online said that she herwas not in her qq

英语对话Atlanta was a Greek princess who could run faster than any
men in Greece but she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.She was s0 angry that she decided
decided not to marry anyone who could not run faster than her. Her father said that she must get married, s_百度作业帮
英语对话Atlanta was a Greek princess who could run faster than any
men in Greece but she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games.She was s0 angry that she decided
decided not to marry anyone who could not run faster than her. Her father said that she must get married, so at last she made her promise. She said that if a man wanted to marry her, she would run against him. If he could not run as fast as her, he would be killed .
Many kings and princes sadly went home when they
heard of her rules. Then a man called Hippomenes saw her and wanted to marry her.So he asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love.She promised to help him and gave him
three golden apples. She said that when Atlanta is running past she will be excitedand run slower.
Hippomenes went to the King with the apples and the race began.根据上述文章完成下列任务Make up a short play about the happy ending and then act it out.Time: when the race is overPlace: at the palaceCharacters:
Atlanta, Hippomenes,
the king要求写成对话的形式
Hippomenes:You lost,my dear princess.Atlanta:Yeah,I did.Hippomenes:Then you’ll marry me,will you?Atlanta(smile):I will.(Hippomenes takes Atlanta’s hand,walk out of the stage)The King(to Atlanta):What a brave man you have,my dear daughter.He won you by using his courage and wisdom.I have no doubt that he will bring you happiness in the rest of your life.Atlanta:Yes,my father,I will perform my words because he is the one who can run faster than I did.I think he is strong enough for me to rely on.The King(to Hippomenes):I appreciate your strong ability to win the race.I hope you can bring happiness not only to my daughter but also to all the people in this country with your intelligence in the future.Hippomenes:Thank you.My king,I will try my best.Finally,Atlanta and Hippomenes got married and live with a happy life.
试卷编号:& Book1Unit1-2
考试时间:& 180 分钟
满分:& 154 分
Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the
help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each
1. Current employment laws will be changed to&
effort and punish laziness.
2. Exercise is very , because you will become stronger and
healthier after doing it.
3. I hope you find your stay in Milan as& as I
have always found.
4. He plans to have a party at the end of the day as
a& for not smoking.
5. The woman promised a& of a thousand dollars to
anyone who could give information about the location of her
6. The young man felt , because he could not please his father no
matter how hard he tried.
7. The book was& to read because even after using
a dictionary I still couldn't understand all the difficult
8. I started to learn to speak English at a night school when I was
still a& officer in the National Guard.
9. This book is quite& anything I've ever read
before, which means that it is unique.
10. The school was& any I had previously
11. It's a very different park,& any other that I
have come across before.
12. Some of this material can be found on the Internet in a growing
number of& resources related to trade.
13. The Web site allows you to take a& tour of the
art gallery.
14. Some poor children in the world are still forced to work
as& slaves in factories.
15. He claimed to be a& prisoner in his own home,
because he could not leave as he wanted to.
16. Chinese is still the main& of instruction in
China for English language learning.
17. They have used film as a& to express their
political views.
18. The girl who came here was of& height and
19. A child who acts poorly in public can easily&
his parents, because it makes them look bad in the eyes of other
20. John was going to& Mary by telling his friends
how much weight she had gained.
21. It& him that he had no idea of what was going
on in his own family.
22. Keep a& attitude towards yourself, instead of
thinking negative about who you are, and you will reap tremendous
23. It is not enough that you think they might've stolen from the
company, you need to be& that they did it before
firing them.
24. Cultivating a positive attitude toward yourself can help
you& tremendous benefits, which might include a
better job, more friends, and better health.
25. After more than 20 years of achieving very little, research
into tuberculosis is just now beginning to& the
benefits of developments in medical treatment.
26. If you were fired from your previous job, you may not be able
to claim unemployment& such as medical
27. As long as you get regular exercise, you can reap
the& of being fit.
28. This street became popular in the late nineties and it remains
well& a visit because of the many stores
29. It's& comparing a range of models before
deciding which one to buy.
30.& is essential to a
cannot hope to make any progress if he cannot work in an organized
31. The boss tried to& his men by telling them he
would fire them if they did not work harder.
32. What disappointed us was that half of our classmates refused
to& in the sports meet.
33. It is impossible to say how many people& in
the demonstration (游行) in New York, because no one counted
34. They started out by looking at the computer&
that displayed the images.
35. The plane was on a flight from Milan when it disappeared from
36. His& to non-violence led to his being awarded
a Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.
37. To sum up: We welcome the statement of the government and
appreciate its willingness and& to work
cooperatively with us.
38. Nicole, if you are unable to& with Anna you
will never be able to understand her.
39. You live in the country where your new language is spoken, and
you have to use it to& with other people.
40. She was delighted to have an& to talk with
someone who shared her interest in classical music, because such
chances were not very common.
41. We will stay with them ove this will give
us& into all their hopes, dreams, and, ultimately,
their progress.
42. I hope that this talk has given you some& into
the kind of the work that we've been doing and has given you a
greater understanding into why the work is so important.
43. Some students will be highly cooperative and attentive, and
will speak up readily regarding an& that they are
required to do.
44. Speech and writing are man's most important methods of .
45. Horses also use other forms of , but they are difficult for us
to understand.
46. She always yells at me when I talk with her, so I hate
to& with her.
47. He is too young to buy cigarettes. The& age to
buy cigarettes is 18.
48. Let's try to keep comments that are not connected to our topic
49. The university is planning to& the number of
students from its current size of 15,000 to over 20,000.
50. They have succeeded in& their industries with
remarkable speed.
51. Trade between developing countries and industrialized countries
has , and many countries are beginning to reap benefits from
52. With more and more young people joining it, the club soon
53. His main business is in banking, but now he
has& into shipbuilding.
54. Until I looked around, I wasn't& that dozens
of curious people were looking at us.
55. Was the Chief of Police& that there were so
many problems within the police department or did he not
56. He must have been& that my parents' marriage
was breaking up, because they usually tell him everything.
57. If you are installing a new water heater, it has to meet
the& of the building regulations.
58. Their excitement showed how little they were aware of
the& if they knew how difficult it
would be to overcome their enemy's strength they would have been
upset and discouraged.
59. In your enthusiasm to& the injustice in the
system, you have forgotten that the system is still
60. The& candidate will have a degree and at least
two years' experience.
61. The Report encouraged the idea that there is
one& form of organizational structure that can be
used in all organizations.
62. After I saw a man murdered there, I didn't feel that the
neighborhood was a very safe& for kids.
63. It is a well-known fact that creativity is discouraged in a
negative working& where people feel
64. Many of our students are& beginners who have
never done this sort of work before and are looking to expand their
artistic interests.
65. It is, however, wrong to think of the Prime Minister as
having& power, since there are many things that he
cannot do.
66. I was not worried about the delay, because I
had& confidence that the men would eventually
complete the job.
67. At the moment, they think being with their parents
is& wonderful, but that's not going to last
68. He gave& instructions that left no doubt as to
how he wanted the disaster handled.
69. The agreement is& in saying the rent must be
paid by the tenth of every month.
70. Children are more& to be interested and active
if their parents have been similarly interested or active.
71. Indeed, it seems highly& that working-class
families will have to control the size of their family.
72. Children from broken homes are more& than
children with happy families that are still together to leave home
before the age of 18.
73. As a leading online education Web site, &
students with the tools to continue their lifelong learning of the
English language.
74. They& their fans around the world with news
and information about the team anywhere, anytime.
75. Sure, more money is better than less if properly used
to& change.
76. The aim of government officials was to& the
development of schools with leadership and resources.
77. One should have time to& on his success and
78. Language and culture are closely r the
culture of a nation is always& in its
79. How much you are paid& how important you are
to the company you work for.
80. The government has just published a highly&
report that had many bad things to say about their own education
81. The policies we have adopted are important, but the means by
which they are carried out will be& to their
82. Groups for the environment were highly& of the
government's new transportation policy, which would increase
pollution in their opinion.
83. The next few months will be& for the election
we have to watch our steps.
84. However, this is a very small matter and not
a& point that should be taken into
85. We move from general issues to specific strategies analyzing
each topic from the buyer's .
86. This is an excellent strategy for writers who are having
difficulty finding the proper& from which to write
about a personal experience.
87. Due to their different , these managers may behave differently
towards the same problem.
88. New soldiers are& in marching and the handling
of weapons.
89. She took the tablets three times every day,
as& by her doctor.
90. When the visitor entered the classroom, the pupils were
being& in drawing.
91. Their trade union has been& to find jobs for
those who have been thrown out of work.
92. The patient is& to go to bed when he feels
tired, to get up when he feels rested, and to eat meals at
breakfast, lunch, and dinner time.
93. Difficulties can& in a business partnership if
people are not totally honest with each other.
94. A completely new situation will& when the
examination system comes into existence.
95. Mr. Glick repeatedly gave more detail to& his
argument until finally no one could argue with him.
96. She concluded her talk by showing powerful photographs meant
to& her anti-war message.
97. They think it important to find someone who is willing
to& time and money to help the company over the
next few years.
98. It is surprising that these respectable professors
it is really
99. Seven people have been involved in designing the project over
the years, with& and ideas from many others.
100. The problems of development will be discussed in open public
meetings with enough opportunity for many people to
have& into decisions.
101. It is& that the application forms be sent
back before the deadline.
102. They consider an exchange of information& to
solve this problem, because the problem is too big for them to
solve without cooperation.
103. The dance is basically a& of steps that you
repeat over and over again.
104. The keys have to be turned in a particular&
to open the safe.
105. There was one bit of& evidence, which helped
win the case.
106. Thanks to the spread of modern technology, trained workers are
now more& than ever.
107. This drug is highly& when used as instructed
by a doctor.
108. Using a clock or an alarm can be very& in
creating a sense of classroom discipline.
109. John was kind, patient, and friendly, which made him quite
popular with his& of his own age.
110. Your friends, your parents, your schoolmates, and
your& will all try to help you with your
111. He has earned the respect of his& through his
hard work.
112. More than 10,000 people answered the question, showing up
at& forums and sending messages over the
113. Every child is , with their own needs, preferences, and
114. The association began as a& for getting
together to share ideas about management problems.
115. The new technology will make it easier for surgeons
to& abnormal growths before they cause
116. Journalists asked General Curran how the campaign was going,
but he refused to .
117. When a child is learning something new, they try
to& it in terms of what they already know.
118. You must continually& new information into
the context of your earlier knowledge.
& Part 2 Vocabulary and
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,
B, C and D.
119. As a reward ________ passing the exams, she got a new bike
from her parents.
120. She felt like ________ frustration, but she was determined not
to lose her self-control.
&A. to cry out of
&B. to cry for
&C. crying out of
&D. crying for
121. All animals communicate, but our special method of speech is
__________ to human beings.
&B. unique
&C. absolute
&D. continual
122. The method he used turned out to be _______ in improving the
students' English.
&A. effective
&B. ability
&C. response
&D. explicit
123. The boss refused to give any _______ on the fact that his
workers were out of jobs.
&A. response
&B. comment
&C. answer
124. The police searched the city in an effort to catch the man who
______ the murder last week.
&A. limited
&D. committed
125. They had to examine the dead tiger before they were _______ as
to who killed it.
&A. positive
&B. senior
&C. virtual
126. He could be ________ about everything else in the world, but
not about Manet, his loving child.
&A. visual
&B. critical
&C. favorite
&D. essential
127. Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that
________ in the city.
&A. founded
&B. raised
&D. produced
128. Some previous study of music or performance experience is
desirable though not a formal ________ for students wishing to take
the course.
&A. requirement
&B. commitment
&C. management
&D. assignment
129. He has surely ________ his government to continuing down the
path of economic reform.
&A. commented
&B. communicate
&C. guaranteed
&D. committed
130. It was hard work but we all felt ________ at the end of the
&A. embarrassed
&B. frustrated
&C. rewarded
&D. challenged
131. The combination of virtual and traditional learning will
________ the scope of every lesson and increase the students'
&A. reflect
&B. instruct
&C. hinder
&D. expand
132. It would be best to deal with these issues at once, before
problems ________.
&B. reflect
&C. expand
&D. challenge
133. There is talk of raising the admission ________ to restrict
the number of students on campus.
&A. assignments
&B. requirements
&C. commitments
&D. minimum
134. The reality is, as it has always been, that teaching is a
rewarding, but at times ________ profession.
&A. instructing
&B. benefiting
&C. well-paying
&D. frustrating
135. Dennison was known to pay his men handsomely, but in return he
expected complete loyalty, total ________, and absolute
&A. judgment
&B. statement
&C. commitment
&D. assignment
136. The Government is ________ to health service in order to make
sure that everyone in need of treatment receives it.
&A. expanded
&B. committed
&C. commented
&D. communicated
137. During the interview I was the first to ask him ________
questions that put the Bonn government in an awkward
&A. instructing
&B. intimidating
&C. rewarding
&D. embarrassing
138. I didn't realize the food problem was so ________ in this
with winter coming, many people would starve to death without
more help.
&A. essential
&B. critical
&C. explicit
&D. effective
139. Some see themselves as the provider of ideas, ________ others
view their role as essentially managerial.
&B. therefore
&D. otherwise
140. Female socialization places importance on getting along with
others, ________ male socialization places importance on becoming
&C. instead
&D. therefore
141. By the side of the new teaching hall _________ a library built
in the 1930s.
&A. collects
&B. stands
&C. creates
&D. belongs
142. I thought that honesty _______ the best policy.
143. Mr. Wilson asked me if these islands _______ to China.
&A. belong
&B. are belonging
&C. are belonged
&D. have been belonged
144. Up till now I _______ over 200 pages.
&A. covered
&B. am covering
&C. have covered
&D. will cover
145. The commissioners (特派专员) assured the crowd that the problem
_______ care of as soon as possible.
&A. has been taken
&B. will take
&C. was taken
&D. would be taken
146. "Did you telephone the Governor's office?"
"Yes, he _______ to be back before tomorrow morning."
&A. expecting
&B. is expected
&C. has expected
&D. is to expect
147. I'd rather _______ those important papers with you.
&A. that you shouldn't take
&B. not taking
&C. please don't take
&D. you didn't take
148. The headmaster was strict. He requested that we _______
television on week nights.
&A. not watch
&B. must not watch
&C. not be watching
&D. haven't watched
149. Without electronic computers, much of today's advanced
technology _______.
&A. haven't been achieved
&B. wouldn't be achieved
&C. hadn't been achieved
&D. wouldn't have been achieved
150. Having eaten a hasty and simple lunch, _______.
&A. the judge has been ready to seriously consider
the circumstances
&B. the circumstances were considered seriously by
&C. the circumstances were seriously considered by
&D. the judge was ready to consider the
circumstances seriously
151. Do you remember _______ to Professor Smith during your last
&A. to be introduced
&B. being introduced
&C. having introduced
&D. to have introduced
152. He can't afford the ordinary comforts of life, _______
&A. not speak of
&B. let alone
&C. to say nothing
&D. let it alone
153. The dog was nowhere __________.
&A. to find
&B. to be found
&C. to finding
154. He has to decide within a ________ while he is still young and
can make choices.
&A. given period
&B. giving period
&C. period giving
&D. periods gives
试卷编号:& Book1Unit3-2
考试时间:& 180 分钟
满分:& 126 分
Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the
help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each
1. I don't like dressing up, but I will wear a tie on special
2. On one& Alexander completely lost his voice
during one of his performances.
3. These meetings can be useful& for raising money
as well as giving parents an opportunity to get together.
4. The situation grew worse and the government had to declare a
state of .
5. A state of& was declared but at least another
40 people were killed the following day.
6. After an , give your child the opportunity to talk about her
worries and concerns about such a thing happening again.
7. She is& that some people love traveling so
much, even in bad weather.
8. Her sister, 10-year-old Claire, was& that
people could make rude jokes and not get into trouble for it.
9. The announcer& the music being played on the
radio with some special news.
10. My thoughts were suddenly& by a very loud
11. My college life had been& by six years of army
service. After that period I had to start again like so many others
of my age.
12. The two farmers were discussing the weather in
their& language, so I could not understand a word
of what they said.
13. Both& and national newspapers published the
shocking news that one plane crashed into the sea.
14. Politicians,& and national, have talked about
the great progress on the housing program.
15. My parents taught me not to& anyone else's
I must work hard to earn my own money.
16. If you spend your time in , you will do nothing but make
yourself unhappy.
17. She said she& my position, because people
always did what I requested.
18. At& the lights of the city come on.
19. The police said that Horne could have been murdered any time
between& and dawn.
20. The best time for hunting rabbits is at& or
dawn when many rabbits may be out feeding.
21. When her husband died, she received many letters of .
22. Everyone understood that the incident was serious. Words
of& could not provide her comfort.
23. What she needs is understanding, concern, , and assistance that
few people could offer.
24. She was very to become a manager in our customers' office, but
finally accepted our offer of the job.
25. It can enable the& and shy to enter into
discussion with greater enthusiasm at home or at work.
26. Many schools are becoming more& to take on
difficult students as the new laws leave school teachers without
many ways to control students.
27. The farmers firmly believed that they were the
true& of their land.
28. Before buying the animal, the& of the horse
had not realized how much work he would have to do to take care of
29. I'm a life-long dog& and I can't recommend a
dog highly enough if you're looking for constant company and
30. If your neighbors are too noisy then you have good reason for
31. There was a strong sense of dissatisfaction
and& at the meeting.
32. Since April, the school has received 53 letters
of& and 1, 344 letters of praise.
33. She is always& of her sister' it is
hard for the sisters to get along.
34. She felt angry and& of her friend's beauty for
the first time.
35. It's lovely to watch them having fun, but I'm&
of their happiness.
36. A couple of books are& of mention since they
are related to the topic.
37. They agreed that the subject was interesting
and& of further study and consideration.
38. After all, look at those whom you h were
they& of all your efforts?
39. I have no& with people who are always
complaining about their bad luck.
40. This is a new skill that should be learned with
much& and practice.
41. The child failed to pass the examination several times and his
parents have finally lost all& and all hope.
42. It was not a& attack and Dr. Galbraith
promised that I would be up in less than two days.
43. Children with& and permanent learning
difficulties should have the right to attend school too.
44. Very often the more& the illness, the easier
for doctors to decide the treatment.
45. The local people& the foreign travelers to
return from climbing the mountain before dark when it became very
dangerous at night.
46. At the meeting Mackay was& to make clear his
view on the question of public education.
47. The teacher was impressed and& his student to
turn the paper into an article for publication.
48. The football player continued in the game& his
49.& the fact that we don't hear so much about
AIDS these days, the problems are becoming increasingly
50. But& bitter disagreements Field tried to urge
his men to start from the very beginning again.
51. A heavy flood c no one can cross the river
without boats now.
52. With a bitter cry of pain, Ronni sank to her knees
and& into tears.
53. Now that oil prices have risen sharply, many businesses have
54. My uncle is& in writing a book about our
country's history.
55. It is not easy to& a person in discussion if
that person does not listen to anything that anybody has to
56. We usually& in or participate in an activity
with an aim.
57. The Roman Empire (帝国)& from Britain in the
west to the Red Sea in the east.
58. With the passing of time, these buildings have been rebuilt
and& on many occasions.
59. Services can be improved and& so that care at
home becomes available to all people.
60. The workers said to the boss, "You can't& any
we won't work for you anymore!"
61. The bus was full of people and she& her way
through the crowd to reach me.
62. Last time when I visited her at her home, she&
some orange juice into the cups for me.
63. The seat of the bicycle can be& to suit your
64. A happy smile had to be quickly& to a more
serious expression as he turned to an important topic.
65. I have not& to this new environment yet.
66. Finding the right& between cooperation and
competition has been the goal of Western politics for
67. Supply and demand in the currency market will generally .
68. As a parent trying to& home and career, it's
very difficult to find time for social life.
69. No government so far has been able to& the
number of jobs available with the number of people out of
70. The weather station issued a warning for&
71. Perhaps it is better to say that the direction of her interest
turns from outward to .
72. The Red Cross is& relief aid to the
73. They appointed a new manager to& the work of
the team and give them direction as to what they should do.
74. Innocent civilians are being arrested and& to
terrible treatment.
75. The man had& her to four years of beating and
76. Jeff is having trouble dealing with the
emotional& of losing his job.
77. Her financial problems were causing her a lot
of& and sleepless nights.
78. His wife has also suffered -related health problems.
79. My main& is that we can't go out on the beach
80. The service was good, and my only& is the high
81. To attract investors, Panama has& its tax and
labor laws.
82. My first boss was a really& person, who seemed
to enjoy making life difficult for everyone.
83. Paul, you mustn't be& to the children. You'll
make them cry.
84. James was still& to the hope that his enemies
might have made a mistake.
85. Everyone in the neighborhood& Bob Green's
expensive new luxury car and wanted one just like it.
86. "But you're doing a great job," he added by way of .
87. After his speech, he shook hands and offered words
of& to people in the crowd.
88.& we go out to restaurants, but mostly we eat
89. He lives in Australia now, so we only see him .
90. The trip is intended to raise money and& for
the plight of the Tibetan people.
91. You have my deepest , and my thoughts are with you.
92. She walked into the front door of a store and&
from the back.
93. After half a dozen glasses of whisky he& and
no one could wake him up.
94. Cohen was hospitalized after he& on the floor
and briefly lost consciousness.
95. There is no& connection between the murder
case and the missing man.
96. What shocked me was the parents'& lack of
interest in their child.
97. The man searched his home for several hours
before& his lost keys.
98. Whales and some other marine animals use low-frequency calls
to& each other.
99. I think he came here with the& intention of
causing trouble.
100. The& purpose of his trip was to attend a
concert at Carnegie Hall.
& Part 2 Vocabulary and
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,
B, C and D.
101. ____________ at the price list, he'd have known what would
happen in the end.
&A. Had Mr. Robinson looked
&B. For Mr. Robinson looked
&C. Have Mr. Robinson looked
&D. Before Mr. Robinson looked
102. If he _______ the policeman honestly, he would not have been
&A. would answer
&B. answer
&C. should answer
&D. had answered
103. Is there anything you want from the town? I am going to get
&A. these letters mail
&B. these letters mailed
&C. mailed these letters
&D. to mail these letters
104. _______, Ray is the most popular writer today.
&A. Because his books were sold ten millions
&B. Because of ten millions of his books were
&C. Selling ten millions of his books
&D. Having sold ten million copies of his
105. He appeared __________ what had been said, though he heard
just fine.
&A. to hear
&B. have not heard
&C. to be hearing
&D. not to have heard
106. My parents encouraged me to be a doctor, but I _______ until
they changed my mind.
&A. don't want
&B. didn't want
&C. didn't want to
&D. don't want to be
107. He denied __________ these computers before.
&A. to see
&D. having seen
108. Jane ran back to the kitchen, eggs ____________ in her
&A. were held carefully
&B. were carefully held
&C. were holding carefully
&D. held carefully
109. All flights _________ because of the storm, they decided to
take the train.
&A. having canceled
&B. having been canceled
&C. were canceled
&D. have been canceled
110. _________, Henry Lee went on leave from the Army in
&A. His health failing
&B. His health is failing
&C. His health was failed
&D. His health is failed
111. After Stephen's sudden ____________ during the meeting, he was
rushed to hospital.
&A. collapse
&B. stress
&C. cripple
112. If you have difficulty ____________ a particular book, please
ask one of the librarians for assistance.
&A. to locate
&B. locate
&C. locating
&D. of locating
113. A fire started in the plane, and the pilot was forced to make
an ____________ landing.
&A. emergence
&B. merging
&C. emerging
&D. emergency
114. I'm sorry ____________ your meeting, but may I speak with
Michael for a moment?
&A. interrupting
&B. to interrupt
&C. in interrupting
&D. have interrupted
115. When someone ____________, they gradually change from being a
child into being an adult.
&A. grows on
&B. grows out
&C. grows further
&D. grows up
116. The child will ____________ by making relatively few
distinctions in the language.
&A. start out
&B. start in
&C. start for
&D. start on
117. ____________ international pressure, progress has slowed in
the peace talks.
&A. In despite of
&B. Despite
&C. Despite of
&D. In spite
118. ____________ you, but could you help me one more time with the
&A. Sorry to bother
&B. Sorry bothering
&C. Sorry I bother
&D. Sorry for the bother
119. Richard was ____________ in the bombing of 1984, and had been
in a wheelchair ever since.
&A. a cripple
&B. being crippled
&C. crippled
&D. cripple
120. The victims suffered ____________ head injuries in the
&A. secure
&B. severe
&C. sincere
121. Riding a bike helps develop a child's sense of
&A. direction
&B. movement
&C. balance
&D. coordination
122. Joe was ____________ the school wall, smoking a
&A. leaned against
&B. leaned to
&C. leaning to
&D. leaning against
123. Carter is in charge of the office while I'm
&A. leaving
&B. on leaving
&C. on leave
&D. on relief
124. Although we welcome the proposal, we shall ____________
detailed examination in the committee.
&A. subject it to
&B. subject to
&C. subject to it
&D. subject it
125. It's not easy to ____________ to the top in show
&A. make out
&B. make it
&C. make up
&D. make them
126. We used to have great times ____________ together.
&A. to talk
&C. in talking
&D. talking
试卷编号:& Book1Unit52
考试时间:& 120 分钟
满分:& 101 分
Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the Initial Letters
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the
help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each
1. A few mistakes in the printing of that book were not noticed
before . The writers felt very depressed about them.
2. The& of the crowd made it impossible for me to
stand still. So it was not long before I squeezed my way out.
3. His parents have been putting& on him to find a
4. Farmers say supermarkets put them under& to
sell at low prices.
5. We held a huge party last week but its& was
very confusing and no one quite knew what to do.
6. We support their struggle for the& of the new
international economic order.
7. Greenpeace is an international& that works to
protect the environment.
8. The music was noted for its use of& as sounds
were played over and over to create a certain feeling.
9. Well, let's put our heads together and find a&
to the problem.
10. The party was limited to& people in the
printing industry.
11. I'd like to help but& I can't; I'm busy with
something else.
12. We took some fantastic photos, but& the film
got damaged.
13. There is more beautiful mountain scenery ahead, but
this& is not the way to Zurich.
14.& she was against the plan, but later she
changed her mind.
15. After the& shock, people adjusted to the new
16. I was only involved in the& stages of the
17. My& reaction was one of complete disbelief,
and it is unchanged since then.
18. "Forgive me," he said, "I suppose I should not have
come in late."
19. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get .
You won't be able to tell which is which.
20. I always& Anthea with her sister—they're so
21. I think my explanation only& matters
22. Crime is a concern in both& and urban
23. Alaska is the largest of the fifty states
that& the USA.
24. Children& four out of every ten poor people in
the United States.
25. Neighbors raised the& when they smelled
26. There are no easy answers to the& number of
mass killings taking place in our cities.
27. The epidemic is spreading at an& rate and many
people have become infected with the disease.
28. It is against the& law to discriminate against
someone because of religion.
29. Most people want to see new& gun laws
30. Most workplaces have a local& as well as
access to the Internet.
31. We need someone& and enthusiastic to take this
project forward.
32. For the third time in a row, she had failed to keep
her& and I don't know if she should be scheduled
for a new one.
33.& time was wasted correcting your repeated
34. Clean the wound thoroughly to reduce the& of
35. Drivers often break the speed limit, as there's
little& of getting caught.
36. Road conditions were supposed to be pretty bad, but we decided
to& taking the trip anyway.
37. I decided to& looking for a place to stay when
I got there, rather than booking in advance.
38. The area is& by flooding and other natural
39. The experts believe they know the causes of the crime wave but
they cannot agree on a .
40. If your computer stops working, re-booting
might& the problem.
41. Many cancer victims can be& if the disease is
diagnosed early enough.
42. According to some scientists, global warming&
the survival of the whole human race.
43. Illegal hunting& the survival of the African
44. Our rainforests are being& with destruction,
and the consequences will be severe.
45. Some people complained of& discrimination in
the way housing was given, as whites seemed to get better homes
than Blacks.
46. Such comments have& attention from a
long-awaited improvement in the economy.
47. The authorities are said to take the view that the Gulf War
will& attention from domestic economic
48. Local government in the area is seen as being corrupt and
49. The factory is , and its working practices and machinery
50. In the excitement as the applause , nobody had noticed Stafford
slipping out of the lecture hall.
51.& the gun back into his jacket, the man smiled
at the body lying on the floor.
52. He nervously& his hands into his
53. Stand with your feet well& and get ready to
catch the ball.
54. We were standing a few feet& from each
55. As we waited for the winner to be announced, the excitement was
56. Every car was stopped and searched, which
caused& annoyance to the drivers.
57. They let me have the computer on& for thirty
58. The security system will be reviewed after a
three-month& period.
59. He had been put on& in May 1991, in what was
seen as an attempt to weaken the nationalist opposition.
60. The& was stopped and the results declared
61. The pilot refused to& the lives of his
passengers by making an unscheduled landing.
62. The U.S. was unwilling to do anything that
might& its friendship with Japan.
63. He has a growing need to& new approaches to
music and media in order to keep up with advances in
64. By the second term, you can begin to use your newly found
language skills to& other exciting areas of your
host culture such as literature, history, art, and politics
65. Maybe I would& the possibility of early
retirement if the money was right.
66. The real purpose of the General Council was
to& the possibility of establishing effective
cooperation between unions.
67. Since moving to New Jersey, he has been& at
gunpoint twice.
68. He probably didn't take them out with him because he was afraid
of being .
69. The airline says that some flights may be cancelled
without& warning.
70. The phone company is required to give you&
notice before disconnecting your service.
71. A consultant has been brought in to&
management in restructuring the company.
72. Can you do the job alone, or do you want someone
73. I intend to have a thoroughly& and lengthy
period without work.
74. Despite many local , their party stands little chance of
winning a national election.
75. As sweat was pouring down his forehead, there was a look
of& on his face.
76. The White House announcement concerning marriage laws drew
bitter reaction from the& community.
77. We called a meeting with Russco and Belhorne,
our& in the project.
78. Then he turned his car around in the frozen street and
disappeared in a cloud of .
79. It& him to think that his mother might never
80. I'm& stiff of having the operation.
81. Doctors are& that he'll make a full
82. He gave his speech in a strong,& voice.
83. I& the fence to safety away from the big, mean
84. Tessa& onto the boat just as it was moving
away from the bank.
85. Bill was cold, hungry, and tired and he wanted to .
86. I& taking the pills because they were making
me put on weight.
87. If you've smoked for a long time, it can be very difficult to
& Part 2 Vocabulary and
(Each item: 1)&
Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,
B, C and D.
88. Robin thought that the best _______ to learning a foreign
language is the study of the spoken language.
&A. method
&D. approach
89. Listening, speaking, reading, and then writing _______ the
basic order in language learning.
&A. assists
&B. constitutes
&C. establishes
&D. founds
90. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get
&A. alarmed
&B. scared
&C. surprised
&D. confused
91. He's not got another job yet and it's not ______ he will for
some time.
&B. unlike
&C. likely
92. The teacher handed _____ books to every student at the
beginning of the class.
93. The young professor ______ himself as an international leader
in the field of mathematics.
&A. established
&C. founded
94. His thoughts were _______ from the subject by the arrival of
his friends.
&A. attracted
&B. suffered
&C. distracted
&D. related
95. She is a ______ woman who is certain of her ideas and
&A. significant
&C. confident
&D. intense
96. ______ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don't agree
that they can't be solved.
&A. For fear that
&B. Because
97. I'm going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai, ______ I
have relatives.
&A. because
98. As a result, we do not see ourselves as capable of giving any
useful opinion on the possible ______ that a trial might have on
his health.
&A. effects
&B. affects
&C. adopts
&D. adjusts
99. The university has already cut its budget as much as possible
without ______ its quality and reputation.
&A. correcting
&B. adopting
&C. risking
&D. effecting
100. ______ your age or knowledge of the language, you'll be 100%
involved in your studies from the first lesson to the last.
&A. As a result of
&B. In spite
&C. Despite of
&D. Regardless of
101. His policies, especially in the first two years of his
presidency, have often been ______ and contradictory.
&A. confuse
&B. confusing
&C. demanded
&D. demanding
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