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World of Tanks Blitz
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World of Tanks goes mobile!World of Tanks Blitz is a free-to-play mobile MMO action game developed by Wargaming, the award-winning online game developer and publisher of World of Tanks, the smash PC hit now with over 100 million players worldwide!Drawing inspiration from the PC version, World of Tanks Blitz is built specifically for optimal online mobile gameplay and is currently available on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. With an impressive roster of over 100 massive tanks, stunning graphics, and intuitive touch-screen controls, World of Tanks Blitz makes it easy to jump into short, action-packed 7vs7 tank battles no matter where you are!“Shown on iPad, the game looks as good as its PC and Xbox 360 counterparts.”—Examiner“We’ve seen a lot of less ambitious tank games come out on mobile. Everyone has the same idea. They all want to be the World of Tanks on mobile.”—Gamesbeat“The game played extremely well on the tablet.”—MMORPGFEATURESo Over 100 iconic vehicles from Germany, the United States, and the USSRo 4 different tank classes including light, medium, heavy, and tank destroyerso Strategic 7v7 online multiplayer gameplay o 10 unique battle arenaso In-game chat functionalityo Constant graphics enhancement and updates, as well as optimization for various deviceso Real-life physics to create realistic tank movement and damage mechanicso Detailed tutorialso Ability to invite your friends to play online o In-game achievementso Free to play with equal access to in-game elements for paying and non-paying playerso Easy to learn, intuitive touch screen controlsDownload World of Tanks Blitz now FREE!For more information please visit
What's New in Version 1.7
Just added: new branch of US Tank Destroyers including the renowned Hellcat, T30, and T110E4.
Customer Reviews
Too much grinding
And when you get to tier 10, the tanks are crap...
Super flot
Super Godt spil med flot grafik er hver at spille og f? indstilleret!!!!!
For fedt!!!!
Bedste online spil ever!!!
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPadFreeCategory: Version: 1.7Size: 1.09 GBLanguages: English, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, VietnameseDeveloper: WARGAMING
Public Company LimitedInfrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy ViolenceInfrequent/Mild Realistic ViolenceCompatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimised for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
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F?lg os p? , og opdag den musik, vi elsker.《坦克世界:闪电战》World of Tanks Blitz评测:炮友们泪流满面
又是一个令人振奋的消息,本周,全球人气 MMO 对战游戏《坦克世界》的移动版本《坦克世界:闪电战(World of Tanks Blitz)》震撼上线了!如今,由Wargaming 倾力打造的《坦克世界》的玩家数量已经累计超过 8000 万,移动版本的推出,让一大批热衷于坦克对战的死忠粉丝可以随时随地提炮上阵!我们一起来看看这款游戏。《坦克世界:闪电战》从首次公布到上架前前后后花费了不少时间,如今该作率先在丹麦、挪威、瑞典、芬兰等几个欧洲主要国家上架(无中文),亚洲、美洲等大区则要稍迟一些。即便是这样也并不影响我们体验这款作品,初次游戏我们首先要注册一个帐号,按照提示一步一步操作即可,随意准备一个邮箱(QQ、163都可以)用来激活帐号就行,注册成功之后无需挂 VPN 也可以连接到欧洲服务器与其他玩家一较高下。一款游戏的好坏,画质是一个不可回避的评判标准。《坦克世界:闪电战》从建模到场景渲染都可以说是移动平台上的佼佼者,当然相比 PC 端《坦克世界》的话只能算是一个阉割版,油渍、反光、锈迹都没有 PC 端那般厚重,场景视距和圆润程度也有一定程度的下降,还好起火、履带断裂等物损效果还有保留,真实度尚可。其实如果你不是那种喜欢有事没事去细抠画质的玩家,那么“闪电战”同样可以带给你震撼的视听感受。场景目前只提供了 8 种,对于某些资深《坦克世界》玩家而言无疑偏少,不过鉴于刚刚上架,内容稍显稀少和潦草也是情有可原的。战车种类有轻型坦克、中型坦克、重型坦克和反坦克炮,少了自行火炮;阵营方面只有德国,美国和苏联三大势力出阵,而英国、法国等国的战车应该会在日后相继推出。尽管只有三个国家,可战车数量好歹也超过了 90 辆,每个国家的战车研究树状图都只有三条线,不过要我说当你解锁到总数的一半时估计已经加入了不少新车和新内容了吧。刚刚上架的《坦克世界:闪电战》仅搭配了 7V7 一种模式,相比 PC 版那可是缩水不少啊,同时也不难看出战斗流程要比 15 V15 稍快一些。此外,在成员组合(战斗力)分配上依旧拥有很高的平衡性,游戏时基本上不会碰到过高等级或者过低等级的坦克,也就是说只有威力性能差别不大的坦克才会被分配在同一个战场,如此一来就避免了高级坦克对白板车的压制,腾出了更多时间给新老玩家上手和精进。移动版的操作大多数还是借鉴了 PC 版本,虽说此前开发商曾表示对移动版的操作进行了优化和功能适配,不过上手难度只能说因人而异,一个虚拟按键同时操控方向和移动,另外用一根手指划屏来调整炮口,再加上一对射击按键和一个放大瞄准按键就可以操控整部战车。就个人而言,当中最让人难以适应的就是方向和移动的同时操控了,加上国内登陆欧服存在的延迟问题,所以移动、打击的精准度和灵活性都略显蛋疼。关于战斗,游戏提供了多种自定义调整,比如开启自动锁定瞄准,左撇子适配,敌人或队友的坦克类型、名称等信息的显示,当然了,你非要和 PC 端相比的话也还是缺乏一些自由度,但只是在移动平台横向比较的话基本无可挑剔了。值得一提的是,PC 版一旦被敌人发现就会亮灯的提示技能在移动版中没有任何的学习门槛限制,减少了各种不明真相了屎亡。说到技能,小编在“闪电战”中硬是没找到成员系统,或许是 Wargaming 考虑到移动端的“快餐”倾向进而省略了吧,至于以后会不会添加那要看玩家们的反馈了。总的来说《坦克世界:闪电战》算的上是目前移动平台上比较专业的 MMO 对战作品了,上手门槛不高,但是要想精通却要下一番苦功,流畅度和震撼程度值得肯定。尽管目前该版本的内容不算很多,尚可以看作是《坦克世界》的中度精简版本,但我们有理由相信 Wargaming 会在日后加入更多针对移动平台的新模式和新内容,如果等不及中区上架的话现在去注册欧服帐号先行体验也未尝不可。
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随意准备一个邮箱用来激活帐号就行,注册成功之后无需挂 VPN 也可以连接到欧洲服务器与其他玩家一较高下。
剩余: 96%《World of Tanks Blitz》將在數周內登陸安卓
《World of Tanks Blitz》將在數周內登陸安卓
《World of Tanks Blitz》將在數周內登陸安卓
遊戲公司Wargaming於日前宣佈,旗下推出的《World of Tanks Blitz》(World of Tanks Blitz)繼早前在6月份的時候於全球範圍內的App Store上架後,也將會在數周內登陸Android平臺!
《World of Tanks Blitz》是《World of Tanks》系列的最新作,其不僅採用全新的遊戲引擎進行開發,同時也針對了移動設備進行了優化,讓玩家不論是在手機還是平板電腦上,都能夠輕易地操縱戰車與敵人進行炮戰。遊戲中將會有超過80臺個性迥異的戰車供玩家選擇,同時也會有七張地圖可讓玩家進行7VS7的大規模對戰。
此外,官方表示在Android版《World of Tanks Blitz》上架前後將會有一次大型的版本升級,除了會追加英式坦克和新的沙漠地圖之外,還會對遊戲的細節進行優化調整。
粉絲團《魔方網 手機遊戲資訊站 /mofangTW 》。
(未經授權, 請勿轉載!)58cv网址导航World of Tanks goes mobile!World of Tanks Blitz is a free-to-play mobile MMO action game developed by Wargaming, the award-winning online game developer and publisher of World of Tanks, the smash PC hit now with over 90 million players worldwide!Drawing inspiration from the PC version, World of Tanks Blitz is built specifically for optimal online mobile gameplay and is currently available on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. With an impressive roster of over 100 massive tanks, stunning graphics, and intuitive touch-screen controls, World of Tanks Blitz makes it easy to jump into short, action-packed 7vs7 tank battles no matter where you are!A truly free-to-play game. No timers, energy bars, fuelplay as much as you want and whenever you want.Shown on iPad, the game looks as good as its PC and Xbox 360 counterparts.ExaminerWeve seen a lot of less ambitious tank games come out on mobile. Everyone has the same idea. They all want to be the World of Tanks on mobile.GamesbeatThe game played extremely well on the tablet.MMORPGRequires an Internet connection and iPad 2 / iPhone 4S or better to play.FEATURESOver 100 iconic vehicles from Germany, Great Britain, the United States, and the USSR4 different tank classes including light, medium, heavy, and tank destroyersStrategic 7v7 online multiplayer gameplay 10 unique battle arenasIn-game chat functionalityInnovative crew upgrade systemConstant graphics enhancement and updates, as well as optimization for various devicesReal-life physics to create realistic tank movement and damage mechanicsDetailed tutorialsAbility to invite your friends to play online In-game achievementsFree to play with equal access to in-game elements for paying and non-paying playersEasy to learn, intuitive touch screen controlsDownload World of Tanks Blitz now FREE!Languages supported:EnglishRussianGerman FrenchSpanishPolishFinnishCzechItalianPortuguese (Brazil)TurkishKoreanSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseJapanese ArabicThaiVietnameseFor more information please visit /
PriceUSD0LicenseFreeFile Size1.02 GBVersion1.7Operating System
System RequirementsCompatible with iPhone 4. iTunes account required.
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