unity5.0.1 破解 中的renderer没有material怎么办?

发布于: 13:35
&& & & & photo.renderer.material.shader=Shader.Find(&Unlit/Texture&),以上这句代码在电脑是可以显示的,但是发布到ios上之后,这句代码就没有效果而且把图片都搞成红色的啦。请问以下为什么呢?有什么代码可以在ios顶替以上代码不?跪求大神回答!
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发布于: 10:03
Powered byunity使用line renderer画线 - dzyi_的专栏
- 博客频道 - CSDN.NET
任何一个无规则曲线它都是有若干个线段组成,及时是圆形它也是又若干个线段组成的,也就是说将若干个线段拼接起来就是我们须要的无规则曲线~那么在3D 的世界中我们须要知道 X Y Z 三个点来确定一条3D线段。
Unity -& GameObject -& Create Empty 创建一个空的对象,我命名为line。然后点击 Component -& Miscellaneous -& Line Renderer 给line添加一个线渲染器的属性,Line Renderer是非常中的属性,下面我会详细的说明。
Create -& Material 创建一个材质,做来这个线段的贴图,下面我们看看Line Renderer的一些重要参数。
Cast Shadows: 是否投射阴影。
Receive Shadows: 是否接收阴影。
Materials :设置材质,这里可以设置多个材质, line就是上面我们创建的材质,这里我给line这个材质涂上了红颜色。
Positions:这个属性就比较重要了,它是专门设置线段在3D 世界中的点的坐标,size 设置点的数量 为3 那么将会有3个点,Element 0 &&Element 1&Element 2 & &这三个点将确定这条曲线分为两段,第一段是(0,0,1) 到 &(0,0,2) ,第二段是 (0,0,2) 到(0,0,4)。
StartWidth :设置起点的宽度 &
EndWidth: &设置终点的宽度 ,这两项数&#20540;默认为1,但是现实起来很宽,所以一般都设置为0.几~&
Start Color: 设置起点颜色
Start Color: 设置终点颜色
Use World Space 使用世界坐标系
大家看看效果,清楚的可以看到曲线分为两部分,第一部分较短 第二部分较长。
怎么样? 绘制线的方法不难学吧?在已知线段位置的情况下我们可以使用上面的方法去设置这条线,但是如果线段的位置是在游戏过程中动态的产生就得在代码中去动态的去设置。
创建脚本Main.cs 绑定到摄像头上,运行游戏绘制线的话须要在Main中去拿到line这个对象的实例。这就是一个比较重要的知识点了。
LineRenderer.SetWidth(0.1,0.1) ; 设置线段起始点与结束点的宽度 (参数1 为起始点 参数2为结束点)
LineRenderer.SetColor(Color.black,Color.white);&设置线段起始点与结束点的颜色 (参数1 为起始点颜色 参数2为结束点颜色)
LineRenderer.SetVertexCount(5); 设置线段数量。
LineRenderer.useWorldSpace = 是否使用世界坐标系,和上面编辑器对应。
通过上面代码的设置,运行游戏,发现全新的一个三角形曲线赫然的映入我们的&#30524;帘,有了上面的方法我们就可以组合的绘制出各种各样的3D 游戏曲线了,这里MOMO使用的是颜色,大家也可以添加一个贴图~
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Hi everybody I am having a problem with my game, the problem is based when I switch the materials so it can face the other direction (it is a 2d game). This affects the animation which is controlled by the renderer.material.mainTextureOffset but I have no idea why this is not working.
code in c#:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class character : MonoBehaviour {
public float forwardSpeed = 10.0f;
public Material newMaterialRefcs1;
public Material newMaterialRefcs2;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
//error is occurring here !!!!!!!! below Important. The 2 if statements below
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if( Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)){
renderer.material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0.25f, 0);
transform.position += -transform.right * forwardSpeed * Time.deltaT
renderer.material = newMaterialRefcs1;
}if( Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)){
renderer.material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0.25f, 0);
transform.position += transform.right * forwardSpeed * Time.deltaT
renderer.material = newMaterialRefcs2;
I'm not sure exactly what your problem is but it sounds like you're trying to adjust one setting in the first script then add a new material in the second script. If that is the case then, when you assign the new material in the second script you are replacing the material completely meaning the renderer.material.mainTextureOffset.x that you set in the first gets overwritten.
Try keeping the offset in a separate variable that you can assign to the new texture when it is added in the second script.
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Try to use other shader. Diffuse, for example.
Also, check in inspector, is this value really changed. May You rewrite it in other script?
I have figured it out with some help from the unity forums took a while but here it is:
using UnityE
using System.C
public class character : MonoBehaviour {
public float forwardSpeed = 20.0f;
public float rot = 0f;public float jumpSpeed = 100;public float gravity = 30f;
public Material newMaterialRefcs1;
public Material newMaterialRefcs2;
void Start () {
public float scrollSpeed = 0.25F;
void Update () {
if( Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)){
scrollSpeed += 0.25f;
transform.position += -transform.right * forwardSpeed * Time.deltaT
renderer.material = newMaterialRefcs1;
float offset = scrollS
renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(offset, 0));
}if( Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow)){
scrollSpeed += 0.25f;
transform.position += transform.right * forwardSpeed * Time.deltaT
renderer.material = newMaterialRefcs2;
float offset = scrollS
renderer.material.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", new Vector2(offset, 0));
Vector3 isgrounded = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up);
if( Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)&& Physics.Raycast(transform.position, isgrounded, 6)){
transform.position -= transform.up * jumpSpeed * Time.deltaTime*2;
Physics.gravity = new Vector3(0, gravity, 0);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z);
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledunity3D中 material中tiling和offset属性解释
时间: 17:29:08
&&&& 阅读:166
&&&& 评论:
&&&& 收藏:0
1 using UnityE
2 using System.C
4 public class animspite : MonoBehaviour
public int totolF//总帧数,即多少帧
public int//帧速度 即 1秒运行多少帧
public int rowN //几行
public int colN //几列
public bool isDes = false; //是否播放一次就销毁对象
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
Debug.Log("Unity Editor");
Debug.Log("Stand Alone OSX");
Debug.Log("Stand Alone Windows");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
int index = (int)(Time.time * fbs);
index = index % totolF
float sizeX = 1.0f / colN
float sizeY = 1.0f / rowN
Vector2 size = new Vector2(sizeX, sizeY);
float uIndex = index % colN
float vIndex = index / colN
float offsetX = uIndex * size.x;
float offsetY = (1.0f - size.y) - (vIndex * size.y);
//offsetY = 1.0f * vIndex / rowN
Vector2 offset = new Vector2(offsetX, offsetY);
transform.renderer.material.mainTextureScale =
transform.renderer.material.mainTextureOffset =
if (isDes)
if (Time.time & 1)
&&&& &&&&it168&& && && &&
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