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Install this compatibility pack if you would like to open, edit, and save documents, workbooks, and presentations that were created in the newer versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Scroll down to see instructions and system requirements.
The Microsoft DirectX(R) End-User Runtime provides updates to 9.0c and previous versions of DirectX — the core Windows(R) technology that drives high-speed multimedia and games on the PC.
The Microsoft .NET Framework 4 web installer package downloads and installs the .NET Framework components required to run on the target machine architecture and OS. An Internet connection is required during the installation. .NET Framework 4 is required to run and develop applications to target the .NET Framework 4.
This tool checks your computer for infection by specific, prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps to remove the infection if it is found. Microsoft will release an updated version of this tool on the second Tuesday of each month.
.NET Framework 4.5 is a highly compatible, in-place update to .NET Framework 4.
The Visual C++ Redistributable Packages install run-time components that are required to run C++ applications that are built by using Visual Studio 2013.
Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home or small business PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.
Service Pack 3 provides the latest updates to the 2007 Microsoft Office Suite. This update also applies to Microsoft Office Project, Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer, Microsoft Office Visio, and Visual Web Developer.
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If you want faster apps, you’ll want to use heterogeneous computing technologies. We’re here to make that happen with plenty of tools and resources. And if you’re thinking about architecture, HSA is going to rock your world.
HSA Foundation Releases 1.0 Spec
The HSA Foundation achieved a significant milestone and announced the release of the 1.0 specifications for the Platform System Architecture, Programmer’s Reference Manual, and Runtime.
Get the final . Go to the HSA Foundation
for tools, drivers, and runtime. View the .
Hello, Virtual Reality. Hello, LiquidVR.
AMD aims to deliver the best possible VR experience for developers and users through new AMD technologies and partnerships. The first output of AMD's initiative is LiquidVR(TM), a set of innovative technologies focused on enabling exceptional VR content development for AMD hardware and more. Get more
OpenCL(TM) 2.0 Applications With CodeXL
CodeXL now provides the tools to develop OpenCL 2.0 applications. Also, it is not every release that a new component is added. CodeXL v1.6 includes a brand new power profiler plus more. Get
Khronos Reveals Vulkan API for High-efficiency Graphics and Compute on GPUs
has announced the availability of technical previews of the new Vulkan(TM) open standard API for high-efficiency access to graphics and compute on modern GPUs! See what all the excitement is about in this
Videos about New Tools & Technologies
Raja Koduri, Corporate VP of Visual Computing at AMD, and&
AMD’s math libraries can support a range of programmers from&
Join Khronos Group members for details about Vulkan, previously known&
The Heterogeneous System Architecture: It's (Not) All About The GPU
The use of GPUs in computation intensive tasks has had an ever increasing impact across all platforms. At the same time, GPUs have several properties that make it a challenge to unlock their full benefit in many real-world applications. The HSA was created to address many of these current shortcomings while providing a great update for already established software models. Learn more in this , chairperson of the System Architecture Workgroup of the HSA Foundation.
Conference, Webinar and Event Presentations
Want to take another look at an interesting conference presentation? Missed an event you hoped to see? Browse our
from developer conferences, industry events and Webinars around the world covering a wide variety of heterogeneous computing topics such as Mantle, C++, rendering, shaders, game development, Java, graphics, libraries, OpenCL(TM) and much more.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About HSA*
What is Heterogeneous System Architecture? Why does it matter? In , Insight 64 Research Fellow Nathan Brookwood explains why, even if HSA doesn’t entirely change your life, it will change the way you use your desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone and the cloud.
hUMA - the Next Big Thing in Processors
has released a new multicore architecture specification called
or heterogeneous uniform memory access. hUMA allows CPUs and GPUs to share the same memory in a heterogeneous system architecture (HSA). hUMA makes it easier for developers to create apps that use the individual powers of CPUs and GPUS and is compatible with mainstream programming languages like Python, C++ & Java. You'll soon be able to see hUMA in action in AMD’s Kaveri processors.
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I’m excited to announce availability of Media SDK v1.1. Version 1.0 introduced Microsoft’s Media Foundation Transform (MFT) framework for multimedia processing on AMD platforms, an The latest Bolt release, version 1.3, includes several new functions and performance improvements in the APIs. (To find out more about this latest release, check out our companion
Hello,the attached code tests clEnqueueReadBufferRect by extractinga 2D and a 3D sub-block from a cl_mem array.It does not behave as I expect it to on AMD hardware, outputting: 2D I have already reported this problem in an earlier post: /thread/160312 and the error has been fixed in Catalyst 13.4.However, the error seems to be reintrod
Follow AMDDevCentral on Twitter【Kronos Canadian System.Software Developer面试】项目经理和Archi...-看准网
Kronos Canadian System.Software Developer面试 共(1)条
匿名用户&&&&面试Kronos Canadian System.的
项目经理和Architect同时进行的面试。为时1小时。我本来就已经是这个公司的员工,只是本来做QA. 最近正好在找一个Java开发,我想换一下career.于是就内部申请了这个职位。因为不是什么高级的技术岗位,所以也没问什么高深的技术问题。Architect问了几个基本的有关java的问题,比如OOP和procedure language的区别。Polymorphism是什么意思,Override 和 overloading的区别,protected和default access的区别。然后让我在白板上画obsevor pattern的class diagram. 然后又问我数据库里面left join是怎么回事。接着项目经理问我一些general的问题,为什么要从QA转DEV, 对自己有什么职业规划方面的考虑,还问我研究生期间的学习成绩怎么样,基点多少,在学生中属于什么层次。大概面试了40分钟,arichtect要去开会了,于是就准备结束。最后项目经理问我工资的要求。
OOP和procedure language的区别。Polymorphism是什么意思,Override 和 overloading的区别,protected和default access的区别。然后让我在白板上画obsevor pattern的class diagram
software developer相关信息
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software engineer和software developer的区别是是什么?
or softwareproject management。只是各自的说法的角度不一样, development, computer programming.A software developer is a person concerned with facets of the software development process, implementing。这个就看从哪个角度去描述程序员干的事情.[1] A software developer may take part in design,个人认为总体两个的差异不大. Software engineers apply the principles of engineering to the design. Software developers are often still guided by lead programmers but the description also encompasses freelancesoftware developers, maintaining, designing, testing. Their work includes researching, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work, and testing software. They may contribute to the overview of the project on the application level rather than component-level or individual programming tasks来自wikipedia的解释,一般都会经历软件整体的开发过程。A software engineer is a practitioner of software engineering


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