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开发板和工具包 - ARM Nucleo Board STM32F0 STM32F030R8,深圳市原力达电子有限公司==
开发板和工具包 - ARM Nucleo Board STM32F0 STM32F030R8
开发板和工具包 - ARM Nucleo Board STM32F0 STM32F030R8
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UploadHttpModule.cs - neatupload,实现大文件的上传功
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NeatUpload - an HttpModule and User Control for uploading large files
Copyright (C) 2005
Dean Brettle
This libr you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software F either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License alo if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
using System.C
using System.W
using System.T
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.XP
namespace Brettle.Web.NeatUpload
/// &summary&
/// Limits the size of incoming HTTP requests and allows &see cref=&ProgressBar&/& to monitor the progress of
/// upload requests associated with &see cref=&InputFile&/& controls.&/summary&
/// &remarks&
/// To use this module, add it to the &see href=&/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpgenref/html/gngrfhttpmodulessection.asp&&
/// httpModules section&/see& of your Web.config like this:
/// &example&
/// &code escaped=&true&&
/// &configuration&
&add name=&UploadHttpModule& type=&Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.UploadHttpModule, Brettle.Web.NeatUpload& /&
/// &/configuration&
/// &/code&
/// &/example&
/// &/remarks&
public class UploadHttpModule : IHttpModule
// Create a logger for use in this class
private static readonly log4net.ILog log
= log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
public static void AppendToLog(string param)
HttpContext context = HttpContext.C
if (context == null)
HttpContext origContext = context.Items[&NeatUpload_origContext&] as HttpC
if (origContext != null)
context = origC
/// &summary&
/// Waits for the current upload request to finish.&/summary&
/// &remarks&
/// &para&
/// If the UploadHttpModule is being used for the current request, this method will not return until the
/// module has received and processed the entire request.
If the UploadHttpModule is not being used for
/// the current request, this method will return immediately.
Note: the UploadHttpModule is only used if
/// it has been added in the httpModules section of the Web.config, the neatUpload section's
/// useHttpModule attribute is &true& for the page being requested (which is the default), and the
/// request has a content type of multipart/form-data.&/para&
/// &/remarks&
public static void WaitForUploadToComplete()
// If the original request hasn't been parsed (and any upload received) by now,
// we force parsing to ensure that the upload is received.
FilteringWorkerRequest worker = GetCurrentWorkerRequest() as FilteringWorkerR
if (worker != null)
public static long MaxNormalRequestLength
return Config.Current.MaxNormalRequestL
public static long MaxRequestLength
return Config.Current.MaxRequestL
private static bool _isInited =
internal static bool IsInited
lock (typeof(UploadHttpModule)) {
return _isI
public void Init(HttpApplication app)
// When tracing is enabled at the application level ASP.NET reads the entire request before
// BeginRequest is fired.
So, we should not use our module at all.
bool isTracingEnabled = HttpContext.Current.Trace.IsE
if (isTracingEnabled)
lock (typeof(UploadHttpModule))
_isInited =
app.BeginRequest += new System.EventHandler(Application_BeginRequest);
app.Error += new System.EventHandler(Application_Error);
app.EndRequest += new System.EventHandler(Application_EndRequest);
app.ResolveRequestCache += new System.EventHandler(Application_ResolveRequestCache);
RememberErrorHandler = new System.EventHandler(RememberError);
lock (typeof(UploadHttpModule))
_isInited =
public void Dispose()
internal static HttpWorkerRequest GetCurrentWorkerRequest()
HttpContext origContext = HttpContext.C
IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)origC
HttpWorkerRequest origWorker = (HttpWorkerRequest) provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
return origW
private void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Config.Current.UseHttpModule)
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpA
string rawUrl = app.Context.Request.RawU
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties[&url&] = rawU
HttpWorkerRequest origWorker = GetCurrentWorkerRequest();
if (origWorker is DecoratedWorkerRequest)
// If an unhandled error occurs, we want to remember it so that we can rethrow it
// in the original context.
if (RememberErrorHandler != null)
app.Error += RememberErrorH
// Save a reference to the original HttpContext in the subrequest context so that
// AppendToLog() can use it.
DecoratedWorkerRequest decoratedWorkerRequest = origWorker as DecoratedWorkerR
if (decoratedWorkerRequest.OrigContext != null)
HttpContext.Current.Items[&NeatUpload_origContext&] = decoratedWorkerRequest.OrigC
// Ignore the subrequests to avoid infinite recursion...
// Get the Content-Length header and parse it if we find it.
If it's not present we might
// still be OK.
long contentLength = 0;
string contentLengthHeader = origWorker.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentLength);
if (contentLengthHeader != null)
contentLength = Int64.Parse(contentLengthHeader);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new HttpException(400, &Bad Request&, ex);
DecoratedWorkerRequest subWorker =
// Create a subrequest for each request.
For multipart/form-data requests, we use a
// FilteringWorkerRequest which filters the file parts into temp files.
For all other
// requests, we use a SizeLimitingWorkerRequest to ensure that the size of the request is within
// the user configured limit.
We need the SizeLimitingWorkerRequest, because httpRuntime's
// maxRequestLength attribute needs to be set to a large value to allow large file upload request
// to get to this module at all.
That means that large normal requests will also get to this
// module.
SizeLimitingWorkerRequest ensures that normal requests which are too large are
// rejected.
string contentTypeHeader = origWorker.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderContentType);
if (contentTypeHeader != null && contentTypeHeader.ToLower().StartsWith(&multipart/form-data&))
subWorker = new FilteringWorkerRequest(origWorker);
// If the client-specified content length is too large, we reject the request
// immediately.
If it's not, the client could be lying so we need to use
// SizeLimitingWorkerRequest to actually count the bytes.
if (contentLength & MaxNormalRequestLength)
throw new HttpException(413, &Request Entity Too Large&);
subWorker = new SizeLimitingWorkerRequest(origWorker, MaxNormalRequestLength);
subWorker =
if (subWorker != null)
// Process the subrequest.
HttpContext savedContext = HttpContext.C
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug(&Called ProcessRequest().
Calling subWorker.WaitForEndOfRequest().&);
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug(&subWorker.WaitForEndOfRequest() returned.&);
HttpContext.Current = savedC
log4net.ThreadContext.Properties[&url&] = rawU
// Workaround for bug in mod_mono (at least rev 1.0.9) where the response status
// is overwritten with 200 pleteRequest() is called.
Status (and headers)
// *should* be ignored because they were already sent when the subrequest was processed...
app.Response.StatusCode = subWorker.StatusC
app.Response.StatusDescription = subWorker.StatusD
// If there was an error, rethrow it so that ASP.NET uses any custom error pages.
if (subWorker.Exception != null)
HttpException httpException = subWorker.Exception as HttpE
if (httpException != null)
throw new HttpException(httpException.GetHttpCode(), &Unhandled HttpException while processing NeatUpload child request&,
throw new Exception(&Unhandled Exception while processing NeatUpload child request&,
// Otherwise call CompleteRequest() to prevent further processing of the original request.
private void Application_ResolveRequestCache(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Wait for the upload to complete before AcquireRequestState fires.
If we don't then the session
// will be locked while the upload completes
private void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug(&In Application_Error&);
UploadContext uploadContext = UploadContext.C
if (uploadContext != null)
private EventHandler RememberErrorH
private void RememberError(object sender, EventArgs e)
DecoratedWorkerRequest decoratedWorker = GetCurrentWorkerRequest() as DecoratedWorkerR
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpA
if (decoratedWorker != null)
Exception ex = app.Server.GetLastError();
if (ex != null)
// We are here because an exception was thrown while the subrequest was being proceessed.
// Ideally, we'd like it to appear as though the exception was thrown in the context of the
// original request so that thigs which rely on the original context (e.g. custom error pages)
// operate properly.
To achieve that, we'd like to end the subrequest without sending any
// response, and remember the exception so that we can rethrow it in the original
// request context.
However, if some headers or content have been already been sent to the
// client, then that is impossible.
In that case we'll continue processing normally which
// will mean that the exception is handled in the context of the subrequest.
// Try to clear the headers.
This will throw an HttpException if headers have already been
// sent to the client.
catch (HttpException)
if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
log.DebugFormat(&The following error will be processed in NeatUpload's subrequest context because the response has already been at least partially sent {
// Clear any buffered content as well so that it isn't
// written when we end the subrequest.
decoratedWorker.Exception =
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.DebugFormat(&Remembering error: {
}&, decoratedWorker.Exception);
// For the remainder of the subrequest, act as though there was no error.
// Finish the subrequest.
private void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug(&In Application_EndRequest&);
HttpApplication app = sender as HttpA
if (RememberErrorHandler != null)
app.Error -= RememberErrorH
UploadContext uploadContext = UploadContext.C
if (uploadContext != null)
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&1.77 kB12-04-07 10:16
&Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.dll89.00 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.HashedInputFile.dll.mdb2.17 kB12-04-07 10:17
&17.88 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&Brettle.Web.NeatUpload.dll.mdb48.64 kB12-04-07 10:17
&17.88 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&17.88 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&8.50 kB12-04-07 10:16
&1.33 kB12-04-07 10:16
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&1.38 kB12-04-07 10:17
&1.31 kB12-04-07 10:17
&10.42 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&3.77 kB12-04-07 10:17
&1.80 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&1.30 kB12-04-07 10:17
&1.30 kB12-04-07 10:17
&1.64 kB12-04-07 10:17
&7.48 kB12-04-07 10:17
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&674.00 B12-04-07 10:17
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