普吉哪里有 body to 曼谷body massagee

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Body To Body Massage
Nothing can be compared with the tenderness of touch when the masseuse carreses& you gently.
When she will start applying her technique on you, all your muscles will relax in a matter of seconds. Nobody will argue that this is extremely pleasurable ... Our session is simply called London Body to Body Massage &and you can find it only in our salon.....The London body to body massage will bring pleasure in your life and teach you how life is supposed to be: happy, relaxed, stress free! Outcall massage London is a luxurious service,& arranged in such a way that you will feel absolutely relaxed and comfortable. The combination of techniques and deep knowledge of our massage specialists will raise you to seventh heaven..
will take you& in a world you haven't been before! Everything you ever dreamed& of can became reality only with us. Come and ask for London Outcall Massage. Our girls are specially trained to take you on the wings of pleasure in a very short time. New sessions of relaxation are waiting for you. Call us, make a booking and come to us. Don't waste any more time. We know how to satisfy even the most demanding customers so be sure you won't be dissapointed.
London Body to Body Massage
With a London body to body massage you will be surprised to wake up your sensuality.
Nice ambience, pleasant music, perfumed oils - all components complement each other to give healing to your body and soul. Our masseuses are specially trained in the art of touching and London body to body massage. Once they start the session with you everything will change. You will be able to see life differently. We& know you are tired and stressed so come and let us take care of you. As soon as you step foot in our
all your worries and problems will be washed away. You will feel light as a leaf carried away by the soft summer wind. And just about when you think your therapy is over, you are in for a treat. You will get a present from us: the happy ending massage - a method&that will blow your mind. With our Body to body massage, the specially trained angels will make you feel just like a baby, when your whole body is totally relaxed and your mind and brain are ready to face another hard week at the office. Come now and feel a silky skin on your body! The London Body to Body Massage is certainly one of the most sensual experiences you ever had! It openes completely new doors in the relaxation world. Come to our parlour and ask for a Body to Body Massage in London! You will never regret it! Actually, you will have the time of your life. All our customers become regulars! Body to Body Massage 24/7
London Outcall Massage
London Outcall Massage is a service invented for you! We know that you are tired after a long day at the office and want to stay in your own environment but still crave for some relaxing time.
That is why we are coming to you! Call us and ask for a London Outcall Massage. One of our beautiful masseuses will be with you in no time! The Outcall Massage in London is the perfect opportunity to feel like a God in the erotic kingdom, being able to do absolutely every thing you wants. Our technique will help you escape from all kinds of pain and muscular aches. All these can be eliminated through massage therapy. It is beneficial in curing sexual frustration, headaches, migraines, chronic back pain. It helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness.The Happy Ending Massage that you will get at the end will make you feel even more relaxed and peacefull with yourself! With the London Outcall Massage all your dreams can come true. There are no words to describe the way you will feel. You just have to try it so you can convince yourself. This is a grate way to reduce the stress in your life. It helps in curing tension-related headaches and is helpful in decreasing blood pressure in people with hypertension.The Happy Ending Massage will do all the work for you so that you& will feel like a spoiled prince! Just call us and we will be with you in no time!
We encourage you to forget goals, targets and techniques, which dominate our modern lives and also your pre-conceptions of what you think you would like.
This attitude will help to quieten the mind and you will fall naturally into a sort of state of meditation. This is the state in which something trully magical can take over within you.&Body to body technique helps to open, release, and channel the stored energy in the physical body. It could be intense yet gentle, penetrating, and emotional. Aromatherapy promotes the integration and balancing of three bodies which is the make up of our body. It releases and moves the powerful Kundalini energy. Which went experienced will have far reaching effects on all aspects of your life. The new method of relaxation with exotic oils will help you see the whole world diffrently and chilled!&Tantric&Massage London can help people to relax; When you relax you are able to be more present in your body, so less likely to psyche yourself out by worrying or having unrealistic expectations about performance, or past experiences.....our specialist in sensual relaxation methods will bring you a new dimension of aromatherapy were you will be totally free and able to bring joy and peace in your body and mind...Make a booking for a service massage! It is all that you want! Trust us and you won't be dissapointed.扫描下载客户端
【放飞十一】普吉SPA&Massage特辑 - 潜水员和你分享异国风情&&&&&&
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【放飞十一】普吉SPA&Massage特辑 - 潜水员和你分享异国风情
[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
20:51 编辑 ]
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选择普吉的同志们大概都是奔着海岛去的,蓝天碧海,阳光白沙,也是我选择普吉的原因之一,另外泰国也是个亚洲历史文化的国家,独特而充满风情,金灿灿的佛庙,独一无二的人妖(虽然我很没有兴趣),享誉全球的Thai massage,彬彬有礼的“萨瓦迪卡”,被称作“微笑的国度”,当然现在的普吉被外国所推崇,也因为他的海底世界,钟情于潜水的爱好者蜂拥而至,也因为他的色情开放程度已经远超其他国家,并且价格实惠。曾经在55一个强帖里,有名言大约是这样说:“男人不要带着媳妇儿去普吉,女人不要让自家男人单独去普吉”。绝对的真理!
[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
20:31 编辑 ]
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推荐至首页 感谢分享^_^
言归正传,去普吉享受SPA,也是我和LG此行的主要目标之一。很多同志去泰国做了SPA,都是一笔带过,说做了什么什么,但怎么做的,有哪些获益和感受,都比较少提,我觉得这个东西就是要乐在其中,让自己放松的体会其中的乐趣,在游玩之余,让身心得到舒畅的享受,品味异地风情。查了一些资料,泰国的SPA都有哪些项目,大概价格,有哪些不错的SPA或者massage店,另外我和LG对纯粹的Thai massage也不是很感冒,最好能结合水疗类,所以做了不少功课,下面开始共享我所知道的普吉SPA。
SPA一词源于拉丁文(Solus Par Aqua),Solus是健康,Par为经由,Aqua是水的意思,所以SPA就是健康之水。比利时烈日市有个小镇叫SPA,古罗马时,居民发现此处涌出许多泉水,盐分低,饮用或沐浴对人身体都有益处。居民以这种泉水治疗疾病,这便是SPA的发源。现代人以次代指一种针对人体的治疗方法,也称“水疗法”,即以水为媒介,利用人与水的接触,使水中含有的一些对人体健康有益的成分通过亲和渗透作用进入人体,达到治疗或美容美体的目的。人们利用天然的水资源结合沐浴、按摩和香薰来促进新陈代谢,满足人体听觉(疗效音乐)、嗅觉(天然花草薰香)、视觉(自然景观)、味觉(健康餐饮)、触觉(按摩呵护)和冥想(内心放松)等6种愉悦感官的基本需求,达到一种身心畅快的享受。
SPA是个大概念,可分为三种,一种是属于利用自然景观和现有资源的名胜式SPA,一种是饭店或度假场所提供的SPA设施称为Resort Spa,前两种的特色是与大自然融为一体,户外及室内皆有宽阔的视野。最后一种是都市里的City Spa,是都会型Spa保养中心,注重专业级保养与按摩。
1.& && & Sukko
首先选定的了Sukko Cultural Spa & Wellness,号称普吉的第一的水疗馆,这两天随便google了一下,发现还有人说他是亚洲第一的哈哈,当然众说纷纭,咱们要以事实说话。因为这家最专业,所以介绍最多。看前两天跟团的一个帖子,LZ很可爱,说的很血泪的样子,但心态很好,也做了SUKKO,好像中国团都走那里,我在那也遇到了上海团,很逗,可以之后有空当笑话讲讲。[attach][/attach]
[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
20:12 编辑 ]
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Sukko Cultural Spa & Wellness
我还找了篱笆上比较有名的uncle V,结果他家不代理SPA。UncleV的联系方式
[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
20:52 编辑 ]
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Create Date
Time 13:39:26
Package 1&
Thai Herbal Steam & Jacuzzi(complimentary) 30 min.
Tamarind Body Scrub 30 min.
Sukko Thai Ayuravedic Body Massage 120 min.
Thai Herbal Steam & Jacuzzi(complimentary) 30 min. 这个是自带在package里的,你选任何一项,都首先要做这个,这个是什么呢,其实就是桑拿和药草泡浴,进去以后会有专人跟你讲解,但英文有时也听不懂,裹上沙龙,淋浴之后在桑拿房里蒸至少五分钟,根据个人情况啦,毛孔全部打开后进入药草按摩大浴池里泡着,当时就我一个人啊,窗外真是鸟语花香,舒服啊。;
Tamarind Body Scrub 30 min. ,这个需要在到了sukko选择用哪种盐泥,我也不知道到底应该怎么翻译,略带沙粒的泥,擦抹全身,但更多感觉是舒缓,也不知道spa girl用的什么,滴上水之后,感觉迅速温热了起来,我选了咖啡的,LG选择了海洋的。另外还有一种wrap,这个会在后面的spa里介绍。借个网上图片
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Sukko Thai Ayuravedic Body Massage 120 min.。我在做的时候询问了spa girl, 她说这个就是Thai massage和oil massage的一种结合。我选了Jessamine,本来想要玫瑰的,但接待我们的girl说,里面其实混有一些rose。LG选的lavender,也就是大家都熟悉的薰衣草啦。
引用:原帖由 Claire.xu 于
19:28 发表
期待下文! @Claire.xu:终于有人看了
Blissfully begin by The Traditional Heat Treatment. (30 minutes)
Thai Herbal Steam & Jacuzzi(complimentary)
Steam helps to cleanse the body of impurities by opening the skin’s pores and encourage the body to flush out the toxins through perspiration.
The boiled herbs relieve congestion, sore muscles, headaches, stress and anxiety.
Jacuzzi : The water jets of the Jacuzzi massage away pain and induce relaxation.
Get the Glorious Glow with the Body Scrub selections. (30 minutes)
Exfoliating, the process of scrubbing the dull dead cells off is a wonderful procedure to increase the circulation, remove impurities and encourage healthy new skin growth. It is also the perfect way to prepare your skin for most other spa treatments.
Tamarind Body Scrub
Tamarind fruit is rich in natural AHA that cleanses and brightens up the skin.
Turmeric is renowned as an effective disinfectant for skin inflammations while helping to nourish the complexion.
Thai white mud soothes skin rash and irritations while absorbing impurities from the skin.
Cold pressed sesame oil extremely nourishes and moisturizes the skin.
Experience the magic of the touch with Sukko Massage selections. (60-120 minutes)
Sukko Thai Ayuravedic Body Massage
Essential oils balance the four elements of the body whilst the massage stimulates lymph and blood circulation and develops the flow of energy throughout the body. When energy flows and is in balance, health is maintained, youthfulness is preserved and self- healing is promoted.It also helps to relieve muscle aches and pains, promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being
SUKKO的第一项Thai Herbal Steam & Jacuzzi(complimentary)是在公用的房间里,和国内的设施都差不多了,就不详细说了,如果要私人的蒸汽和按摩浴缸的房间,是可以另外定的,需要3000B,相信会更加浪漫。蒸汽按摩泡浴之后,会去专门的房间开始美妙的时光,房间里也有专门的淋浴和木桶浴缸,浴缸估计是用来花瓣浴的。第二项的盐泥,我的咖啡是黑褐色的,我做完之后成了小黑人,LG笑坏了,而且也比较难洗,我感觉黑色都印进皮肤了,当时真害怕做完变黑了哈哈。第三项两个小时,手法非常棒,两个小姑娘都很漂亮,化妆也很到位,很难想象她们的手劲怎么那么大。一下是一下,精确到位,不会有多余的动作,精油用的也非常多,一开始重点按摩腿的时候,我感觉到了血液在整个腿上流动,听着舒缓的音乐,我很快入睡了,落地窗外是绿色的园林,时不时还有小鸟叫着,扑腾着翅膀。我在这说的这么详细是要和后面的spa做个对比。
两个小时之后,我皮肤空前的白嫩水润,本来就是干性皮肤又生活在北京这样的气候,胳膊和腿就是白皮一片,怎么擦身体乳液抗不过10小时,以前还有严重湿疹,印子很多,感觉都明显变淡,当然也有我的心理作用哈哈。LG对皮肤甚为不在意的人,也感觉到皮肤饱满水分,整个人都经历充沛了。另外我有便秘的毛病,做完之后,对于便秘的好处,我就不详细说啦哈哈。Spa girl告诉我不要淋浴,精油要持续一到两小时对皮肤最好,事实上一点都不油,我晚上回去都没舍得洗澡。。。SPA的作用和瑜伽很像,要乐在其中才会有意想不到的效果。
[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
19:48 编辑 ]
Let’s relax
大家耳熟能详的MASSAGE,但去之前也查到很多人说他家不好,本来也不打算去他家的,但是离我们的酒店实在太近了,就准备了优惠券准备去体验一下,发现里面全是中国人啊,询问了一下,当天不论是单项还是package的所有相关thai massage都已经预定满了,正合我意,我和LG选择了Aromatherapy Body Massage。一小时1200B,用了九折券。其实如果按照SUKKO的项目,RELAX家也要3000B呢,甚至更贵。不知道是因为我们是散客还是自动送上门的,relax也没让我们填什么过敏单子,选了精油就去了四楼房间。服务的是两个人比较年长,在昏暗的灯光下,虽然放着轻柔的音乐,但耳边还是充斥着马路上的TUTU声,其中还有泰拳的小喇叭,”tommorrow night, tommorrow night, bangla studio bangla studio”,相信住过patong的同志们都知道泰拳这个宣传车哈哈。
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[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
19:45 编辑 ]
当然我也就做了这么一个项目,时间也短,其他做过他家项目的同志们可以分享一下啊,不要就说推荐let’s relax,那推荐的理由呢?我觉得相对于普吉满街的massage路边店,是专业也正规很多,当然交通便利也是首选的原因之一,就在patong的街上嘛。但如果你有计划做spa,时间又很紧,我向你推荐KARON的一家和relax相当的一家Body and Mind Day Spa。
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Body and Mind Day Spa
可以看到他家现在的活动是30% Discount (from the full price) for Package 1 to Package 10
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[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
19:53 编辑 ]
我们从PP回来以后当天晚上去那做的,因为就住在卡伦的moivepeak,离得不远所以直接走过去了,选了package而且根据我自己的喜欢,跟接待人谈了一下,针对package4更改了一些项目,打了七折,由于LG把scrub或wrap的换到了Aromatherapy Body Massage,也就是说相当于两个小时的Aromatherapy Body Massage,也算是优惠了,基本也算是定制的package了。只要你的英文能表示yes or no,对spa的项目也够熟悉,给接待人员指一指需要哪些项目,都是可以定制或者讲讲价格的,至少比RELAX门庭若市的强,RELAX已经被中国人惯坏了。
这里要重点介绍的是其中一项Body Wrap,这次没有选srcub。 Wrap也是浑身抹一层泥,然后用塑料布包裹起来,待半小时,被包裹起来后,浑身发热,当时因为在海边玩的已经晒伤了,所以接待人员推荐我用了对sun hurt有效的coconut泥。
这家不需要穿一次性的内裤,但两外大妈级的spa girl,很专业,把私密部位遮挡的很好。手法也很好,同样的年纪,我却没有感觉到手纹,也很快进入了睡梦中。环境也还不错,房间里有毛玻璃顶棚和超大浴缸。
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[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
19:59 编辑 ]
首先推荐的一家,紧挨着SUKKO:Island Herb & Spa
在普吉的第二天,我们租车环岛游,路过SUKKO的时候,司机当时忽然指着SUKKO门口的两只金象说No.1,good and very expensive,然后忽然指着旁边距离不到一百米的泰式建筑说,这家非常好,good and cheap,然后我问了一下名字,他就告诉了这家当地人非常推崇的
Island Herb & Spa
当时本来很想去这家做的,但是时间有限,就选择了body and mind,当然也是相当满意,现在向大家推荐Island Herb & Spa,希望有人会去感受一下哦。
做了3个小时的 精油+磨砂+脸部+药桑拿+水池 睡着了N回 手法非常的好啊 睡着了N回 环境也还不错 院子很漂亮 有很多蝴蝶 就在大象表演那条路的路口
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[ 本帖最后由 天外小飞猫 于
22:33 编辑 ]
Island Herb & Spa的价目单
Code Package name Duration Price (Thai Baht)
Herbal 1 Island Herbal Sauna package 2 Hrs. 130 mins 1,600
Herbal 2 Island Herbal Sauna package 3 Hrs. 180 mins 1,900
Herbal 3 Island Herbal Sauna package 4 Hrs. 240 mins 2,400
H1 Body oil Massage with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
H2 Body Scrub with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
H3 Body Mask with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
H4 Facial Massage with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
H5 Aloe vera oil Massage. 60 mins 1,200
H6 Aloe vera Wrap. 60 mins 1,200
H7 Body Milk treatment & Massage. 60 mins 1,200
H8 Aromatherapy oil Massage. 60 mins 1,000
H9 Natural Herbal Body Mask. 50 mins 1,000
H10 Body Scrub. 60 mins 1,000
H11 Facial Massage 60 mins 1,000
H12 Foot Massage. 60 mins 900
Free Tranfer Service
From two person, book for spa package
Free Area - Patong / Karon / Kata / Phuket town / Raw
We have to charge extra tranfer
Booking one person +500 B
Book for Ala Carte Menu
Tranfer Charge Area - Laguna kamala, Surin Bantao +600 B / Naitong + 800 B JW Marriott, Trisara + 1000B
Code Package name Duration Price (Thai Baht)
Island1 Island Herb & Spa package 2 Hrs. 130 mins 1,700
Island2 Island Herb & Spa package 3 Hrs. 180 mins 2,200
Island3 Island Herbal Sauna package 4 Hrs. 240 mins 2,700
S1 Body oil Massage with Gold. 60 mins 1400
S2 Body Scrub with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
S3 Body Mask with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
S4 Facial Massage with Gold. 60 mins 1,400
S5 Aloe vera oil Massage. 60 mins 1,200
S6 Body Milk treatment & Massage. 60 mins 1,200
S7 Aromatherapy oil Massage. 60 mins 1,000
S8 Natural Herbal Body Mask. 50 mins 1,000
S9 Body Scrub. 60 mins 1,000
S10 Facial Massage 60 mins 1,000
S11 Foot Massage. 60 mins 900
Free Tranfer Service
From two person, book for spa package
All Area in Phuket.
Daily open 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
We have to charge extra tranfer
Booking one person +500 B
Book for Ala Carte Menu
Tranfer Charge Area - Patong Beach, KATA, KARON Beach 800 B/ Kamala, Laguna, Surin, Bantao 900 B/ Naiyang, Naitong, JW Marriott 1000 B
后面要给大家介绍的是patong非常著名的Christian Massage
据说是唯一提供body massage和soapy massage
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当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是
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