android gradlee buildconfigfield 怎么引用自定义字段

之前的做法是为每个需要适配的渠道创建一个Git分支,发版时再切换到相应的分支,并合并主分支的代码。适配的渠道比较少的话这种方式还可以接受,如果分支比较多,对开发人员来说简直就是噩梦。还好,自从有了Gradle flavor,一切都变得简单了。本文假定读者使用过Gradle,如果还不了解建议先阅读相关文档。
productFlavors {
minSdkVersion 14
productFlavors {
applicationId &
defaultConfig {
buildConfigField &boolean&, &AUTO_UPDATES&, &true&
productFlavors {
wandoujia {
buildConfigField &boolean&, &AUTO_UPDATES&, &false&
productFlavors {
wandoujia {
&string name=&app_name&&美团团购&/string&
&string name=&app_name&&美团&/string&
最后,运行gradle assembleWandoujia命令即可生成应用名为美团团购的应用了。
productFlavors {
dependencies {
provided 'com.qihoo360.union.sdk:union:1.0'
qihu360Compile 'com.qihoo360.union.sdk:union:1.0'
接下来,需要在代码中使用反射技术判断应用程序是否添加了该SDK,从而决定是否要显示360 SDK提供的精品应用。部分代码如下:
class MyActivity extends Activity {
private boolean useQihuS
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
useQihuSdk =
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
最后,运行gradle assembleQihu360命令即可生成包含360精品应用模块的渠道包了。
适配是一项dirty工作,尤其是适配的渠道比较多的时候。上面介绍了几种使用Gradle flavor进行适配的例子,基本解决了繁杂的适配工作。
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
(1)(2)(6)(3)(13)(5)(5)(17)(5)(17)(18)Android Studio 0.4.3 发布
Android Studio 0.4.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:支持最新的 Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本,不要求强制更新,用户可以继续使用 0.7 版本更新到最新的 IntelliJ 13 EAP build, #133.609 ()
支持 Gradle IDE
Updating from one version of the Gradle plugin t rather than just opening a search window showing .gradle files referencing the plugin, the upgrade quickfix now performs the edits to the plugin dependency and the gradle wrapper properties file directly and in one shot
We now automatically sync with Gradle's model after a build if we detect that the model is stale
Fixed a bug around library syncing (where library dependency classes and resources could suddenly not be found by the IDE)
New lint check which looks for cycles in style definitions, cycles in layout &include& definitions, cycles in resource aliases and cycles in color and drawable definitions.
New lint check for duplicate item definitions inside styles
New lint check for padding symmetry in right-to-left contexts
New lint check for a resource definition pattern which can cause some versions of aapt to crash
The layout editor property sheet now handles setting properties in custom namespaces
Improved threading behavior of layout rendering code (which should make editing in the XML editor with the layout render preview window more responsive)
In addition to creating new locales from the Locale menu you can now open up and edit existing translations
Fixed bug where the layout editor could show stale resource strings
导入 Eclipse
You can now import Eclipse-style projects even if they don't have .classpath and .project files as long as they use the same directory structure
More graceful handling of imports if there is a problem such as a missing dependency
其他 bug 修复
Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本更新内容如下:Supports Gradle 1.10, requires Build-Tools 19.0.0+Fixed issue 64302: Add renderscript support mode jar to the dependencies in the IDE model.Fixed issue 64094: buildConfigField can now replace previous values inside the same type/flavors.Add support for NDK prebuilts in library projects.Parallelize pre-dexing to speed up clean builds.Incremental dexing re-enabled (though it'll be automatically disabled in some builds for some cases that dx doesn't support yet.)Added 'provided' dependency scope for compile only (not packaged) dependencies.&Additional scope per buildtype and flavors are also available (debugProvided, myFlavorProvided,etc...)Variant API improvements:getPreBuild() returns the prebuild task for the variantgetSourceSets() returns the sorted sourcesets for the task, from lower to higher prioritycreateZipAlignTask(String taskName, File inputFile, File outputFile).This creates and return a new zipalign task. Useful if you have a custom plugin providing custom signing of APKs.&This also makes the assemble task depend on the new zipalign task, and wires variant.getOutputFile() to return the result of the zipalign now receives a Configuration object to pass the dependencies to the IDE. See artifactApi sample.New &lintVital& task, run automatically as part of assembling release variants, which checks only fatal-severity issuesReplace Java parser in lint with ECJ; must faster and fixes bug where lint could hang on certain source constructsLint HTML report now writes links to source files and images as URLs relative to the report location安装
如果你已经在运行 Android Studio,重启就可以了,或者是通过 帮助—&检查更新(OS X,在 Android Studio 菜单可以看到)。这种安装只会安装一部分分支,不会进行整个 IDE 镜像的安装。如果你想下载个完整安装版本,可以前往
Android Studio 的详细介绍:
Android Studio 的下载地址:
想通过手机客户端(支持 Android、iPhone 和 Windows Phone)访问开源中国:
旧一篇: 1年前
新一篇: 1年前
现在android develop网站都打不开么, 一直提示403错误
引用来自“rockjava”的评论这货肿么个情况?天天发布吗?更新的太快了点吧 话说这changelog也多了点吧 。。。
14楼:qiukeren 来自
18楼:FoxHu 来自
估计在2014 I/O开发者大会时退出1.0版
估计在2014 I/O开发者大会时推出1.0版
本站最新资讯Android Studio 0.4.3 发布
Android Studio 0.4.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:支持最新的 Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本,不要求强制更新,用户可以继续使用 0.7 版本更新到最新的 IntelliJ 13 EAP build, #133.609 ()
支持 Gradle IDE
Updating from one version of the Gradle plugin t rather than just opening a search window showing .gradle files referencing the plugin, the upgrade quickfix now performs the edits to the plugin dependency and the gradle wrapper properties file directly and in one shot
We now automatically sync with Gradle's model after a build if we detect that the model is stale
Fixed a bug around library syncing (where library dependency classes and resources could suddenly not be found by the IDE)
New lint check which looks for cycles in style definitions, cycles in layout &include& definitions, cycles in resource aliases and cycles in color and drawable definitions.
New lint check for duplicate item definitions inside styles
New lint check for padding symmetry in right-to-left contexts
New lint check for a resource definition pattern which can cause some versions of aapt to crash
The layout editor property sheet now handles setting properties in custom namespaces
Improved threading behavior of layout rendering code (which should make editing in the XML editor with the layout render preview window more responsive)
In addition to creating new locales from the Locale menu you can now open up and edit existing translations
Fixed bug where the layout editor could show stale resource strings
导入 Eclipse
You can now import Eclipse-style projects even if they don't have .classpath and .project files as long as they use the same directory structure
More graceful handling of imports if there is a problem such as a missing dependency
其他 bug 修复
Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本更新内容如下:Supports Gradle 1.10, requires Build-Tools 19.0.0+Fixed issue 64302: Add renderscript support mode jar to the dependencies in the IDE model.Fixed issue 64094: buildConfigField can now replace previous values inside the same type/flavors.Add support for NDK prebuilts in library projects.Parallelize pre-dexing to speed up clean builds.Incremental dexing re-enabled (though it'll be automatically disabled in some builds for some cases that dx doesn't support yet.)Added 'provided' dependency scope for compile only (not packaged) dependencies.&Additional scope per buildtype and flavors are also available (debugProvided, myFlavorProvided,etc...)Variant API improvements:getPreBuild() returns the prebuild task for the variantgetSourceSets() returns the sorted sourcesets for the task, from lower to higher prioritycreateZipAlignTask(String taskName, File inputFile, File outputFile).This creates and return a new zipalign task. Useful if you have a custom plugin providing custom signing of APKs.&This also makes the assemble task depend on the new zipalign task, and wires variant.getOutputFile() to return the result of the zipalign now receives a Configuration object to pass the dependencies to the IDE. See artifactApi sample.New &lintVital& task, run automatically as part of assembling release variants, which checks only fatal-severity issuesReplace Java parser in lint with ECJ; must faster and fixes bug where lint could hang on certain source constructsLint HTML report now writes links to source files and images as URLs relative to the report location安装
如果你已经在运行 Android Studio,重启就可以了,或者是通过 帮助—&检查更新(OS X,在 Android Studio 菜单可以看到)。这种安装只会安装一部分分支,不会进行整个 IDE 镜像的安装。如果你想下载个完整安装版本,可以前往
Android Studio 的详细介绍:
Android Studio 的下载地址:
想通过手机客户端(支持 Android、iPhone 和 Windows Phone)访问开源中国:
旧一篇: 1年前
新一篇: 1年前
现在android develop网站都打不开么, 一直提示403错误
引用来自“rockjava”的评论这货肿么个情况?天天发布吗?更新的太快了点吧 话说这changelog也多了点吧 。。。
14楼:qiukeren 来自
18楼:FoxHu 来自
估计在2014 I/O开发者大会时退出1.0版
估计在2014 I/O开发者大会时推出1.0版
本站最新资讯BuildConfig 无法得到正确创建 (Gradle Android)
我想转换我们向 gradle 生成的 Android 应用程序。我有项目,这是图书馆建设成功。我现在正在努力创建单独的 apks 为我们各种环境 (开发/测试/产品有不同的 url 供他们消费的 rest 风格的服务)。
在找来找去,我觉得这样做的最佳方式是以使不同 BuildConfig 为每个环境。这是我试过:
import java.util.regex.Pattern
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
apply plugin: 'android'
task('increaseVersionCode') && {
def manifestFile = file("AndroidManifest.xml")
def pattern = pile("versionCode=\"(\\d+)\"")
def manifestText = manifestFile.getText()
def matcher = pattern.matcher(manifestText)
def versionCode = Integer.parseInt(
def manifestContent = matcher.replaceAll("versionCode=\"" + ++versionCode + "\"")
tasks.whenTaskAdded { task -&
if ( == 'generateReleaseBuildConfig') {
task.dependsOn 'increaseVersionCode'
dependencies {
compile ''
compile files('libs/commons-io-2.4.jar',
compile project(':pulltorefresh_lib')
compile project(':edgeeffect_lib')
compile project(':viewpagerindicator_lib')
buildToolsVersion "18.1.1"
compileSdkVersion "Google Inc.:Google APIs:18"
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 18
buildTypes {
packageNameSuffix ".debug"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SEARCH", "\"https://dev-\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_CONNECT", "\"https://dev-\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_NEWSLIST", "\"https://dev-/newslist\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_NEWSDETAIL", "\"https://dev-/newsdetail\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_REGISTERENDPOINTS", "\"https://dev-/registerendpoints\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SEARCH", "\"\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_CONNECT", "\"\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_NEWSLIST", "\"/newslist\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_NEWSDETAIL", "\"/newsdetail\";"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SVC_REGISTERENDPOINTS", "\"https://mobilenews.pdc-np-/registerendpoints\";"
sourceSets {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
问题是我的 似乎不能注入的静态变量,因此得到了一个错误类似于:
/Users/path/to/project/ error: cannot find symbol
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(BuildConfig.URL_SEARCH)));
variable URL_SEARCH
location: class BuildConfig
/Users/path/to/project/ error: cannot find symbol
startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(BuildConfig.URL_CONNECT)));
variable URL_CONNECT
location: class BuildConfig
/Users/path/to/project/ error: cannot find symbol
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(BuildConfig.URL_SVC_REGISTERENDPOINTS);
location: class BuildConfig
/Users/path/to/project/service/ error: cannot find symbol
String requestUrl = BuildConfig.URL_SVC_NEWSLIST + "?"
location: class BuildConfig
/Users/path/to/project/service/ error: cannot find symbol
String requestUrl = BuildConfig.URL_SVC_NEWSLIST + "?"
location: class BuildConfig
/Users/path/to/project/service/ error: cannot find symbol
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(BuildConfig.URL_SVC_NEWSDETAIL);
location: class BuildConfig
我的 build/source/buildConfig/debug/com/lmig/ets/mobile/libertynewsreader/ 文件包含:
* Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY
public final class BuildConfig {
public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true");
public static final String PACKAGE_NAME = "";
public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug";
public static final String FLAVOR = "";
public static final int VERSION_CODE = 5;
解决方法 1:
请请务必您正在构建"dev"督促"变形。没有 BuildConfig 定义的默认"调试"和"释放"的变形。在 Android Studio 中,您可以选择左下角中的当前变量:
为了简化您的 build.gradle 文件,您可以定义:
buildTypes {
packageNameSuffix ".debug"
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SEARCH", "\"https://dev-\""
buildConfigField "String", "URL_SEARCH", "\"\""
最后,删除分号 (标志:;) 从 buildConfigField 参数的值。Building Multiple Editions of an Android App with Gradle | robusta tech talk
A mobile application we’ve worked on recently had a special requirement. The app would be released multiple times, under different name, branding and minor feature differences. This can very easily turn into a mess quickly, if all the apps are not maintained in a single code base.
The way you would usually approach this is by building the whole app as an Android library project, and you would then build an Android application project for each edition. That can work, but you would need a lot of work to get the library/app separation to work, because your library is actually an application, and that could cause some confusions.
However, we were already migrating our Android development to Android Studio, and the new build system (Gradle) has a specific solution to this problem: meet Flavors.
Flavors are basically different editions of the application, that are built from a single code base. The library approach is no longer necessary, and the whole process is just streamlined. Through this post, we’re going to configure a build of an application with two flavors, take a look over the process quickly and see how to differentiate the two flavors with different graphics or features.
Note: Android Studio & Gradle Android plugin are still in preview mode and different versions aren’t necessarily compatible, so please take note that the following instructions apply to Gradle plugin 0.9.2 and Android Studio 5.5. If you use different versions than these, they may, or may not work.
Our base application
We’re going to use Android Studio for this app, it would still be relatively easy to apply this without Android Studio though. First, let’s create a new project MultiFlavorSampleApp, with the default empty Activity.
This will get you started with a default app/build.gradle, it should be similar to this:
apply plugin: 'android'
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion &19.0.3&
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 8
targetSdkVersion 19
versionCode 1
versionName &1.0&
buildTypes {
runProguard false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
dependencies {
compile ''
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
Adding a Flavor
Now we want to add flavor that builds a different edition of the application. Since we don’t have any flavors, we’ll have to define 2 flavors, one for the default edition, and another for the flavor we want to add. Let’s call the default edition “Vanilla”, and the other flavor “Strawberry”.
We’ll need to add a productFlavors section inside the android section.
productFlavors {
strawberry {
After modifying your build.gradle, sync your Android Studio with the new changes.
Now if you open the “Build Variants” view, you can easily switch between build variants from within the IDE. A build variant is basically a combination of flavors and build types ( by default debug and release ). So, with 2 flavors, you get 4 build variants by default.
Now, first thing you would want to do is provide different package names per flavor, so you can distribute them separately.
Update: Check
regarding packageName.
productFlavors {
packageName &com.example.multiflavorapp&
strawberry {
packageName &com.example.multiflavorapp.strawberry&
From the build variants window you can now just change the variant and you’re good to go. So far though, we’re just building the same app with a different package name, now let’s start the fun.
Providing Alternate Resources
Now we’re going to start customizing the application per flavor, starting with resources. As we’ve created a new project in Android Studio, I’ll assume you now have the default project structure:
In this structure, main is your default source directory (i.e. the “unflavored” source). So, where you would put your flavor customizations? in a flavored directory, that is. Let’s say we want to provide a different layout file for activity_main.xml in strawberry flavor. If you follow the same default structure, you won’t need to modify your Gradle script, you just need to provide an alternative source in the strawberry source directory, so basically you will have this structure:
Note: You may face minor inconveniences creating files (code files or resources) under a flavor that’s not currently selected from Android’s Build Variants view. Selecting the right flavor before working on its source directory would be more convenient, but not necessary
Now if you build strawberry, you’re going to get the strawberry/res/layout/activity_main.xml layout. If you build vanilla, you’ll get the main/res/layout/activity_main.xml because it wasn’t overwritten.
Note: Be ware of the ids you’re using in the layouts. If you add new ids in strawberry‘s activity_main.xml that are not in main‘s activity_main.xml, these ids will not be visible when building vanilla, resulting build failure if you use these ids in code.
You should note that resources aren’t merged on file-level, but actually on resource-level. For string resources for example, if you have these two files:
&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?&
&string name=&app_name&&Vanilla App&/string&
&string name=&hello_world&&Hello world!&/string&
&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?&
&string name=&app_name&&Strawberry App&/string&
when you build the strawberry flavor, you’ll get these resources (you won’t see this inside the IDE, your files will stay the same, but this just represents how the final resources would be.):
&?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?&
&string name=&app_name&&Strawberry App&/string&
&string name=&hello_world&&Hello world!&/string&
If you build vanilla, you’ll get main‘s strings.xml as is.
Although this works, I’d recommend splitting customizable strings in a different file (e.g. flavor_strings.xml), to separate actual application strings, from strings that should be customized by each flavor. This way it’s more maintainable, and when adding a flavor, you would know exactly what to customize, without touching the application’s general strings and possibly their localized versions.
Note: When providing alternate resources in a flavor, make sure you provide alternates for all qualifiers that exist in main for the same resource.
For example, if you have logo.png in main provided in drawable-hdpi and drawable-xhdpi, and you only provide the hdpi version in strawberry flavor, the logo.png from main will be loaded on xhdpi devices.
Providing Alternate Code files
Code files are treated differently from resources. They don’t override each other, they’re just combined. So if you have com.example.MainActivity in your main source directory, and provide a different implementation of the same class in a different flavor, the build system will complain that you have duplicate class definitions when building that flavor.
However, this is still easily achievable. If you want to provide different implementations for a class in flavors, you have to omit them from the main source.
Let’s say you want to provide a different class called com.example.Flavor. First you would want to make sure you don’t have the class itself in main source. However, it’s likely that you want a default implementation. So, now we’re going to add it to all flavors separately, but not in main, this way, whenever you build a flavor, it will only see one com.example.Flavor class definition.
Note: If you’re going to use both class versions from the main code files, make sure you maintain the same package, same class name, and same publicly used methods. If one version doesn’t have a method of another, and you attempt to use it, it will result a build error.
This works best if you structure the customizable classes correctly with interfaces or abstract classes. You may be interested to look at
if you want the code be more flexible.
Controlling Code Path per Flavor
If your flavors have different features enabled, you would want to control the code execution per flavor as well. Basically you want to say
} else if(IS_STRAWBERRY) {
You have many options to achieve this.
You can depend on BuildConfig.FLAVOR value, to check which flavor are we building. This method however can be hard to manage if you’re going to add more flavors in the future.
Put your flags in an XML resource file. This will force you to use a Context to get these values in runtime though.
Add a BuildConfig boolean flag, something like (BuildConfig.HAS_PAYMENT, BuildConfig.IS_PRO_VERSION), this could be done using buildConfigField:
productFlavors {
buildConfigField &boolean&, &HAS_PAYMENT&, &true&
strawberry {
buildConfigField &boolean&, &HAS_PAYMENT&, &false&
You can’t add it manually of course as BuildConfig is automatically generated. We’d recommend using this method if applicable.
Note: So far, I’ve been using the default project structure. You can always customize the locations of specific folders (for java files, resource directories…etc), but using the default structure will keep your build script short, and following the convention will help you find stuff easier instead of tracing around where files are coming from.
Signing Configuration
We’re almost done for publishing the applications. We need to add the signing configuration to build signed APKs. I will assume you have already generated the keystore files. You will need to add the signingConfigs section, anywhere before the productFlavors section:
signingConfigs {
storeFile file(&../../app.keystore&) //Path to the keystore file
keyAlias &app&
storePassword &&
keyPassword &&
You may prefer to sign each flavor with different certificate. To do that, you would just need to write a signingConfig section per flavor and assign it to each flavor:
signingConfigs {
storeFile file(&../../app.keystore&) //Path to the keystore file
keyAlias &vanilla&
storePassword &&
keyPassword &&
strawberry {
storeFile file(&../../app.keystore&) //Path to the keystore file
keyAlias &strawberry&
storePassword &&
keyPassword &&
productFlavors {
packageName &com.example.multiflavorapp&
strawberry {
packageName &com.example.multiflavorapp.strawberry&
buildTypes {
release { //Only use the release key on a release buildType
productFlavors.vanilla.signingConfig signingConfigs.vanilla
productFlavors.strawberry.signingConfig signingConfigs.strawberry
Note: For simplicity, I’ve put the keystore and alias password in the build file directly. Most probably, you want to move these out of the file so you can check it into version control, but that’s a bit beyond our scope here.
That’s all for this post. There’s a lot more you can do with flavors, and more configuration, like flavor-specific dependencies that were not covered here. You should not overuse flavors though, unless these flavors should really belong to the same code base. If you find yourself doing major work inside a specific flavor, you should probably reconsider using flavors at all. I think it’s better to think of a flavor as a thin layer, not an app in itself
Android is a trademark of Google Inc. The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
Senior Android Developer. Boilerplate code hater.


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