is superb also. Bought in Brighton and despite the fact that the shop was being refurbished, the service was excellent. Buy it!
15 November 2014


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