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Code::Blocks IDE for Fortran
Code::Blocks is a free, cross platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) oriented towards the C/C++ language. You can find more information at its home page ().I want to make Code::Blocks more useful for Fortran programmers. First of all, I am developing a plugin called FortranProject. Additionally, I have added the support of some Fortran compilers and some more. With these addons the Code::Blocks can serve as a good Fortran IDE. FortranProject plugin currently is included in an official Code::Blocks 13.12 distribution for Windows. On this page you can get some useful information about how to use C::B for programming with Fortran. Also you can download the pre-built binaries for Linux and Windows.
Examples how to use MathGL library together with GTK from Fortran were uploaded to .
A new stable release 1.2 is out. I hope, that many Fortran developers will enjoy using this version of IDE.
A new release candidate is out. I would call it “a bug fixing release”. Since v1.1 a few bugs in FortranProject plugin were found and fixed. Symbols browser displays now type of variables. Call-tips is shown for arrays too. This release is based on C::B 13.12 source code.
: “More stable, feature-rich and major compiler enhancement, the new Code::Blocks release has arrived.” It is about Code::Blocks 13.12 . This time C::B includes FortranProject plugin on Windows too (but not on Linux). C::B comes with an installer and GFortran too. Therefore it may be the easiest way for new users to start programming with Fortran. You can download C::B from
A new version of Code::Blocks for Fortran is released.
It has the same features as RC2, so if you feel comfortable with 1.1RC2, you don’t need to update to the newer version. But if you are using v1.0, try new one. As always: your feedback is welcome.
A new 1.1RC2 is out. There was made attempt to improve debugging Fortran code using GDB. “A temporary workaround” (described
and ) was implemented in GDB debugger plugin which allows read values of allocatable and assumed-shape arrays. If you like to view values of such array, you should set “Watch as array” and “Pointer-like” in a watch properties dialog (see screen-shots) for this variable. I consider this solution as temporal and I hope improvements in GDB itself in the future.
Debug with GDB
Editor with Fortran syntax highlighting ( and free form).
Compilation of Fortran project directly from IDE. FortranProject plugin should care about Fortran file dependencies. Alternatively you can use your supplied makefile.
Possibility to jump directly to the code line with an error (currently the support of gfortran, g95, Intel Fortran, Oracle Solaris Studio Fortran and PGI Fortran is implemented).
Symbols browser with defined program units (functions, subroutines, modules etc.) in your project.
Possibility to jump to code line with subroutine/function definition directly from editor (right click on the name and select
"Jump to: 'name'") or from the symbols browser (double click on the name) or using menu 'Search-&Jump to declaration'.
Program debugging using GNU GDB or IDB (Intel's debugger on Linux).
Completion of names when you type or when you press Ctrl+Space (you can change the key combinations in Editor's Settings).
The support for subroutine/function names, the names of variables, the components of derived types and the type-bound procedures is implemented.
Call-tips with subroutine/function argument list. Appears automatically or when you press Ctrl+Shift+Space.
Appearance of tooltips when you hold mouse on variable or name of subroutine.
Jump back and forth again to the edited file or the marked line (use toolbar or Alt+arrow).
Possibility to generate a Makefile (Tools-&Fortran-&Genarate Makefile). This feature should generate a working makefile for the active target in simple cases. Or the generated makefile can be used as a draft in more sophisticated projects.
Code::Blocks (and FortranProject plugin) is distributed at GPLv3.
Just extract archive in your favored directory. To launch Code::Blocks run codeblocks.exe (on Win) or (on Linux). If you have another Code::Blocks distribution on your system you may want to start Code::Blocks as a portable app by executing startup script codeblocks_portable.bat ( Code::Blocks saves all settings in installation directory if you launch program using codeblocks_portable.bat (
To be able to compile your Fortran files you should have an installed Fortran compiler (gfortran, g95 or another one). Windows users should install MinGW on a system first. I would suggest to install MinGW from . If you are going to use gfortran, don't forget to mark it during installation. It may be useful to read
page. You may find useful to look at short tutorial posted to CBFortran Google group: .
Linux users should have 'gtk2' and 'xterm' installed on their system.
Linux versions were tested on several different distributions.
Setup of compiler's installation directory
You should read
User manual
You can download the Code::Blocks user manual from
Project has page on . There you can report bugs, send your patches, download latest code from svn.
My name is Darius Markauskas. I develop for this project on my spare time. You can read
about my main work. Have questions, suggestions? Found a bug?Write me to:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Code::Blocks
codeblocks-13.12.suse12.3-1.x86_64.tar.xz (11,636,300 バイト/MD5: 021d7399daadd36b30de578e32b3bd92)のダウンロードが開始されます。開始されない場合,をクリックしてください。
Code::Blocksは、ユーザからのニーズを最も満たすクロスプラットフォームなオープンソースのC/C++ IDEです。高い拡張性と様々な設定な可能なように設計されています。プラットフォームを越えて一貫したルック&フィールを備えています。プラグインフレームワークにより、どのような機能でも追加して拡張することが可能になっています。例えば、編集やデバッグといった機能も全てプラグインで実現されています。ubuntu 12.04安装codeblocks 13 .12
& &下面是我安装的步骤:
& &1.到官网下载:
& & codeblocks-13.12-1_i386.debian.stable.tar.xz
& &2.右键解压,打开终端,进入此文件夹中
cd debian-stable


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