iphone6更新不了软件软件更新没back up软件和信息会没吗?

  iphone6被停用怎么办? 小编胖胖将在下文提供iphone6被停用解决方法,有不少朋友的iPhone6由于输入太多次错误密码导致被停用,那么该如何解决这个问题呢?请看下文吧。
  为了管制小孩使用智能手机或是平板电脑的时间,不让他们过分沉溺于电脑游戏,许多家长都将家中的iPad(或iPod touch、Phablet)锁码。但是,纯真却不懂电脑知识的小小幼童,以为在手机或是平板电脑上随便输入几个数字就可以开始玩游戏了。在输入错误密码6次之后,这些装置将自动锁上并暂时停用,当这个情况发生后,该如何处理呢?
  忘记密码:方法1 &&使用iTunes
  1. 将iPhone或是iPad连上平时做同步的笔记型或是桌上型电脑。
  2. 开启 iTunes后,先做备份。请点击【立即备份】(Back Up Now),此刻iTunes将自动同步装置并建立备份。
  3. 等待备份完成后,再点击右上方的【恢复iPhone】(Restore iPhone)按键,让装置回复到原厂设定。
  4. 最后再按下【回复备份】(Restore Backup),选择最近备份的时间,等待装置回复备份完成即可。
  忘记密码:方法2 &&使用iCloud
  1. 在与iPhone或是iPad连接的笔记型或是桌上型电脑上,开启并登入&iCloud&。
  2. 选择&寻找我的iPhone&(Find My iPhone)寻找我的 iPhone APP。
  3. 当 iCloud 远端连线到 iOS的装置后,就会在地图上显示它的位置,然后点击右上方装置定位选项中的&清除 iPhone&,并依照指示设定。
  使用这个方法的前提是,你的iOS装置早已开启&寻找我的iPhone&的功能。以下是启动该功能的步骤:到【设定】(Settings)&【隐私】 (Privacy)&【定位服务】(Location Services)& 然后开启【寻找我的iPhone】(Find My iPhone)。以及到【设定】(Settings)&【iCloud】&【寻找我的iPhone】(Find My iPhone)。
  1. 将iOS装置和iTunes连线后,屏幕上可能会显示&iTunes 无法与 iOS 装置连接,因为它已使用密码锁定。您必须在 iOS 装置上输入密码,才能与 iTunes 搭配使用。&的讯息。这时先将 iOS 装置的连接线拔除,然后将iPhone或是iPad关机。
  2. 接着,一手持续按住iPhone或是iPad的&Home 键&不放,另一手将连接线重新接回 iOS装置,此时装置会自动开机。直到出现&连接 iTunes&的画面时,才可以放开&Home 键&。
  3. iTunes跳出后,会显示&iTunes 侦测到一台在恢复模式中的 iOS 装置。若要与 iTunes 一同使用,您必须回复 iOS 装置。&的信息,请按下&好&。
  4. 在iTunes按下&恢复&,即可回复 iOS 装置。
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IOS9 beta2 已来,附更新日志和下载连接
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iOS SDK Release Notes for iOS 9 Beta 2Important:This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded products. This information is subject to change, and software implemented according to this document should be tested with final operating system software and final documentation. Newer versions of this document may be provided with future betas of the API or technology.
IntroductioniOS SDK 9.0 provides support for developing iOS apps. It is packaged with a complete set of Xcode tools, compilers, and frameworks for creating apps for iOS and OS X. These tools include the Xcode IDE and the Instruments analysis tool, among many others.With this software you can develop apps for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 9. You can also test your apps using the included Simulator, which supports iOS 9. iOS SDK 9.0 requires a Mac computer running OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite) or later.This version of iOS is intended for installation only on devices registered with the Apple Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state.For more information and additional support resources, visit .Bug ReportingFor issues not mentioned in the Notes and Known Issues section, please file bugs through the Apple Developer website (). Additionally, you may discuss these issues and iOS SDK 9.0 in the Apple Developer Forums: . To get more information about iCloud for Developers, go to.Notes and Known IssuesThe following issues relate to using iOS SDK 9.0 to develop code.AccessoriesKnown IssueLighting video dongles don’t work with this beta.Activation LockKnown IssueYour iPhone may indicate that Activation Lock is turned on for your Apple Watch when it is not.AirPlayFixed in Beta 2AirPlay connectivity issues with Apple TV.App ExtensionsKnown IssueDebugging an action or sharing extension can cause the extension to be missing in the
object.Workaround: Go to the More list and go back to show the extension again.App StoreNoteiOS9 enforces the UILaunchI apps can no longer declare the same launch image to support different interface orientations.Known IssueUsers might be prompted twice for credentials on the first In-App Purchase.Apple IDFixed in Beta 2If you change your primary email address on , you may not be able to authenticate on device (including signing out of Find My iPhone).Workaround: First, change your email back to the previous email on . Then sign out and back in on your device.Known IssuesAttempting to create a new AppleID via GameCenter may cause a crash.iForgot links may work intermittently.Workaround: Please try again.
Apple PayFixed in Beta 2You cannot present the Apple Pay sheet if you request
for your required shipping address fields.AVFoundationNotes now supports a mixture of file-based media and HTTP Live Streaming media in its queue. Prior to this, you had to ensure that all items in the queue were of the same type.For apps linked against iOS 9 or later, the media interruption behavior for AV(Queue)Player has changed.Before iOS 9, apps could interrupt other media-playing clients by associating or adding
or by modifying the time or date of the current AVPlayerItem (using the seekToTime: orseekToDate: methods). In iOS 9, these operations interrupt only when AVPlayer object’s playback rate is changed to a non-zero value through the
property or play method.Picture in Picture playback might stop and the Picture in Picture button might disappear when using
for video playback and replacing the underlying AVPlayer object’s current item using .The AVPictureInPictureController interface and cancelPictureInPicture method are deprecated.
BluetoothFixed in Beta 2Incoming cellular call audio may not route to certain Bluetooth headsets.Workaround: Route audio away from Bluetooth headset (for example, to the phone speaker) and back.CalendarKnown IssueCalendar Time to Leave alerts may not be sent.CarPlayFixed in Beta 2When you turn off your vehicle with a device still attached to a CarPlay-enabled head unit, the device may become completely unresponsive and require a hard reboot.iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPad Air 2 devices may not work with CarPlay.
CBCentralManagerNoteApps that use
and ) will crash on launch or upon pairing an accessory. CBCentralManager was deprecated in iOS 7.0 and has been removed in iOS 9.0.ContactsFixed in Beta 2LDAP and GAL servers aren’t queried for autocompletion.You may receive
and not know if it was one of your
instances that trigged the notification.
FaceTimeKnown IssueIn this beta, FaceTime calls do not connect on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, or iPad Air 2.Family SharingFixed in Beta 2Changing your password prevents the Family section of iCloud Settings from loading.Known IssuesAdding a family member inline fails.Workaround: Use invite to add family members.Ask To Buy notifications don’t respond when tapped.
FoundationFixed in Beta 2https connections are displayed as https connections.NoteHorizontal location constraints should consistently reference either left/right OR leading/trailing attributes. For apps linked against the iOS 9 SDK, NSLayoutConstraint will throw an exception if you attempt to create a constraint between a leading/trailing attribute AND a left/right attribute.HealthKitKnown IssueIn rare circumstances, it is possible for the health database to be deleted during the upgrade to the seed.Workaround: To make sure the health database is not lost, make an encrypted iTunes backup prior to installing this seed.Although keeping the device unlocked for the duration of the upgrade process reduces the risk of the database being destroyed, it’s recommended that you create a backup so that you can recover the database if you encounter this issue.HomeKitFixed in Beta 2Accessories may not be removed from the
object after being added to a home.HMLocationEvent currently supports only .iOS 9 does not currently accept Home invitations from iOS 8.
Known IssuesAccessories that support multiple communication paths to HomeKit may appear duplicated.Location-based event triggers do not work in Simulator.
iCloud BackupFixed in Beta 2Restoring from a backup created in iOS 9 is slower than restoring from a backup created in iOS 8 or earlier.You may see an incorrect “iCloud Backup” alert that suggests your device hasn’t backed up when it has backed up successfully.
Known IssueiCloud backups will incorrectly report a backup size of 0 bytes in Settings & iCloud & Backup & Manage Storage & Storage & Device.If you have Two Factor Auth enabled, signing into your iTunes account while restoring from an iCloud backup may get stuck sending your verification code.Workaround: Don’t sign into your iTunes account while restoring from an iCloud backup.In rare cases, iCloud backups make progress, but then fail.Workaround: Use iTunes to back up and restore.
iCloud DriveKnown IssueTapping an iCloud Drive document in search results doesn't do anything.Instant HotSpotKnown IssueSome devices crash on connection to Instant Hotspot.KeyboardsFixed in Beta 2Third party keyboards don't work in search results.Third party keyboards may get removed from the list of active keyboards in apps.Workaround: Add keyboards again from Keyboard Settings.
NoteRussian, Turkish, and Korean QuickType keyboards require at least iOS 9 Beta 2.Known IssueThere are display issues with QuickType suggestions in Share Sheets.KeychainFixed in Beta 2When using the Setup Assistant to enable iCloud Keychain, the SMS verification code may not autopopulate if the SMS is received on the same device. may sometimes fail to generate a key that is stored in secure enclave (kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave).Keychain items created with kSecAccessControlUserPresence access control list are using global Touch ID credential for 10 minutes. When an iPhone is unlocked by Touch ID, these items reuse the Touch ID unlock information and do not ask for new authentication. When the iPhone is unlocked using a passcode, the items require Touch ID.Local Authentication setCredential fails to set application password for keychain operation. does not show the user name picker.
Known IssuesAfter changing your iCloud password, you may see an “iCloud Keychain Reset” prompt.Workaround: Re-enable iCloud Keychain.If you have two-step verification enabled on your AppleID and then change your iCloud Keychain or iCloud Security Code on a non-trusted device, you see a “Verification Failed” error.Workaround: Log out of iCloud, log back into the account and enable iCloud KeychainUnder certain circumstances, when enabling iCloud keychain on an OS X El Capitan or iOS 9 system using the iCloud Security Code, you may see “incorrect security code” or “could not set up iCloud keychain” even if you’ve entered the correct security code and SMS verification code.Workaround: Use “approve from other device” instead.
LocalizationKnown IssueFor devices where English is not the default languge, some content may appear in English instead of the expected language.MapsFixed in Beta 2Navigation steps, instructions, and display will not update properly if your iPhone is paired to an Apple Watch and the iPhone screen is locked.Known IssueMapKit’s MKDirections do not get directions or ETA responses from MapKit in this beta.Workaround: Add an exemption in your Info.plist. See the ATS documentation here: .MailFixed in Beta 2Mail crashes when trying to print a message.Known IssuesA Yahoo mail account may periodically display “Cannot get mail.”Workaround: You can dismiss the alert and Yahoo mail continues to function as expected.MDMFixed in Beta 2The AvailableOSUpdates MDM command fails on unsupervised devices as an unknown command. The command succeeds only on supervised DEP-enrolled devices.MultitaskingFixed in Beta 2When displayed in multitasking scenarios, secondary apps cannot be pinned, unpinned, or resized if VoiceOver is enabled.Workaround: Disable VoiceOver in Settings & General & Accessibility to resume functionality of these multitasking gestures.iPad Air Simulator does not have limited multitasking capabilities (overlay and PiP only). In this beta, there is no difference between the iPad Air and iPad Air 2 Simulators.App switcher continuity does not function in this beta. If you need to test continuity, you can test it on the lock screen.
MusicNoteWhen users plug in headphones or connect to Bluetooth or CarPlay in their car, their favorite music app appears on the lock screen or the car display.For your app to be eligible for this, it must publish to Now Playing upon launch and consistently maintain a Now Playing state. A common practice upon launch is to continue playing the track from when the app was last exited.Known IssueThe Radio tab is not available in the Music app.NetworkingNoteWhen negotiating a TLS/SSL connection with Diffie-Hellman key exchange, iOS 9 requires a 1024-bit group or larger. These connections include:Secure Web (HTTPS)Enterprise Wi-Fi (802.1X)Secure e-mail (IMAP, POP, SMTP)Printing servers (IPPS)
NotesFixed in Beta 2After upgrading Notes in iOS 9 Beta 1, Notes will not sync using iTunes on Windows.PhotosKnown IssueAfter restoring from iCloud backup, photos not stored in iCloud Photo Library fail to display thumbnails.Workaround: Select the impacted photo and choose Edit followed by Revert.PodcastsFixed in Beta 2The search page does not always load or provide results.The subscribe button is slow to respond to user’s touches.When using multitasking, the Podcast app crashes when reducing to 50% and then increasing to 66%.
Known IssueIf you change the media type of content in iTunes to &podcast episode&, and then sync those podcasts, the Podcast app will crash on launch.SafariFixed in Beta 2Content Blockers with invalid JSONs are not loaded.Setting a tintColor on SFSafariViewController doesn’t apply.
Notes“Find on Page” is now available both from the Share sheet as well as in the Completions List.Request Desktop Site has moved. It’s now in the Share sheet instead of Favorites.Web Browser–to–Native App Handoff does not work with your app if the apple-app-site-association file isn’t correctly formatted and signed. Please see the
for more information.
SearchFixed in Beta 2Indexing a Core Spotlight item with a thumbnail does not show the thumbnail or description in search results.All NSUserActivity objects get indexed and displayed in Spotlight (not just the ones that are marked searchable).
Known IssuesTapping a Mail message, Maps favorites, Note, or Message in search results does not open the app on some devices.When submitting an activity to be searchable with NSUserActivity the metadata (attrituteSet) does not get added to the index. The title and keywords property are the only activity metadata added to the index.
SettingsFixed in Beta 2The Cellular Data page may be blank after swapping SIM cards.Tapping Settings & iCloud & AppleID may be unresponsive the first few times.Workaround: Please try again. It eventually works.
Known IssuesThird-party app settings sometimes do not appear in Simulator.You may see a Black screen when trying to add Google or Yahoo accounts.CoreSpotlight items indexed with description don't display the description in Search.
Setup AssistantFixed in Beta 2Choosing the Disagree button on the iCloud terms pane does not let you proceed.Known IssueiForgot links don’t work in Setup Assistant.SiriFixed in Beta 2In Siri Suggestions on iPad, attempting to call, message, or FaceTime a contact with multiple addresses causes Springboard to crash.SpriteKitKnown Issue- (BOOL)containsNode:(SKNode *)node and - (NSSet *)containedNodeSet do not work in this beta.UIKitFixed in Beta 2 only works with URL schemes declared in an app’s Info.plist.NotesThere is a redesigned UI for printing that includes a print preview (presented from
or ). For apps that provide printing items or use only built-inUIPrintFormatter objects (, , UIWebViewPrintFormatter, or the
of any system-provided view), nothing additional is needed for the print preview to display.Apps that subclass
or UIPrintFormatter to draw content for printing must be built with the iOS 9 SDK for the preview to display. The behavior of UIPrintPageRenderer has been updated to call
multiple times with potentially different page sizes and margins. Various methods on UIPrintPageRenderer may be called from a non-main thread, but never from multiple threads concurrently. and
are now resizable and adaptive—previously, they would enforce a default size even if you attempted to resize them. These views also now default to a width of 320 points on all devices, instead of to the device width on iPhone.Interfaces that rely on the old enforcement of the default size will likely look wrong when compiled for iOS 9. Any problems encountered can be resolved by fully constraining or sizing picker views to the desired size instead of relying on implicit behavior.
Known Issue style doesn't update its
anchor position when the window is resized.***Fixed in Beta 2If you have the Developer Disk Image package installed, AlwaysOn *** tunnel does not establish.If both Cellular and Wi-Fi tunnels are up, occasionally the Cellular tunnel will become the default route instead of the Wi-Fi tunnel.Occasionally interface UP / DOWN events are not handled, which leads to the tunnel not being brought up or torn down immediately.
WebKitFixed in Beta 2The new API to load local files currently doesn’t work for loading files inside the app bundle.
iOS SDK为iOS 9 Beta 2版本说明重要的是:这是一个初步的文档的API或技术发展。 苹果是提供这些信息帮助你计划采用的技术和编程接口介绍Apple-branded产品使用。 这些信息变更,软件实现根据本文档应与最后的操作系统软件测试和最终的文档。 新版本的文档可以提供未来贝塔的API或技术。
介绍iOS SDK 9.0提供了支持开发iOS应用程序。 是一套完整的包装Xcode工具、编译器、和框架为iOS和OS x这些工具用于创建应用程序包括Xcode IDE和仪器分析工具,在许多其他人。使用这个软件你可以为iPhone开发应用程序,iPad,或iPod touch运行iOS 9。 您还可以使用包括模拟器测试您的应用程序,它支持iOS 9。 iOS SDK 9.0需要Mac电脑运行OS X v10.10.3(约塞米蒂)或更高版本。这个版本的iOS只适用于安装在设备注册苹果开发者计划。 尝试安装这个版本的iOS以未经授权的方式可能会让你的设备处于不可用状态。和额外的支持资源的更多信息,请访问。Bug报告没有提及的问题笔记和已知问题部分,请通过苹果开发者网站文件错误()。 此外,你可以讨论这些问题和iOS SDK 9.0苹果开发者论坛:。 获得更多的信息关于iCloud对于开发人员来说,去。笔记和已知问题以下问题涉及到使用iOS SDK 9.0开发代码。配件已知问题照明视频传输器不使用这个测试。激活锁已知问题你的iPhone可能表明激活锁被打开你的苹果看时。AirPlay固定在Beta 2与苹果电视AirPlay连接问题。应用程序扩展已知问题调试一个行动或共享扩展可以导致失踪的扩展对象。解决方案:去更多的列表并再次回到显示扩展。应用程序商店请注意iOS9执行UILaunchImages要求;应用程序不再声明相同的方向发射图像支持不同的接口。已知问题用户可能被提示凭证第一应用内购买的两倍。苹果ID固定在Beta 2如果你改变你的主要邮件地址在上,你可能无法验证设备(包括签署的找到我的iPhone)。解决方案:首先,改变你的电子邮件回先前的电子邮件在上。 然后退出,早在你的设备上。已知的问题尝试创建一个新的AppleID通过GameCenter可能导致崩溃。iForgot链接可能间歇性地工作。解决方案:请再试一次。
苹果支付固定在Beta 2你不能现在如果你要求苹果支付表你需要送货地址字段。AVFoundation笔记现在支持的基于文件的媒体和HTTP流媒体生活在它的队列中。 在此之前,你必须确保队列中的所有物品都是相同类型的。对iOS应用程序与9或之后,媒体干扰行为AV(Queue)Player已经改变了。在iOS 9之前,应用程序会中断其他媒体播放客户相关联或添加来或修改当前的时间和日期AVPlayerItem(使用seekToTime:或seekToDate:方法)。 在iOS 9中,这些操作中断只有当AVPlayer对象的回放速度改变通过一个非零值财产或play方法。画中画播放可能停止,当使用画中画按钮会消失视频回放和更换底层AVPlayer对象的当前项目使用。AVPictureInPictureController界面和cancelPictureInPicture方法被弃用。
蓝牙固定在Beta 2手机来电音频不得路线一定的蓝牙耳机。解决方案:路线音频从蓝牙耳机(例如,电话扬声器)。日历已知问题日历时间离开警报可能不会被发送。CarPlay固定在Beta 2当你关掉你的车辆和设备仍然在CarPlay-enabled头装置,该装置可能变得完全没有响应,需要硬重启。iPhone,iPhone 6另外,空气和iPad 2设备不得使用CarPlay。
CBCentralManager请注意应用程序使用(特别是和)将会崩溃在启动或配对一个配件。CBCentralManager在iOS 7.0弃用,iOS 9.0中已被删除。联系人固定在Beta 2LDAP和加服务器没有查询自动完成。你可能会收到不知道如果这是你的一个实例,潇洒的通知。
FaceTime已知问题在这个测试版,FaceTime调用并不连接在iPhone 6日iPhone 6另外,空气或iPad 2。家庭共享固定在Beta 2改变你的密码防止iCloud的家庭部分设置加载。已知的问题添加家庭成员内联失败。解决方案:使用邀请添加家庭成员。问购买通知不回应了。
基金会固定在Beta 2https连接显示为https连接。请注意水平位置约束应该始终参考左/右或领先/落后于属性。 对9 iOS SDK应用程序链接,NSLayoutConstraint将抛出一个异常,如果你试图创建一个领先/落后之间的约束属性和左/右属性。HealthKit已知问题在罕见的情况下,有可能对健康数据库在升级到种子被删除。解决方案:确保健康数据库不会丢失,使一个加密的iTunes之前备份安装这个种子。尽管保持设备解锁升级过程的持续时间减少数据库遭到破坏的风险,建议您创建一个备份,这样您就可以恢复数据库如果遇到这个问题。HomeKit固定在Beta 2配件不得离开对象被添加到一个家。HMLocationEvent目前只支持。iOS 9目前不接受邀请从iOS 8家。
云备份固定在Beta 2从备份中恢复中创建iOS 9是慢于从备份中恢复中创建iOS 8或更早。您可能会看到一个不正确的“iCloud备份”警报表明你的设备没有备份备份成功。
已知问题iCloud备份将错误报告备份大小为0字节设置& iCloud & &管理存储&存储&备份设备。如果你启用了两因素身份验证,签署在你的iTunes账户恢复从一个云备份可能会发送验证代码。解决方案:时不要登录到您的iTunes帐户恢复从一个云备份。在极少数情况下,iCloud备份取得进展,但是失败了。解决方案:使用iTunes来备份和恢复。
iCloud开车已知问题利用一个iCloud驱动文档在搜索结果中不做任何事。即时热点已知问题一些设备事故连接即时热点。键盘固定在Beta 2第三方键盘不工作在搜索结果中。第三方键盘可能会从活跃的键盘应用列表中删除。解决方案:添加键盘从键盘设置。
请注意俄罗斯、土耳其和韩国QuickType键盘至少需要iOS 9 Beta 2。已知问题有显示问题QuickType建议分享表。钥匙链固定在Beta 2当使用设置助理启用iCloud钥匙扣,短信验证码不得autopopulate如果同样的设备上收到短信。可能有时不能生成一个密钥存储在安全的飞地(kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave)。密钥链项创建kSecAccessControlUserPresence访问控制列表是使用全球联系ID凭据10分钟。 当iPhone解锁通过触摸ID,这些项目重用触摸ID解锁信息,不要求新身份验证。 当iPhone使用密码解锁,物品需要触摸ID。当地的认证setCredential无法设置应用程序密码的钥匙链上操作。不显示用户名选择器。
已知的问题改变你的iCloud密码后,您可能会看到一个“iCloud钥匙扣重置”提示。解决方案:重新启用iCloud钥匙链。如果你启用了两步验证AppleID,然后改变你的iCloud钥匙链或iCloud安全代码在处理设备,你看到一个“验证失败”错误。解决方案:日志iCloud,日志回帐户和启用iCloud钥匙链在某些情况下,当启用iCloud的钥匙链上的OS X埃尔卡皮坦或使用iCloud的iOS 9系统安全代码,您可能会看到“不正确的安全码”或“不能设置iCloud钥匙扣”即使你输入正确的密码和短信验证码。解决方案:从其他设备使用“批准”。
本地化已知问题设备,默认的语言不是英语,有些内容可能出现在英语而不是预期的语言。地图固定在Beta 2导航步骤,说明,并显示不能正常更新如果你的iPhone是成对一个苹果看和iPhone屏幕被锁定。已知问题MapKit MKDirections得不到的方向或从MapKit埃塔反应在这个测试版。解决方案:添加一个Info.plist豁免。 请参阅at文档:。邮件固定在Beta 2邮件崩溃当尝试打印一条消息。已知的问题雅虎邮箱帐户可能定期显示“无法得到邮件。”解决方案:可以把警报和雅虎邮箱继续按预期功能。MDM固定在Beta 2的AvailableOSUpdatesMDM命令失败在无人监督的设备作为一个未知的命令。 只在监督DEP-enrolled设备命令成功。多任务处理固定在Beta 2当显示在多任务情况下,辅助应用程序不能固定,拔掉,或调整大小如果启用了配音。解决方案:禁用画外音在设置& &可访问性恢复功能的多任务手势。iPad空气模拟器没有有限的多任务处理能力(仅覆盖和PiP)。 在这个测试版,iPad没有区别空气和iPad 2模拟器。应用程序切换不连续性函数在这个测试版。 如果您需要测试的连续性,可以测试它在锁定屏幕。
音乐请注意当用户插入耳机或蓝牙连接或CarPlay在他们的车,他们最喜欢的音乐应用程序出现在锁定屏幕或汽车展示。有资格对你的应用程序,它必须发布到现在玩在发射和始终保持现在玩的状态。 常见的做法在发射是继续玩跟踪从去年退出应用程序时。已知问题广播音乐应用程序选项卡不可用。网络请注意谈判时diffie - hellman密钥交换的TLS / SSL连接,iOS 9需要1024位组或更大。 这些连接包括:安全Web(HTTPS)企业wi - fi(802.1倍)安全电子邮件(IMAP、流行、SMTP)打印服务器(绿皮书)
笔记固定在Beta 2在iOS升级之后笔记9 Beta 1,笔记不同步使用iTunes在Windows上。照片已知问题从云备份恢复后,照片不是存储在iCloud照片库无法显示缩略图。解决方案:选择影响照片并选择编辑回复紧随其后。播客固定在Beta 2搜索页面并不总是负载或提供结果。订阅按钮是缓慢的响应用户的触摸。使用多任务时,播客应用程序崩溃时减少到50%,然后增加到66%。
已知问题如果你改变内容的媒体类型在iTunes“播客”,然后同步这些播客,推出播客应用会崩溃。Safari固定在Beta 2内容阻滞剂无效不加载json。设置一个tintColor SFSafariViewController不适用。
笔记“找到”页现在可以从共享表以及在完成列表中。已经请求桌面网站。 现在在分享表而不是最爱。Web Browser-to-Native应用切换不使用你的应用程序如果apple-app-site-association文件不正确格式化并签名。 请参阅和获得更多信息。
搜索固定在Beta 2索引的核心焦点项目缩略图不显示缩略图或描述在搜索结果中。得到所有NSUserActivity对象索引并显示在聚光灯下(不只是那些标记搜索)。
已知的问题地图收藏,指出,利用邮件消息或消息在搜索结果中不打开一些设备上的应用。当提交一个活动与NSUserActivity搜索元数据(attrituteSet)不得添加到索引中。 标题和关键字属性元数据添加到索引是唯一的活动。
设置固定在Beta 2蜂窝数据页面后可以空白交换SIM卡。利用设置& iCloud & AppleID可能没有响应第一个几次。解决方案:请再试一次。 最终的作品。
设置助理固定在Beta 2iCloud条款上的选择不同意的按钮面板不让你继续下去。已知问题iForgot链接不要在设置助理工作。Siri固定在Beta 2在iPad Siri的建议,试图调用、消息或FaceTime接触多个地址导致崩溃的跳板。SpriteKit已知问题- (BOOL)containsNode:(SKNode *)node和- (NSSet *)containedNodeSet不工作在这个测试版。UIKit固定在Beta 2仅适用于应用程序中声明的Info.plist URL方案。笔记有一个重新设计的UI进行打印,包括打印预览(提出或)。 为应用程序提供印刷物品或只使用内置的UIPrintFormatter对象(,, UIWebViewPrintFormatter,或者是系统提供的视图),没有什么额外的需要打印预览显示。应用程序子类或UIPrintFormatter画印刷内容必须由9 iOS SDK预览显示。 的行为UIPrintPageRenderer已经更新到电话吗多次与潜在的不同的页面大小和利润率。 各种各样的方法UIPrintPageRenderer可能从一个非主要的线程调用,但从来没有从多个并发线程。和现在可调整大小的,adaptive-previously,他们将执行默认大小即使你试图调整它们。 这些观点现在也默认为320点对所有设备的宽度,而不是iPhone设备宽度。接口,依靠旧的默认大小可能会执行编译时错误寻找iOS 9。 遇到任何问题可以被完全约束或解决大小选择视图所需的大小,而不是依靠隐式的行为。
已知问题风格不更新它锚位置当窗口大小。***固定在Beta 2如果你有开发人员磁盘映像包安装,AlwaysOn ***隧道不建立。如果两个细胞和wi - fi隧道,偶尔细胞隧道将成为默认路由,而不是wi - fi隧道。偶尔界面上下活动不处理,导致隧道不够长大或立即拆除。
WebKit固定在Beta 2
h t t p:///iOS/iOS_9_beta_2/iOS_9_beta_2__iPhone_6__13A4280e.zip
iphone6 plus:
h t t p:///iOS/iOS_9_beta_2/iOS_9_beta_2__iPhone_6_Plus__13A4280e.zip
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